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SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Tanada » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 09:17:49

Senator Cory Booker, who a few years back boasted about his sexual prowess and skill at groping women at college parties, has now admitted what we all already know. The D's will oppose Kavenaugh to the end because he was appointed by President Trump. Much more at link below quote.
Democratic Senator Cory Booker admitted in a press conference on Tuesday that his belief that Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed to the Supreme Court has nothing to do with whether he is "innocent or guilty." The very fact that his name has been sullied by uncorroborated allegations and that he displayed anger at being accused without evidence and pushed back against the politically-motivated handling of the allegations by Democrat senators, Booker argued, "ultimately" disqualifies Kavanaugh from a lifetime appointment to the "sacred institution."

Cory Booker News Conference
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Cog » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 09:22:46

So their standard is we will try to destroy your reputation and if you try to defend yourself or get mad at us, that disqualifies you due to temperment.

Is it any wonder why normal people are appalled by that standard?
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 10:28:38

Hell, as near as I can figure above 80% of normal people approve of that standard.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby evilgenius » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 11:36:26

Cog wrote:Since we are talking about standards. What standard applies when you sit on an allegation like this for six weeks? Through the one on one meetings with Senators, open hearings, and the closed hearings and then leak it to the media when it looks like he has the votes to get confirmed. What standard is that Newfie? Its evidently the standard that your friend Senator Feinstein applies to judicial confirmations.

Cog, you are talking about the same standard that allowed for Merrick Garland's nomination not to go to a full Senate vote. At least here, there is some reason given besides the outright refusal to consider the other side's nominee. Oh, yeah, there was some conspiracy laced drivel about how Obama, the Manchurian candidate to end all Manchurian candidates, was at it again, infesting the country with a Socialist/Muslim stain. But that was deliberately held under a veil, not exposing it to the ridicule that would have devoured it. The very same ridicule you are using against the Democrats now. The Democrats are, at least, trying to make sense. Yes, this is party politics the same, but it is dressed up in an attempt to make it look legit. You are the one who is wrong. You ought to just admit it. The whole thing is politics. It is one side against the other. Nobody involved cares about what makes the world go around in the smaller spheres, except you and me. You shouldn't, therefore, make the mistake of thinking that the Republicans are on your side. They only appear to be because they know how you think.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 11:40:59

Good analysis Evil.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby evilgenius » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 11:41:22

Newfie wrote:Hell, as near as I can figure above 80% of normal people approve of that standard.

Yep, that's why the "Dean scream" eliminated Howard Dean.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 14:41:18

evilgenius wrote: The Democrats are, at least, trying to make sense. .

IMHO Lying and smearing people and trying to destroy them is not "making sense."

evilgenius wrote:

Yes, this is party politics the same, but it is dressed up in an attempt to make it look legit.

IMHO lying and smearing people and trying to destroy them is not "legit." There should be limits based on simple human decency, even in politics.

evilgenius wrote:. The whole thing is politics. It is one side against the other.

Of course. But there is politics and then there is dirty politics. This is about the dirtiest politics I've ever seen. I think these kinds of tactics should be out-of-bounds.

We now know that Ms. Ford lied under oath about not being able to fly, she lied under oath about the two doors in her home, and she lied under oath about having no knowledge about lie detector tests. There is now a sworn statement from her former boyfriend that Ms. Ford coached another woman on lie detector tests. And if she lied about all those things, what else did she lie about? Hmmmm....what else did she say that is contradicted by all other witnesses. Why...all that lying crap about Kavanaugh. No wonder no one else can corroborate it.....IT WAS ALL A PACK OF LIES.

I understand the Ds are upset that Merritt Garland didn't get an up or down vote, but the way to rectify that is for the Ds to win the next election and renominate Merritt Garland to the SCOTUS then and vote him in.

Trashing Kavanaugh on the basis of uncorroborated allegations (thats what the FBI just said) is very damaging not only to him personally but to our entire political culture. The Ds have now legitimized the idea of making up false accusations and then screaming about them for weeks. Its like the Ds have been studying Goebbels. Making up lies and then trying to destroy people on the basis of those lies is OK now with the Ds. IMHO, this is a new low in American politics, and now that the Ds have opened the door to this kind of thing, I'm sure we'll see it happening again and again in the future.

Thanks Ds. Thanks for trashing our political culture. (Sarcasm alert! That was sarcasm).

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Tanada » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 14:57:32

Newfie wrote:Hell, as near as I can figure above 80% of normal people approve of that standard.

Uhm, no?

Even 40% of Democrats now say Kavanaugh confirmation process a 'national disgrace': Poll

The nation is paying close attention to the ongoing controversy surrounding the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday finds that most voters now agree that the process has turned shameful — including a surprising number of Democrats.

“An angry Brett Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee late last week: ‘This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy,’” the Rasmussen analysis says.

The poll found that 56 percent of all likely U.S. voters agree with the U.S. Supreme Court nominee’s statement. Thirty percent disagree, while 14 percent are undecided

“In addition, 77 percent of Republicans and 51 percent of voters not affiliated with either major party agree that Kavanaugh’s confirmation process has become a national disgrace,” the pollster said. “Even among Democrats, whose senators have been leading the charge against the nominee, 40 percent agree with Kavanaugh’s statement, and only slightly more (43 percent) disagree.”

The poll of 1,000 likely U.S. voters was conducted Oct. 1-2.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 16:17:08

evilgenius wrote:
Newfie wrote:Hell, as near as I can figure above 80% of normal people approve of that standard.

Yep, that's why the "Dean scream" eliminated Howard Dean.

How tame the Dean scream appears now. I think he would have been a far better candidate than Kerry.

Seems that's the way our politics has been headed: The crud has been rising to where we should have had cream.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 17:22:13

OK Tanada, 44% agree. Still far, far too many.

I could quibble, that this is SUCH a disgraceful episode hat it awoke many who normally would not complain.

I think we agree on the major point. Not enough adults in the room.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 18:23:13

Extremist D mob tries to shut down Senate Office Building---100+ arrested.


Over 150 years ago Abraham Lincoln said to the Ds “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby dissident » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 19:53:36

Plantagenet wrote:Extremist D mob tries to shut down Senate Office Building---100+ arrested.


Over 150 years ago Abraham Lincoln said to the Ds “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

What a collection of wankers. At least the Occupy Wall Street protestors had a legitimate cause, but these clowns are like the Democratic Party brown shirts. If their beloved Party tells them something is bad and must be eliminated they obey like unquestioning dogs.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 19:56:47

Shades of the French Revolution.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Cog » Thu 04 Oct 2018, 22:38:12

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 01:12:49

jedrider wrote:
evilgenius wrote:
Newfie wrote:Hell, as near as I can figure above 80% of normal people approve of that standard.

Yep, that's why the "Dean scream" eliminated Howard Dean.

How tame the Dean scream appears now. I think he would have been a far better candidate than Kerry.

Seems that's the way our politics has been headed: The crud has been rising to where we should have had cream.

I never understood the Dean scream thing AT ALL.

OK. Maybe it looked a little weird or odd. Maybe something for some political idiots to make fun of, but eliminate him? OTOH, I find all of modern politics rather bizarre, so I guess I'm perhaps a poor judge.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Cog » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 06:42:16

Similar to Dukakis riding around in a tank to show he supported the military. Ridicule works to a point. Dean came in third in Iowa before this. Hardly had any support to begin with.

Trump seems immune to ridicule for whatever reason.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 07:53:07


You are not alone. I suspect that means somehow we are somewhat immune to the more primative tribal communications streams. Wether that means we are more cerebral or deficient in some channel I know not.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 12:27:06

Kavanaugh passed his first test vote 51-49.

I was nauseated to see my own Senator Murkowski join the Ds in voting against Kavanaugh. I've met Murkowski a couple of times.....she seems earnest and likable enough. But at the moment I am thoroughly disgusted with her vote. Rewarding the Ds for viciously smearing this man on the basis of what clearly are lies just gives the Ds encouragement to go on lying and smearing people in the future.

The rest of the Rs held firm, and Joe Manchin, a D Senator from West Virginia, joined in voting for Kavanaugh.

Hopefully they'll all hold strong for the actual confirmation vote this weekend.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Cog » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 12:35:31

Flake is now a yes vote for confirmation. Collins will announce her yeah/nay vote at 1500 eastern.

Kavanaugh has this.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 15:26:47

Yes Plant, I’m hoping Kavanaugh makes it, not because I like conservative judges, I don’t, but because of the disgusting political shenanigans pulled by the D’s. Such tactics should not be rewarded.

Had Ford come out earlier and not scrubbed her history, hired the lawyer, taken the lie detector, I may have felt different.

I wish the swing senators had got together and held their vote pending an iron clad promise to return to a 60 vote basis for approval.

I think it would be smart for the Rs to reinstitue the 60 vote rule before the midterms. It would help them a lot. Or for the Dems to promise the same if they take control of the senate.
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