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Happy Talk

General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 09 Jul 2020, 09:58:45

A small hummingbird, a female purple throated mountain gem, has been guarding a small flowering sage bush for the past month. She wont let any other hummingbirds near but she has no place to perch since the small branches of the sage wont hold her weight and there are no other resting posts nearby so this has forced her to sit on a paving stone on the ground right next to the sage. I watched her sitting on the paving stone for about a week and I finally went and snapped off a thin branch and sunk it into the center of the sage so it provided a perch for this bird. Literally 10 seconds after I placed this post she already returned and perched on it. I say good morning to her every day and can walk by her within 5 feet and she stays on her new perch.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 09 Jul 2020, 10:58:43

Very cool. We spent a night at our hunting cabin. For nearly 50 years we have had a small bird, I forget what, nesting in the awning. Usually we don’t see her because we are not there when she is. But she was there Again this time. Obviously not the exact same bird, but the same species. My Dad first time me about her. Memories.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby jedrider » Thu 09 Jul 2020, 14:34:20

We have a lot of trees around our home, especially oak trees. This year there seems to have been an explosion of birds, mainly the smaller song birds and hummingbirds too who are drinking the sap of the oak tree leafs (which is probably a byproduct of a bacterial invasion). The oak trees are shedding leaves like crazy that I'm never seen before, but it just generates new ones continually, so maybe they are OK too and survivors (with deep roots).

Birds are survivors of the age of dinosaurs. They have no problem with rapidly moving climatic features because they can fly long distances.

There is some justice. They will clearly survive us.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby suxs » Sat 11 Jul 2020, 08:16:57

Any post attempting to clarify a "happy talk" comment that fails to contain "happy talk" shall be deleted for violating the "happy talk" rule. Makes perfect sense. Have a happy day.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby REAL Green » Sun 19 Jul 2020, 18:58:20

“Nikola Badger”

“0-60 MPH 2.9 Seconds
Peak HP 906
Continuous HP 455
Peak Torque 980 Ft. LBS
Range 600 Miles
Battery 300 Miles
Fuel Cell 300 Miles
Hydrogen 8 kg
Fuel Cell 120 kW
Towing Capacity 8,000 LBS
Drivetrain 4x4 Independent Wheel Drive (IWD)
Dimensions 5890mm L x 2180mm W x 1870mm T”
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 19 Jul 2020, 19:21:23

Starting at $60,000 for battery model and $80,000 for fuel cell.

I bought a used Pathfinder with 62,000 miles for $6k.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby REAL Green » Sun 19 Jul 2020, 19:43:44

Newfie wrote:Starting at $60,000 for battery model and $80,000 for fuel cell.

I bought a used Pathfinder with 62,000 miles for $6k.

It is a niche application but I recommend you watch the video. What is interesting about this vehicle is it can be for travel or a power generator. This means you can live and work out of it especially in remote locations. The fuel cell gives you 15KW of power. The issue I see is getting the hydrogen but regionally it may be a player.

BTW, Newf, the book you recommended, "Keeper of the Game" is excellent. Thanks for the recommendation
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby The_Toecutter » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 13:00:15

A battery charger I ordered back in March finally arrived. I almost have all the tools/parts to finish my vehicle. I'm waiting on the rest of them. I need the spot welder, battery management system, copper bus bars, nickel strips, and Anderson connectors I ordered to arrive, so that I can build the battery pack. After that, it's just a matter of making everything work to my satisfaction, and lots of testing.

Hopefully I can get this prototype vehicle completed before the year is over, as it will then free up the time to allow me to build an improved prototype, completely custom from the frame up.
The unnecessary felling of a tree, perhaps the old growth of centuries, seems to me a crime little short of murder. ~Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 15:30:22

How’s your employment situation? With so many out of work I was wondering.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby bochen777 » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 15:53:27

The new Microsoft Flight Simulator comes out 18th of August in 2 weeks. It on Steam as well, I got the premium deluxe which costs $120 and includes Boeing 787

Microsoft will also have a SDK, so I can import a J20 model I have in 3ds max to IGES or Solidworks format, do some CFD analysis with Ansys or Autodesk CFD, and create an aerodynamically realistic J-20 to fly around in a world thats never before been simulated to this level of fidelity, including realtime volumetric clouds, realistic weather and all that

I love China

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J20 > F35
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby The_Toecutter » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 15:56:20

Newfie wrote:Toe,
How’s your employment situation? With so many out of work I was wondering.

I was temporarily let go in March. while unemployed, I was able to stash unemployment money faster than I could set spare money aside when I was an engineer thanks to no student loans eating my money.

Except the restaurant hired me back soon after, after gutting 80% of their staff. Then I had to spend all that money I stashed away saving my mom's house, yet again. They've set my schedule up to where I work lots of split shifts, with only 3-4 hours at a time. I'm working most days of the week for minimum wage, but they keep the hours low enough to deny benefits, while making me do 3x the work I used to do. Lots of shifts where I work 2-3 hours late morning, only to return in the evening, leaving me hardly any time for anything outside of work, in spite of the short hours, because I have to plan everything around work. It sucks. That said, I'm doubtful this restaurant will be open for much longer, as it's nearly dead. Hard to say at this point whether that's a blessing or a curse, because as shitty as this job is, it's kept me from starving, allowed me to keep my mom from losing her house, I managed to order most of the parts to complete one of my prototypes, and still built my savings up by a small four-figure amount. But I've been living more like a 3rd worlder than a 1st worlder to do it, as I've been doing for most of my adulthood.

As for finding an engineering job, I've gotten a grand total of TWO phone interviews since this COVID shutdown started. None of them wanted to pay me anything near an appropriate wage for the work or anything near what the work was advertised as paying(one of them referred to me as a "typical entitled millenial" when I told him this job has historically paid more than 2x what he was offering and when I mentioned what the company website said it was going to pay).

A former student I went to school with also lost his engineering job, the company changed ownership, and he was hired back at roughly 1/3 his former wage, with the employer reminding him he'd lose unemployment if he rejected the offer, while giving him as much overtime as he wants AFTER letting go of most of his coworkers. Now he's stuck working 70+ hours a week to keep from losing his house, his car, and to keep access to medical treatment for one of his sick children. He contacted me out of desperation to find if I could help him find work elsewhere that pays better, not knowing that I have been out of the field.

But this is all outside the scope of this topic, because almost none of this is happy.
The unnecessary felling of a tree, perhaps the old growth of centuries, seems to me a crime little short of murder. ~Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 17:15:01


There is MUCH to be happy about in your post. You are not living the life you had intended, or been promised. But you are living. And you were called back. That means they see more than average value in you. That should be reassuring if not financially rewarding.

And you were able to help you Mom out once again. I forget the reasons for her troubles, if you ever shared. But you are building a history of flexibility and robustness for yourself. You are proving you are a survivor. Good on you.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby bochen777 » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 18:22:53

What is Happiness? Happiness the word itself is quite general and vague... so to qualify our remarks its important to make a distinction between specific happiness (outcome dependent) and a more general abstract happiness (broader in scope)....

Happiness is the overlay substrate that exists as a layered byproduct side-effect or emergent properties of this biochemical process that we call "life"... So happiness is both an evolutionary adaptive in the darwinistic sense, and also a particular mode of existence and survival strategy in terms of reproductive fitness etc...(Depression, on the other hand, also is an evolutionary adaption to a certain set of resource /environment scarcity scenario)

Since the modern world has all but completely decoupled from its evolutionary underpinnings (and make no mistake in the long term this is not sustainable but for now its the way it has been for the past several decades/centuries?) its important to see the big picture first, and then having the frame of references, frameworks, datapoints and fuller context, go and identity and decide if happiness is the goal, which particular types or archetypes of happiness are best suited for oneself, and how to go about pursuing and enjoying that happiness...

I think in a post-UBI (Universal Basic Income) world in which income is decoupled from work, machines taking over for physical and intellectual labor, and the cost of all labor from janitors to CEO across the board reduced to mere electricity or electric costs, then more important than ever is up keeping and perfecting the aesthetic physique in both genders. Esp. that women will become much less reliant on men for resources, therefore decoupling status, wealth, intellect, power from that of attraction in terms of mating strategies.

I believe the true value of any man is not defined by how much money he makes nor how spiritual he is nor how much weights he can lift, nor by how hard he works, nor how smart he is, etc but that it is actually measured by the beauty of the woman he partakes and behold. In essence, Beauty being the most honest signifier in any woman, the real measure of success of a man is if he can obtain an extremely beautiful woman in his life to love and to hold, everything else is secondary.

The most effective strategy is just to directly go after what actually matters the most. And in order to do that we have to know what it is we really want, what is most important. In my opinion our modern contemporary view of self-worth and societal definition of happiness and success is warped,at best misguided if not altogether misplaced. And it is true that biologically we are not that fundamentally different from our nomadic hunter and gatherer ancestors whom evolved and lived on the grassy plains along the river and who had no concept of abstractions such as accumulation of wealth or the massing of knowledge, or saving for retirement, etc.

We are thus hardwired to instinctively find most salient, compelling and visceral the elements of being alive, and it is this that truly brings out the most genuine forms of happiness in each of us. There are many perspectives in life but I choose to think one of the greatest of them all is the enjoyment of femininity, there is nothing more alluring than to take in the raw essence of such a sensually captivating woman, such an emotively poignant woman, and to be graced by the view and the gift of her absolute tenderness, total vulnerability, and flowering surrender.

For example, this has lead me to believe that, for a man, he should definitely put a lot of emphasis on the “aesthetics-first” approach. While not everyone can become a CEO, or sign up for the Delta Forces, or write a best-seller or walk on the moon, every man can indeed carve and chisel an aesthetically perfect physique, as long as if he was willing to put in the dedication and effort. Getting a rock solid six pack abs and becoming lean yet very muscular, while indeed hard work and difficult, is far more achievable for the average man, especially in terms of scalability, than say earning a noble peace prize or becoming a professional Go player or getting a PhD or winning the lottery, for example.

But the “aesthetics-first” approach is not the same as being physically fittest, nor muscularly strongest, nor does it mean excelling at sports. It simply is aesthetics for aesthetics sake, and here the “means” and the “ends” are one and the same. We all find ourselves in the unique situation of being stuck in between a rock and a hard place in that we are still in some aspects beholden to our vestigial traits of eons ago and the remnants of our evolutionary past, and yet find ourselves in a new age in which a lot of what used to have mattered have been rendered all but redundant and obsolete from a functional perspective. Women prefer taller men because as humans we evolved in the tall grassy plains in which the early proto-men who were able to stand up taller and more erect were also able to better see both potential prey and avoid possible dangers in the distance, yet in today’s society where food is no longer a real concern to survival (in fact due to automation and economics of scale less than 1% of the US labor force is actually involved in the production of food) and the inventions of modern day weapons such as firearms affords the average human more than sufficient protection against the largest of wild and aggressive animals, (not to mention that 911, Police, and the Law and Order infrastructure has all but outsourced individual protection to the abstract concept of the State) there is no longer the functional advantage nor the survival need for women to prefer physically taller or muscularly stronger men, (and yet they do) hence the visceral preference has long been entirely decoupled from its evolutionary functional underlines. The undeniable fact is that there is a very long lag time, if you will, between the circumstances that our ancestors evolved under from an anthropological perspective, and that of the actual modern circumstances that we find ourselves in today. In essence, we now collectively exists in a state where our rewards are no longer directly associated with actual survival, and many things like men’s preference for beautiful women are much akin to the peacock’s runaway sexual selection. Beauty serves itself, and is its own intrinsic meaning, value and good.

Aesthetics and pleasure for their own sakes. We are to enjoy pleasures that have underlining mechanisms which no longer serve any true or active function. There is no better example of this than perhaps couples having sex while wearing condoms or on contraceptives. Thus, in all aspects of life we should understand how Mother Nature really works, but adapt it to our current environment and modern surroundings and learn how to allow ourselves to take advantage of the pleasures of life (which are primitive and evolved during the cavemen and stone age eras) whilst at the same time mentally and emotively separating, casting aside and disassociating them from the underlining mechanisms that they used to (but no longer) serve. After all, there is nothing natural about driving a car across town to go lift heavy plates on a contraption called an exercise machine, when in reality a physically fit body used to signify that a man lived an active lifestyle and took risks, these days modern men who no longer need to hunt and fight for their food and daily survival merely create the illusion of Tarzan by undergoing an artificial contortion routine of hitting the gym, lifting heavy iron, using fitness apps and taking protein powder.

So to that end, and in furtherance of what we are already doing anyway, the absolute best strategy and approach for any man in improving his own physicality especially as it pertains and relates to gaining attraction and appeal from the opposite gender, is to take that of the “aesthetics-first” approach and asymmetrically concentrate on looking good, first and foremost, instead of worrying about being healthy or being strong or being coordinated. Exercise and lifting weights in pursuit of building the most attractive bodily physique that his genetics template will allow him to become is number one priority above all; everything else, such as like actual health, raw power and strength and the amount he is able to lift, bench, etc and other aspects such as eye-hand coordination and “sports skills” etc come secondary (and are unimportant) to the ‘a priori’ aesthetics imperative.

To really get the most out of life, one must find a way to play Mother Nature’s game at a better level than she can do so herself.

For me, happiness has always been about being with an extremely attractive White Woman of the Miss America type... As a Chinese American I was in New Zealand last year, right before the CIA Biovirus was deployed to Wuhan, and I realized the real question that I ask myself is if hypothetically I could actually be with a woman just like her, how would the rest of my entire life be different from an emotional and experiential perspective. I imagine that the hedonistic pleasure that I am able to constantly and perpetually derive from the enjoyment of her most perfect feminine aesthetic beauty, elegance, and grace would permeate and expand into every other aspect and component of my entire life, thus making the highs even higher and even the lows far more bearable, perhaps even enjoyable when cast under such a different light and unique perspective. Her presence, her essence and her beauty would simply serve as a sort of tint that colors and reshapes my entire lens and view on life. While objectively nothing in my external world reality may change, I know that subjectively everything changes forever. Life would simply never be the same again for me.

That sort of ubiquitous, expansive, and pervasive happiness and joy obtained from chasing, catching, and loving such an existential supremum beauty is the absolute pinnacle of existence for a man. There is nothing better or more compelling than to be able to glance at such a beautiful creature and realize anew for the first time, every time, just why she is so captivating and to re-examine her absolute memorizing beauty in such awe-inspiring wonderment. Such beauty is devastatingly distracting, and it overwhelms the senses, and yet it is calming and soothing. It nurtures and feeds, inspiring and evoking it’s counterpart masculinity. Deep down, I do believe that to be able to finally behold at long last in the flesh the physical instantiation and exact embodiment of the sort of idealistic, archetypal and classic quintessential beauty would actually be enough for me. Enough to be fully contented, immensely satisfied and happy forever. Being in that state-of-being and that zone-of-awareness feels like finally coming home and being fully completed. That illusive missing piece of the puzzle resolved.

Indeed, any man lucky enough to have a woman like that would surely feel like he had won the ultimate prize in life. Every time he makes love to her he would instinctively know that he was experiencing the very best life had to offer him, and that nothing else could ever be better nor more sweeter than that. To wake up with her by his side in bed, such satisfying experience could never be topped, duplicated or substituted by anything else he could ever hope to do on this earth or in this life.

To be loved by such a woman is perhaps not an achievement earned but a gift freely bestowed. If love is such an intensely powerful force of life, then perhaps there are none more compelling, more liberating, more exhilarating and more intensely moving than to be truly loved, fervently, deeply, most endearingly loved and loved back in return by a woman like that.

As a man I can think of no higher highs nor more perfect of perfections than this. In the entire domain, range, and spectrum of the totality of all reality and existence, taking into account and consideration the vastly ennumerable palettes of qualia, such categorical perceptions, analytical overlays and neural correlates of consciousness , and the aggregate mosaic of the emergent structures of all accompanying emotions, emotive constructs, experiential flows, sensations, feelings, moods, modes of existence, states of beings, and possible moments and experiences etc, if I could only make one singular wish in life, it had always been just this. I would want above all else this to be the real center of my life that everything else revolves around, and she being the central theme and fabric and tapestry of the story of my life.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby The_Toecutter » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 18:26:16

Newfie wrote:Toe,

There is MUCH to be happy about in your post.

That's one way of looking at it I suppose...

You are not living the life you had intended, or been promised. But you are living. And you were called back. That means they see more than average value in you. That should be reassuring if not financially rewarding.

At my current wage, in order for me to set aside with this job what I would have been able to set aside if I got those last few weeks of unemployment money, I'd have to work another 8 months. I'm not certain this job will last that long.

They certainly see value in retaining me. Every employer I ever had sure as fuck did, even the jobs I was eventually laid off from I survived multiple rounds of initial layoffs. And VERY RARELY was I ever rewarded for it with more pay, no matter how hard I worked. It was always "If you don't like it, you can leave." In contrast, I saw a number of lazy and incompetent coworkers quickly move up because they were related to the upper management.

And you were able to help you Mom out once again. I forget the reasons for her troubles, if you ever shared.

She's disabled, unable to walk or work, yet we have failed to get her on disability because she keeps getting rejected. Her husband died while I was working in Texas. Some of my family moved in and preyed upon her, costing her almost all of her assets. I had to quit my decent paying engineering job to move back to try to stop it, AND spend my hard won savings to save her house that I had originally set aside to finish my vehicle prototypes and for some land I wanted to purchase so I could start up that doomstead and work towards becoming self sufficient.

But you are building a history of flexibility and robustness for yourself. You are proving you are a survivor. Good on you.

Mere survival is not sufficient for happiness. I'd like to actually do something with my life other than either be a cog in some rich man's money making machine or be rendered destitute if I disagree that the former arrangement is fair. Lots of years have been wasted, in spite of a conscientious effort not to waste them, thanks to decisions that others have made outside of the scope of my own locus of control.

I'm fairly certain hundreds of millions of Americans and even billions of people on planet Earth feel the same way, and it is beginning to show in the streets as we speak.

And you know what? THAT does makes me happy, since it begins to reveal the prospect of a disruption, or a change in, or perhaps even an end to this dead lifestyle culture we are forced into.
The unnecessary felling of a tree, perhaps the old growth of centuries, seems to me a crime little short of murder. ~Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 19:54:02

Find cheer where ever it arises. :-D seed
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby bochen777 » Tue 04 Aug 2020, 21:15:47

Newfie wrote:Find cheer where ever it arises. :-D seed

I concur. As a Chinese, my fantasy is to seed white women of the Miss America type...

So I imagine, after getting my rock hard SIX PACK ABS and having the CONfidence that comes with that, I then start dressing nice, and getting cloths that fit, adding accessories like fancy watchs, finally putting in the effort to look good and get a great hairstyle, and whatnot...

But mainly I book a long distance intercontentional flight to somewhere cool on the other side of the world/planet/earth. My flight has many hops and is a multistop... wanted to do a last minute upgrade to get better seats but seems like other folks beat me to it. I can't check in online for some reason, oh yeah cause passport required.

I wait up early early in the morning and take a 3AM uber or lyft to the Dallas Fort Worth International airport, terminal E for international trips... get my TSA precheck and in the airport past security by 6:10AM While standing in line checking in I'm getting some snacks for a light preflight breakfast at the airport and spot this really hot "perfect ten" sort of "miss america" looking type of woman, in her mid twenties, presumably single , blonde hair, blue eye, light complexion , the works! My red-eye early morning flight gets called in the PA system, we start boarding, people making the usual mad dash to the ticket line/counter...

This perfect woman is on my flight, a Boeing 787 dreamliner, I feel all dreamy already... Unforntunately we aren't seated together, but I got a couple good glimpse at her and even maintained a few seconds of eye contact... she gives me a slight smile and then looks away. I'm not sure what to think of it. Long flight starts, they serve a small meal + drinks shortly after takeoff, then not long after the tinted windows all get autodimmed by the flight crew, most people take a nap but I read a kindle and put on some boise noise cancelation to listen to spotify

Catch a couple more glances at "Miss America" while I'm half awake and half asleep, already having regrets not getting the row with the extra leg rooms... Finally after what seems like countless hours, plane begins preparations for landing, I'm out of my last 1Above flight endurance pill and the inflight satelittle wifi cuts off as the plane descends below 10000ft I layover someplace, perhaps tokyo, perhaps seoul, perhaps some other International city with an International airport.... But low and behold, increment weather or other issues has forced my next connecting flight to be delayed until the next morning....

It is very late at night now, local time maybe 1 AM or 2AM... and there is a sort of existential loneliness to it all, being lost/stuck/delayed at an major international airport late at night or very early in the morning in a megacity in a foreign country on the other side of the world... it somehow feels eerily strange and yet exciting at the same very time... It was a good idea that I cached the language data files in my google translator apk app on my phone and tablet prior to leaving home! Found out hard way last time that my phone was not unlocked and couldn't just get a new sim card. What floods over me is A mysterious combination of home-sick feeling, tired, and yet eager to get away and explore the unknown unknowns! Luckily this huge ass airport has a hotel connected to it, in fact like DFW, it has several nice hotels inside of the airport itself...

I need to get a night and proceed to the check in counter or customer service to get a room so I can crash for a few hours before having to get up in anticipation for my next flight... I feel the sudden jolted surprise of seeing the perfect lady yet once again in my peripherial view, such devasting beauty and awe-inspiring wonderment! Apparently I'm not the only one in similiar layover predicament, and through working up the courage for a casual chat I found out she is also stuck and headed to the same ultimate final destination. Due to this being holiday time and peak season plus the increment issues that cropped up last minute, there is only one remaining vacancy, and neither her nor myself had prior reservations... So.... I'm more than happy to offer her the last spot, and since there were plenty of other cheapskates that had merely taken it up upon themselves as to sleep on the airport floor rather than get a room, I didn't feel it would be too awkard nor embarrasing for me to do the same likewise. She being the perfect lady, of course is demure and insists upon not accepting the last empty room. After a couple back and forth attempts at mutual courtesy I decided to take the room , not wanting to pressure her into accepting anything, even if it was just a gracious gesture on my part with no other motives.

I get the paperwork handled and is finally handed the room keys, damn my legs are sore as fuck but for some reason I'm no longer sleepy anymore in that moment and decide to check out some of the night shops still open late night at this international longue of the airport.. Accidently come across her again, this time she approaches and makes chit chat, I forgot the topic of what, but its not important. I think it is her presence and ambiance that is so immersive and speaks more volumes than mere words could ever convey. I finally realized it is the way she looks at me, that kind of look.. unmistakable.

We go get a "midnight" snack together and continue talking, suprisingly she is also from the Dallas area and actually was born and grew up in DFW metroplex, talk about a small world after all! We realize we share much commonlity in terms of emotional sentiments and other philosophical values of life and existence. Somehow we get to talking about relationships and throw a bunch of hypotheticals around... call it vicarious empathy or whatever you want, but its self evident to me at this point our engrossing conversation at this late hour in this foreign place is just so flowing, so naturally effortless and real and these are the moments worth living for and waiting for and staying in... this sort of magical inner light... to be able to rest and abide in this essence of such a pervasive and timelessly elegant moment.. Then suddenly I catch myself blurting out partly in jest if she would like to come up with me to the hotel room to get some sleep/rest , immediately regretting making such an utterance, but to my absolute shock and suprise she accepts. At first I'm not sure if she is toying me and just playing along but then I don't detect any indicator of nonseriousness...

I realize most men spend their entire lives and never get a night like this, not talking about the sex, but really about being able to truly get close and wanted by a woman like THAT... by THAT kind of woman... that is something else rare and infrequent indeed As we meander across the halls and corridors of the airport to make our way to the hotel I have to secretly pinch myself to make sure I'm not somehow dreaming, and in that moment I immediately stop, realizing just like how Colin Farrell character must have felt during the end of Total Recall, when he no longer cares if this world is real or fake, just that the only things remains that matters is the raw experience itself, be it illusion or reality, the experience is what matters mosts. We share a few long moments of contented silence as we traverse the long airport walkways on long stretches of the moving escalators I'm hoping it doesn't get akward and my mind flashes back to the hotel scene with Captain America courting his new found lady friend in Before We Go (2014) It is truth that sometimes reality IS actually stranger than fiction, because as movie scenes run through my head, I realize it dawned upon me that even Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong (2015) was more nuanced than this...

99.99% of life is pure bullshit and it is the 0.0001% moments like this that make the rest of the suck all the more worth it. The reality and surrealness of the situation finally hits me when we cross the threshold of our hotel room together and then on top of everything else I realized there was only one bed.. Even in this moment I could never be someone I was not, so perfectly choreographed (albeit over the top) sex scenes like those between Liev Schreiber and Jeanne Tripplehorn in A Perfect Man (2013) were thrown out of the window for me as self imposed no-go's. We take turns getting cleaned up in the washroom, I ask her what time she wants the alartm clock to be set for an early rise in the morning and out of respect I made one last good faith offer to take the floor and save the king sized lofty bed all to her instead. She mumbles something about both being grow adults and slips under the covers in prep for sleep after taking off everything except her intimate undergarments. My attraction for her feels like that of a young schoolboy having an innocent crush on an extremely pretty girl for the very first time in his life, having yet never been disappointed nor disillusioned before, a purity of innocent and wonderous magic. As we both seemingly beginto fall asleep she slowly turns around in bed in the cool breezy dark of the night to tell me that she just wanted to be held tonight...

I embrace her like as if I had known her all my life and she was my lifelong partner and not as in the woman that I had just met at the airport back in Dallas yesterday morning... Then the contiuity of conciousness finally dawns on me in a wierdly ironic way, I realize since I hadn't actually really slept on the flight, that "this" morning was actually the prior day! and that I hadn't even known this woman for longer than one continous stream of awakened conciousness, it just always felt wierd on these long intercontential travels how (esp if one never fell fully asleep during the travel) that the start of the journey in terms of chronological "time" in space seemed so very far away and yet at the same time was still the "same day" as far as the waking brain/body is concerned... this jarring juxaposition was always something I mused about during my travels but it has been especially more amplified and heightened with suddently with the unexpected presence of her in my life...

As I drift slowly into unconciousness I imagine the wonderful moments we could conceivably share on this trip together. Since she was also taking a trip by herself to the same destination I was hopeful that our plans could somehow fit and be made to fusion into one wonderful holistic trip together... part of me finaally realizing that I no longer even cared if we woke up in time to make our connecting flight, if life is truly about the journey and not the destination, then the everlasting now is all that matters. No matter where you go, there you still are. and yet my knowing her and getting to know her better I finally can truly see the real me for the very first time ever.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby The_Toecutter » Wed 05 Aug 2020, 00:29:39

Good post, bochen777.

I don't know precisely how well I have the physical aesthetics down regarding my personal appearance, given that aesthetics is such a subjective thing, and given that my appearance is rather unusual for someone my age, but I am not far from 40 years old. My physique is not something I would call bad, as I'm certain a lot of men even younger than me would kill for such a physique, but it is certainly an awkward physique, to say the least. I have the 6 pack abs. I'm scrawny at 140 lbs, of average height, and of low body fat. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Not only that, but I look extremely young for my age. I have no grey hairs or wrinkles, and my skin is smooth, supple, and radiant. I'm commonly mistaken for a teenager, including by people of that demographic. I went to a 15 year high school reunion and there were kids there attending who mistook me for a kid from another school, not realizing I was twice their age. I get more attention from women and girls who are far too young for me than I do from women within my age range, and dating has been awkward as a result(I also get more attention from gay pedocreeps I want nothing to do with than either... but that's another story altogether). I've gone to great lengths to take care of myself and it shows.

That said, I have yet to find that perfect creature who loves me for me within a set of circumstances where we can stay together. For most of the women I have gotten to know, it has generally come down to what kind of lifestyle I can afford to provide for them. Right now, that is a zero quantity, as I can barely afford to support myself. The last time I had a fulfilling relationship was 10 years ago, and it was broken off on good terms because she had to move back home multiple states away to care for an ailing father, while I couldn't just up and quit a good paying job for that, especially with student loans to pay at the time. She was a keeper, and not interested in me for my money, and could accept the fact that I didn't want or need the house in the suburbs or the new car or all of the middle class niceties people think of as necessities. Most of the women I've been with(and they've been few) were only after money, and one who wasn't after my money was weirded out at my appearance and horrified at the fact that she was attracted to me once she discovered that I too closely resembled her 15 year old son when I took my shirt and pants off, which made her feel sort of sick to herself and the relationship had to be called off because that just wasn't going to work for her.

So there's that. I could easily land a pretty and very young thing if I tried, at least for one night, but to keep her? That would be a very tall order, and I'm highly disinclined to take advantage of them, given my sense of ethics. Were I a sociopath, I could easily keep and fill a large book of conquest, but I'm just not that sort of person.

A random drunken panhandler approached me last year and said that if he had my looks, he'd be getting pussy all the time. I've also been approached by creepy gay dudes who thought I was an adolescent(I have MANY horror stories on that subject).

But appearances are something that can change abruptly and irreversibly, and with it, any advantages they confer. I'm at the age where that could happen at any time. I'm fortunate to have a greatly extended youth, but the sorts of foods I ate in the interest of longevity which had the consequence of maintaining said youth were neither cheap nor convenient. For most people in the U.S., GMO junk foods are the staple, mainly corn, wheat, soy, factory farmed meats, and dairy, all laden with fillers, artificial flavors, growth hormones, antibiotics, and various other poisons, and it shows with runaway obesity, cancer epidemics, and a myriad of health complications resultant thereof. For me, dietary staples are fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, seeds, nuts, wild caught fish(at the rare times when I can afford it), and legumes, and I make it a point each day to eat a serving of leafy greens and of blueberries, both of which have all sorts of longevity benefits, coupled with about 1 gallon of water a day. I often go through 3,000-4,000 calories a day, burn it off with exercise(I use bicycles for 99% of my transport and work out), while getting 150-200g fiber on any given day. There is a downside though: Lots of pissing, flatulence, and shitting, often at inconvenient times and places. Small price to pay given the advantages reaped.

At the rate I'm aging, assuming nothing happens, I could easily see myself living to be over 100. I'm not certain I will be able to maintain that into the future though, and actually finding a women who loves me for me, well, that's going to be quite a tall order, especially considering I'm not much of an outgoing type to start with nor does my financial wherewithal currently appeal to most women who are seeking those within the upper 20% of the wealth curve. At my current chronological age, I'm probably not going to look the way I do for much longer, even though I'll continue taking good care of myself for as long as I am able.

As far as my taste in women go, I don't even need a 10/10. A 4/10 who is visibly healthy, not so obese that she can't wipe her own ass, responsible with money, and at least of slightly above average intelligence would suffice nicely, but in the U.S., even that modest filter eliminates more than 99% from the selection pool. 2/3 of them are obese or morbidly obese fatties, and most just want to cram expensive fast food down their gullets and conform to the gods of consumerism, and for you to provide it to them. Appearance wise, I greatly like oriental women. I also like blonde white women. I've seen many 9/10s and 10/10s, and sadly, they are usually taken. But very pretty they are, and I'd love to have one.

I'll take being single over being a financially scared debt slave cowed by a fat henpecker who threatens to take half my stuff and extract child support and alimony when she doesn't get her way, any time, even if it means I go without. I value freedom from that sort of slavery to just that extent. After all, the point of finding a suitable mate is to provide happiness, not to prevent it from being possible at all.

That said, I think I'll find the right one some day. I just don't know when or where or how. I get a LOT of looks and even cat calls from younger women and girls far too young for me. They have no clue of what I am because they are judging me by my appearance, and if I were an amoral sociopath, I could EASILY take advantage of so many of them. The women in my age range think there's something wrong with approaching me, because I look an entire generation younger than they are, and they do not take me seriously when I approach them. I can't even go to bars without being harassed about my appearance because "kids aren't allowed at the bar", albeit bars are a less than optimal place to find decent candidates, nor do I have the money to justify frequenting them.

So, things are quite complicated for me regarding this subject... I'm not sure it will get any less complicated when I start to look older, either.
The unnecessary felling of a tree, perhaps the old growth of centuries, seems to me a crime little short of murder. ~Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby bochen777 » Wed 05 Aug 2020, 10:50:47

The_Toecutter wrote:Good post, bochen777.

I don't know precisely how well I have the physical aesthetics down regarding my personal appearance, given that aesthetics is such a subjective thing, and given that my appearance is rather unusual for someone my age, but I am not far from 40 years old. My physique is not something I would call bad, as I'm certain a lot of men even younger than me would kill for such a physique, but it is certainly an awkward physique, to say the least. I have the 6 pack abs. I'm scrawny at 140 lbs, of average height, and of low body fat. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Not only that, but I look extremely young for my age. I have no grey hairs or wrinkles, and my skin is smooth, supple, and radiant. I'm commonly mistaken for a teenager, including by people of that demographic. I went to a 15 year high school reunion and there were kids there attending who mistook me for a kid from another school, not realizing I was twice their age. I get more attention from women and girls who are far too young for me than I do from women within my age range, and dating has been awkward as a result(I also get more attention from gay pedocreeps I want nothing to do with than either... but that's another story altogether). I've gone to great lengths to take care of myself and it shows.

That said, I have yet to find that perfect creature who loves me for me within a set of circumstances where we can stay together. For most of the women I have gotten to know, it has generally come down to what kind of lifestyle I can afford to provide for them. Right now, that is a zero quantity, as I can barely afford to support myself. The last time I had a fulfilling relationship was 10 years ago, and it was broken off on good terms because she had to move back home multiple states away to care for an ailing father, while I couldn't just up and quit a good paying job for that, especially with student loans to pay at the time. She was a keeper, and not interested in me for my money, and could accept the fact that I didn't want or need the house in the suburbs or the new car or all of the middle class niceties people think of as necessities. Most of the women I've been with(and they've been few) were only after money, and one who wasn't after my money was weirded out at my appearance and horrified at the fact that she was attracted to me once she discovered that I too closely resembled her 15 year old son when I took my shirt and pants off, which made her feel sort of sick to herself and the relationship had to be called off because that just wasn't going to work for her.

So there's that. I could easily land a pretty and very young thing if I tried, at least for one night, but to keep her? That would be a very tall order, and I'm highly disinclined to take advantage of them, given my sense of ethics. Were I a sociopath, I could easily keep and fill a large book of conquest, but I'm just not that sort of person.

A random drunken panhandler approached me last year and said that if he had my looks, he'd be getting pussy all the time. I've also been approached by creepy gay dudes who thought I was an adolescent(I have MANY horror stories on that subject).

But appearances are something that can change abruptly and irreversibly, and with it, any advantages they confer. I'm at the age where that could happen at any time. I'm fortunate to have a greatly extended youth, but the sorts of foods I ate in the interest of longevity which had the consequence of maintaining said youth were neither cheap nor convenient. For most people in the U.S., GMO junk foods are the staple, mainly corn, wheat, soy, factory farmed meats, and dairy, all laden with fillers, artificial flavors, growth hormones, antibiotics, and various other poisons, and it shows with runaway obesity, cancer epidemics, and a myriad of health complications resultant thereof. For me, dietary staples are fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, seeds, nuts, wild caught fish(at the rare times when I can afford it), and legumes, and I make it a point each day to eat a serving of leafy greens and of blueberries, both of which have all sorts of longevity benefits, coupled with about 1 gallon of water a day. I often go through 3,000-4,000 calories a day, burn it off with exercise(I use bicycles for 99% of my transport and work out), while getting 150-200g fiber on any given day. There is a downside though: Lots of pissing, flatulence, and shitting, often at inconvenient times and places. Small price to pay given the advantages reaped.

At the rate I'm aging, assuming nothing happens, I could easily see myself living to be over 100. I'm not certain I will be able to maintain that into the future though, and actually finding a women who loves me for me, well, that's going to be quite a tall order, especially considering I'm not much of an outgoing type to start with nor does my financial wherewithal currently appeal to most women who are seeking those within the upper 20% of the wealth curve. At my current chronological age, I'm probably not going to look the way I do for much longer, even though I'll continue taking good care of myself for as long as I am able.

As far as my taste in women go, I don't even need a 10/10. A 4/10 who is visibly healthy, not so obese that she can't wipe her own ass, responsible with money, and at least of slightly above average intelligence would suffice nicely, but in the U.S., even that modest filter eliminates more than 99% from the selection pool. 2/3 of them are obese or morbidly obese fatties, and most just want to cram expensive fast food down their gullets and conform to the gods of consumerism, and for you to provide it to them. Appearance wise, I greatly like oriental women. I also like blonde white women. I've seen many 9/10s and 10/10s, and sadly, they are usually taken. But very pretty they are, and I'd love to have one.

I'll take being single over being a financially scared debt slave cowed by a fat henpecker who threatens to take half my stuff and extract child support and alimony when she doesn't get her way, any time, even if it means I go without. I value freedom from that sort of slavery to just that extent. After all, the point of finding a suitable mate is to provide happiness, not to prevent it from being possible at all.

That said, I think I'll find the right one some day. I just don't know when or where or how. I get a LOT of looks and even cat calls from younger women and girls far too young for me. They have no clue of what I am because they are judging me by my appearance, and if I were an amoral sociopath, I could EASILY take advantage of so many of them. The women in my age range think there's something wrong with approaching me, because I look an entire generation younger than they are, and they do not take me seriously when I approach them. I can't even go to bars without being harassed about my appearance because "kids aren't allowed at the bar", albeit bars are a less than optimal place to find decent candidates, nor do I have the money to justify frequenting them.

So, things are quite complicated for me regarding this subject... I'm not sure it will get any less complicated when I start to look older, either.

I have three credit cards, one of them the Chase Sapphire has credit limit of 35,000 the other two are just 10,000 each. State of Texas penal code forbids imprisonmemt due to debt, and far as I know in Texas there is no wage garnishment other than for child support or taxes. Even if a company sued and won in court and got a jugdement still ways to judgement proof oneself in Texas plus its a process taking years...

I signed up on couple sites, I did Miss Travel last year to find attractive travel partner but this year due to CIA biovirus its not feasible. Miss Travels sister site is for bidding on first "dates" if you catch my drift... usually I go for the blonde hair blue eyed type and just a nearby steakhouse, since the coveted French Room restuarant downtown is still closed due to CIA biovirus...

Sure it costs a lot of monies but the effort to results ratio is way better than eharmony, pof, okcupid, match.con, tinder, hindge or even real life...

Just put it all on the plastic so you can put on the plastic
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby bochen777 » Wed 05 Aug 2020, 11:18:51

Nothing wrong with hooking up with young women of legal age no matter how much older the guy is... in fact the older a guy is the younger his partner should be in terms of absolute age number disparity... the fact you look younger than your real age is a benefit not a negative

Biologically women peak at 24... its all downhill from there, slowly at first then faster and faster... the age 30 wall is a very real thing

Start taking cold showers, lift, heavy weights, not the cardio shit... start with the 5x5 stronglifts app if you dont have a plan, get on ketosis, cut sugar, cut carbs esp the unprocessed simple carbs, and go heavy on good fats and protein to build lean muscle mass and stay in ketosis mode. Intermittent fasting is a must, 72 hour water fasts are good, the occasional 48 hour dry fast is great for losing fat since it converts fat to water but you are underweight so I dont recommend it for you. Do some meditation, try holosync. Listen to that Tony Robbins personal power II tapes, take some udemy courses and improve yourself professionally to build up your value and consistent challenge yourself and exercise your mind as well as body. Wake up at 4 or 5 each morning, go to bed early, and keep a journey to capture and reflect your life, set goals and be consistent, persistent, then optimize and iterate upon it.

Also look into semen retention and NoFap...
Its not fake, female attraction is a real thing, if you dont jackoff for three weeks or longer you will notice a difference. And if you force your body so the only way its gonna be able to get off is inside the womb of a real life woman as opposed to the pornhub video projected onto your curved 4k monitor then your body and the universe will make the changes to find a way....

Sure having money is great, having more money even better, but that should never be the excuse not to start right now, to approach and try your luck and express interest and getting to know the types of women tahat you desire ... ss-theory/
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby bochen777 » Wed 05 Aug 2020, 15:02:19

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