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Liberal Govt Now In Oil Pipeline Business

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Liberal Govt Now In Oil Pipeline Business

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Wed 30 May 2018, 16:30:23

"This was the last chance for years. If there was going to be a pipeline to carry Alberta oil to the ocean in the next decade or so, the only option left was to put public money into Trans Mountain. When it came to it, with bad options and little time, the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau took a big political gamble. It bought the pipeline. And Mr. Trudeau put his government on the line."

"But the government has bought it, at least for now, for $4.5-billion, and with it come all the risks of cost overruns or legal challenges and the awkward discomfort of angry protests – now doubly damaging because the operator of said pipeline reports to one Justin Pierre James Trudeau, Esq. It’s not really a massive fiscal risk for a national government. The purchase includes an existing, money-making pipeline that can be resold if the expansion is somehow blocked. Even a worst-case scenario, where money is sunk into construction before a court halts it, won’t destroy the bottom line of a federal government that spends $338-billion a year."

"But there wasn’t, for all the claims to the contrary, some other magic-wand way to make construction of the Trans Mountain expansion go ahead. This pipeline crisis was sparked, let’s recall, when the company promoting the expansion, Kinder Morgan, announced April 8 that it would pull out unless it could be certain that the B.C. government’s legal threats would not block the project – and short of B.C. dropping its objections, there was no way to to provide legal certainty by the May 31 deadline. By the time that deadline approached, it wasn’t just a generic pipeline at stake. The cost of doing nothing was high: a festering dispute between Alberta and B.C., a loss of investor confidence, the precedent of provincial threats blocking a federally approved major project – all over and above the lost jobs and the Alberta oil patch concern about the discount on landlocked oil."

Full article: ... -the-line/
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Re: Liberal Govt Now In Oil Pipeline Business

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Wed 30 May 2018, 16:38:57

Reminds me a bit of President Obama expediting the expansion of Texas coal export facilities after locals resisted his effort to build three new coal export terminals on the west coast. He was determined whatever it took to continue the big increase in coal exports that was underway during his administration.
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Re: Liberal Govt Now In Oil Pipeline Business

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 30 May 2018, 17:31:12


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Re: Liberal Govt Now In Oil Pipeline Business

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Wed 30 May 2018, 21:13:17

This whole thing is pretty much a joke. The only reason the Liberal gov't had to buy the pipeline is that they refused to enforce the law. IT is Federal jurisdiction as to what and where pipelines are built. The federal gov't had ruled on the pipeline being approved but the provincial government in BC said they would not allow it to be built...protests, frivolous court claims etc all intended to put Kinder Morgan into a position where they just gave up in exasperation. All the federal gov't had to do was impose the law and they could have used all sorts of leverage to force the BC provincial gov't to adhere to the law (without jail sentences involved). But the Liberal gov't and the nancy boy who is in charge are particularly useless when it comes to executing anything other than a selfie or an inappropriate cultural appropriation.
Governments do not have the experience or skill set necessary to build most things let alone pipelines. This is especially true of the current gov't where there is a complete absence of people with any business experience anywhere. The Prime Minister's CV is headlined by the time he spent as a camp counselor and as a substitute drama teacher. We will see excessive delays, cost overruns unnecessary pandering to special interest groups etc. In essence, I will be completely surprised if it ever gets built. And if it does and they try to sell it that sale will be at a substantial discount, meaning the Canadian taxpayer gets stiffed once again.
What is not known by many is that the vast majority of the First Nations that are directly affected by the pipeline expansion are in favor of it because they see jobs and other potential sources of income. They, however, never get the press. It tends to be the Hollywood indigenous all decked out in the relevant Salish headdress and cloaks (many of them have never spent any time outside of Vancouver let alone in the area affected by the expansion and many of them not even being from Pacific communities) that get all the press which, of course, is pipeline expansion negative.
Another funny bit is that the Premier of BC who has stated he doesn't want the pipeline to transport oil through his province is now all upset because Alberta has threatened to shut down all shipments of oil into BC. So he doesn't want the oil but he wants the oil?
The only way out of this is unfortunately down the road....ousted Liberal gov't in Ottawa and ousted NDP gov't in BC and AB
At some point sanity will prevail but so far it has resulted in billions of dollars of lost revenue.
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Re: Liberal Govt Now In Oil Pipeline Business

Unread postby coffeeguyzz » Wed 30 May 2018, 23:35:37

... And, right on cue, folks in New Brunswick are quickly claiming that the aborted pipeline - Energy East - should be picked up at the national level to bring Alberta oil to the east coast of Canada.

This entire situation is going to reverberate for years to come affecting not only Canadian tactics vis a vis enviros versus hydrocarbon advocates, but their American peers as well.
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Re: Liberal Govt Now In Oil Pipeline Business

Unread postby StarvingLion » Thu 31 May 2018, 12:57:35

The Prime Minister's CV is headlined by the time he spent as a camp counselor and as a substitute drama teacher.

Then he is overqualified to be a Shale "Oil" CEO. It doesn't take much talent to factory drill while losing billions. Justin has too much talent for that menial job.

ousted Liberal gov't in Ottawa and ousted NDP gov't in BC and AB

What happened to American Dumbocracy?

Don't knock Bankrupt Columbia (BC). They have the greatest Fusion Scam in the world...General Fusion.

"Look at all the hydrocarbons"...Really? Can't see much diesel fuel. Look at General Electric stock tanking again.
Outcast_Searcher is a fraud.
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Re: Liberal Govt Now In Oil Pipeline Business

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Mon 04 Jun 2018, 16:48:18

As always it’s easy to sort out the proponents and opponents of such projects: just follow the money. This issue has nothing to do with First Nation rights or protecting the environment. From ... -1.4690132

“The Whispering Pines Indian Band is located near Kamloops in B.C.'s Interior. It's a small community of just over 100 people, and the Trans Mountain pipeline runs directly through one of its reserves. The community is one of over 30 First Nations along the pipeline route that reached benefit deals with Texas-based Kinder Morgan. "We fought each other for five years and the only people that were getting rich were the lawyers," Chief Michael Lebourdais said….in 2012, the community signed a deal with the oil company. Lebourdais has told local media the agreement was worth between $10 and $20 million over 20 years, with benefits going to elder pensions and youth programs.

"When it goes ahead, we're going to get a pipeline tax — an Aboriginal Resource tax — so we'll get that fiscal part of our First Nations jurisdiction." When Lebourdais learned Ottawa will buy the Trans Mountain pipeline, and possibly take over construction, his reaction was simple: "That's pretty cool." Aside from the financial benefits, he feels his community's benefit agreement greatly reduced the threat of an oil spill. "The most important part was the environmental oversight. My engineers work with the general contractors and monitor the installation of this pipe. And they have the power to stop it if they don't like what they see," said Lebourdais.
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