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Kurdish War

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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 22 Jan 2018, 05:20:12

ROCKMAN wrote:Seems like the really import question is how will Russia, Syria's supporter, will respond? Of course, Kurds aren't Syrians.

Why are Kurds no Syrians are Afro-Americans no Americans

Believe me "Sachsen" are Germans so "Bayern"

But you are right for Erdogan the Kurds are like the Jews A. Hitler saw it.

Meanwhile Erdogans "Panzer Offensive" against the Kurds in Afrin is going on:

Tens of thousands Kurds will be massacred!


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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 22 Jan 2018, 07:55:05

BBC/ Syria offensive: Turkish troops 'capture villages' in Afrin

Turkish forces have captured a number of villages in north-western Syria, on the third day of an offensive to oust Kurdish fighters, Turkish media report.

Turkish troops, accompanied by allied Syrian rebels, reportedly seized control of several areas in the region of Afrin on Monday.

But Kurdish fighters later said they had recaptured two of the villages.

Dictator Erdogans plans for "GREAT TURKEY" will leave Syria/ Iraq and later Greace in fire

Maybe millions will die for Erdogans Hybris

I warn you all and i told you ERDOGAN = GREAT WAR


Demokrats learn from history
Never ever trust a Dictator!

Kurdistan to deploy Peshmerga to help Afrin against Turkey if possible, PUK official

SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region – A senior member of the ruling Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) said that they would like to send the Kurdish Peshmerga to help fellow Kurds in their “sacred resistance” against Turkey in Afrin, but this may not be possible given the current situation.

“Countries of the region, in particular Turkey, knows about our stance in Kobane,” Mala Bakhtiyar told reporters as he visited the Sulaimani office of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the ruling party in Syrian Kurdistan or Rojava.

The Kurdistan Region, with the approval of Turkey and the US-led anti-ISIS Coalition, deployed its Peshmerga forces to help the Rojava fighters against ISIS in late 2014 in Kobane, a city that was under ISIS siege at the time.

“If we can, we will help Afrin now. If they allow us, we will deploy forces to Afrin,” Bakhtiyar said.
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 22 Jan 2018, 09:02:28

The military situation for Kurds is "not good"



Turkish Forces Open New Front Against YPG, Advance On Afrin From Azaz

Following advances north and west of Afrin, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and their proxies opened a new front against YPG/YPJ west of Afrin on January 22.

According to media and local sources, forces involved in Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch advanced from from the area of Azaz on the Barsaya Mountains and allegedly captured “multiple” points there. 10 members of Kurdish forces were reportedly captured.

Now the TAF and pro-Turkish armed groups are pressuring YPG/YPJ forces from the three main directions.....

Kurds say Counter Offensive in parts of the battlefield "succesfull"...
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby Cog » Mon 22 Jan 2018, 16:27:23

Dead Muslims on both sides "shrug"
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Tue 23 Jan 2018, 04:35:16

Heavy losses for Turkey+ FSA Proxys
On January 22 evening, the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and other Kurdish militias recaptured Birsaya Mount from the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) after a rapid counter-attack, according to pro-Kurdish sources.

The FSA supported by units of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) captured the mount in the morning. However, Ankara’s proxies were not able to consoldidate their gains and retreated from the area.

Pro-FSA sources argue that the FSA retreated from Birsaya Mount in order to avoid some “night ambush”. However, other sources say that the FSA just abandoned its forward positions after YPG/YPJ shelled them with artillery and launched a counter-attack.
Image ... xzK1xfpezc

Afrin operasyonu Azez burseya dagindaki catismadan sicak anlar

No match for YPG so far
Yeah YPG is in WAR for Years now against ISIS and won all battles.....
Moral high combat prooved


Are you ready to die for the "Führer" Erdogan?


Help is on the way ?! ... -to-afrin/

Turkey accuses Syrian regime of opening pathway for Kurdish militants to Afrin
January 22, 2018 at 4:01 pm | Published in: Europe & Russia, Middle East, News, Syria, Turkey

Turkish sources accused the Syrian regime of opening a pathway for members of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) from Aleppo to the Kurdish-controlled city of Afrin in northern Syria.....

This is FREE press @ its best: ... ys-tyrant/

Don’t abandon the Kurds to the ‘mercies’ of Turkey’s tyrant
By Ralph Peters January 22, 2018 |

The United States has been the protector and ally of the Kurds for a quarter-century. And the Kurds have proven to be, man-for-man and woman-for-woman, the best fighters in the region.

Without Kurdish boots on the ground, we would not have made the sweeping progress achieved against the Islamic State caliphate.

Now, with ISIS crushed (but still wriggling and snapping), we’re turning our backs on our Kurdish allies in Syria as they’re attacked by a NATO ally gone rogue — Turkey, which is led by an Islamist strongman, the odious “President” Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Kurds are fighting for freedom and a state of their own. There are at least 30 million Kurds divided between Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, and possibly 10 million more — none of the states where they’re captive have allowed an honest census. Kurds have been butchered en masse, denied fundamental rights, imprisoned, tortured, raped, cheated and scapegoated. (All of which should sound unnervingly familiar to those who know Israel’s backstory.)

After letting the Kurds down at Versailles a century ago, when we acquiesced to denying them a state, we finally stepped up to do the right thing in the wake of Desert Storm — after Saddam Hussein had used poison gas on Iraq’s Kurdish population. In return, the Kurds have fought bravely beside us in a succession of conflicts.

Outside of Israel, no one has done more to support our priorities — especially in combatting Islamist terrorists.

Turkey says its 'mistrust' of Washington over Syria continues
Plane dangles off cliff after skidding off runway in Turkey
Turkey warns citizens against traveling to America
The final act of the Syrian bloodbath
Now we’re on the verge of permitting another slaughter of Kurds. To please Turkey.

We should be on the side of the underdogs, not of the rabid dogs.
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Tue 23 Jan 2018, 17:07:47

Kurds under massiv turkish rocket fire! ... ashes.html
The Turkish military increased number of artillery and air strikes on Kurdish YPG/YPJ forces in Syria’s afrin after its proxies had failed to establish control over the strategic mount of Birsaya despite two days of the operations there.

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) supported by the Turkish Armed Forces attacked positions of the YPG/YPJ on multiple frontlines but were not able to break the defense of Kurdish forces and to achieve any notable progress on January 23. According to pro-Turkish sources, the FSA seized the village of Hammam and the nearby hills. However, the area became contested after Kurdish units had launched a counter-attack there.

Despite this, the YPG/YPJ is now in very complicated situation. Turkish forces have an advantage in manpower and firepower and they are able to pressure Kurdish forces from multiple directions.

Turkish multiple rocket launcher systems shell positions of the YPG/YPJ in Afrin:
BBC Syria war: Thousands flee Turkish assault on Afrin enclave

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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Wed 24 Jan 2018, 05:48:22

YPG hit turkish "Panzer" with ATM
YPG destroy turkish Tank with ATGM in Afrin - Operation Olive Branch | War in Syria 2018
German Lepard "Panzer" sean fighting on the battlefield.

Turkish proxies "FSA" with heavy casualties >300! ... ern-afrin/
A high ranking Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander was killed in the northern part of the Afrin Canton, Tuesday, after his forces clashed with the Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG) at the town of Hamam.

According to local reports, the commander of the Samraqand Brigade of the Free Syrian Army, Ahmad Fayyadh Al-Khalaf, was killed during the rebel attempt to capture Hamam from the YPG forces on Tuesday.

British men prepare to fight Turkish-led forces in Syria
By Emma Vardy
BBC News
British men are among a group of international volunteers preparing to fight against Turkish-led forces in north-west Syria, the BBC understands.

They have joined the Kurdish militia, the YPG, in its offensive on the Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin.

Among the volunteers is a 24-year-old British-Chinese fighter from Manchester, known as Huang Lei.

Lei, who originally travelled to Syria in 2015 to battle against IS, told the BBC it was his "duty" to fight.

Confirmed ... f-official
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 25 Jan 2018, 05:36:28

Combat losses are stacking up as Ankara’s ‘Olive Branch’ operation against Kurdish forces in Afrin moves into its fifth day. Recently the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) released a statistical report covering deaths suffered by all warring factions in the region as well as those endured by civilians.

According to the SOHR, so far 48 Free Syrian Army-linked militants have been killed in clashes with Kurdish forces across Afrin’s frontier. In addition to this is the confirmed death of two Turkish Army soldiers, both combat-related.

The SOHR report expanded to state that the death count for Kurdish forces currently stands at 48 fighters killed in action.

Finally, 30 civilians have killed of which eight are children and four are women; 28 of these deaths are due to Turkish airstrikes and shelling. ... tatistics/
It is just the beginning maybe thousands will follow into Erdogans new opened WAR=slaughterhouse.
Heavy turkish air bombing on civilians going on:

In pictures
Street fights between Kurds and Turks now in Germany
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 25 Jan 2018, 17:35:13


Syria war: Kurds call on Damascus to defend against Turks
Breaking: Kurdish government officially calls on Syrian Army to protect Afrin from Turkey
By Andrew Illingworth - 25/01/2018

The official Kurdish administrative bureaucracy that runs Syria’s Afrin region has called on the government in Damascus to protect the region and its people from the ongoing assault against it by Turkey-led forces.

Moments ago, the Afrin Self-Administration Office (a regional extension of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party) posted a statement (seen below) officially calling on the Syrian government to fulfill its duty to protect the region – a part of sovereign Syrian soil – from Turkish invasion by deploying its military.

The statement did make the effort to point out that Kurdish forces had protected Afrin from terrorists and invaders for the last six years and that they would continue to do so even once the Syrian Armed Forces stepped in.

A key part of the statement reads:

“We call out for the Syrian government to protect Afrin and Syria’s borders by deploying the Syrian Armed Forces to protect Afrin borders.” ... in-turkey/
When the Syrian Army liberated Idlib from Terrorists then the Kurds will get help but interrim the Syrian Army could deliver heavy weapons to the Kurds and anti air and tank missiles defending so Afrin against Turkish Invasion.



USA vs. Turkey looms: ... frontation

Turkey to U.S.: End Support for Syrian Kurd YPG or Risk Confrontation 8O
Jan. 25, 2018, at 10:32 a.m.
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 26 Jan 2018, 07:45:08



Turkish military operations in Syria could extend as far as Iraqi border: Erdogan
By Leith Aboufadel - 26/01/2018

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told members of the AKP on Friday that Turkey’s military operations could extend as far as the Iraqi border.

In particular, the Turkish military operations could target the YPG’s heartland in the northern Raqqa and Al-Hasakah, which have been relatively quiet fronts since the Islamic State’s (ISIS) defeat in 2017.

Should Turkey push further east of Menbeij, they will likely run into the U.S. Armed Forces, who have been present in this area since 2016.

Erdogan has warned Washington that they will continue their military operations in Syria, despite the risk of running into the U.S. ground forces..... ... r-erdogan/
Erdogan will not stop @ the Iraqi border but his aggression will push to the oilfields of Kirkuk

****************** ... led-afrin/

Turkey says 14 killed, 130 wounded in operation in Syria's Afrin
Reuters Staff


ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey’s health minister said on Friday that 14 Turkish soldiers and Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels were killed and another 130 people were wounded following Turkey’s incursion into Syria’s Afrin region.

Speaking to reporters after visiting wounded soldiers in hospitals, Ahmet Demircan said three Turkish soldiers and 11 fighters from Turkey-backed FSA factions have been killed so far in clashes in northern Syria.

He said 130 people had been brought to Turkish hospitals and that 82 of them had been released after receiving treatment. None of the wounded were in critical condition, he said, adding that additional medical personnel were sent to the area.

On Saturday, Turkey launched an offensive against the Kurdish YPG militia, which it views as a security threat, in Syria’s Afrin, opening a new front in the multi-sided Syrian civil war and further straining ties with its NATO ally Washington.... ... SKBN1FF0TX

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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Sat 27 Jan 2018, 09:09:37


We are a unit of international fighters from Rojava, we came to Afrin to fight the Turkish fascist state,” says a man with a French accent in a video posted online that allegedly shows international volunteers claiming they have arrived in northwest Syria to oppose Turkey’s recent offensive.

For a week, Turkey and Syrian rebels have been fighting the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the mountainous area of Afrin in Syria. Turkey says its campaign is aimed at eliminating "terrorists,” while the local Kurds say they are being bombarded by artillery and warplanes.

The BIG WAR looms as Erdogans "Panzer Divisions" will erase whole "Rojava" =


*************************************** ... ist-force/
Afrin: Turkey’s Attack on Syria’s Kurds Threatens That Country’s Most Democratic, Pluralist Force
The Kurds have said they will fight to the death before they give up an inch of Afrin.

SDF soldiers on the way to the frontline in Afrin

As Turkey’s economy tanks and its political isolation increases, these political ends include maintaining Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian rule. A little war might make him seem indispensable. And Afrin must have seemed like an easy win for this huge military power, with its fancy German tanks and US warplanes and missiles. Turkey has already shown its willingness to inflict “massive destruction, and numerous other serious human rights violations,” including heavy damage to the cities of Nusaybin and Cizre and the Sur district of Diyarbakir, according to the UN.

But the Kurds have said they will fight to the death before they give up an inch of Afrin, and though YPG-YPJ fighters in Afrin do not have US tanks or anti-aircraft guns, they are still a formidable force, seasoned by years of combat with ISIS. Meanwhile, much of Turkey’s former military command was jailed or dismissed after the failed coup of July 2016, and FSA militias have yet to defeat the Kurds.
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Tue 30 Jan 2018, 06:23:23

After the Turkish Invasion: Syria is now a real Slaughterhouse !



Kurds mourn during a funeral in Afrin, Syria on Monday, of civilians and fighters from the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) who were killed in battles as the Turkish army press an offensive against Kurdish militia in the area. (Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images)


Intense clashes erupted Monday on a strategic hilltop in northwestern Syria as Kurdish forces tried to enter the area a day after it was captured by Turkish troops.

Turkish military officials cancelled a government-organized press tour to Bursayah Hill, separating the Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin from the Turkey-controlled town of Azaz, because of what they described as "security concerns."


Intense clashes erupted Monday on a strategic hilltop in northwestern Syria as Kurdish forces tried to enter the area a day after it was captured by Turkish troops.

Turkish military officials cancelled a government-organized press tour to Bursayah Hill, separating the Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin from the Turkey-controlled town of Azaz, because of what they described as "security concerns."

Meanwhile the WAR is expanding! ... ria-794134
BY TOM O'CONNOR ON 1/29/18 AT 12:45 PM

The U.S. military intends to remain in the northern Syrian city of Manbij despite an incoming offensive backed by Turkey, which, along with Ankara's rebel allies, has launched an assault on nearby Kurdish forces sponsored by the Pentagon.
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Wed 31 Jan 2018, 04:39:19

BY SARAH N. STERN JANUARY 30, 2018 22:12 ... ght-540261

In 1939, when the Nazis rolled into Poland, my aunt, whose name I carry, was forced to strip naked and dig a hole, into which she and the other members of her village were summarily mowed down.

Many in the Western world turned a deaf ear to the cries of my aunt, as well as to those of six million other Jews.

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America was exhausted and war weary after having fought World War I, in which approximately 30 million people had been killed, and was in a period of profound isolationism and retreat.

There emerged a charismatic, young, impassioned leader who appealed to his people, stunned by their crushing defeat in WWI, with fiery speeches of reclaiming the pride of the Fatherland.

America heard Hitler’s speeches, and knew they were laced with antisemitism. But Germany was so far away, and the enemy that had been scapegoated was a strange people, with different customs, mere Jews.

This picture is not too dissimilar from what is happening today in northwestern Syria. Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is a tyrannical brute, who has made a frequent habit of trampling on the human rights of his own people, with total impunity. Since the failed coup of July 2016, Erdogan continues to conduct arbitrary arrests and purges of academicians, politicians and journalists. Anyone slightly threatening to him is held in prison on trumped-up charges.....


1939 DEJAVU!
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 01 Feb 2018, 04:07:44

Syrian civilians still under heavy turkish fire thousands on the run!
Image ... 8c67cb55c3
Afrin residents say Syrian 'curse' has arrived as war hits Kurdish enclave
Incursion into border enclave splits conflict into new direction for already displaced refugees ... s-in-afrin


Syria’s Kurdish militia is growing frustrated with its patron, the United States, and is pressing it to do more to stop Turkey’s assault on a key stronghold in Syria.

The issue reflects a deeper concern among the Kurds over their alliance with the Americans, which proved vital to defeating the Islamic State group in Syria. The Kurds fear that ultimately they and their dream of self-rule will be the losers in the big powers’ play over influence in Syria. Already the U.S. is in a tough spot, juggling between the interests of the Kurds, its only ally in war-torn Syria, and its relations with Turkey, a key NATO ally.

The Kurdish militia views defending the Kurdish enclave of Afrin as an existential fight to preserve their territory. Afrin has major significance — it’s one of the first Kurdish areas to rise up against President Bashar Assad and back self-rule, a base for senior fighters who pioneered the alliance with the Americans and a key link in their efforts to form a contiguous entity along Turkey’s border. The offensive, which began Jan. 20, has so far killed more than 60 civilians and dozens of fighters on both sides, and displaced thousands.

“How can they stand by and watch?” Aldar Khalil, a senior Kurdish politician said of the U.S.-led coalition against IS. “They should meet their obligations toward this force that participated with them (in the fight against terrorism.) We consider their unclear and indecisive positions as a source of concern.”....


History told that France and Britain could hold "Hitlers Überfall" on Poland if lunched a massive counter attack in the West but they rest and Polish "Untermenschen" and "Juden" where slaughtered.


Soon we will see turkish "Einsatzgruppen" for the "Kurds" and non Muslims in Syria +Iraq




Minorities in Syria’s Afrin Fear Persecution as Turkey Escalates Offensive

As Turkey continues its military offensive and air campaign in Afrin, a city under the control of Syrian Kurds, minorities in the region fear that the conflict could make them a target of hostile militant groups still operating in the region.

“We fear that the factors that contributed to the Sinjar massacre would combine and produce a similar atrocity in Afrin,” Şêkh Ali Reşo, a board member of Central Council of Yazidis in Germany, told VOA.

In 2014, the Islamic State terror group perpetrated genocide against the Yazidis in the Sinjar region of Iraq. Tens of thousands of men, women and children fled to Mount Sinjar, where they were under siege for several days. IS massacred hundreds of them. ... 34119.html

Will Washington’s Syria Chess Game Lead to War with NATO Ally Turkey?
America’s current Syria strategy opens up the door for a war with Turkey and a potential war with Iran and Syria. All the while the U.S. loses its status as the so-called global leader, with Russia emerging unscathed from the conflict as the region’s major power broker. ... ey/236946/
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 01 Feb 2018, 15:29:43

Image ... ern-syria/
The Turkish-backed rebels have captured the strategic town of Bulbul, today, after a fierce battle with the Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG).

Led by the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the Turkish-backed rebels were on a roll in northwestern Afrin, today, capturing a number of towns located north of Bulbul.

With town of Bulbul captured, the Free Syrian Army and their allies will now attempt to seize the entire district, which is still partially controlled by the YPG forces.....
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 02 Feb 2018, 04:04:13

Edogans "Vernichtungskrieg" against Kurds in Syria
=> ... index.html

'This is a massacre': Turkey's bombs drive families into caves ... -1.5766942
Analysis The Real Reason Behind Turkey’s Military Incursion Into Syria
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the Turks invaded Syria in order to combat ‘Kurdish terror,’ but preventing three Kurdish districts establishing territorial contiguity along the border is no less important

On the ninth day of Turkey’s incursion into the Kurdish district of Afrin, an international movement is underway to try to stop the galloping Turkish assault into Syria.

Germany announced Thursday it would halt arms shipments and suspend the deal it signed to upgrade Turkey’s German-manufactured tanks. France convened a special meeting of the UN Security Council on Monday, and U.S. President Donald Trump warned Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday to “avoid any actions that might risk conflict between Turkish and American forces” in Syria.

It was unclear from that wording if he meant that U.S. forces might attack Turkish forces, but Turkey was quick to deny that any such warning was included in the phone conversation between the two leaders, saying instead they discussed only the situation in Syria.

I prefer a massiv US lead counter attack on the so called trukish proxy FSA army invading Rojava to send a clear and brutal message to Dictator Erdogan if he is attacking Manbij

TRUMP and Putin stop the Dictator before its to late!


SMOKE OF WAR! ... -progress/

Turkey Claims Syria Invasion ‘Successfully Continuing’ as Kurds Deny Progress
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Sat 03 Feb 2018, 05:15:21

Erdogans babaric "Vernichtungskrieg" against Kurds in Afrin

Here is how it looks / views WAR CRIMES

Jihadists and fascists are reportedly assisting Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria [VIDEOS] ... ets-video/

WARNING: This article contains very disturbing images which may not be suitable for everyone and are not recommended for the faint-hearted.

A photo of alleged jihadists reportedly deployed by Turkey to attack people in the mainly Kurdish-populated province of Afrin (northern Syria) has been published on social media. Meanwhile, the independent Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has shared video footage of these forces with the mutilated body of a female fighter who was resisting the invasion. It has also reportedly witnessed members of the fascist Grey Wolves group fighting alongside the Turkish invasion force.....

This is Dictator Erdogans War he want it and he do it!


Here are the Victims ... ple-afrin/

The International Community Cannot Turn Its Back on the People of Afrin
By Garen Chiloyan on February 2, 2018

Those of us who live in the safest and most comfortable areas of the world should do more for the people of Rojava. The sacrifices these people have made to the altar of freedom have made the world a more peaceful place. Their fight has been a fight for common decency. How can we as human beings witness such atrocities and stay silent? To be silent is to be complicit and to lose our humanity. We must stand with the Kurds against these attacks by Turkish imperialist forces.

Let’s be clear, if the defenses of Afrin are breached, then the world will witness yet another genocide at the hands of Turkey. The international community cannot turn its back on the people of Afrin.
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Sun 04 Feb 2018, 04:15:17

Heavy losses for Turkey : German build "Leopard Panzer" destroyed by ATGM

The Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG) destroyed a Turkish Army tank in the Afrin region of northern Aleppo on Saturday.

According to the official media wing of the YPG, their forces scored a direct hit on the Turkish tank with an anti-tank missile (ATGM) in northwestern Afrin.

As a result of this anti-tank missile attack, at least five Turkish soldiers were killed this afternoon.

The tank as identified as a German-manufactured Leopard 2A4, which is considered one of the strongest and most modern tanks in the world.
Image ... in-photos/
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby Tanada » Sun 04 Feb 2018, 15:11:03

Stalin learned in 1941 that you can have the best tank on Earth but if your crews are poorly trained and lead they are nothing but targets for your enemies.
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Re: Kurdish War

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 05 Feb 2018, 04:24:40

Yep! Tanada

FULL SCALE MOBILISATION IN AFRIN SYRIA thousands of new kurdish fighters going to WAR! ... 35978.html

Ammunition belts slung over their shoulders, voices cracking from the chanting, dozens of young Syrian Kurds amassed in Afrin's town square to enlist in the "resistance" movement against a Turkish-backed assault.
They wore mismatched military gear, some in jeans and others with scarves wrapped around their faces.

A few admitted it was the first time they had ever touched a weapon, but said they felt compelled to defend their hometown.

"Afrin is where I grew up, just like my parents and my grandparents before me. This is why it's a duty for me to fight for it," says Asmaa, 19.

Barin Kobani: Video of Kurdish female fighter's body prompts outrage
'This kind of behaviour will only serve to reinforce our determination to resist until victory'


Barin Kobani, centre, was killed in action in Qurna early this week Delil Souleman/AFP/Getty Images

Syrian Kurds have reacted with outrage to a video showing the body of a female Kurdish fighter who was killed in battle during the a Turkish-led offensive.

Barin Kobani, a member of the all-female fighting unit of the Kurdish YPG (People’s Protection Units), was killed during fighting earlier this week in the northern Afrin region, reports say.

The footage showed a group of Turkey-backed rebels standing over the mutilated body of a female soldier, later identified as Kobani, in the village of Qurna near the Turkish border.

The Kurdish community has reacted with fury – accusing the men of mutilating the body themselves and social media users shared a portrait of Kobani smiling next to another shot of her body. ... 94261.html
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