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The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Fri 29 Dec 2017, 13:23:46

onlooker wrote:Yes, I have been a vocal critic of the US Empire but I am not so naive to think that ONLY the US GOVT. or Western media lie.

However, from my vantage point where I see both sides (us and them) I can see that the west is closest to totalitarian in terms of its information space. People in the west trust their media while this media pushes tired narratives and cherry picks facts. The objects of western hate have populations without any tradition of giving their media the benefit of the doubt. So it is ludicrous to hear the western media portray those populations as being led around by the nose by their "state run media" (a blood libel in many cases). It is western populations that are led around by the nose since they choose to submit to this of their own free will.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby onlooker » Fri 29 Dec 2017, 13:42:08

Great point Dissident and one I totally agree with. In the US especially we have been trained and force fed this narrative of we are in the land of the Free and home of Democracy. When in fact, what I have seen is that the US govt and Transnational Corporations have an extensive history of outright lying. Some of us Americans are waking up to that, thanks to the Net. Look at the cigarette companies and even Exxon Mobile lying about the true nature of their products. Correct me if I am wrong Dissident but was not that huge incident with the Cuban Missile is a canard ie. false propaganda. The US in fact first placed missiles in some country nearby to the Soviet Union. But we in the West never heard about
this. So, yes the narrative is the West is where true Democracy and Freedom abound. That is far from the truth but many in the West came to believe that.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sun 09 Sep 2018, 11:20:29

Why should NBC have any credibility as a news organization? This is not analogous to "we are all humans and make mistakes". News corporations are not humans and any evidence of bias and information suppression instantly exposes them as propaganda outfits.

This is another reason why small independent media is likely to be more factual. A few individuals sticking their necks out to go against the MSM drivel stream are not anonymous, lawyer-protected manipulators. As we are seeing the corporations that control the public information space can shut them down without any effort and sanction. None of these corporations can be given the benefit of the doubt.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 09 Sep 2018, 12:55:40

Why was not NBC upfront about Harvey Weinstein? Just cut out the bullshit please.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby lpetrich » Wed 01 May 2019, 07:01:40

Newfie wrote:That American MSM is biased and driven by the demographics is prima facia obvious. Pandering to the reader base. There is very little of any value in the "news." IMHO most MSM content is editorial or entertainment in content, the is extreamely little actual "news." Analysis is likewise lacking.

In other words, the MSM is guilty of practicing capitalism. Yes, capitalism.

CNN, for instance, could be called the Capitalist News Network.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Cog » Wed 01 May 2019, 07:56:06

It would be more accurate to call it the Clinton New Network since they were and are carrying water 24/7 for her.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 01 May 2019, 08:06:34

how about focusing a moment on the credibility of individuals who contemplate the credibility of shit media outlets.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Wed 01 May 2019, 09:40:03

The telling comparison is when one compares the online version of almost anything with the fixed and unchanging version in printed texts and other sources. The conclusion you soon reach is that the online version is being edited in realtime and to (an) agenda(s) that are uncertain at best.

My usual collaborator at Boston College and myself are hard at work for our Historical Association editor chronicling the end of the whaling era in the early 20th Century. This is about a century out of my comfort zone, most of my research and writing being about that clichéd era of "wooden ships and iron men".

I have a secret weapon. The wife's grandmother - who was also a History buff and avid collector of books - left a collection of texts in which she had entered her "corrections" in the margins, not infrequently with some acerbic commentary. I observe her comments, do the research to back them up, and collect the praise for my "rare insight into the period". I do plan to confess all before publication, and to dedicate this book to her. 35 years ago, I carried her coffin, and the wife was devastated. I now wish I had known her better, but I was then pre-occupied with the new phase of my career in Silicon Valley.

If you think you can believe anything you read online, without independant offline confirmation, you have already lost your way. I do not know how this will work out in the long run. I suspect that had Stalin had as powerfull a tool as the internet, Americans would be learning Russian in school.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 01 May 2019, 12:36:56

Ibon wrote:how about focusing a moment on the credibility of individuals who contemplate the credibility of shit media outlets.

Not a clue what you mean. Please clarify. I know of Media Bias Fact Check.

I was pissing about CNN this morning because their headline was contrary to the written content.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 01 May 2019, 14:10:11

Newfie wrote:
Ibon wrote:how about focusing a moment on the credibility of individuals who contemplate the credibility of shit media outlets.

Not a clue what you mean. Please clarify. I know of Media Bias Fact Check.

I was pissing about CNN this morning because their headline was contrary to the written content.

Make your own narrative instead of gleaning bullshit. That is what I meant.

To elaborate, The news I gathered this morning was the location of a nest that a Spot Crowned Woodcreeper revealed as he landed close to his nest cavity with a big fat worm. The Band tailed Pigeons announced with their arrival that the palomo berries are ripe.
The Pacific moisture is winning the battle against the Caribbean winds that have held them at bay. A wild fuchsia bush is attracting honey bees.

These are the headlines of May 1st that interest me, not the shit that is spewed on mass madia.

Where do you get your news?
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 01 May 2019, 14:33:08

Varies. If you mean MSM news I look here first, Fox, CNN, USAToday, BBC, and sometimes some India news.

If you mean things like you are mentioning it depends upon where I am. Someplaces tue community has a morning VHF radio net, but other places you get it from the locals or other cruisers you interact with. The. There is often some kind of natural event; birds, fish, sea life, whatever.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby lpetrich » Wed 01 May 2019, 15:15:52

Cog wrote:It would be more accurate to call it the Clinton New Network since they were and are carrying water 24/7 for her.

Seems like anything short of sycophantic praise for Dear Leader Donald Trump is automatically sycophantic praise for The Other Side.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Cog » Wed 01 May 2019, 17:10:23

For two years CNN and MSNBC ran a daily narrative that consisted of Russian collusion and "This is a bombshell and Trump is finished". How did that work out for them, except to show their viewing audience that the main stream media either lied to them or were completely inept? Mueller was supposed to be the savior of all those who bought into their collusion narrative. Well folks, there wasn't any.

I know this must sting when you place all your hopes into what CNN reported daily as a fact and it all blows up in your face. Sort of like Hillary believing in the polling data until election night. The tears were so funny to watch.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sun 05 May 2019, 10:47:26

The support by the US fake stream media for corporate totalitarianism is sickening.

But keep chasing that ebil Roshians meddling crock to your graves, saps.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby ralfy » Sun 05 May 2019, 11:58:38

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Cog » Sun 05 May 2019, 12:50:55

ralfy wrote:This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!

We live in a Constitutional Republic so anything you say after that is flawed.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Ibon » Sun 05 May 2019, 15:11:47

dissident wrote:But keep chasing that ebil Roshians meddling crock to your graves, saps.

4 Russians staying with us for an extended stay are anything but evil. They brought me caviar and vodka. We have become a tribe by night visiting the light traps and by day doing taxonomy on the beetles and moths we collected. One of these guests who speaks the best english was a Russian soldier in the Afghan war years ago.

I like my news from real organic people, folks whose lives are rich and nuanced.

The news media is only for people who are unable to create their own narrative.

There are many such folks who only know how to follow the dogma of others, many even here on this site actually. Many on the political right and many on the political left.

Mediocre and dumbed down. Idiocy further enabled by the digital DE EVOLUTION gripping the planet.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 05 May 2019, 17:22:59

Back in the USA enroute to Canada had dinner with some old Lefty friends last night. 3 couples and the host to a lot luck.

2 Social workers, one grade school teacher, one (very) ex model, a research MD, and a extremely highly respected lawyer (argues before the Supreme Court.) We got into politics, climate change, the future.

I was surprised at the range of opinions and emotions ran high at times. The lawyer, although a very staunch liberal, is no dummy and honestly seeking the truth, at least for himself. He thought there was “ample” evidence for the Mueller investigation and when asked thought there was also “ample” evidence to investigate spygate (FISA/Steele).

Some wanted to impeach Barr (and the Pope!) and others defended the Church. On climate change we all processed to be alarmed, including the MD who has greatly changed his position over the years. At one time we had hard words over this. The Lawyer thinks it’s critical we determine what level of life we want for humanity and to determine what number that is. But he was shocked when most of us supported low (500 million to 1 billion) numbers, including his wife who was adamant. Interesting night.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Cog » Sun 05 May 2019, 17:55:06

To truly understand a topic, whether it be climate change, politics, religion, etc. you have to dig deep and do the work to understand it. Most people don't feel like spending the time and just take someone else's word to form their opinions. When you get into deep discussions on any subject, where you have done the brain work, you find out how shallowly rooted most people's opinions are in the actual facts of the matter. People are busy with life and just don't enjoy the research.

For even those who have done the research, we can still disagree since our biases filter the facts that go into forming an opinion. You see this in the Special Counsel investigation everyday depending on who you are listening to or reading.
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