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Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Tue 21 Apr 2020, 05:05:42

dolanbaker wrote:
Shaved Monkey wrote:Its interesting in the US because trickle down obviously isnt working the people are in the streets demanding to go back to work or they will go broke.

In any other country, people would be demanding better healthcare and better safety nets to trickle down from the elites ,instead they are out there supporting the big orange elite and all his elite mates at the detriment of their own and the countries health.
Very strange indeed when witnessed as an outsider

The "American way of life" is so ingrained into them after a lifetime of indoctrination that they simply don't see anything wrong with it, and as proven will protest for it to continue, despite the fact that they're actually demanding to continue to be wage slaves!

They should be out there demanding some form of UBI to cover them for the duration.

Its a type of Stockholm syndrome
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby noobtube » Tue 21 Apr 2020, 10:53:16

When black mothers wanted a basic income it was welfare queen, parasite, freeloader.

When white mothers GET welfare, well, that is a basic income, they need it, they deserve it, it is just the decent thing to do.

Everything in America is racial-ized. Everything is about attacking black people.

Well, when whites have their way all the time, you get global, economic and financial, systemic collapse.

Whites had their turn and the result is total failure. Yet, whites continue to want to make the same stupid ass decisions WITHOUT giving up white-ness.

The American idiot will never learn which is why the American idiot must disappear and will.

It's been a long time coming and I suspect about 3 more years of increasing pain before Americans realize there is no way to save this idiotic "way of life" and put their white-ness on the table for compromise. It is the only chance this country has to survive intact.

In the meantime, I am going to be enjoying the show.

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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby dolanbaker » Tue 21 Apr 2020, 16:11:36

noobtube wrote:In the meantime, I am going to be enjoying the show.


You're the only one playing the race card in this discussion, the rest of us are ignoring race and discussing the economic issues.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 21 Apr 2020, 18:37:50

noobtube wrote:Everything in America is racial-ized. Everything is about attacking black people.

When the PC crowd says it's impossible for anyone but a white person to be racist, you know the system has gone off the rails. And your racist post is a prime example.

Things are a LOT less racist overall in the US in 2020 than they were in 1970 or 1980, despite the fact that there are still problems like racist cops.

When Marvin Gaye released "Inner City Blues" in 1971, the EITC (earned income tax credit) wasn't around. That was started in 1975. So the line "I can't pay my taxes" for a poor inner city working man (of any color) made far more sense then than it does now.

But let's pretend nothing ever changes and endlessly spew distorted hate, because that will make things get SO much better. :roll:
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 21 Apr 2020, 18:46:18

cephalotus wrote:What is needed to go on is unemployment payment and health care.

The enhanced unemployment is the way to go because it is targeted. That way you're paying people who are actually impacted instead of lots and lots of people who don't even need it. And it can be paid just as long as it's needed, and to the extent regular unemployment insurance doesn't do the job.

The health care issue is much bigger than COVID-19, though this might help make progress on Medicare for all or something similar. As always, I'll be curious to see how it gets paid for, over time.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby noobtube » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 05:03:15

dolanbaker wrote:
noobtube wrote:In the meantime, I am going to be enjoying the show.


You're the only one playing the race card in this discussion, the rest of us are ignoring race and discussing the economic issues.

The epitome of the white supremacist... ignoring race whenever it suits your fancy.

Must be nice to have the luxury to ignore reality whenever it hurts your little feelings.

Then, when it doesn't, you throw out your dog whistle language about Detroit and Chicago, or crime, or "the poor", or slums, or inner city, or whatever negative euphemisms your kind like to spew at black people to protect white privilege and white entitlement. Don't they call that American exceptionalism? How's that working out for you now? :P

Yep. It is going to be sweet watching 'Murica collapse before I get too old. (bye bye casinos, Hollywood, Wall Street, pro sports, FIRE economy, cop lovers, suburbs, strip malls, land whales, McMansions, and so much more).

You had so many opportunities to make it right, and blew it every time, being self-important scumbags and degenerates.

Enjoy the mess you've made of America. It will be interesting to see how the American idiots try to blame the black man for this disaster.

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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby dolanbaker » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 05:19:25

noobtube wrote:
dolanbaker wrote:
noobtube wrote:In the meantime, I am going to be enjoying the show.


You're the only one playing the race card in this discussion, the rest of us are ignoring race and discussing the economic issues.

The epitome of the white supremacist... ignoring race whenever it suits your fancy.

I've waited a long time for this day and am savoring every moment of it. [smilie=bootyshake.gif]

You sure do have some problems there, anyway, carry on with your little game, you're really enjoying it.
As for race, you know nothing!
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.:Anonymous
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby noobtube » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 13:23:57

Americans have such fragile, little egos. They can't stand listening to others or taking responsibility.
Americans have to be right ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

When non-whites need help, it's "you're just looking for a handout". As soon as Becky or Josh can't get their lattes, they run to government for help. Black mother, welfare queen. White mother, family in need.

With the whites, it is always someone else's fault. And, when the whites can't blame anyone else, they resort to blaming humanity, the Earth, circumstances, technology, anyone or thing but themselves.

For the vast majority of Americans, all they've got is whiteness. And these Americans will destroy their own land to TRY and save whiteness.

The Earth is taking its vengeance against white supremacy. :-D
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 13:52:09

noobtube wrote:Americans have such fragile, little egos. They can't stand listening to others or taking responsibility.
Americans have to be right ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Look in the mirror, and learn. Reality is a thing.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby noobtube » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 14:17:10

Outcast_Searcher wrote:
noobtube wrote:Americans have such fragile, little egos. They can't stand listening to others or taking responsibility.
Americans have to be right ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Look in the mirror, and learn. Reality is a thing.

You just can't accept responsibility. It is your nature. It is always someone else's fault.

Black people have been living in the real world from bondage and brutality by whites to this very day of mass terror by white cops, white banks, white judges, and a white government that has never paid its debt for its crimes against humanity.

Reality is going to give you a wake-up call. Live and enjoy the lesson that is coming for you. Or die.

I have adapted and am ready for a future where whiteness is not a thing.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 14:30:58

noobtube wrote:
Outcast_Searcher wrote:
noobtube wrote:Americans have such fragile, little egos. They can't stand listening to others or taking responsibility.
Americans have to be right ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Look in the mirror, and learn. Reality is a thing.

You just can't accept responsibility. It is your nature. It is always someone else's fault.

Yes, if you repeat the same nonsense often enough, it MUST be true. You don't even know anything about me, BTW. But keep spewing, it just makes you look more and more credible, and less and less unhinged. :roll:

By the way, you're posting this nonsense in the wrong thread. There's a thread about your personal views about racism, which would be FAR more appropriate, if you can stop spewing hate long enough to care about the community instead of just your feelings.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby noobtube » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 15:32:11

Outcast_Searcher wrote:
noobtube wrote:
Outcast_Searcher wrote:
noobtube wrote:Americans have such fragile, little egos. They can't stand listening to others or taking responsibility.
Americans have to be right ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Look in the mirror, and learn. Reality is a thing.

You just can't accept responsibility. It is your nature. It is always someone else's fault.

Yes, if you repeat the same nonsense often enough, it MUST be true. You don't even know anything about me, BTW. But keep spewing, it just makes you look more and more credible, and less and less unhinged. :roll:

By the way, you're posting this nonsense in the wrong thread. There's a thread about your personal views about racism, which would be FAR more appropriate, if you can stop spewing hate long enough to care about the community instead of just your feelings.

You just don't get it. The hate you see is the hate you have spewed around the world.

What, you don't like is the taste of your own medicine. You had no problem with wars and genocide all around the world under the guise of FREEDUM and DUMOCRACY. You had no problem with racial injustice and terror. As long as you were comfortable, screw the world.

As long as your whiteness was protected, you did not care about anyone or anything but yourself.

The bill has come due, and white privilege and white entitlement cannot pay it.

This is going to be so sweet, watching you American idiots waste time trying to bring back business-as-usual... and failing. [smilie=hello.gif]

Goodbye, so long, farewell... American morons.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby Peak_Yeast » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 17:21:19

What I see is noobtube spreading his hate like a hippo with diarrhea...

Now Thomas Sowell is a clear thinker.. but for some strange reason he is not popular amongst idiots.

Thomas Sowell on The Effects of Victimology

Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality

Thomas Sowell -- Basic Economics

Thomas Sowell - The Reality Of Multiculturalism

Personally I think UBI is a good idea. Of course it can be perverted if other features in the economy are not adjusted.

But it makes a lot of people happier and able to enjoy their life - instead of having to fear losing house and family due to loss of job. It removes the oppression and hate people on welfare has to experience in their meetings with the "administration". It removes all those holes in the social security systems that a lot of people fall into and lose everything - including their health and sometimes life.

And it removes power from psychopath bosses and worker mistreatment because people would not want to work for them.

The UBI, of course, has to be high enough to lead a modest, but decent life.

Spain is on the verge of making long term UBI. Experiences from Finland shows people get healthier, happier and it does not impact their job situation.

It is a great way to reducing the environmental footprint of people in a way where it is their own choice. And it reduces the expenses for administration and the health system.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby noobtube » Wed 22 Apr 2020, 21:29:17

Peak_Yeast wrote:What I see is noobtube spreading his hate like a hippo with diarrhea...

Now Thomas Sowell is a clear thinker.. but for some strange reason he is not popular amongst idiots.

There was a time when white supremacists would say, "What about Chicago?" or "Zimbabwe?" or "welfare mothers" or "drug dealers" or "crime" or "low IQ" or some other stupid garbage.

Now, all the white supremacists can do is trot out their house boy Thomas Sowell to make them feel good about their whiteness.

Thomas Sowell has never accomplished anything in life other than to kiss white ass.

If black people do not kiss white ass, then whites feel their privilege being threatened and become hostile and violent. The problem is, violence is not going to save you this time.

It is the end of the road for American exceptionalism... whites killed it. [smilie=icon_farao.gif]
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby evilgenius » Thu 23 Apr 2020, 14:45:49

At the risk of being called a racist for being white and talking about it, I would like to talk about the racial issue brought up by noobtube. Some of the accusations brought up are correct, in my opinion.

Red lining, among other things, is not that far in the past. I didn't grow up in a racist state, but when I was a kid my family was going through part of Kansas. We came across a restroom that had 'colored' and 'white' signs over separate entrances to the same restroom. Black people have had to deal with being deliberately put down in my lifetime. Still, I maintain, it is the lack of opportunity that has plagued black people in the US more than direct oppression. I loved how noobtube characterized cop lovers. That's a great, and subtle, point, but gaining political power by cleverly interacting within the system is possible. To do that, however, you have to stop complaining and get to work. That is what worked so well when the get out the vote movements were occurring in the sixties. You don't get to merely complain about how bad things are when there is some character problem on your part that has led to some of your problems. Getting out the vote was entirely positive. Not voting as a community, such that you allow a minority to politically dominate you, is not.

I will make an assertion about the nature of community, but I don't think noobtube wants to hear it. That is just that whites are far more independent than blacks in general. You do see white people leaving where they've come from and making a go of it somewhere strange to them far more often than you see blacks. That sort of independence is key to getting a handle on risk. But I'm not certain that's got anything to do with whiteness. I think that capitalism has taught whites that. Whites are not a homogeneous group. Many of the class struggles were first realized as whites did that. They had to learn to take advantage of opportunity. Sometimes they had to force it. The labor movement is case in point.

Those things might be changing. When I recently went back to finish college, I was glad to see many more black people in school than I anticipated. I was used to thinking about the situation the way noobtube wrote about it. Black people, and women in general, are going to school in numbers that are revolutionary. The future will not be like the past.

Also, in my last couple decades of working, I have seen many more blacks working at what used to be white only jobs. Work places in America are more multicultural than ever. Black people are making advances on that front as well.

A person could call Barack Obama an Uncle Tom too, I suppose. He had great political and oratorical skills. But there are people who would merely say he was acting white, and that's why he was elected. They'll say he was just another white president. That speaks to the class issues which also surround this topic. Some things about class are very neutral in nature. Others are awfully charged. I've brought this up before on this site, somewhere, but I remember talking to a black man I know about Obama before he became a front runner. Back then, he was not getting a great deal of support from black people. The jury was still out. Turns out, they were concerned whether he was an Uncle Tom. Hillary had a proven track record. At first, she seemed safer. But Obama was not promising to be only the black people's president. He was promising to be America's president. At first Jesse Jackson was more popular with black people than Barack Obama. I think why he was is down to attitudes about class, not race.

Capitalism has taught whites a lot of things. For the winner take all aspect, however, you have to go back before capitalism was a thing. Colonialism has more in common with medieval Christianity, particularly the attitudes surrounding the crusades, than it does capitalism. I'm not anti-Christian, but we have to be honest. There is a problem embedded in Christianity that has never faced much scrutiny. That is how too many Christians can be blind to the humanity of those they come across, only seeing people as needing to be saved. If they have to kill them to save them, so be it. And colonizers tended, almost always, to see their countries as actively involved in whatever the Christian struggle was. Missionaries were a crucial aspect of colonialism. They didn't just introduce religion. They brought a forest of ideas, many of which were enslaving to the mind.

Several groups/nations did try to play along. The Cherokees come directly to mind. They developed an intricate modern to the day culture in response to the threat of whites settling their land. They thought they would nullify the colonialist's arguments for the way they were treated. That didn't work for them. They got ground under by 'manifest destiny.'
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby mousepad » Thu 23 Apr 2020, 15:49:22

evilgenius wrote: had 'colored' and 'white' signs over separate entrances to the same restroom.'

what a luxury to provide separate entrances for colors. What privilege. I'd like my own restroom entrance, too.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby jedrider » Fri 24 Apr 2020, 02:16:35

The Coming Collapse

However, the next financial crash, as Prins points out in her book “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World,” won’t be like the last one. This is because, as she says, “there is no Plan B.” Interest rates can’t go any lower. There has been no growth in the real economy. The next time, there will be no way out. Once the economy crashes and the rage across the country explodes into a firestorm, the political freaks will appear, ones that will make Trump look sagacious and benign.

Seems like a bad story to me. However, I always like reading what Chris Hedges says as he never seems to take the easy way out of a conundrum.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby noobtube » Sat 25 Apr 2020, 15:02:16

evilgenius wrote:At the risk of being called a racist for being white and talking about it, I would like to talk about the racial issue brought up by noobtube. Some of the accusations brought up are correct, in my opinion.

Red lining, among other things, is not that far in the past.


Several groups/nations did try to play along. The Cherokees come directly to mind. They developed an intricate modern to the day culture in response to the threat of whites settling their land. They thought they would nullify the colonialist's arguments for the way they were treated. That didn't work for them. They got ground under by 'manifest destiny.'

The problem (and this has always been the problem) is that whites attack anyone who is not white. Forget their contributions, intelligence, or wisdom.

Sure, a white here or there may object. But whites, and whiteness as a whole, has been a curse on the planet. Black people have been warning whites forever that there are consequences to rampant, unchecked violence that only serves to feed white ego.

But, there was always more land, more energy, more technology to exploit. Always, there was the question, what happens when it all runs out? What happens when you have the whole word operating under the white system and there is nothing left to exploit, and technology cannot save you?

It all falls apart, all the way back to the start. It ends whiteness as we know it and a new system emerges.

For all those who think their whiteness is going to save them this time, you have a long, grinding road into oblivion ahead of you.
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Re: Collapse of trickle-down freakconomics

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Sat 25 Apr 2020, 15:27:29

Of course there's no such thing as a "trickle down" economy. Just don't ask any of the 20+ workers that have filed for unemployment benefit. They obviously didn't get any benefit from up the pyramid. LOL.
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