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Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic System

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Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic System

Unread postby mmasters » Mon 16 Nov 2020, 18:21:47

We've reached an interesting time in history where the US empire is divided and well past peak prosperity for the common folk. The polarization of the lame duck Obama led to the working class electing Trump to solve the country's problems. His strategy was to game the system with growth which he did quite successfully. Unfortunately the Coronavirus came out of left field which took Trump off point and derailed the supercharged capitalism. Trump's abrasiveness of being out of his wheelhouse showed too much in the end which IMO led to his downfall. There's only three approaches going forward as I see it: 1) The growth approach, which was Trump's strategy, 2) Overthrow the system and implement socialism or 3) some kind of compromise which appears to be the Biden plan. The problem is Biden is at this point incompetent and senile which means the rule wont be by him but by proxy. If Kamala is running from behind the scenes like Cheney to Bush then that means the overthrow the system approach will probably come into play. Then again Kamala isn't that competent either and came off as an idiot in the debates. So who exactly we will have running the country is a little bit of a mystery at this point. It's clear the elected figureheads are out of their depths.

Meanwhile the economic system is in life support mode and this can't go on forever. The fed has been buying up much of the country's debt. The interest rates can't go up much because most the debt bearers are paycheck to paycheck and would fold if the rates went up. So we will continue to see low rates much like the Japanese system has been having for decades, except our system isn't as stable. Close to half of the Treasury bond holders are foreigners and they will probably be bailing on us in the next few years which means the fed will have to buy the bonds up. If they all bail out in a short period the US dollar will lose half its value relatively quickly. Lots of money is being printed and that wont stop. There is a lot of trust built up in the US system, the currency is electronic and the Fed takes a very protective stance on the system. So we wont see a classic 1929 crash or anything like that, it will be more absurd. But we keep seeing the market bubble up. Doesn't matter what the news is good or bad the mystical Fed and market sees it as another BS reason to rally. If you study history these central bank systems they always blow up and the US will probably be most spectacular blow up of all.

We're currently in a bubble phase and soon there will be an inflation phase and a debt crisis. It may take a number of years to play out or it may play out quicker. But one thing is clear, the people are fighting for their vision of the country and there is very little in the middle of a stance to take. The system will one way or another get overthrown and modified to satiate the rich and the poor in some way or another as that will be the new polarization when this thing plays out. The middle class will probably have the most to lose and will be targeted by the system. So in short, losers and the helm and the system is rigged to blow up. I thought Trump would have a few terms and this stuff would play out in 10-15 years but nope it's all coming around much sooner now. Crazy times are coming... As for what to do about it, precious metals, gold and silver!
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 16 Nov 2020, 18:48:43

" Biden is at this point incompetent and senile"

mm claims with no evidence...

Trump has been a madman and crazy clown at the helm of the ship of state for four years.

Now anyone even marginally competent will look like a marvel of statesmanship by comparison.
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 00:52:27

I expect more divisiveness when Biden's economic team makes their recommendations on the economy.

Biden is appointing leftist loons to his economic advisory team whose main goal is to promote reparations for slavery.


The Ds think the US should pay reparations for slavery to people who were never actually slaves.

In fact, there have been no slaves in the US for over 150 years.

I can't imagine a more racially divisive program then demanding federal reparations for people who never actually suffered from something that doesn't even exist anymore.....but thats what Biden and the Ds are on course to do. The Ds in California have already set up a commission to study paying reparations for slavery......even though California has never allowed slavery in the state.

This is illogical and clear legal madness. Its nothing but grifting on a massive scale.

I predict the racially divisive D demands for slavery reparations for people who were never slaves will create even more racial friction in the United States.

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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 01:27:33

Trump mishandled the virus spectacularly. No reason to think his every other move would not lead to a spectacular failure as well.

Anyone can keep the economy humming if enough debt money is injected, so that's no accomplishment at all. At least, Clinton achieved a surplus and Obama staved off a possibly spectacular collapse. I know the system is doomed, but how we manage our downward trajectory is important too. I'm not expecting great things from the Biden team, but neither am I expecting horrendous things.

Trump did nothing of value except to energize a base that spans from greed to complete fantasy.
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 01:49:43

jedrider wrote:Trump mishandled the virus spectacularly.

Personally, I'm very impressed with the recent announcements by Pfizer and Moderna that they both have developed vaccines in record time, thanks to Trump's WARP SPEED program. Even more exciting, IMHO, is that both have already produced millions and millions of doses of vaccine even before the trials were completed, again thanks to Trump's WARP SPEED program.

Like many other things, what Trump says is often incoherent, aggravating, wrong-headed, and sometimes downright stupid. But somehow what Trump does sometimes turns out to be a good thing, and Trump's WARP SPEED program to accelerate vaccine development and production from a 6 year timeline to a 6 month timeline is a good thing. In fact, WARP SPEED has been a spectacular success----Trump basically has pushed for a medical miracle for millions of Americans and its actually happened. Its great, IMHO.

With any luck there will be millions of vaccinations done in the US in December, and more millions in January, and we'll be well on our way to overcoming the virus by the time Biden becomes President and starts babbling about his divisive priorities of the imaginary specter of systematic racism and white supremacy and pushing for reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves.

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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby careinke » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 04:23:04

dohboi wrote:" Biden is at this point incompetent and senile"

mm claims with no evidence...

Trump has been a madman and crazy clown at the helm of the ship of state for four years.

Doh boy claims with no evidence...
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby dissident » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 14:46:41

America is not ready for any socialism. It is already an oligarchic kleptocracy so consolidating economic power in state capitalism (aka socialism) will be a total disaster. America never had a history of natural socialism on which to base any political variant of it. The mentality is not there whatsoever. Socialism requires people to follow a certain set of rules which Americans will repel since they supposedly violate their freedoms.

Theoretical socialism is not good enough. The failure of all such experiments with socio-economic structure is that they fail to account for human psychology. Yes, the proles are responsible for the system they live under. A hug number of them are even too lazy to vote and those that do vote like lemmings for some leading parties which never properly serve their interests.
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 14:52:24

Plantagenet wrote:I expect more divisiveness when Biden's economic team makes their recommendations on the economy.

Biden is appointing leftist loons to his economic advisory team whose main goal is to promote reparations for slavery.


The Ds think the US should pay reparations for slavery to people who were never actually slaves.

In fact, there have been no slaves in the US for over 150 years.

I can't imagine a more racially divisive program then demanding federal reparations for people who never actually suffered from something that doesn't even exist anymore.....but thats what Biden and the Ds are on course to do. The Ds in California have already set up a commission to study paying reparations for slavery......even though California has never allowed slavery in the state.

This is illogical and clear legal madness. Its nothing but grifting on a massive scale.

I predict the racially divisive D demands for slavery reparations for people who were never slaves will create even more racial friction in the United States.


What about my family? One of me great grandfathers served in the Union army and was wounded in combat. When he returned to service after healing from his wounds he caught tuberculosis from the unsanitary conditions in army encampments. As a consequence he grew progressively more ill after the war concluded and spent the last two years of his life in a military hospital in Wisconsin hundreds of miles from his wife and children who included my maternal grandmother then aged 12.

What does my family get for the sacrifices made to free people my great grandfather neither enslaved nor abused and whom he suffered to free?
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby mmasters » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 14:57:32

Plantagenet wrote:I expect more divisiveness when Biden's economic team makes their recommendations on the economy.

Biden is appointing leftist loons to his economic advisory team whose main goal is to promote reparations for slavery.


The Ds think the US should pay reparations for slavery to people who were never actually slaves.

In fact, there have been no slaves in the US for over 150 years.

I can't imagine a more racially divisive program then demanding federal reparations for people who never actually suffered from something that doesn't even exist anymore.....but thats what Biden and the Ds are on course to do. The Ds in California have already set up a commission to study paying reparations for slavery......even though California has never allowed slavery in the state.

This is illogical and clear legal madness. Its nothing but grifting on a massive scale.

I predict the racially divisive D demands for slavery reparations for people who were never slaves will create even more racial friction in the United States.


I think we're going to get more than enough of that nonsense. I suppose the strategy is to put in place these glaring distractions while the system goes haywire.

Reminds me of how they found putting prisoners in orange uniforms incites anger among the prisoners towards one another which makes them less likely to overthrow the people managing the prison and easier to control.
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby mmasters » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 15:15:55

dissident wrote:America is not ready for any socialism. It is already an oligarchic kleptocracy so consolidating economic power in state capitalism (aka socialism) will be a total disaster. America never had a history of natural socialism on which to base any political variant of it. The mentality is not there whatsoever. Socialism requires people to follow a certain set of rules which Americans will repel since they supposedly violate their freedoms.

Theoretical socialism is not good enough. The failure of all such experiments with socio-economic structure is that they fail to account for human psychology. Yes, the proles are responsible for the system they live under. A hug number of them are even too lazy to vote and those that do vote like lemmings for some leading parties which never properly serve their interests.

I do believe at one point there was a plan for a NWO type thing, where the US would be dismantled in favor of a continental/global empire where the rich control most everything, rule from behind the scenes and where most everyone is a debt slave. I'm not sure where that stands at this point. I think the NWO got too cute and lost control of the plan. Things like not accounting for the shale boom that happened and Trump's nationalism empowering the middle/upper middle class. I think there's so many messes coming the best the controlling rich can do is make them selves richer while dismantling the power structure that is in favor of the people - further insulating themselves from the public. This PC Socialism stuff is sleight of hand IMO.
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby dohboi » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 15:38:16

"America never had a history of natural socialism on which to base any political variant of it"

Hmmm, not sure exactly what you mean by 'natural socialism,' but there are plenty of elements of socialism in the US, many of them among the most beloved and trusted elements of government and society:

Social Security
Roads and bridges
Public transport systems
Postal service
Public libraries
Public schools
Public parks

And on and on and on...

If we could just get past manufactured divisiveness, and all agree that these are good things (tho obviously some could be improved), then maybe we can together figure out how to expand them to help even more people...maybe...???
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 18:22:54

dohboi wrote:"America never had a history of natural socialism on which to base any political variant of it"

Hmmm, not sure exactly what you mean by 'natural socialism,' but there are plenty of elements of socialism in the US, many of them among the most beloved and trusted elements of government and society:

Social Security
Roads and bridges
Public transport systems
Postal service
Public libraries
Public schools
Public parks

And on and on and on...

If we could just get past manufactured divisiveness, and all agree that these are good things (tho obviously some could be improved), then maybe we can together figure out how to expand them to help even more people...maybe...???

None of those things are socialist.

Social security, medicare etc. are SOCIAL WELFARE programs.

Social welfare programs were invented by German capitalists in the 19th century.

AND, If you think about it, you need a very wealthy capitalist state (or at least a mixed economy with a vibrant private capitalist sector) to pay for things like social security and Medicare.

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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby dohboi » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 21:35:15

Many of them were decried as socialist at the time they were implemented.

Very similar to the howls and mewling and puking when people very reasonably point out that what has worked so well for Social Security and Medicare could work for health care more generally

Of course, for narrow ideologues like P and many others here, by definition anything that has actually worked to improve the lives of many just can't be socialist, because...sssocialist!!!!

It's just an irrational knee jerk reaction that they have been carefully trained to have and have never gained the minimal level of self-reflection to even begin to question it
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 18 Nov 2020, 07:55:32

careinke wrote:
dohboi wrote:" Biden is at this point incompetent and senile"

mm claims with no evidence...

Trump has been a madman and crazy clown at the helm of the ship of state for four years.

Doh boy claims with no evidence... ... mil87yC104
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby ralfy » Wed 18 Nov 2020, 12:13:37

Pretty soon, they'll be giving each other high fives: ... 1686377474

Why? Because no matter what happens, the swamp always gets what it wants, baby!
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby jedrider » Wed 18 Nov 2020, 13:24:29

Hypnotics. So many reasonable people voted for Trump. Why or how?

I think 'how' is the more operative term, not 'why'.

After being fed a diet of Fox News, how can a person come out normal and reasonable?

Don't get me wrong, I love their format on Fox News (when I get to watch it at airports, for instance), but I think I know people who watch it all day or all night (I heard that's worst). It's frightening actually.

Intelligent people, too.
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby careinke » Wed 18 Nov 2020, 21:41:15

jedrider wrote:Hypnotics. So many reasonable people voted for Trump. Why or how?

I think 'how' is the more operative term, not 'why'.

After being fed a diet of Fox News, how can a person come out normal and reasonable?

Don't get me wrong, I love their format on Fox News (when I get to watch it at airports, for instance), but I think I know people who watch it all day or all night (I heard that's worst). It's frightening actually.

Intelligent people, too.

Funny, the same thing happens with CNN. The majority of people are to busy with their lives to do their own research. Instead, they rely on the media to tell them what to think.

Unfortunately, the media has a completely different agenda, just like politicians.....
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 18 Nov 2020, 23:45:32

dohboi wrote:Just putting this out there:


That link doesn't work.

Try this one: July Collins: Someday Soon

Great song....although I like the original Ian and Sylvia version better. After all....Ian Tyson wrote it.

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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby ralfy » Thu 19 Nov 2020, 01:12:11

Maybe they realized, if only a little bit, that they were voting for a non-politician. Not that it mattered.
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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postby careinke » Thu 19 Nov 2020, 05:30:02

Ibon wrote:
careinke wrote:
dohboi wrote:" Biden is at this point incompetent and senile"

mm claims with no evidence...

Trump has been a madman and crazy clown at the helm of the ship of state for four years.

Doh boy claims with no evidence... ... mil87yC104

Don't do Doh Boys work for him, I'm trying to purge his CNN brainwashing. He needs to figure out critical thinking.
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