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Epstein Jeffery

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First MOAB, fuse lit.....detonation imminent

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 02:58:49

Stop what you are doing, have a happy end if that is what it is :-D Easy come easy go...….

This will alter the way we, humanity, see things forever….right up until the end :roll:
The elite, demo or repub, whatever party name, we have 30 something in Holland, will not recover.

Alike the bombs on Japan a while ago, pilots made the run, payload dropped.
Lolita Express is grounded for life, that were the fuse to the first Mother Bomb, will go detonate the coming fall after the summer break I think. Battle between light and dark, the patriots choose Trump as public face for being sober, not drinking but seeing all party people doing what they do...….getting close to them, to the fire, to hell.
I used to think he wanted to become president for getting back at them elites as they ridiculed him being from Brooklyn, always wanted to take Manhattan.
Finally after 20 years, I waited for a response, for opposition, lost hope that it would ever arrive.
I already started to act, express my feelings with bold action, especially there, in the world of feelings...copy/paste :twisted:

Look at the YouTube, fine clarification.
First the primer, a warm up on satanic sex cults, then X22 report on grounded private jet, life/death in prison for J Epstein, and the rest. ... &FORM=VIRE

Google "Epstein temple" and follow the pics......not for the faint at heart.
This is not yet all, remember the rumors on the Bohemian Grove? Woody gangbangs at bonfires before that big owl?
Hundreds of people, children chopped up? Drugged to plant life? Things too terrible to write about?
The corrupt satanic party people, international and worldwide.
5000 lucifarians with money and half a million servants now running for the door or contemplating suicide.
We parents, patriots and pirates will hunt them down, reinstall the death penalty I suppose, and kill them all, every last freaking one of them.
The say 5000 lucifarians without money?
It is open season, we will get them as well, parenthood means taking care, watching over, to give your last breath if that is needed, to stand up and fight. To revenge, to get even, to make them pay, take everything.
Look at Brasil, millions of parents on the street, 2 million truckers blocking highways…….to protect our children.
France yellow jackets, millions on the move.
Holland? Nothing.

Just me rambling I guess :roll:

I am whitefang,
Mtn coyote with the heart of a boerboel, the only dog that thinks/acts for himself, attacks a threat to the farm, his family without waiting for a command of the master, waiting for a sign of approval.
My true nature, what I am, not my choice, just my fate, my road to travel, my part in this play.
I hunt psychopaths, the worst of the worst, just a hobby, not for monetary gain, a money making mission.
Trouble is to find them on the windy side, the kill itself takes 4 to 6 seconds, easy does it, no warning, no mercy, no prisoners. Trouble is that I can only do so much, a few kills at the most. For the strongest enemies, very large prey, those with personal power, dark magicians, you need to act with a team including female warriors, they are the toughest, magnificent fighters you can witness.

Known for howling at the moon, coyotes hunt at night and howl to communicate their location. They are also known for being "wily"; in fact, they are very smart creatures and have a heightened sense of hearing, smell and sight.
As humans take over more and more countryside, coyotes are adapting to living in cities to find food. In fact, it is becoming more and more common to see coyotes in big cities like New York and Los Angeles.
Coyotes are solitary creatures and mark their territory with urine. When hunting deer, however, they use teamwork and form packs. They take turns pursuing the deer until it tires, or they may drive the prey toward a hidden member of the pack, according to the University of Michigan’s Animal Diversity Web (ADW).
These hunters are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and hunt at night. This is why people usually only hear coyotes howling at night. Coyotes are not picky eaters. They eat small game such as rodents, rabbits, fish and frogs, and larger game like deer. Their diet is 90 percent mammalian.
They are typically thought to be only meat eaters, but they are actually omnivores — they eat meat and vegetation. When they aren't snacking on bigger prey, they will eat snakes, insects, fruit and grass.
The size of the litter depends on where the coyotes live. In areas where there are a lot of coyotes, there will be smaller litters. In areas with fewer coyotes, more pups will be born.
Both the male and female participate in taking care of the pups. The male will bring food to the female and the pups and help protect them from predators.

The protective character of the Boerboel is still evident and is much sought after, as is the calm, stable, and confident composure of the breed. The dogs are obedient and intelligent and have strong territorial instincts. The Boerboel remains the guarding breed of choice amongst current day farmers and is very popular for the same reason in urban communities.[7]The Boerboel is a very powerful breed of dog. Due to its use as a farm dog which brought it into conflict with large African predators such as lions, the Boerboel has been artificially selected for ability to protect themselves and others.

Boerboels are an intelligent and energetic breed.[5] They are loyal, great with children, and tend to be protective of their family and territory.[10][12]
They are quite charming when not being lazy, and will not hesitate to defend their loved ones to the death.[5]
They are often called "Velcro" dogs, always wanting to be with their owners, and so, are not prone to wandering off on their own.
The Boerboel also requires training and firm handling from an early age. [9] It is not unusual for this breed to display aggression toward other dogs or strangers.[13]

It might be wise to prepare for civil worldwide war, the first and last one in our history. ... afficking/

There were many other people who participated with him and made the sex trafficking possible"
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Jeffrey E. the dentist?

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 04:40:35 X22 update. ... 6413635584

Yes, why did Jeffrey E. have a fully equipped dental chair in his bathroom?
Easy clean up, the blood?

Now they can go for his head, they tried to burn evidence recently, just like the multimillion dollar clean up early this year.
But these idiots uploaded pics, intel and data on the cloud, alike CO2, that stays permanent, ready to fall back to Earth...hihi.
This is not a few journalists with advocates investigating satanic criminals, this is a well coordinated effort of people in power who had enough of child torture and murder, who choose like Ronald Bernard for the light, to expose them all, to force them to drop their masks and let everybody see them for what they are, petty scared little tyrants, the terrorists that brought all these wars, acts of genocide.

This is V for Vendetta, cartoon from 1984 I remember reding, cartoon like Watchmen. Fine movie with girl from Leon, Luc Besson.

Does New York have capital punishment? Or is it the state of Florida against lord Epstein? ... e-by-state

Yes, that is why parents of the hood, patriots choose Florida.....they will execute him after his last appeal in death row without parole, him and the rest of the gang, monstermob.

quote]States With the Death Penalty (29)
In addition, the U.S. Government and the U.S. Military retain the death penalty

Even for upstate NY, they can go under military rule for terrorists and go for a headshot.
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Dark Web Exposed

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 08:20:04 ... &FORM=VIRE

Hillery…….those cops who watched start vomiting, crying……..

Imagine putting to death the last 6 presidents of the USA

We are talking snuff movies here, nothing less.
Last edited by Whitefang on Tue 09 Jul 2019, 08:36:07, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: D. J. Trump Administration Geopolitics Pt. 2

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 08:21:02

White fang,

That’s a lot to wade through, and the information is a pretty small it of the overall content. It’s unlikely many folks will bother with it. It’s very rare for me to watch a you tube, I only did it because I’m bored eating for my Wife at the moment.

That said I found one or two bits interesting. It’s very possible there is some connection between the recent Nexium sex slave case (in NY) and this Epstein case. Perhaps the Nexium case uncovered some new info or pushed someone involved in both to flip. It’s also very interesting Comeys daughter is assigned to the case. And why did Pelosie’s daughter make that tweet about “faves” being implicated, very odd for a number of reasons.

But that’s about the sum of it, the rest is pretty wild speculation. Flights of fancy.

Remember the whole Pizza Gate fiasco? There was nothing there, it was all wild speculation. Yet some poor guy bought into it and acted poorly. He’s in a heap of trouble.

Best to let this play out and see where it goes, no doubt it will be interesting.
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Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 08:37:55

Thanks for your kind response Newfie,

I do hope you are right and it is just all those presidents/elites raping girls and boys...….
I am afraid the rape charges are just the warm up for the main feature, possibly after summer recess when everybody is charged up and ready to take the hit, the blow that will end our current masters, those who direct the big bucks.
My wife said she does not feel safe.....she feels my rage against the machine, those who sold out to twisted forces :twisted:

Heck, I lost a few pounds over the last months, angry at the mob, shame to be part of this humanity :oops: :cry: :evil:
Last edited by Whitefang on Tue 09 Jul 2019, 08:48:41, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Re: D. J. Trump Administration Geopolitics Pt. 2

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 08:44:34

I don’t approve of such actions, not one bit.

On the other hand are you really surprised? Once you start to look at history the image of the human race that emerges is not very flattering. As long as we have been there have been folks who are into diveiant behavior.

It’s a nice fantasy to think we can rid ourselves of such individuals but it’s highly unlikely, they keep cropping up like dandelions in your yard. We can knock them down, but we will be at it again next week as a new crop arises. It’s just a maintenance issue. Necessary but unsavory.

Society has mechanisms to guard against them, not always effective but best to let them do their job.
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Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 08:50:15

Society failed big time, every time since start of agriculture, we need a reset, an awakening.

If part upper class DC starts to commit suicide next year or next fall, maybe then we should accept pizzagate, orgy Island and the worldwide existence of satanic ritual child sacrifice, torture done by the people who should protect us from harm.

Same thing here in my lowlands, other names, same rituals :(

Yes, I have trouble calming down my feelings, been hunting these people for years now, seen enough darkness to make every sane person cry.
No worries mate, I have a strong heart and not as stupid as a dutch guy driving his car at the Royal Family, killing 3 bystanders.
Thank God I am ruthless, no basterd though….sweet and kind, happy to be :-D :)
If we manage to drain the swamp at least we can die with our heads high, stand tall and face the unknown without regrets.

I got much more pleasure tracking the weather and climate as opposed to whatever people are doing, good and bad to evil. ... ORM=VDRVRV

This is it...….it is going boom, blast and bang.
Look at body language, how difficult it is to talk about what they have seen on the video's, shocked and in horror, paralized.
It is real and happening, yummy pizza, the whole deal.
Not yet released to the media and way too awfull to ignore, the FBI who had no problem with 911 false flag cover up, massmurder of almost 3000 people.
No problem with high treason, wars and genocide.
No problem working for the party people since the start of FBI/CIA/DHD, to protect the 50 to 200 Trillion dollar treasure.
This is big, a direct hit at the heart, mother of all bombs.
This is what was needed.

Clintons eating children alive, we are going to put them to death, all lucifarians East and West.
After trial, with evidence.
This will hurt.

MOAB, the first one, many mothers to come.
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V for Vendetta, do you really want to know?

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 12:11:54 ... &FORM=VIRE

I did.
That we may correct our collective mistake to prevent this from happening

So the feds got snuff material and found out this data, intel had been downloaded to a third party.
This third person uploads the images and video on the dark web, experts can see for themselves, brilliant move.
So the public can take notice from trusted sources that it is all true, same for the media left and right, main mess or fringe.
Now we have darkleaks 8)
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Battle in real time

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 14:28:35

Yes, it is the patriots that are fighting back on all fronts now.
Using the net, exposing everything, FBI and Justice dep. are being cleaned out now.
Deep State enemies are being picked up, those willing to fight for light are being welcomed.
Together we can make America, and the rest great again.
I bet army leaders, admirals and command at Pentagon are being informed on the snuff thing.
We still have a whole lot of purging to do.

40.000 sealed indictments!!!!!!!! ... 28181a.png
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Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 10 Jul 2019, 05:19:58

Bit of a relinky but darn, am I happy as a puppy that just before the end of BAU, after over 2 decades of terror and true acts, crimes against humanity, the real terrorists are getting pounded, cornered and eliminated.
We are not there yet but this is a huge battle that we parents and patriots, won.

Like anonymous says, nothing like a few fresh drops to start the day……….a new day for a new world of freedom ... tions.html

One lawsuit accuses her, in graphic detail, of joining the paedophile financier in ‘sexually assaulting, battering, exploiting and abusing’ a 15-year-old girl.
Ms Maxwell, it must be stressed, has always vigorously denied each and every allegation against her.
But the scandal has failed to go away. A week ago, it returned to the front pages when an American woman called Virginia Roberts said in court papers that Ms Maxwell had recruited her to Epstein’s harem in the late 1990s before, in 2001, flying her across the Atlantic to meet Prince Andrew.
Roberts, who was 17, then claims to have slept with Andrew three times.
Ms Maxwell has called her claims ‘obvious lies’, while the Prince has put out three statements to the same effect.

Royalty down, media down...…..another two that bite the dust.


We FBI patriots have all the CD/tapes, CCTV down underneath that temple of doom and on the Lolita Express. ... &FORM=VIRE

This is Sparta!!!!!!!
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Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 10 Jul 2019, 07:53:29

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Re: Re: D. J. Trump Administration Geopolitics Pt. 2

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 10 Jul 2019, 08:47:50

White fang,

Please try to slow down on these posts. At least tell us if there is something specific you want us to look at. Otherwise that site is just like looking at spaghetti.
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Nobody interested?

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 10 Jul 2019, 10:41:29

Ok, no worries :roll:

Just my enthousiasm with the first real revolution since industry, maybe even since agriculture…...people taking power back and hunting those who have been corrupted by power.

I want you to focus on Q drops, Q equals POTUS.
Now it is his group, patriots turn to strike back at deep state.
I think you are not aware yet what is happening or still deaf and paralyzed from the blow, this is normal.

It means the start of a worldwide regime change, finally people had enough.
Epstein is the tool, to shed light on the darkness and fear that our rulers depend on.
His actions were the startshot to bring the battle in public view.

They cannot hide behind media, judges, police, politics anymore.
The mask of "leave no child behind" will no longer work. Like Hillary C. bailing out a child trafficker stopped at the Haiti border trying to cross with 30 kids for that Temple of Doom on Orgy Island. Like her eating a child alive and other satanic idiocy.
Epstein filmed everything going on for use in blackmail, patriots have it all, that is why agents FBI need mental help after viewing.
This case is not about child rape, porn and traffic, that is just the warmup, foreplay in a way.
This is about them PTB being lucifarians.

Just follow Q, the President of the United States, he and the patriots that are backing him are showing you, you just have to look.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump raised the matter in the third and final presidential debate when he told Mrs Clinton: "I was at a Little Haiti the other day in Florida.
"And I want to tell you, they hate the Clintons, because what's happened in Haiti with the Clinton Foundation is a disgrace."
Mrs Clinton retorted that she was proud of the foundation's work, and pointed out her rival's namesake charity had spent money on a lifesize portrait of himself.
The Clintons' history with the world's first black republic dates back to their 1975 honeymoon, when they met a voodoo priest and visited a hotel where Ernest Hemingway once stayed.

Voodoo, ritual chicken offerings right? ... recover-it ... red-it-up/

Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as “Pizzagate” did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking.
Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton. In the aftermath of Silsby’s arrest, her originally retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America and Haiti. The revelation of this news in November was either ignored by the Western media or attacked by Clinton controlled publications.

Now combine the two and you get satanic, lucifarian actions, like pizzagate but then worldwide, with blackmail proof and surviving eyewitness accounts.

Any questions? Ask Q. He tweets.
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Epstein Jeffery

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 10 Jul 2019, 18:52:04

I’m starting this thread on Epstein because he has come up in a couple of other threads and because this may well evolve into an important story. I’m putting the topic here because it fits the “government, society and the future” scope of the North America domain.

There is lots of speculation, I won’t try to summarize it, I’m sure it will all come out.

But I did want to lead this opening with a bit of new “news” or “speculation” I just became aware of. No clue if it’s true, just that it is being reported by reasonably well respected source. Vicky Ward and Vanity Fair.

“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.) ... e-it-alone

See also the below for Vanity Fairs explanation of why it pulled that bit. It also puts the oft quoted Trump comments in a different light. ... r.amp.html

And then this for yet a different take. ... air-piece/

There are two issues here: first is the obvious assertion of interference by some intelligence agency back around 2007. Secondly is that that Vanity Fair removed the bits about Epstein’s abuses back in 2003 when it seems they were widely known in the elite circles, which makes Vanity Fairs argument appear convenient.

Interesting if true.
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Re: Epstein Jeffery

Unread postby charmcitysking » Thu 11 Jul 2019, 07:36:11

Well, you can bet that if the NYT is running pieces on this, he’s worn out his welcome with The Agency.

Unlikely he’ll live to see his trial.
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Re: Re: D. J. Trump Administration Geopolitics Pt. 2

Unread postby asg70 » Thu 11 Jul 2019, 09:46:36

Newfie wrote:Please try to slow down on these posts.

If only you applied the same rules to Armageddon.

-Billions are on the verge of starvation as the lockdown continues. (yoshua, 5/20/20)

-Short welched on a bet and should be shunned.
-Frequent-flyers should not cry crocodile-tears over climate-change.
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Re: Epstein Jeffery

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 11 Jul 2019, 10:00:06

Degenerate society... This maggot will be put away ..... and now for a politically incorrect question nobody is asking and you are not reading about in the media. These 14 year old girls went to Eppstein to earn hundreds of dollars performing erotic massages. Yes they were minors. But the money was good and his house was beautiful and in the mind of a 14 year old this was a great way to get a bunch of bucks in order to go to the mall and buy all kinds of bling.. yes they were minors and yes today they are psychologically traumitized adults but what about the values of a culture where a 14 year old thinks its cool and ok to erotically massage an old giezer for money?

Where are the indictments against our degenerate society....
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Re: Re: D. J. Trump Administration Geopolitics Pt. 2

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 11 Jul 2019, 10:36:30

asg70 wrote:
Newfie wrote:Please try to slow down on these posts.

If only you applied the same rules to Armageddon.

That post is off topic and is personal. Please abide by the forum rules and general civility.
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Re: Epstein Jeffery

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 11 Jul 2019, 10:48:13


IMHO it’s not this generation or society, it’s humans. We are not a very savory or highly cultured species. There are many, many examples of human abuse join humans almost as far back as written history. Our cultural norms change, some things are allowed some things are banned, Times and attitudes change.

It saying that there are no degenerate segments of society, I just don’t think it is a whole lot different now that whenever.

On a personal note one thing that irks me is it seems there are more stories focusing on trying to blame this or that politician, not in the story itself and the abuses.
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Re: Jeffrey E. the dentist?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 11 Jul 2019, 16:28:50

Whitefang wrote:Does New York have capital punishment?

I don't think so, but the state of New York isn't involved in prosecuting Epstein anyway. There is a federal indictment of Epstein from New York, but the state of New York isn't involved in the prosecution to my knowledge.

You have to consider that New York is a D state, and Epstein was a major donor to the Clintons and to other Ds. Chuck Schumer, for instance, the D minority leader in the Senate is from NY state, and hereceived multiple campaign donations from Epstein through the years. Epstein also seems to have given million to various Clinton campaigns and initiatives. I wouldn't look for New York Ds to take steps against Epstein, anymore then they took steps against Bernie Madoff, another big D donor who lived and committed crimes freely in New York for years before the feds moved on him.

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