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THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

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THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby careinke » Thu 14 Jan 2021, 14:03:40

aadbrd wrote:
careinke wrote:
jedrider wrote:Listening to them, one would think that Biden is a failed President already even though he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.

Almost a mirror image of the 2016 election, with the shoe on the other foot. 8)

The Democrats' predictions turned out to be right.

Check back here in 4 years to see how Republican doomsaying turns out.

Time reveals all.... 8)
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 14 Jan 2021, 14:41:21

aadbrd wrote:
The Democrats' predictions turned out to be right.

And they were accused of having TDS...... trump derangement sydrome.

That disease exists but it is the Trump supporters who have had it all along together with the R senators some of who continue to this day to prostate themselves on their knees in front of the emperor doing you know what!
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby jedrider » Fri 15 Jan 2021, 17:46:20

The View's Meghan McCain shaken by new polling about Republicans and Trump

There is a Politico-Morning Consult poll that came out today that said 40 percent, four-zero percent of Republicans still said after the riots said they want Donald Trump to be the nominee in 2024. That is still a hugely substantial number."

Donald Trump can still have his own political party unless McConnell and the other 60 percent put Trump in jail over his failed resurrection.

Donald is a superhuman turd.

Still, his brand is ruined for the most part unless he can rise again in popularity to that magical 49% mark that can get one elected President.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby yellowcanoe » Sun 17 Jan 2021, 16:28:43

Plantagenet wrote:
yellowcanoe wrote:
Plantagenet wrote:
jedrider wrote:The Democrats are taking control and bringing Socialism to our shores!

Oh goodie.

I look forward to the poverty and the famines and the loss of individual freedoms and human rights that socialism so often brings.


Gee, I hadn't heard that Alaska was being inundated with Canadian's asking for refugee status!

Your comment makes no sense because Canada isn't a socialist country.

Yes, if you use the dictionary definition of socialism I would agree that Canada isn't a socialist country. However, conservatives in the US appear to have their own definition of socialism which classifies just about any government initiative intended to improve the lives of people as being "socialist". ... -socialism
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby JuanP » Sun 17 Jan 2021, 16:49:50

I think that the goal of everything that has been going on since the Capitol event is to prevent Trump from running in 2024 because the anti Trump crowd is terrified by the idea that Trump could run and win again. I believe that if we hadn't had the COVID-19 pandemic Trump would have won the election. It was Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic that cost him the election.

And we'll probably never know how much fraud went on and whether that affected the final outcome or not, but it's definitely possible that fraud affected the result of the election.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 17 Jan 2021, 20:34:16

JuanP wrote:I think that the goal of everything that has been going on since the Capitol event is to prevent Trump from running in 2024 because the anti Trump crowd is terrified by the idea that Trump could run and win again. I believe that if we hadn't had the COVID-19 pandemic Trump would have won the election. It was Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic that cost him the election.

And we'll probably never know how much fraud went on and whether that affected the final outcome or not, but it's definitely possible that fraud affected the result of the election.

Joining the insurrectionists, JuanP?

The election is a done deal. For every election, we should try our best. Unless one can make a case in court, forget it because the winner is the chosen one. Let us not forget that Republicans stole an election from Al Gore which would have changed the course of history (not because he was brilliant as he wasn't even able to win his own state, but because we was not as qualified as Cheney in the ability to start a war ostensibly to benefit just the oil companies). If there was any fraud, it was voter disenfrancisement and every election cycle, this battle is renewed.

I think it is going to be something of legend how Trump could have won if he wasn't such a demented self-centered con man. He played what he knew so well and look at how that shot him in the foot eventually. He couldn't have acted any differently than what first allowed him to be elected. But, it was so close. I think he is ruined by the Capitol riot, so that was a fortuitous event for the country. Forever, he will be branded as the insurrectionist who wasn't for law and order after all.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Pops » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 07:33:01

JuanP wrote:And we'll probably never know how much fraud went on and whether that affected the final outcome or not, but it's definitely possible that fraud affected the result of the election.

I could say it's definitely possible I can shoot rainbows out of my ass, but if 60 judges laughed in my face and said that was a Big Lie I might rethink repeating a Lie that makes me look like a fool.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Ibon » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 07:44:29

Consider the tens of millions of Americans that believe the most outrageous lies. Folks stripped of any sense of belonging are incredibly gullible. Stop a moment and recognize the hunger. Trump harnessed it for personal gain. Theoretically that hunger can also be harnessed to unite people and rebuild the commons.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Pops » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 08:17:00

trumps approval is falling fast Ibon. I never woulda thunk it.
It's almost as if some the people who had been nodding their dittoheads in unison finally realized what he'd been lying all along. The people who took him seriously but not literally are realizing some others are more than happy to use him literally as an excuse for whatever little delusional fantasy Rambo cos-play fetish they've been nursing for years.

The next bit is gonna be interesting because as much as Biden wants to wend his way down the center, there is no center between authoritarian fascism and democrats. What is the compromise between apples and bedsprings? Kangaroos and oranges?

The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby JuanP » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 08:32:46

Pops wrote:
JuanP wrote:And we'll probably never know how much fraud went on and whether that affected the final outcome or not, but it's definitely possible that fraud affected the result of the election.

I could say it's definitely possible I can shoot rainbows out of my ass, but if 60 judges laughed in my face and said that was a Big Lie I might rethink repeating a Lie that makes me look like a fool.

And I would say that you trust those judges more than I do, and that I have never cared whether others laughed in my face or considered me a fool, not even when I was in kindergarden. I am open to all possibilities while you don't seem to be aware of your own political biases. It is certain that some fraud occurred in the elections; that has been proved. And neither you nor I know exactly how much. You BELIEVE that it was not enough to affect the results, but I don't. I try to live my life based on what I KNOW, and tend to systematically ignore BELIEFS, both mine and others.

But, I am not trying to convince you of anything because I don't consider myself responsible for your beliefs, thought, words, actions, and reactions. I don't mind at all if you believe in that; it is simply not my problem. I gave up trying to convince others of things as a young child when I reached the conclusion that it tended to be a futile undertaking.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Pops » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 08:48:33

JuanP wrote: It is certain that some fraud occurred in the elections; that has been proved.

tell us about that
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby JuanP » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 08:55:30

Pops wrote:
JuanP wrote: It is certain that some fraud occurred in the elections; that has been proved.

tell us about that

Several documented incidents of fraud were reported even in the news sources you watch, minor, I agree, but fraud nonetheless. I won't bother chasing links because I don't care enough about it. If you believe that absolutely no fraud occurred in the election, I don't think it would be a wise use of my time to try and convince you otherwise. Like I said, it is perfectly okay with me if you choose to believe that, but I simply can't.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Ibon » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 09:04:31

Pops wrote:trumps approval is falling fast Ibon. I never woulda thunk it.
It's almost as if some the people who had been nodding their dittoheads in unison finally realized what he'd been lying all along. The people who took him seriously but not literally are realizing some others are more than happy to use him literally as an excuse for whatever little delusional fantasy Rambo cos-play fetish they've been nursing for years.

When populists fall they fall hard because they don't build anything of consequence. Their populism stems from stoking grievances which has a short shelf life when the underlying bedrock reasons for those grievances don't get addressed.

In the case of Trump supporters those that ran hardest with his delusions were exactly as you say, emasculated white males with Rambo fetishes. Just look at all the gear and attire! They wanted glory and many will end up in jail.

What is the compromise between apples and bedsprings? Kangaroos and oranges?


It is a slower progress of enacting any and all of those 3 basic reforms which are universal and not ideological for those who are hurting economically; affordable health care, livable minimum wage and affordable higher education. I compare this to brick laying. Layer by layer society slowly sees basic improvements.

Underneath all the acting out folks have a hunger for a sense of place and a sense of solid ground. Where is the solid ground when you are in debt up to your eyeballs just trying to cope with the basic necessities. Government reforms that start the process to address economic and social inequities can represent a way to start that process of building solid ground.

America is shattered. The bad part is that folks are unhinged. The good part is that recognition and acceptance of this can allow for a new foundation to be erected, leaving behind the monkey on all Americans backs that they are deserving and exceptional.

Dignity in work. Whether you are a plumber or coder. A wage that allows you to be free of anxiety to pay for the basic neccesities of life. Educational opportunities open to all who have the ambition free of the financial burden that just institutionalizes debt slavery.
Last edited by Ibon on Mon 18 Jan 2021, 09:26:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Ibon » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 09:09:15

JuanP wrote:
Several documented incidents of fraud were reported even in the news sources you watch, minor, I agree, but fraud nonetheless.

JuanP, that is about the laziest and uninformative response I could imagine. If it is worth your time to make a claim then back it up or just leave it alone.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby JuanP » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 09:42:16

Ibon wrote:
JuanP wrote:
Several documented incidents of fraud were reported even in the news sources you watch, minor, I agree, but fraud nonetheless.

JuanP, that is about the laziest and uninformative response I could imagine. If it is worth your time to make a claim then back it up or just leave it alone.

Ibon, like I said, trying to convince the anti Trump crowd of anything would be a waste of my time, and I will leave it alone if I want to, not if you tell me. You write whatever you want and I will write whatever I want. If what I write bothers you, block me, I wouldn't mind, but you DON'T get to determine what I write or don't, you only have a choice on whether to read it or not. I will continue saying and writing whatever I want without any concern for what others think about it, just like I've always done. I don't even care who reads my posts. I've already said before that I am not here to make friends, but to learn the truth and seek a better understanding of reality. That is how the world works!
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Ibon » Mon 18 Jan 2021, 09:45:13

JuanP wrote:
Ibon wrote:
JuanP wrote:
Several documented incidents of fraud were reported even in the news sources you watch, minor, I agree, but fraud nonetheless.

JuanP, that is about the laziest and uninformative response I could imagine. If it is worth your time to make a claim then back it up or just leave it alone.

Ibon, like I said, trying to convince the anti Trump crowd of anything would be a waste of my time, and I will leave it alone if I want to, not if you tell me. You write whatever you want and I will write whatever I want. If what I write bothers you, block me, I wouldn't mind, but you DON'T get to determine what I write or don't, you only have a choice on whether to read it or not. I will continue saying and writing whatever I want without any concern for what others think about it, just like I've always done. I don't even care who reads my posts. I've already said before that I am not here to make friends, but to learn the truth and seek a better understanding of reality. That is how the world works!

Like Pops I was looking forward to a reasoned response with some meat and details. You are certainly welcome to blow hot air anytime you want on this site! I am inviting you however to comment with integrity. I always welcome this advice from folks!
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 02 Feb 2021, 00:53:03

JuanP wrote:I've already said before that I am not here to make friends, but to learn the truth and seek a better understanding of reality. That is how the world works!

Not sure about that last sentence, as the world doesn't appear to work so well.

The Nazification of the Republican Party

Interesting how an over-reaction to an event accelerated the downfall of first Nixon and then Trump.

Ronald Reagan Republicans have transmogrified into Trump Republicans evidently, although that still mystifies me as didn't any Republicans get horrified by every manner of Trump?

Why 'the Donald' is the new 'Ronald': Parallels between Trump and Reagan
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby aadbrd » Tue 02 Feb 2021, 12:03:46

Ibon wrote:I was looking forward to a reasoned response with some meat and details. You are certainly welcome to blow hot air anytime you want on this site! I am inviting you however to comment with integrity. I always welcome this advice from folks!

Do we really need to open the floor to an endless stream of bogus "stop the steal" talking points?

Mark my words, there will be those who will continue to push this narrative years from now. Why engage?
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 02 Feb 2021, 12:19:25

aadbrd wrote:. Why engage?

Indeed. I am engaging more recently with friends and family and less on social media. I feel more sane.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 4

Unread postby aadbrd » Tue 02 Feb 2021, 20:01:53

I have a sister who believes in stop-the-steal and I have effectively disowned her.
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