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Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Re: Carbon credits gone awry: Coolant companies raise output

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Tue 25 Aug 2015, 02:37:47

Where have I heard this before? Oh, yeah, in this 2012 thread.
Credit scheme backfired, hiking greenhouse gases, study finds
August 24, 2015
A global scheme meant to keep atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) levels in check instead caused some 600 million tonnes of excess emissions, researchers said Monday.
They blamed a loophole in the Kyoto Protocol's Joint Implementation (JI) mechanism which allowed countries to earn and sell credits for emissions cuts which were "not real".
Russia and Ukraine were the main offenders, reported authors Lambert Schneider and Anja Kollmuss from the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
But a flaw in the system created a "perverse incentive" for countries to create and incinerate more waste gases to earn more credits, said a study by the same authors, published simultaneously in the journal Nature Climate Change.
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Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 21 Jul 2018, 00:35:50

If you want more of something, subsidize it.

If you less of something, tax it.

Of course a tax on carbon will result in fewer CO2 emissions.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 10 Nov 2018, 13:54:48

There was an initiative on the ballot to institute a carbon tax in Washington state---one of the "bluest" states in the USA.


The Ds voted against the carbon tax.

Meanwhile, their world is literally burning down around their ears. Forest fires in Washington, Oregon, California, western Canada and the western US are exploding in size and frequency due to extended heat waves and drought, and the smoke from these fires covered much of Washington states for weeks this summer.

And yet they voted against a carbon tax.


Global warming? Forest fires? Who cares----let it all burn say the Ds in Washington State.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion

Unread postby GHung » Sat 10 Nov 2018, 14:37:58

Plantagenet wrote:There was an initiative on the ballot to institute a carbon tax in Washington state---one of the "bluest" states in the USA.


The Ds voted against the carbon tax.

Meanwhile, their world is literally burning down around their ears. Forest fires in Washington, Oregon, California, western Canada and the western US are exploding in size and frequency due to extended heat waves and drought, and the smoke from these fires covered much of Washington states for weeks this summer.

And yet they voted against a carbon tax.

Global warming? Forest fires? Who cares----let it all burn say the Ds in Washington State.

While Washington doesn't have an income tax, taxes on everything else are quite high. Even labor gets slapped with a sales tax. It's tough to get the people there to approve any more taxes, politics aside. What Planty didn't explain, from the link: "Americans in at least seven states voted on ballot initiatives during the 2018 midterm elections....". Most failed. Of course, Planty never misses a chance to denigrate so-called blue states. Then, again, Alaskans have a thing about Washington because so many want to go there to escape the Alaskan winters while not registering their cars, etc, and avoiding establishing residency. They pretend to be tourists for half the year so they can keep their nice 'socialist' APFC checks coming in.

As for Plant's claim that Washington is one of the "bluest" states, only 44% there are Democrats or lean Democrat. Not exactly a majority. Calling the state "blue" is a bit misleading. No surprise there.

Question for Planty: Did Bill Walker's climate initiative even make it to the ballot? I recall a lot of Alaska burning in recent years.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion

Unread postby Cog » Sat 10 Nov 2018, 16:04:33

Washington State has a Democrat Governor. Has a Democrat majority state House and Senate. Both US Senators from Washington State are Democrats. Six out of ten US congressmen from Washington are Democrats. How much more of a blue state does it have to be before its called a blue state?

Oh I forgot. The voters in Washington state just turned .22 rifles into assault weapons. WTF? Lot of Californication going on in Washington State.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion

Unread postby GHung » Sat 10 Nov 2018, 16:55:16

Cog wrote:Washington State has a Democrat Governor. Has a Democrat majority state House and Senate. Both US Senators from Washington State are Democrats. Six out of ten US congressmen from Washington are Democrats. How much more of a blue state does it have to be before its called a blue state?

Oh I forgot. The voters in Washington state just turned .22 rifles into assault weapons. WTF? Lot of Californication going on in Washington State.

Again, misleading. This was a ballot initiative decided by voters. it failed 56/44, pretty much the ratio of non-Democrat to Democrats/lean Democrat in the state.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion

Unread postby Cog » Sat 10 Nov 2018, 17:10:13

I just said the voters passed the gun initiative. It passed overwhelming. Did I stutter? Yes, that makes the voters just as commie blue as their legislators. Voluntary disarmament by the left. LOL Sad but true. 60% of Washington State voters are idiots.

Washington voters this week approved Initiative 1639, a sweeping package of new gun regulations. It passed with more than 60 percent of the vote. ... w-will-do/
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Yellow Jackets in France protesting carbon taxes

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 05:46:30

France protests and the 'yellow vests’ deep anger reveal the hypocrisy at the heart of the green agenda
By Jarrett Stepman

The European elites can’t be happy with what is happening in France.

Over the last month, hundreds of thousands of angry French citizens have joined in “yellow vest” protests, initially sparked by proposed carbon taxes on fuel. This weekend, protester turnout was down, but the violence was up.

While the destructive rioting should be deplored, the underlying problems that led to this moment should not be ignored.

French President Emmanuel Macron once heralded as a visionary “centrist” leader who would pull France and the world into glorious modernity, now finds himself in hot water.

Macron once mused that France may need a king, and others compared him to Napoleon.

But as Abraham Lincoln once said to bumbling Union Gen. Joseph Hooker, who incautiously spoke about setting up an American dictatorship: “Only those generals who gain successes can set up dictators.”

The praise of Macron as a transformative leader now seems premature.

Just last year, President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord, saying that he would put “no other consideration before the well-being of American citizens.” He also vowed to reject an agreement that would force taxpayers to “absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production.”

The media blasted Trump for his decision while praising Macron, who enthusiastically endorsed the climate pact. Rubbing his thumb in Trump’s eye, Macron went on to campaign on the pledge of “Make Our Planet Great Again.”

It didn’t work out well for Macron or his country. His approval rating has plunged to 23 percent—less than half that of Trump. And Paris is literally burning

As for the climate agenda Macron so warmly embraced: it is turning to ashes as well.

The green agenda bills itself as a movement to save the planet and fight inequality. But in truth, its anti-carbon policies fall hardest on middle class and working class people who can’t afford sky high energy costs and may lose their jobs in industries that the Greens want to put out of business.

Increasingly, however, those hit hard by these policies are realizing that the environmentalist piety projects of the well-to-do also just so happen to make them even more well-to-do in the process.

Revenues from France’s carbon tax were set to subsidize green industries like wind and solar, even as Macron began shuttering 14 nuclear of the nation’s 58 power plants. The Green God of Paris also aims to shut all French coal plants by 2022.

Climate crusaders like Macron may say it’s all about saving the world and stopping climate change, but the process always involves funneling tons of money from constituencies they don’t like to ones they do.

In other words: Crony capitalism.

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of people who want to import this disastrous agenda to the United States, even as it immolates Europe. It’s already on its way in California and perhaps in Congress through the so-called Green New Deal proposed by Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

The events in France should serve as an early warning for Americans about the costs of ignoring the forgotten man.

The yellow jacket protests are over more than just a single, obnoxious tax. They arise from the failure of Western leaders, like Macron, to look out for the interests of their people as a whole instead of just their favored classes.

The enraged, resentful citizens in the streets of Paris and rural roads of the countryside have no interest in crowning a new king. But they are fed up with paying ever-rising climate taxes so their “betters” in the drawing rooms of Paris and Brussels can feel good about themselves and pad the wallets of their business cronies.

America has fortunately set another course—one toward prosperity and away from the stifling, job-killing energy policies that
have left Paris with boarded up shop windows and tear gas wafting down the Champs-Elysées.

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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 12:35:54

The Ds in the US had already abandoned the idea of a carbon tax back in the Obama administration.

Now, thanks to Macron's political bungling and cowardice, it looks like the liberal elites in Europe will also abandon plans to use carbon taxes to reduce CO2 emissions.

As a result, global CO2 emissions that are rising rapidly now will continue to rise, and global warming will continue and even accelerate.

Thanks American Ds and liberals and EU social democrats and leftists for your fecklessness and failure to lead and overall utter cowardice on this issue.

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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 14:57:58

GHung wrote:As for Plant's claim that Washington is one of the "bluest" states, only 44% there are Democrats or lean Democrat. Not exactly a majority. Calling the state "blue" is a bit misleading. No surprise there.

You just make stuff up out of whole cloth when it suits you.

Where are your credible recent citations for this?

Liberals now have a significant advantage in Washington state. (15 percent margin for party affiliation.) High taxes and things like a high minimum wage are liberal policies. Political momentum in Washington (aside from repeatedly voting against a CO2 tax) is decidedly liberal.

As Plant said, that's a mighty blue map of political power to claim it's mostly Republican. :roll:

They went for HRC nearly 3 to 2 over Trump in 2016. How conservative is THAT?

I will provide references: ... state.aspx ... re-liberal ... ton_(state) ... ton_(state)
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 15:05:46

Plant, there are a couple of other possibilities:

1) That the primary cause of Global Warming was and always has been and will continue to be the entirely natural and slow withdrawal from the last Glacial phase. The fossil record has evidence of at least 262 Glacials and Inter-Glacials. We are still within the bounds of most of these, and the present Inter-Glacial most resembles that of the fourth most recent, which started around 450,000bp and lasted until 420,000bp:
In fact, neither the temperatures nor the duration of the present warming exceed those of the past, nor the rate of temperature change.

2) That even if mankind is injecting GHG's into the atmosphere at an unprecendented rate, natural feedback processes will mitigate, moderate, and reverse such the resultant temperature changes. Hard to tell, because AGW mitigation is not popular with those who model climate, and they are not modelling such. They could if they wanted to, but the "Chicken Little" approach and the resultant "Doom, Doom, Doom!" are clearly necessary to get published today. One must never suggest that an emergency does not exist.

There are multiple threads on both such topics. I would juust like to point out that AGW is a theory, and that nobody alive today could possibly live long enough to answer the question for sure, because the next Climatic Optimum is somewhere between 1200 and 12,000 years in the future.

One last comment: Arguing that we must cease to burn FF's as long as cheap and plentiful FF's exist, is a non-starter of an idea. That is a precise parallel to arguing with a cancer patient that they should shoot themselves in the head before their disease first makes them miserable and then kills them. Because until we convert our existing energy-rich civilization to something more efficient, about three quarters of the existing humans depend entirely upon foodstuffs grown and harvested and processed and transported with cheap FF's.

"Kicking the Can", letting those people live, while we slowly convert to a more efficient infrastructure that preserves the largest number of humans, is both viable and the most likely path that we will take. I'm not at all looking forward to a world with 10 billlion humans, but I think we will see such and not to far from today.

Because we can survive AGW, as uncomfortable as that will be. But presently, and until many changes can be brought about to reduce dependance upon FF's, we cannot survive ceasing to burn FF's.
Last edited by KaiserJeep on Sun 09 Dec 2018, 15:14:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 15:11:03

KaiserJeep wrote:Plant, there are a couple of other possibilities:

1) That the primary cause of Global Warming was and always has been and will continue to be the entirely natural and slow withdrawal from the last Glacial phase.

Except the massive preponderance of the scientific evidence shows that's CLEARLY untrue.

KaiserJeep wrote:2) That even if mankind is injecting GHG's into the atmosphere at an unprecendented rate, natural feedback processes will mitigate, moderate, and reverse such temperature changes.


I would juust like to point out that AGW is a theory, and that nobody alive today could possibly live long enough to answer the question for sure, because the next Climatic Optimum is somewhere between 1200 and 12,000 years in the future.

Typical denialist rhetoric.

Gravity is just "a theory" too. Evolution deniers tried this line of "reasoning" when proposing "creation science", and that didn't work either.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 15:25:08

Plant, there is plentiful evidence of both warming and cooling. The best dataset that we have is the Earthsat data that integrates the black body radiation from an entire visible hemisphere and derives an average temperature, for example. Inconveniently, such data shows cooling where AGW says warming should exist.

We are not resolving this here and today. I merely wanted to remind you that the controversy is still ongoing, and will be for decades or centuries to come.

I'm not ready for, nor will I support, ceasing to burn the FF's that so many humans need to live. Make a plan that allows them to live on, and I'll listen. But don't try and sell me the suicide approach to "fixing" the unproven theory of AGW.

Because in actuality, what you called a "massive preponderance of the scientific evidence" is a not-so-massive preponderance of scientific opinion, based on a selected subset of observations that carefully excludes any of the abundant evidence of global cooling.
Last edited by KaiserJeep on Sun 09 Dec 2018, 15:32:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 15:31:10

KaiserJeep wrote:Plant, there are a couple of other possibilities:

1) That the primary cause of Global Warming was and always has been and will continue to be the entirely natural and slow withdrawal from the last Glacial phase.

That would make sense except we have actually already started the natural and slow withdrawal and cooling from the current Interglacial phase. If you look at the paleo data, Peak interglacials are short-lived and then climate naturally slides back into another glaciation. The current interglacial, known as the Holocene, is already past its peak and without global warming we'd be on our way back into another glaciation.

But that isn't happening. Instead, thanks to global warming, we are heating up.

KaiserJeep wrote:2) even if mankind is injecting GHG's into the atmosphere at an unprecendented rate....


There is no "if" about it. We are burning up coal and NG and oil at an unprecedented rate and atmospheric chemistry is being changed in radical ways.

KaiserJeep wrote: ....natural feedback processes will mitigate, moderate, and reverse such the resultant temperature changes.

OF course that is possible. But I don't see it yet.

I hope that happens as well, but I'm not going to put my faith in it.

I think it is more likely that we will continue to use fossil fuels, the planet will continue to warm up, and we'll see sea level rise, drought, heat waves, flash floods, forest fires, and other things continue and accelerate going forward. I also think the rate of global warming will be at the high end of the IPCC estimates, because the process the IPCC used to estimate climate sensitivity tends to underestimate the actual effects of CO2 in causing global warming.


PS: HOPE you're having a great day, KJ. We're still having a record warm winter here in Alaska and its been great. I've been skiing so hard I've got a sore knee so I'm taking a day off.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 15:34:47

Plant, I am 67 years old. For my entire life, there have always been reported record temperatures, both highs and lows, reported from multiple places on Earth, for as long as I can remember.

Try again, you are presently entirely anecdotal.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 20:35:42

KaiserJeep wrote:Plant, there is plentiful evidence of both warming and cooling.

Only local and often brief evidence for cooling. Cool spots on a rapidly warming planet.

And I notice you don't show meaningful citations for the cooling.

Meanwhile, the IPCC, NASA, etc. has lots and lots of evidence that the planet is warming.

For example:

The last time the Earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago ... /96713338/

But of course your cool spots are evidence of your belief that ... you know more than all the climate scientists. Congrats.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 09 Dec 2018, 21:28:38

I weary of pointing this out, but WARMING is the natural and expected result of the Milanković cycles. That the entire hemisphere has a measured (from Earth-facing satellite sensors) temperature that is low plus a cooling trend, remains unexplained.

Perhaps after all, the topic of climate is complex and as of yet, not properly modelled.
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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 10 Dec 2018, 00:24:06

KaiserJeep wrote:I weary of pointing this out, but WARMING is the natural and expected result of the Milanković cycles.

Thats not true.

The peak in solar insolation due to Milankovitch cycles occured about 11-8,000 years ago, at the end of the last ice age and the beginning of the Holocene.

Milankovitch climate cycles have been producing a very slow COOLING since then and that is exactly what the paleo data shows. Its not until the industrial revolution in the 18th-19th centuries that rapid warming began as CO2 was released into the atmosphere due to fossil fuel consumption.

Check out this link for more info.


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Re: Carbon trading/tax News and Discussion pt.2

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 10 Dec 2018, 01:35:21

The orbital mechanics are complex and the glacials/interglacials are not periodic. The current interglacial resembles none of the three most recent, but greatly resembles the fourth most recent, which began around 450,000bp and lasted until 420,000bp, a period of "only" 30,000 years. This one is around 10,000 years old, so far. If the entirely natural warming continues for more than another 20,000 years, I'll be greatly surprised. I peg the approaching Climatic Optimum at 1,200 to 12,000 years after today myself.

If you want to make a case that warming is occurring beyond what is expected, feel free to try. But note that the typical interglacial warms to 2 degrees C above where we are today, you won't be finding any proof in temperature records.
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Carbon Tax is a SCAM!

Unread postby dolanbaker » Mon 10 Dec 2018, 06:24:09

All the tax does is make rich people richer, without actually doing anything to help the environment.
It’s like trying to reduce gun crime by taxing the lead used to make bullets.
Continuing growth and profits are all that industry & governments are interested in.
We should be eliminating planned obsolescence and manufacturing products that functions reliably for years and can be repaired when it goes wrong.
Manufacturing products that fail after a relatively short time and can’t be repaired produces far more pollution that making long-lasting products in the first place.
Each and every stage of the manufacturing process from extracting the raw material all the way to the dump produces profits for someone as well as pollution.
Look at what’s really damaging the environment and you’ll find that CO2 emissions are the least of it.
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