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Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Newfie » Sat 10 Feb 2018, 21:55:18

Race or ethnicity or country of origin are brought up every time you talk about 1%ers in your disparaging way.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby dohboi » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 00:29:10

Soooo, you don't want to talk about class or race or ethnicity or even geography...

Fine. Sure. No way that any of those things are ever relevant when talking about human society... :lol: :lol:
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 07:36:41

No, I just don’t want to go around pretending I’m better than someone else.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby dohboi » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 10:01:56

Good idea. Me neither.

I mostly leave that kind of stuff to the 1% :-D

(Or more like the .001%)
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Cog » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 10:56:31

Well I'm glad this culling is off the table for now. I would object strongly.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby diemos » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 12:44:32

I once looked up to total existing renewable energy generation, divided by the average power consumption in north america and decided that the world could currently support indefinately about 300 million people at a north american level of energy consumption.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 13:25:24

diemos wrote:I once looked up to total existing renewable energy generation, divided by the average power consumption in north america and decided that the world could currently support indefinately about 300 million people at a north american level of energy consumption.

You're even more hardcore then the globalists. The 90% cull the globalists supposedly want would still leave 700 million people.

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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 14:57:59

Just where does this stuff come from? Anyone got a policy statement front the Globalist Federation or something making this declaration?

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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 15:24:58

The closest thing we have Newf, is the Georgia Guide stones which contain the following stipulations
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity
Unite humanity with a living new language
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts
.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties
.Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 17:15:31

OK and thanks for that. Two points....

1-What in this statement makes one think this guy(guys?) is a as “globalist.” The closest it comes is receding to “world courts” which does not a globalist make. It is much more a conservationist manifesto.
2-It says to “maintain” a population under 500,000. That reads much more like someone talking to an even lower population (<500,000) warning to not let it balloon again.

I think this whole thread is just a made up attack on made up people. All from the mouth of Alex Jones. Alex Jones! Really?
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 11 Feb 2018, 20:48:29

Newfie, you slipped 3 orders of magnitude, the figure is 500 million people, which is even less than 10% of the present total (which would be 770 million).

I agree, I can't actually identify any globalist who advocates a prophalactic reduction of 90% of the living humans. That would be full out tinfoil hat territory, even if technically accurate.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 12 Feb 2018, 07:35:44

Ha ha! You are right. Guess is was trying to conserve zeros. ;)
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby yellowcanoe » Mon 12 Feb 2018, 13:10:02

This topic reminds me of the "Obamacare Death Panels" which of course was a complete lie.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 12 Feb 2018, 13:23:38

yellowcanoe wrote:This topic reminds me of the "Obamacare Death Panels" which of course was a complete lie.

Lets give credit where credit is due.

Obama did succeed in having US death rates go up for certain demographic groups to the point that overall life expectancy started going down in the USA during the Obama administration---something no other advanced country has ever succeeded in doing.

As a committed globalist, Obama deserves credit for doing his part.

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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 12 Feb 2018, 13:40:52

Well, it was a close thing until Friday last:

Palin Vindicated: GOP Sends IPAB to the Death Panel
The budget bill signed by President Trump killed yet another Obamacare provision.
February 9, 2018, 2:53 pm

Despite what we keep reading in the “news” media about the failure of the GOP to repeal Obamacare, congressional Republicans and President Trump are steadily dismembering the justly reviled healthcare law, limb by pernicious limb. The latest appendage to be lopped off was among its most dangerous — the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). IPAB was designed by the law’s authors as a rationing board composed of unelected bureaucrats vested with the power to “recommend” reductions in Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals. This would have inevitably reduced access to care for the elderly. That dangerous Obamacare provision was repealed this morning.

What’s so dangerous about a board that recommends cost-cutting measures for an expensive program like Medicare? Well, for starters, it would have literally taken an act of Congress to reject its recommendations. In theory, IPAB would have only proposed changes to Medicare payment rates. In practice, however, the board’s recommendations would have taken effect automatically unless Congress passed alternative legislation that “saved” the same amount of money designated appropriate by IPAB and the President signed it into law. Moreover, both houses of Congress as well as the White House would have had to take these actions with uncharacteristic alacrity.

The legacy media has made much of the fact that no one has yet been appointed to IPAB. But that is merely because Medicare costs have increased at a far slower rate than was projected in March of 2010, when the ironically named “Affordable Care Act” was passed. However, that fortunate stroke of luck by no means rendered this provision of Obamacare any less dangerous. The threshold for activating it was very nearly reached in 2017, and it would have inevitably been crossed sooner or later. At that point, a huge amount of power would have been handed to 15 political appointees. As former Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Peter Orszag, candidly explained it:

This institution could prove to be far more important to the future of our fiscal health than, for example, the Congressional Budget Office. It has an enormous amount of potential power. So this Independent Payment Advisory Board has the power… So the default is now switched in a very important way on the biggest driver of our long-term costs, which is the Medicare program.

Anyone eligible for Medicare, or approaching Social Security age, should congratulate themselves as having been shot-at-and-missed by a soft-nosed bureaucratic bullet. And the people who protected you from being harmed or even killed by that projectile are the much-maligned GOP, President Trump, and Sarah Palin. Yes, Sarah Palin. If you have heard of IPAB, it is likely because she dubbed it the “death panel” and that label remained embedded in the popular imagination. Indeed, her crusade against IPAB is one of the primary reasons her public reputation was systematically destroyed by the Democrats and their media toadies. Just this morning the Washington Post trashed her:

Recall the hysteria over “death panels,” that infamous and terribly misleading descriptor coined by former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who contended the panel would lead to the rationing of care (even though the panel had no say over what services Medicare covers). Palin’s claim, which GOP candidates widely adopted to strike emotional chords with voters, was chosen by PolitiFact as its “Lie of the Year” back in 2009.

Having one’s claims “debunked” by PolitiFact is, except in rare instances, a reliable indicator that one has been guilty of giving vent to some inconvenient truth the Democrats and the media don’t want the public to know. The Post’s claim that Palin’s statement was “misleading” is simply false. Here’s how rationing would have worked under IPAB: The board would meet and “recommend” cutbacks in the amount a doctor gets paid for treating a Medicare patient. Because doctors already lose money on Medicare patients, a certain percentage would have to stop treating them in order to survive financially. Thus, Medicare patients would have had less access to care, and that would have been lethal to some.

IPAB would have been, in other words, the health care rationing board that dare not speak its name. Fortunately for seniors, congressional Republicans and President Trump didn’t need to have it named for them by the Democratic Party or its publicists at the Post and other alleged news outlets. They know IPAB was an acronym for Death Panel, and they deep-sixed it. Now, its stygian shadow no longer looms over the elderly.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 12 Feb 2018, 14:20:47

KaiserJeep wrote:
IPAB would have been, in other words, the health care rationing board that dare not speak its name. Fortunately for seniors, congressional Republicans and President Trump didn’t need to have it named for them by the Democratic Party or its publicists at the Post and other alleged news outlets. They know IPAB was an acronym for Death Panel, and they deep-sixed it. Now, its stygian shadow no longer looms over the elderly.

Stygian shadow----I like that. Good writing.

And its good to hear the GOP has repealed the Obamacare death panels.


Next they've got to get rid of the provision in Obamacare that financially rewarded hospitals for sending patients home with prescriptions for opiates, instead of treating them in the hospital. This played a role in starting the opiod epidemic resulting in unnecessary deaths for tens of thousand of Americans.


The whole things was done so stupidly and has had such clearly catastrophic results like the increase in the US death rate and the unprecedented decline in average life expectancy for all Americans that it makes you wonder if Obama and his fellow globalist Ds actually wanted to kill off their fellow Americans :roll:

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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 12 Feb 2018, 14:48:36

There you go again, painting with a broad brush. After two sleepless nights, I finally broke down and dipped into my bottle of generic Hydrocodone-Acetominophen to find relief from my chronic musculoskeletal pain, in this my 38th year of suffering Rheumatoid Arthritis. Of course I got my opioid pills via Medicare Part D, which is one way of spending "other people's money".

Yesterday the wife paid the bills, including the Sunrun payment. That would be me spending more "other people's money" to reduce my electric grid costs via the solar panels on the roof.

Where you draw the line is the hard part. Some would keep on spending until the homeless are queing up each day, inserting their ration cards into a machine that dispenses "people kibble", containing the proper nutrients to sustain life, plus enough hormones to render anybody eating a steady diet of kibble sterile. Purely for their own good, of course.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 12 Feb 2018, 17:36:28

KaiserJeep wrote:Where you draw the line is the hard part. Some would keep on spending until the homeless are queing up each day, inserting their ration cards into a machine that dispenses "people kibble", containing the proper nutrients to sustain life, plus enough hormones to render anybody eating a steady diet of kibble sterile. Purely for their own good, of course.

More excellent writing. You're on a roll, KJ.

I'm more concerned with the results of Obamacare based on the hard numbers then with the degree of caring and motives of the people who instituted obamacare.

Death rates have started going up---and life expectancy is going down since Obamacare becames the law of the land. This isn't happening in any other developed country. The numbers say Obamacare has been a catastrophe in the USA.

Obviously we need to take steps to improve our healthcare system to fix these major new problems that have appeared since Obamacare became the law of the land---if it means reforming or even repealing Obamacare then the sooner we do it the better.

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