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Multiculturalism is bad for feminism.

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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby threadbear » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 01:31:07

purcatty wrote:The 19th century was very respectful
not pop ma, etc, dressed nice without washing machines, honest,
worked hard. Trouble makers were beaten hung and shot. Now the police are hung out to dry.
But you are right. Feminizm is nothing but sexism, it will disapear.
Go back to the plan nature developed, the family unit and protection from assault.
There will be no more big government to support unstable mono families, and make sure cultures are intermixed and supported.
I really don't think there will be many whites left in the south or california, those gangs will rule, whites will have to live up north where it is cold, take what is left.

LEt me tell you how sexist tho=se gangs are:
Many beat women for points, multiple partners, none marry or support their children and they have sex every night despite what their property says or complains about, it is really low, vile and disgusting. Drunk every day and night, and on meth or drugs, and when the mothers correct their kids the boyfriends slap them silly, the children are spoiled brats. They kill for fun. No kidding. This will be what is in the majority. Move north now while you can.

The inevitable result, and this is virtually certain, as the gov fails there will be one huge three way civil war. Huge. Big.This will do more damage than anything else.

Yep Purcatty, Too damned bad the feds cracked down on the Black Panthers, neutralizing them as a potent unifying force within the black community, just before all of their manufacturing jobs were outsourced. What you're describing is a culture that has been partially annhilated.

If you're white, you're likely descended from imperialist powers who have destroyed billions of lives and thousands of cultures across the globe. But you've avoided the cultural decimation. Until now.....The white middle class is being impoverished slowly, by the same forces.
So now it's your turn. Now you get to see what every other person in the world has experienced. Being pi**ed on by power.
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 09:30:41

Kylon wrote:Feminism won't go away, it will simply change form.

Those women who are feminist now, will be feminist later, even if they have to make concessions.

So, what form will feminism take politically?

We will hear again argumets about maximum thickness of stick, which can lawfully be used for wife beating purpose.

I'm thinking that feminist, seeing a possible complete erosion of their freedoms will opt for some type of stalinesque government in order to try and maintain the rights and privileges that feminism has procured for women at the expense of men.

The point is, that women will lose jobs giving them freedom now.
Substantial proportion of "in office" or "value added" jobs will be lost.
I can imagine feminist manually laboured girl farm or female teams working in mines, like some of them in China do, but it is not what western feminists (and close to 100% of of the mill females) are after.
So the moovement will lose most of means to carry on.

Women will be afraid that without a ultra powerful government in place, men won't share the pie. So they'll make concessions in the short term such as going back to a more traditional way of life temporarily, while using all of their political force to reinforce the government's power, at the expense of personal freedoms. Once the government is completely totalitarian, and in control, and the nanny state has been constructed, they will go back to pursuing their freedoms with feminist friendly dictators.

Possibly that will be attempted.
Nevertheless totalitarian governments are not lasting long and struggle between sexes to achieve supremacy is one of best ways to stop any system from working.

The new nanny state will be completely biased in favor of women instead of men.

PO & GW will deal with "nanny state" concept.
What do you think?

Feminists organizations may attempt that as last ditch attempt to stay afloat, but overally in PO environment they are doomed.
That is only a matter of (not very long) time.
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 09:41:42

Chris25 wrote:
Plantagenet wrote:Image

Yes please!!!

That one is good.
Let her stay that way.
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 09:45:54

threadbear wrote:I think a lot of young women will simply opt to not have children, particularly in the cities of the third world. The backlash in those countries against centuries of male domination is going to be pretty extreme.

The real demographic shift and source of woe will be the geriacracy; all of the old people angling everything even more in their favor at the expense of younger people.

I think, you are totally misunderstanding non-US world.
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby threadbear » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 13:33:16

EnergyUnlimited wrote:
threadbear wrote:I think a lot of young women will simply opt to not have children, particularly in the cities of the third world. The backlash in those countries against centuries of male domination is going to be pretty extreme.

The real demographic shift and source of woe will be the geriacracy; all of the old people angling everything even more in their favor at the expense of younger people.

I think, you are totally misunderstanding non-US world.

Nope. I understand the effects of densification in an urban atmosphere. Give a couple 5 or 600 square feet of apartment space, with no hope of acquiring more, and access to birth control, and see how many kids they have. People who overpopulate are those who have the space to do so.
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 15:07:44

threadbear wrote:
EnergyUnlimited wrote:
threadbear wrote:I think a lot of young women will simply opt to not have children, particularly in the cities of the third world. The backlash in those countries against centuries of male domination is going to be pretty extreme.

The real demographic shift and source of woe will be the geriacracy; all of the old people angling everything even more in their favor at the expense of younger people.

I think, you are totally misunderstanding non-US world.

Nope. I understand the effects of densification in an urban atmosphere. Give a couple 5 or 600 square feet of apartment space, with no hope of acquiring more, and access to birth control, and see how many kids they have. People who overpopulate are those who have the space to do so.

Again, that only works in US or other western countries.
In Third world it is often the case, that the poorer you are, the more children you have.
Also birth control is disliked in many religious countries (Pakistan is good example).
Note, that third worlders are usually very religious.
Neither giving 5-6 hundreds of sq. feet of flats for couples there is a viable solution. In reality most of them are living in slumps now, and it will only get worst, not better, down the slope of Hubbert curve.
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby lper100km » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 16:10:57

Given the implied disruptions post peak, I think the ‘isms will become ’wasms
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby Bas » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 16:28:46

instead of demanding abortion rights women will demand the right to bear children as one child policies will be instituted backed up by forced abortions.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby threadbear » Wed 06 Jun 2007, 18:07:09

Energy Unlimited, I actually think that the third world has hit bottom and is on it's way up, in terms of population control. Just my intuition. Though I agree with you that there are religious considerations, I think that most of the large families are in rural communities or first generation in the city or shantytown, where it's still a deeply ingrained habit to have many kids.

Nobody with a minimal education, in the future, is going to choose to have a lot of kids. In Quebec the average was at least 6, probably more like 8 children per family. Now they are losing French Canadian population, probably more than any province. That's a backlash effect.
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 07 Jun 2007, 05:55:10

Bas wrote:instead of demanding abortion rights women will demand the right to bear children as one child policies will be instituted backed up by forced abortions.

Current economic paradigm requires population growth.
Collapse of that paradigm will mean collapse of integrated global society.
There will be very little, what can be done in coming "Dark Agaes", as highly integrated societes with sophisticated legal/law enforcement systems will cease to exist after short period of authoritarian rules.
Disease, famine and war will address population problems.
With progress of time postmodern feudal societies will form and average life expectancy will drop to 45 years or something around that.

Concerning women rights:
Those poor and destituted will stuggle with upheal battle to postpone return of times when being raped at will of rich or powerful is a normal way of life.
Women from rich/powerful families will obviously stay immune to this peril, save some rare occurences like loss of "family influence".
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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 07 Jun 2007, 06:16:37

threadbear wrote:Energy Unlimited, I actually think that the third world has hit bottom and is on it's way up, in terms of population control. Just my intuition. Though I agree with you that there are religious considerations, I think that most of the large families are in rural communities or first generation in the city or shantytown, where it's still a deeply ingrained habit to have many kids.

Nobody with a minimal education, in the future, is going to choose to have a lot of kids. In Quebec the average was at least 6, probably more like 8 children per family. Now they are losing French Canadian population, probably more than any province. That's a backlash effect.

Probably you are overoptimistic with overall prospects of humanity.
I don't think, we will make it into somehow transformed, but yet working modern global civilization.
I think, our destiny is to fall into mess in environment of climatic disaster, PO and other peaks, resource wars and reemerging nationalisms and other -isms.
Didn't you notice that we are on the brink of reentering cold war again?
I think, we will gradually reverse into more primitive life, where education, medical care, contraception etc are again privilidge of the rich and average human life is again seen as disposable asset.
I dont know how your scenario could be implemmented in this kind of future setup.

BTW. First world will manage to carry on with status quo or something close to it for a decade or so.
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Re: Multiculturalism is bad for feminism.

Unread postby Tanada » Mon 22 Oct 2018, 11:35:32

I dug this old topic up because I think it is relevant to the discussion being had about suicidal levels of immigration into Europe and North America.

I heard this theory a while back but can't remember the source so this is a paraphrase not a direct quote.

The Feminism/Feminist movement started in the 1950's when all those Rosie Riveters realized they liked working out of the home and having an independent income.
It blossomed in the 1960's with the broad acceptance of female birth control options and started out as a really good thing. No woman should fear speaking up in mixed company resulting in a beating from her spouse and things like that. Nor should a woman whose life is at risk from pregnancy be forced to bare child after child to satisfy a spouse. Nor even bare children if her private life doesn't suit bringing more children into the world.
In the 1970's the movement sparked the ERA amendment and made great progress in evening out pay scales despite all the rhetoric to the contrary. A woman in the USA or EU in 1980 was on a much more even financial footing as a man of the same age starting fresh at the same job.
Then in the 1980's once great strides had been achieved and most western men accepted the concept of equality before the law whether the reality matched or not a lot of the pressure for Feminism died away because why fight for what you already have. Also a larger number of women decided after spending a decade in the work force not having children that they actually wanted the children they had delayed having in the teens and 20's.
In the 1990's the majority of the leaders remaining in the Feminist movement no longer wanted equality, they effectively had that based on skill. They resented men who still held senior executive positions and any perceived slight, real or unintentional, was a cause for outrage. This core of leadership who actually disliked and resented men for whatever reason gave the movement a sour taste to a lot of people, including the young women who had once been the core of the movement. Their rhetorical stance emasculating men in general was picked up by supporters in the entertainment and news industries and male role models on TV and in movies took a sharp shift away from heroism and strength into clumsy foolish helpless male figures who had to be told what to do by the women in their lives.

The problem with this is the human laws of attraction have always favored jocks over wimps, to put it in high school terminology. 'Good Guys Finish Last' is a cliche because it is commonly quite a truism in human relations during and after adolescence when people discover what pleases them emotionally and physically in relationships. As the majority of men in the west became emotionally unsatisfying to the majority of women in the west the divorce rate shot up to all new levels and a lot of unhappy unsatisfied people formed the new culture of the Aughties and Teens of the 21st century.

The human spectrum of attraction is quite broad, some women do actually find themselves attracted to nerds and those women are quite content in the modern era. However a larger number are still those attracted to 'jocks' or 'tough guys' or 'bad boys' and due to the way our culture has changed over the last 70 years those categories of men are a lower percentage than the number of women who find them emotionally attractive.

But tough immigrant men who had to struggle to survive and fight their way through obstacles to arrive in your country, well those guys are by definition tough guys, and in the case of illegal immigrants they are a flavor of bad boy even if they do everything else on the up and up.

So radical feminism of the 1990's-today has resulted in a dearth of masculine stereotype males in the west, and this in turn has lead to a desire for more 'immigrant' men who were not raised in the 'wimp culture' of the western modern male. This leads the Feminist leaders consciously or not to welcome alliances with foreign patriarchal male cultures because on some level they respond to the emotional cues of 'manly men' from those cultures with feelings of attraction. Because of the general emotional emasculation of the western male when the feminists push for open borders the wimp generation complies because that is what they believe they are supposed to do when a woman demands something from them.

Not saying this explains everything, but its food for thought. Humans are animals no matter how hard we try and deny it. We respond far more to early childhood programming and subconscious brain chemistry than we do to rational thought and logical discourse. There is a reason nearly every culture that has lasted for very long on our planet has centered around 'alpha males' and 'alpha females'. Its just the way our brains are wired to respond. Modern western culture has gone so far trying to make life 'fair' for those who will never be satisfied that our culture is now in conflict with our biology. Tacitly advocating for open borders and the multicultural takeover is a giant step backward for feminist leaders but they can't rationally disobey their biological response to what has happened to the culture around themselves. They also wield a very large influence on the culture beyond what is rational based on their numbers.

Okay that's the theory as best as I can explain it. What do you think?
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Re: Multiculturalism is bad for feminism.

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 24 Oct 2018, 17:39:46

I do agree with you.
White race in general seems to be royally screwed up beyond recovery.
Loss of influence... invaded land... loss of women... you name more.

Mind you, quietly many of white men are smirking that those invaders of IQ 70-85 will show our women *where* is their place and they are going to get a proper "shmuck" treatment, perhaps long overdue.
And no, we are not going to express any *sincere* symphaty while listening to their screems. (I am not an IQ fanatic but the issue seems very important in context of pending migration and how all of it will resolve).

You know, long time ago I have married Chinese woman because I have realized that substantial majority of our white kind are good for nothing and odds of finding anything of use are rather slim.
From a perspective of time and base on what I observe (and what have happened to my old friends and their marriages) this decision seems to be the best one in my entire life.
Loving wife, wealthy family and successful business, zero debt, well educated and independent kids, tasty home made dinner every day, laundry made, house clean, no power struggle at home... you name it.
I can only thank all Gods that they have spared me a daily misery affecting most of my friends and related to *useless wife/girlfriend problem*.
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Re: Multiculturalism is bad for feminism.

Unread postby AgentR11 » Wed 24 Oct 2018, 20:16:11

How does this all fit in with the MAGA/Cog culture that Trump seems to champion to some effect? Does embracing racism in this context outweigh the attraction angle? I dunno, but I'm pretty skeptical of linking Feminism and Immigration.
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Re: Multiculturalism is bad for feminism.

Unread postby Tanada » Wed 24 Oct 2018, 21:08:45

AgentR11 wrote:How does this all fit in with the MAGA/Cog culture that Trump seems to champion to some effect? Does embracing racism in this context outweigh the attraction angle? I dunno, but I'm pretty skeptical of linking Feminism and Immigration.

Well a lot of Feminists seem to link the two issues like Siamese twins...
Why doesn’t feminist media treat immigration as an obvious feminist issue? Why doesn’t mainstream feminism seem to give a damn about undocumented women? Why aren’t more feminist organizations coming out in support of the Dream 9? As a comprehensive immigration reform bill is being butchered by Congress, accomplishing little more than further militarizing the border, and the Dream 9, largely lead by women, continue making national headlines after participating in the most radical, risky act of civil disobedience in the history of the undocumented student movement, there is literally no excuse for the silence on behalf of feminist media.

Part of the problem is that mainstream feminism fails at being inclusive of women of color and of understanding intersecting identities.

A harsh reminder of this came just a few weeks before the Dream 9 women participated in a revolution feminism failed to televise. In response to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano becoming the first woman appointed to lead the University of California system, Ms. magazine tweeted, “Finally, some positive women’s news today: Janet Napolitano named to be first woman prez of U. of Calif.”

Except it wasn’t positive news, especially not for the estimated 20,000 undocumented college students currently benefiting from the California Dream Act. The self-identified black womanist who runs the blog Sistrenista and operates the Twitter handle ShauneeV hit the nail on the head when responding to Ms. Magazine’s tweet, saying, “Doesn’t matter what her politics are, as long as she’s a woman, huh?” This was echoed by queer immigrant rights activist Ronnie Veliz, who along with ShauneeV were among the first to respond to the tweet. Veliz wrote, “Even my mom knows Napolitano has no experience in higher education, only in family separation.”

As Homeland Security secretary since 2009, Napolitano presided over the deportation of 1.5 million undocumented immigrants. Student Regent Cinthia Flores was the only reason Napolitano didn’t receive unanimous support during the July 18th UC Regents meeting. Flores stood by those protesting the appointment of Napolitano, many of them undocumented students, echoing their concerns that the record number of immigrants deported under Napolitano’s leadership “produced insurmountable barriers to higher education.”

For many undocumented women who identity as feminists, Ms. magazine’s tweet was another sad reminder of how mainstream feminism—which is increasingly being perceived as “white feminism”—fails to recognize their struggle or link the rights of undocumented people to women’s rights.

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Re: Multiculturalism is bad for feminism.

Unread postby AgentR11 » Wed 24 Oct 2018, 23:13:32

Your last paragraph there speaks volumes though; the author wants feminism to expand to include undocumented aliens but feels the mainstream of feminism just isn't participating in the way they'd like. I think this is typical of an activist for migrants trying to pull in support where there isn't much, and is mostly failing to make headway.
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Re: Multiculturalism is bad for feminism.

Unread postby Tanada » Thu 25 Oct 2018, 10:46:22

AgentR11 wrote:Your last paragraph there speaks volumes though; the author wants feminism to expand to include undocumented aliens but feels the mainstream of feminism just isn't participating in the way they'd like. I think this is typical of an activist for migrants trying to pull in support where there isn't much, and is mostly failing to make headway.

It seems to me the last paragraph rather proves my point. No matter what the 'movement' is there are always those members who think they have not gone 'far enough' to achieve their ultimate goal. I see this paragraph as an illustration of moving the goal posts, not saying the goal was never part of the plan in its overall form.
Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
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Re: Multiculturalism is bad for feminism.

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 25 Oct 2018, 13:22:12

You are right here.
From time to time I do a review of new trends in feminism and LGBT-->LGBTQ-->LGBTQI-->LGBTQIAPK movement as at least IMO these developments are important indicators of progress of cultural collapse of the West and it is a fascinating subject.
Regarding feminism, there is a growing rift and split in the movement.
Rabid feminists of second half of XX century are seen by new lot as conservatives, obstructing progress of community. Their main sin is being white and hence not disadvantaged enough. Similar problems in LGBT..... movement are facing white gay men, which are no longer welcomed in many LGBT..... circles and seen as oppressors.
It seems that new waves of feminism will embrace more and more women of colour and increasingly exotic social gender and perhaps black transgender lesbian feminists, eg straight but tricky men, will take a lead and use developing idiocy to their own ends.
It is very likely that the movement will prove to be an immense headache for western corpo as no executive in his sound mind will attempt to talk at workplace or outside to any female empolyee (this will include also already mentioned transgender lesbians) without several witnesses and surveilance cameras to have an actual record how conversation proceeded just in case of that being needed for defense against some harassment/rape/sexism/indecent assault case.

Further stages will call for sex segregation in the workplace to prevent countless accusations and legal troubles and entire concept will merge with Islam where such sex segregation is already in place.
Finally transgender lesbian dominant partners will be beating their spouses very much like they were doing for many millenias in the past and LBGTQIAPK movement will have additional 50 letters added.
All of them will pray Allah and western society will embrace terminal barbarism.
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