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Mandela effect

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Mandela effect

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Mon 25 Jun 2018, 01:57:09

Something happened to me today- bizarre beyond belief. I saw a video about the 'Mandela effect', and it blew me away.

Test your memory by watching the two video's above. (I was shocked)

Please comment....!
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sun 29 Jul 2018, 10:37:33

I hate replying to my own threads however I found something in studying the Mandela effect that completely negates global warming and peak oil. You'll never know what it is unless you study the Mandela effect yourself.

It is so bizarre, it is like when Neo took the Red pill in the movie 'The Matrix' and then he woke up to being plugged into a giant computer filled with evil robots hundreds of years in the future. No one can tell you what the Mandela effect is IT MUST BE EXPERIENCED FIRST HAND TO BE BELIEVED.

Anyways, here's a recent post I made on Reddit on the issue:

White sun vs. Golden yellow sun
With all of the talk about 'Global warming' and 'catastrophic climate change', you would think people would notice that the sun is no longer a golden yellow color, but is now a blinding white star instead? The sun is the principal source that heats the Earth, drives the weather patterns, and enables life to survive on this planet. Changing of the sun screams for emergency attention to the changing of the solar output from having a different sun. This should alter the climate globally...but everything appears normal???

I'm a lot less concerned about global warming now after discovering the Mandela effect than I was before. If they can change the sun with little to no impact on the weather, then I'm a lot less worried about carbon emissions. Furthermore, if they can move South America 1200 KM East and Australia 400 KM North with no catastrophic climate effects, then the whole 'global warming' meme in our society is a complete sham. Who cares if the Arctic melts now in light of these planetary changes of magnitude.

If we as a civilization were to burn every gram of oil, coal, peat, and natural gas, the additional heat from all of the C02, Methane, ect in the atmosphere would be literally nothing compared to changing the solar output of the sun. What am I missing here? (All of this is impossible, of course) ... ellow_sun/
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 29 Jul 2018, 14:53:17

Rod_Cloutier wrote:
White sun vs. Golden yellow sun
With all of the talk about 'Global warming' and 'catastrophic climate change', you would think people would notice that the sun is no longer a golden yellow color, but is now a blinding white star instead? The sun is the principal source that heats the Earth, drives the weather patterns, and enables life to survive on this planet. Changing of the sun screams for emergency attention to the changing of the solar output from having a different sun. This should alter the climate globally...but everything appears normal???

I'm a lot less concerned about global warming now after discovering the Mandela effect than I was before. If they can change the sun with little to no impact on the weather, then I'm a lot less worried about carbon emissions. Furthermore, if they can move South America 1200 KM East and Australia 400 KM North with no catastrophic climate effects, then the whole 'global warming' meme in our society is a complete sham. Who cares if the Arctic melts now in light of these planetary changes of magnitude.

If we as a civilization were to burn every gram of oil, coal, peat, and natural gas, the additional heat from all of the C02, Methane, ect in the atmosphere would be literally nothing compared to changing the solar output of the sun. What am I missing here? (All of this is impossible, of course) ... ellow_sun/

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Do you believe in ghosts since you hear noises like creaks in buildings from time to time? Need I go on?

Consider Occam's razor: Is it more likely that our memories are imperfect, or that this "theory" can be taken seriously?

Hint: Try looking at a bunch of old childhood photographs sometime that you haven't seen in ages. It's just AMAZING how much stuff you completely forget or gets completely distorted in your memory. But such photographs can go "bang" and all the sudden the real memories can come rushing back. (No alternate universe(s)) required.

Try science instead of intuition. There's plenty of scientific data about solar output, and its relative contribution to global warming. (AGW is a far more significant input to climate than the solar variability we experience).
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 29 Jul 2018, 15:03:01

I'll just add that I didn't expect to find theories that made the flat earth sound relatively plausible. Then there's this.

Repeated facepalms. I thought scientific education should be weeding this crap out by now.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 29 Jul 2018, 15:07:48

Rod's been consuming psychoactive drugs again, it would seem.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Sun 29 Jul 2018, 15:33:04

For those who don’t like to chase links: the question is how much increased energy from the sun is causing global warming vs that due to man’s activities. Many highly detailed and complex studies out there. Search “changes in the sun's energy output” on google. The consensus is: yes, it is. The debate: greater warming due to sun activity then the burning fossil fuels? And by how much and when would the cycle reverse itself?

Enough variety to satisfy most regardless of which side of the fence you stand on.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sun 29 Jul 2018, 23:00:52

This shit is real. Thousands of us have migrated from the other reality over to this one. The people from the alternate reality don't see the changes.

The bible has over 7,000 changes in it now from supernatural origin:

The human's in this reality have anatomy that differs from my reality:

And there are 10's of thousands of minor differences ranging from name spellings, movie words, and commercial logo changes, which differ from my original reality; such as Ed McMahon never worked for publishers clearing house:

I wish I could ascribe all of this to psychedelic flashbacks, but it just doesn't compute.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Mon 30 Jul 2018, 00:48:08

Rod_Cloutier wrote:This shit is real. Thousands of us have migrated from the other reality over to this one. The people from the alternate reality don't see the changes.

The bible has over 7,000 changes in it now from supernatural origin:

The human's in this reality have anatomy that differs from my reality:

And there are 10's of thousands of minor differences ranging from name spellings, movie words, and commercial logo changes, which differ from my original reality; such as Ed McMahon never worked for publishers clearing house:

I wish I could ascribe all of this to psychedelic flashbacks, but it just doesn't compute.

Well, at least now when I can't find something and could SWEAR that I can SEE in my mind's eye that I left it in closet X, but it's no longer there -- it's not me that is confused or having a memory issue, but the universe switcheroo thing. Good to know. :roll:
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Cog » Mon 30 Jul 2018, 04:26:06

Remember the James Bond film moonraker? When the blond gymnast girl meets Jaws he shows her his metal teeth. She in return smiles at him showing her metal braces. Instant love. Except for the fact she never had braces on her teeth in this new timeline. Everyone who watched the movie at the time it was released remembers her braces but it's not in the movie now and never was apparently.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Mon 30 Jul 2018, 20:08:27

Cog...this is it exactly. Also the line 'We've been expecting you Mr. Bond' has never appeared in ANY of the James Bond films.

All kinds of weird animals have transferred over from this merged reality. Just for laughs and giggles, (or horror), look just briefly at the animal examples below and try hard to remember if you remember any of them existing:

Shoebill stork:

Puppy dog bats:

Pink elephants:

Hairy frogs:

Rainbow hummingbirds:

Desert penguins:

Circular lizards:

Woolly pigs:

Penis snake:

Green flamingo's:

Twig insect:

Werewolf cat:

Meat eating camels:

Giant flying fox:

Ant zombiefying fungus:

Ice alligators:

Cows that sit like dogs:

Horses with moustaches:

And much, much more.... (Ready for the straightjacket & padded room ?)
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Pops » Mon 30 Jul 2018, 22:11:06

Outcast_Searcher wrote:Well, at least now when I can't find something and could SWEAR that I can SEE in my mind's eye that I left it in closet X, but it's no longer there -- it's not me that is confused or having a memory issue, but the universe switcheroo thing. Good to know. :roll:

Dude, I knew I had like beaucoup Benjamin in that account! The bank dude just looked at me like "Dude!" when I told him my account number was "Like X, Dude!"

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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 31 Jul 2018, 11:54:03

Cog wrote:Remember the James Bond film moonraker? When the blond gymnast girl meets Jaws he shows her his metal teeth. She in return smiles at him showing her metal braces. Instant love. Except for the fact she never had braces on her teeth in this new timeline. Everyone who watched the movie at the time it was released remembers her braces but it's not in the movie now and never was apparently.

Memory is a funny thing. My (unreliable for such details) memory of that bit is that if she HAD had braces, it would have made the scene much better (but she didn't.)

OTOH, pretty girls falling for tough guys isn't exactly an unheard of plot line for James Bond films.


If I had a dollar for every time I misremembered a movie or TV series episode details, which I had thought emphasized some point or aspect of something I liked more than it did, I could buy a Tesla Model 3 even at current prices (if I wanted one).
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 03 Aug 2018, 19:46:27

It's Saturday morning here, lazing around, watched a few of these videos & auto feeds afterwards. From what i can see most of what is posted as proofs of the effect are just plain wrong. Some are going so far as playing with photographs- see the camel with fangs for example. Others are clearly people seeing what they wanted or were told to see- the "tank boy" (was a grown man btw) was never run over at Tianmin Square, but apparently millions believe they saw him get run over-... Next...
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Fri 03 Aug 2018, 20:13:30

was never run over at Tianmin Square, but apparently millions believe they saw him get run over-..

True in this reality. However, at least two other versions of reality are merging with and into this one. In one of those realities, the guy did get run over by the tanks.

Consider this example, 300,000 Gold covered bronze statues of Buddha, in a UFO shaped building, which contains 700,000 Silver covered bronze statues of Buddha.

It appeared out of nowhere in April of this year. Even the encyclopedia Britannica has no mention of the temple. This is from an alternate universe.

The Bible changes in particular, have generated the greatest outcry about the Mandela effect. 7,000 + changes have supernaturally occurred. This one fellow, in two very short but succinct videos, explains what is occurring. (Worth the time to watch)

You don't have to believe in God to see that something really, really strange and bizarre is happening here.

This effect has completely altered my life and world view.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 04 Aug 2018, 04:29:03

Wat Phra Dhammakaya was built in the 1970s & there are loads of references to it predating April this year. I read the KJV in my teens & remember it as these guys reckon it's been changed to, without looking at it for about 30 years.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sat 04 Aug 2018, 10:23:36

Wat Phra Dhammakaya was built in the 1970s

You must be from the other reality where that was the case.

I'm from one of the other realities where traffic lights had green on top, yellow in the middle and red at the bottom. Also the parallel Earth that I am from was located around a golden yellow star in the outer Sagittarius spiral arm of the galaxy. The current Earth orbits a white star on the Orion arm of the galaxy closer to the galactic core.

Some people are from yet another reality, which is also merging into this one, and they remember a large land mass in the Arctic, in their reality there was a small continent up there called 'Arctica'.

Interesting times indeed...
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 04 Aug 2018, 10:29:49

Memory is a flawed function in the human mind- fact.
What's more interesting to me is how the blatantly obvious truth gets thwarted to the point most people happily believe total lies.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sat 04 Aug 2018, 12:54:36

Memory is a flawed function in the human mind- fact.

You are right, and this makes this effect even worse. If we all had perfect memories, then everyone would all see the changes. Instead just a small 0.01% of the population of people like me, who have good memories, are those who can see that reality has shifted.
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 04 Aug 2018, 13:38:02

As this thread progresses, the "proof" offered just goes deeper and deeper into the level of farce.

Ignorance of things and delusions are no good reason to believe things. Any more than various conspiracy theories like the flat earth conspiracy, the no moon landing consipracy, etc.

Just look at this logic:

Rod_Cloutier wrote:
Memory is a flawed function in the human mind- fact.

You are right, and this makes this effect even worse. If we all had perfect memories, then everyone would all see the changes. Instead just a small 0.01% of the population of people like me, who have good memories, are those who can see that reality has shifted.

Yes, let's continue to dismiss the obvious explanation of fallible human memory (which has been pointed out multiple times in this thread). :roll: I even made the obvious Occam's Razor reference. (Rod, you clearly know how to use Google search).

But now the spreader of the delusion claims HE is one in ten thousand as far as having a "good memory" as being proof that "reality has shifted".

This is the kind of thing that gets people placed in rubber rooms; because they're convinced space aliens control them with mind rays, etc. Such a person is often convinced that only he/she is right, because no one else believes them, BTW.

You want farce? How about something like the three stooges instead of delusions?
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Re: Mandela effect

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sat 04 Aug 2018, 13:51:02

This is the kind of thing that gets people placed in rubber rooms

Honestly, I'm ready for one. Everything I thought I knew about physics, geology, history, ect, all went out the window in one big 'POOF' when I found out about the Mandela effect.

We don't live in a Newtonian universe. It's a quantum universe where weird non-linear, non-causal things happen. If you view life through rose colored glasses your whole life and then they fall off, the world 'becomes' different to you. Maybe it always was this way? However, because I believed in iron-clad linear, immutable history, immutable laws of physics and so forth, that I was blinded by these beliefs and I never saw reality as it actually was; until now. Changeable.
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