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Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby mousepad » Sun 11 Apr 2021, 18:27:13

Ibon wrote:their mass transit system which is truly remarkable.

Switzerland is twice the size of VT with 20 times the population of VT with half of the country uninhabitable alps plus horrible traffic and parking situation in most towns.

Already back then in the 80's you would go shopping with reusable shopping bags and bring all your glass yoghurt containers for recycling. This was 30 years ago folks!

yes. Out of necessity, not out of some sense of benevolence. The trash produced by such a large affluent population on little land made it quickly obvious that throwing trash into landfills is not the best idea. Every small town used to have their own landfills in the 60s and 70s. In the last couple of years it became clear that many of those small landfills are leaking toxics into the ground water. So towns are now forced to dig old landfills up and clean the soil. Not cheap as you can imagine.
Switzerland is no saint and no smarter than the rest. But they felt the pressure of overpopulation earlier and they have the money to act.
Yet Switzerland like many others still think all problems can be solved with money. And as long as there's economic GROWTH, all is well.
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 16 Apr 2021, 20:18:23

It used to be assumed that the Amazon rain forest was a CO2 sink.....i.e. it was absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere.

But now we find that, when you do the math, the Amazon rainforest is actually emitting more CO2 into the atmosphere then it absorbs.


This kind of thing is why its too late to do anything about climate change.

From the Arctic tundra to the tropic rainforest, natural systems have been disturbed to the point that they are now EMITTING CO2.

Thats why in 2021....when Covid caused human emissions to drop the atmosphere still GAINED a significant amount of CO2. Emissions from "natural" sources made up for the drop in human emissions in 2021.

The Amazon rain forest has flipped from being a carbon sink to a carbon source due to forest fires, land clearing, and other human disturbances.

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Kill Bill

Unread postby Whitefang » Sat 17 Apr 2021, 07:00:42

Abrupt CC in action, feedbacks kicking in.
Runaway global warming has arrived.
Nothing can stop this train.
Not even our dear Bill G.
Our depopulation filantropist/vaccin satanist.
Prepping for the endgame. ... sun-gates/

Sweden’s space agency has called off a geoengineering experiment to determine whether blotting out the sun with aerosols could reverse global warming. Funded by Bill Gates, the project stoked fierce opposition from eco groups.
Proposed by researchers at Harvard University, the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment, or SCoPEx, ultimately planned to release a cloud of calcium carbonate – more commonly known as chalk dust – into the atmosphere from a high-altitude balloon to study its effects on sunlight reaching Earth. The project proved too controversial, however, and on Wednesday the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) said that a test flight set for June would not move forward.

“The scientific community is divided regarding geoengineering, including any related technology tests such as the planned technical balloon test flight from Esrange this summer,” the SSC said in a statement on Wednesday.

SSC has had dialogues this spring with both leading experts on geoengineering and with other stakeholders, as well as with the SCoPEx Advisory Board. As a result of these dialogues and in agreement with Harvard, SSC has decided not to conduct the technical test flight planned for this summer. ... scientists

AI is always near the top of the list. It can help us make sense of complex biological systems—like the microbiome in the human gut—and give us new insight into tough problems in global health, such as premature birth.
Gene-based tools are another technology that I always mention. For example, advances in that field are giving researchers powerful new tools to investigate potential cures for AIDS, sickle-cell disease, and other conditions.
These tools can also give us key insights into new diseases, such as the novel coronavirus that recently emerged, so that we can develop diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines faster.

Culturing a human intestinal microbiome-on-a-chip can enable researchers to probe the complex interactions between microbiome, host, nutrients, and pathogens in a systematic way.
Researchers are using this technology to study the vaginal microbiome and therapeutics that could reduce the incidence of pre-term birth and risk of HIV infection. We’re also supporting other “organ-on-a-chip” studies, including one that’s using lymphoid organoids to understand vaccine responses.

Increasingly, climate change is putting their livelihoods—and their lives—at risk. More extreme weather conditions mean more floods, more droughts, and more plant pests and diseases that can wipe out a crop.
When smallholder farmers lose their harvest, their kids may not have enough to eat and that makes them susceptible to the effects of malnutrition.
To adapt, farming families need seeds and livestock that have been bred to thrive in the more extreme conditions caused by climate change.
The world’s largest agriculture research group, CGIAR, has developed dozens of new varieties of maize and rice that can withstand drought—including one called “scuba” rice that can survive for two weeks under floodwaters.
A team of scientists led from the University of Cambridge is using evolutionary genomics to help maize and other cereals partner more effectively with microorganisms in the soil to capture nutrients and water. ... epopulate/

Bill Gates admits that the vaccines are for human depopulation. According to him, to stabilize the world population, 350,000 people must be eliminated per day.

The video's of uncle Bill G. are banned, deleted or not acceccible, I wonder why?
Kill Bill part one and two.
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby Heineken » Tue 20 Apr 2021, 07:51:33

On the matter of transportation (and other things), a problem the US has relative to Europe is that the US is one big, polyglot country and the European states are relatively small. Ditto tiny Israel. This always has to be at least mentioned when talking of the inferiority of the US in such matters. Solutions that work for Israel are extremely difficult to implement in a behemoth like the US, where there are deeper cultural and economic differences and many levels of government, from communities and counties up through the states and federal government, all squabbling with one another as a result. Even other physically large countries like Canada and Australia have relatively small populations that are less at war with themselves, and thus big advantages, and sure enough rail and public transportation are better in those countries.
I used to ride Amtrak in the 1980s and 1990s and had nightmare experiences. There seemed to be more sitting around (sometimes out on the embankment waiting for broken equipment to be exchanged) than forward momentum. I travel as little as possible these days, even locally, so I don't know if things have changed.
It doesn't matter. Even if the US suddenly had a European-style transportation network and far less reliance on wasteful personal transport, it wouldn't make the slightest difference in global warming.
I believe we are traveling FAST to the destination of dieback from heat pollution; even on momentum alone, we will arrive. The hopelessness of the situation is demonstrated by the continued growth of our dependence on fossil fuels. STILL !!
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby JuanP » Wed 21 Apr 2021, 00:59:17

"China's global leadership in green development"

The Chinese seem to be taking Global Warming, Climate Change, and renewable energy quite seriously, and spending some big bucks in those areas.
"Human stupidity has no limits" JuanP
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby dissident » Wed 21 Apr 2021, 15:20:10

JuanP wrote:"China's global leadership in green development"

The Chinese seem to be taking Global Warming, Climate Change, and renewable energy quite seriously, and spending some big bucks in those areas.

They should take it seriously and retire their coal power plants. They have been poisoning themselves with both air pollution (worst AQ indices on the planet), mercury deposits on both land and sea and radioactive deposits as well (uranium and thorium) from the burning of coal. In the past some Chinese officials made retarded comments such as the gem that China is safe from sea level rise so does not care about global warming. I think the pressure from the population to have better quality of life in the cities is forcing change at the top. The usual pattern for humanity. On issues that matter, humans have no leadership.
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RGW solution by elite, top 5000 worldwide

Unread postby Whitefang » Thu 29 Apr 2021, 02:49:06 ... OAkGn.html


The corona vaccins have 25 pathways to do damage, to do you in. A well designed killing machine, a bioweapon for pangenocide.

I discuss the horrifying reality behind "Scientific" Medical Journals using snippets from recent exposé by Off Guardian & a clip from Dr. Tenpenny & Dr. Lee Merritt.

After 2010 when they understood abrupt CC and our human predicament, they made plans to speed up the technocracy by medical tyranny. The CCP is the model, a 5G prisonplanet with absolute control, the great reset from WEF/WHO and so many more. Openly fascist/communist, a tiny group dominating the rest, worldwide.
Transhumanism with minds hooked up to the cloud, people denied meat.....less and less instead of consuming more and more.

The green deal is for money making, to finish building the technoprison before collapse of the global economy.
A desperate attempt to hold it together.
It does not matter, but it feels so much better if they go, die first.
Hence my support to Maricopa County recount, a knock out shot to remove deepstate, drain the swamp.

Koch postulates on fake corona pandemic. Dr Andrew Kaufman: ... &FORM=VIRE

Just like 911 false flag, you create a fake war, weather on communism, drugs, terror or influenza, with control over the media you can shape any narretive, alike this world, everything we have a word for, a manageable heap of nonsense.
Works fine but it is a shield against the unknown, many more worlds to be explored for being human.
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Thin red line

Unread postby Whitefang » Thu 29 Apr 2021, 04:38:47 ... -children/

Crossing a red line, infanticide.

This must be stopped, for adults who choose to take the jab, go for it.....I am for less people on this planet.
But killing children for no other reason as you being afraid that food runs out is pretty bad.
Same for offering children to dark forces, torturing them for adrenochrome.
The CCPP, child consuming party people.

Besides, making children wear masks, follow all the rules is a form of torture, psycho warfare.
We must unite and make them pay.
Sinply say no to masks, vaccins, rules and the rest.
Stop digging our own grave.
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby jedrider » Thu 29 Apr 2021, 23:06:19

A small green rock's warning about our climate future

High PPM CO2 and an ice-free Antarctica contributed to the history of this rock fragment, like a time bubble.
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 30 Apr 2021, 02:15:24

jedrider wrote:A small green rock's warning about our climate future

High PPM CO2 and an ice-free Antarctica contributed to the history of this rock fragment, like a time bubble.

The scientific interpretation of this rock doesn't make any sense. Prof. Siddoway assumes that the rock couldn't have been transported for any distance in the base of a glacier because it would be destroyed. But glaciers can also transport rocks on top of the ice or in the middle portions of the glacier. If a rockfall occurs on top of a glacier, then the rocks will be rafted along on top of the ice and won't be destroyed by subglacial erosion

rockfall avalanche debris ON TOP of glacier at Mt. Iliamna, Alaska.
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 30 Apr 2021, 09:38:57

Plantagenet wrote:
jedrider wrote:A small green rock's warning about our climate future

High PPM CO2 and an ice-free Antarctica contributed to the history of this rock fragment, like a time bubble.

The scientific interpretation of this rock doesn't make any sense. Prof. Siddoway assumes that the rock couldn't have been transported for any distance in the base of a glacier because it would be destroyed. But glaciers can also transport rocks on top of the ice or in the middle portions of the glacier. If a rockfall occurs on top of a glacier, then the rocks will be rafted along on top of the ice and won't be destroyed by subglacial erosion

rockfall avalanche debris ON TOP of glacier at Mt. Iliamna, Alaska.

True up to a point, however if you observe the rock in question it has gone through the beginning stages of erosion rounding off its sharp edges. The only place where that occurs in a glacier is at the bottom. It can also happen in fast moving mountain streams or shores where water pounds on the rocks in waves over and over for many years. The fields all around this area of the continent were full of rounded glacial erratics commonly called field stones. Most of them were picked up by farmers back in the mule and oxen drawn plow days and piled or lined up on the field borders. In places with particularly heavy concentrations of these erratics people even built "fieldstone fences" after they had enough for the foundations of all their buildings.The farm where I grew up had one building supported two feet over ground level using fieldstone pillars at places where today you would use concrete blocks.
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby Tanada » Sat 02 Jul 2022, 15:26:29


The compressed vertical scale on this graph makes recent world average changes seem very stark. Truthfully the different from minimum to maximum is less than 0.8 degrees C bit the implication is the sharp rise began in 1980 and has been continuing relentlessly every decade since.
Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 02 Jul 2022, 18:26:43

Tanada wrote:Image

………..the implication is the sharp rise began in 1980 and has been continuing relentlessly every decade since.

The rise in temperature is not just continuing …..but ACCELERATING……

That is the nature of Runaway Global Warming………once it got hot enough and dry enough to start all these forest fires around the planet, the world’s forests changed from a carbon sink to a carbon source. We’ve already burned well over a million acres of virgin forest here in Alaska this summer, and every single tree turned into another aliquot of carbon being delivered into the atmosphere. Even worse…..we had a huge TUNDRA FIRE earlier in the summer……and there’s no telling how much CO2 and methane were released as that fire burned across the arctic permafrost.

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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby godq3 » Fri 07 Jul 2023, 08:46:01

Runaway global warming has really arrived:

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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby AdamB » Fri 07 Jul 2023, 10:26:34

godq3 wrote:Runaway global warming has really arrived:

"really" arrived makes it sound like there was much in the way of uncertainty involved? No human gets to be surprised that if you keep walking in the same direction, you will arrive exactly where you have been headed.
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 07 Jul 2023, 15:42:58

Tanada wrote:Image

The compressed vertical scale on this graph makes recent world average changes seem very stark. Truthfully the different from minimum to maximum is less than 0.8 degrees C bit the implication is the sharp rise began in 1980 and has been continuing relentlessly every decade since.

An earthobservatory.nasa graph with the last 10 years included. The seemingly mild years of 2001-2002 are possibly related to the La Nina event, or any number of other factors including ice melt, solar output variability etc. The same with the earlier ups and downs.

We have certainly been burning a lot more oil and coal since 1980, I read the other day that fully half the oil burnt was in the last 30 odd years. probably the same for coal, China's industrial miracle.

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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 07 Jul 2023, 16:13:36

An article about crop production in relation to AGW and it's effect on changing wind patterns.

Scientists Raise Alarm Over Risk of 'Synchronized' Global Crop Failures

Using sophisticated climate models, researchers zeroed in on the effects of the jet stream, a system of rapidly flowing winds in the atmosphere, on heat extremes around the world. The results revealed that “meandering” jet stream patterns can produce weather anomalies in some of the most important crop-producing lands on Earth, an ominous signal that “synchronized” harvest collapses could occur in the future. ... p-failures

Anthropo– Greek: "having to do with humanity" Genic- referring to "creation".
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 07 Jul 2023, 16:46:58

godq3 wrote:Runaway global warming has really arrived:


The world is almost certain to blow past the 1.5°C warming limit set at the Paris Accords just 7 years ago.

It's time for the world to admit the Paris Climate Accords have utterly failed to reduce CO2 emissions and slow global warming. Clearly we need to jettison the failed Paris Climate Accords and return to the original UN plan to negotiate a global climate treaty at the UN that will require reductions in CO2 emissions. Obama's dishonest and what now is clear was an idiotic idea of abandoning hard goals for CO2 reductions and instead setting a target for future global warming, which was ratified with great fanfare at the Paris Climate Accords is now exposed as accomplishing nothing.

Unfortunately the world has now wasted over 15 years of precious time since Obama and other world leaders torpedoed at the UN climate treaty that was set to be ratified in Copenhagen in 2007. IMHO we should just go back to the very good draft of a UN treaty that the world agreed to in 2005 at the Bali COP, even though that treaty failed to be ratified at the Copenhagen COP in 2009.....The 2007 Bali draft treaty at least set real targets for CO2 emission reductions.

But, sadly, Biden was part of the Obama administration, and he has even praised Obama for knocking down the Bali draft treaty THAT REQUIRED CO2 REDUCTIONS and replacing it with the fraudulent Paris Climate Accords that DO NO REQUIRE CO2 REDUCTIONS. As long as Biden is president it is highly unlikely the UN will move to return to the pre-Obama idea of passing a UN climate treaty that will mandate CO2 reductions.

The world needs to ditch the failed Paris Climate Accords and replace them with a UN climate treaty that actually mandates CO2 emission reductions....

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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby mousepad » Sat 08 Jul 2023, 01:48:56

Plantagenet wrote: return to the original UN plan to negotiate a global climate treaty at the UN that will require reductions in CO2 emissions.

Why would you think a different treaty would be more successful? How would you reduce CO2 if you needed to?
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Re: Runaway Global Warming - Has Arrived pt 16

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 08 Jul 2023, 03:11:33

CO2 reduction plans are well underway as far as I can see. The covid lockdowns were a good start, next will probably be a massive collapse of the financial system. No money, not purchasing fuel or chinese product, ergo lower emissions. It's the logical tool and the markets are ripe for it. It could have happened in 2008 if they hadn't stepped in with QE. Let it happen again and this time have a hands off approach and the markets will be wiped out. Imagine the reductions in CO2 if all the pension funds worldwide are wiped out.
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