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Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 24 Oct 2017, 12:38:01

Well, I agree that FF's will fade away ... except that we have 5-6 decades of coal left to extract, most of it so deep that we will cause even more environmental damage to get to it. I hate coal. Then those methane clathrates, being in deep cold waters, are ripe for underwater robots to mine.

There was an encouraging article on PBS News Hour on Sunday:
...if you consider a 40 year life extension of a 48-year-old plant, designed to last 50 years, to be a good thing. Both NY and Illinois have implemented "carbon free" power stimulus bills, which encourage existing nuclear, and force new renewable energy plants to compete against existing nuclear, with 24X7 availability, an unlevel playing field.

There is a dry storage vault next to the nuclear plant that contains 40+ years of spent fuel rods. Compare that to 20+ square miles of toxic coal fly ash, 25 foot deep, that a coal plant of equal capacity would have produced. Compare also the 400+ large wind turbines or the 67 square miles of solar PV that it would have taken to produce an equal amount of power ... with the intermittancy problem.

Natural gas, you say ... but we don't have 60 years of gas to burn ... unless we mine those methane clathrates, and pump them into our gas pipelines. I'm not in favor of that, and I advise anybody who considers building a gas heated home today to look at other alternatives involving renewables. Else in two decades when we have a gas shortage, you'll find yourself voting for those methane clathrates, because you can no longer afford to heat your home, and also can't afford to convert to renewables ... then.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 24 Oct 2017, 12:44:28

baha wrote:Hi KJ,
Sorry if I touched a nerve...We really don't disagree in principle, just specifics.


No problems. But the shear number of people who claim to be enlightened, even scientific minds, who were willing to indulge in Gaia worship simply irritated me. The world is ripe for another Prophet, this time a woman, who will claim that she is the embodiment of the Earth Mother, and then will demand suicides from her followers, and the sacrifice of newborns, for the good of the planet. I don't want to encourage something like that, but I fear that in another generation, with the Middle Class lifestyle a fading dream, that even the USA will be vulnerable to a new religion, complete with online worship.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 24 Oct 2017, 12:50:59

KaiserJeep wrote: the shear number of people who claim to be enlightened, even scientific minds, who were willing to indulge in Gaia worship simply irritated me.

KJ, reverence does not have to be irrational.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 24 Oct 2017, 13:43:11

Ibon wrote:
KaiserJeep wrote: the shear number of people who claim to be enlightened, even scientific minds, who were willing to indulge in Gaia worship simply irritated me.

KJ, reverence does not have to be irrational.

Read the words typed earlier in this thread. I contend that they are not rational, not all of them. I reverence nature myself.

There is a pristine natural chaparral environment not far from here, an eroded volcanic cone called the Pinnacles. A few years ago it went from a National Monument to a National Park, so that the wild hogs destroying the rare plant species could be controlled. But in early Spring if you hike from the parking lot up over the peak and through the caverns, you will have what for all practical purposes is a religious experience. I did so many times until rheumatoid arthritis destroyed my joints. I still reverence the place I can never again experience.

But that doesn't make me willing to sacrifice my grandkids to Gaia. Yet after two generations of idle, networked existence have for all practical purposes destroyed the Middle Class, I perceive that my grandkids own grandkids could be in danger.

The worship of the Earth Mother is always bloody and frequently violent. Perhaps you think that this could never touch your own life, Ibon. But have you ever known violence or religious fervor to exist in Central America?

The danger is real, and - as I always do - I come down on the side of science and humans. But I just don't know about you, or some of the other forum members. To preserve Mt. Totumas, is it worth a few human lives to you?

Don't answer that, all I want you to do is think about it. Because I think that I myself reverence human exceptionalism above all else, even considering that Kudzu Ape is often found covered in ugly disfiguring warts.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 24 Oct 2017, 17:39:54

That's the difference. We have discussed lifeboat ethics in the recent past. But people cannot truly be free when TPTB exist, which they do upon the surface of the Earth. Most of us exist in communities of some sort, and all such are controlled by TPTB. Even Ibon's cloud forest - I'll bet he pays taxes and does not get a lot of services.

But once we are off the surface of this planet, true freedoms will exist. Effectively unlimited materials, power, and living space. Millenia will pass even with geometric population growth, before we face resource constraints again. Don't like local politics? Find some investors and build your own habitat, run your way.

People here think that I am screwy for advocating space habitats. Yet the human race went from the first powered airplane to the Moon landing in 66 years. In 2035 the Moon landing will be 66 years old, and I believe I'll live to see permanent space habitats before then.

Once we are in space, nothing on Earth can stop the humans again. TPTB will not matter.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 24 Oct 2017, 17:55:05

KaiserJeep wrote:The danger is real, and - as I always do - I come down on the side of science and humans. But I just don't know about you, or some of the other forum members. To preserve Mt. Totumas, is it worth a few human lives to you?

Don't answer that, all I want you to do is think about it. Because I think that I myself reverence human exceptionalism above all else, even considering that Kudzu Ape is often found covered in ugly disfiguring warts.

I have mentioned in another post that worshiping the overshoot predator (embracing the correction) is the least misanthropic position you can take since this correction is where we mitigate the greatest risk to our species. Over population currently has taken us collectively in a very precarious situation. Embracing the correction where we fall back to a billion or whatever that final number ends up being is the solution to resiliency long term. It is actually the solution to preserve human exceptionalism quite frankly. Since right now we are just like the proverbial yeast. That is not very exceptional. As I mentioned in another post, not to deny Malthus but to embrace Malthus acknowledging human overshoot and responding in the most humane and intelligent way we can. The humanity and intelligence though comes a bit later only after a few heaping servings of humble pie delivered by the overshoot predator.

The sun god or mother nature are just terms to honor with reverence that which provides life, that which holds us. Nothing more. I don't see anyone on this forum really advocating human genocide to save Gaia. You can disregard environmental ideologues KJ. They pose no real threat, not compared to what is coming down the pike.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Revi » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 09:21:51

With the Artificial Intelligence revolution coming there won't be the jobs that exist nowadays. I wonder what humans are going to do? We may figure out some kind of techno-utopia where we sit around sipping mint juleps provided by robots, but I see a future where there is a lot of surplus population. We are going to have to figure out another way to live. What that is, I have no idea.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 09:40:04

Revi wrote:With the Artificial Intelligence revolution coming there won't be the jobs that exist nowadays. I wonder what humans are going to do? We may figure out some kind of techno-utopia where we sit around sipping mint juleps provided by robots, but I see a future where there is a lot of surplus population. We are going to have to figure out another way to live. What that is, I have no idea.

Revi, those who do not work and pay taxes are not contributing to our society, not contributing to their own pensions, and not very high on the list of those citizens who matter to TPTB.

When things get tough, first you take away their votes, then their lives. Put them in camps, feed them synthetic foods until they die in great numbers, then compost the bodies into fertilizer. Those most at risk would be the undocumented, seniors, and members of the major political party not in power, more or less in that order.

The final solution is always available. Don't assume that marginal citizens of the idle class will continue to be afforded the opportunity to live. That never has been true in tough times before.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby dohboi » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 10:45:04

"first you take away their votes, then their lives. Put them in camps, feed them synthetic foods until they die in great numbers, then compost the bodies into fertilizer. Those most at risk would be the undocumented, seniors, and members of the major political party not in power"

This from the guy who is always for 'humanity'! :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:

Can we all please stop feeding this troll now and let this ridiculous thread die the death should have died long ago?
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 13:40:59

This morning I was thing about starting a thread in BRAVE NEW WORLD. While it is known as a dystopian fantasy the world portrayed is likely far better and more humane than the future we face. Huxley takes on population control and our consumptive behaviors.

So I was thinking of a thread along the lines of “BRAVE NEW WORLD” A RATIONAL APPROACH.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby jedrider » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 15:01:00

I'm just jumping in here (and the back-and-forth is not all that appealing to read, either):

I cannot think of a better outcome than if the northern hemisphere just nuked each other. Go ahead, give the codes to Trump!

Really, ANYTHING is better than a +10 C earth.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 15:38:24

....except nuking the place and having a +100 C earth!

Really, this is ridiculous and inappropriate. This thread is not about Trump, not about unlikely theories of climate change, not about screwy economic theories, and not about anything else, except a theory that those that have accumulated the most wealth are - just possibly - scheming to reduce the rest of the humans to a population level where it is less likely the elites will be distracted by them.

Again, I find myself advocating the minority position. If this desire to "cull" the rest of us is real, we need to know, so that we in turn can cull the elites. There are not many of them that stay a mile and a half or more away from common humans. A mile and a half being approximately the extreme range of a .50 BMG sniper rifle.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby jedrider » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 15:59:01

Alex Jones breaks down the Globalists plan to cull, or selectively slaughter, 90% of the world’s population in an attempt to cleanse the genetic makeup of human beings across the planet.

Well, Hitler's plan was to REPLACE whatever percentage he thought undesirable with German Aryans. So, this is then a STUPID thread IMO.

90% of us have to go. Then 9%. Finally 1%. Decimation.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby dohboi » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 16:33:12

"this is then a STUPID thread"

Indeed. Let's drop it.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 21:27:36

Have you guys ever done the simple math of what this thread title is stating? It means that after 90% of the worlds population is culled we would still have 750 million globalists remaining...... that is still a shit load of globalists!

Many of us have mentioned this figure of 500 million or a billion as being in the ball park of where we suggest our population has to fall back to.

Kind of odd eh?
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 22:06:24

Maybe Occupy have a similar position, the richest 1-3%, that's who we all are. Seems to trigger all sorts of mind twisting shenanigans.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 27 Oct 2017, 03:17:53

You have probably heard me bandying about the world carrying capacity of 125 Million to 1 Billion. These estimates come from an article in National Geographic magazine I read in the last decade, although I don't remember the issue. The lower bound assumes current technology and agrarian lifestyles - modified low tech and similar to how the Amish live. The upper bound of 1 Billion assumes tech not yet in evidence including extended recycling of damn near everything. Niether bound is anything but an estimate, and it's kind of a moot point - the human race blew through the one billion humans figure in 1804, a mere six years after Malthus published. We have been in overshoot for 213 years by those estimates, with steadily accumulating ebnvironmental damage we commonly call the Sixth Great Extinction.

The temporary planetary overshoot carrying capacity is enabled entirely by our FF exploitations and will end when those fuels become too valuable to burn, which around here is referred to as "the correction", "the big power down", TEOTWAWKI, etc.

Silly AGW fanboys would have you believe that all we do is stop burning FF's, and we will be SAVED. This is total damn foolishness, because:

1) There is no central authority controlling prices or exploration or investments to recover newly discovered FF supplies. Chaos rules, modified by human psychological factors. The bounds for the "doom date" I favor are on the order of 110 years, stated differently, the order of 20-200 years, with the center of the Guassian probability at 110 years from today. (That forecast actually was 4 years ago when I joined Peak Oil, so the current most probable "doom date" is 2123 and the boundary dates are from 2033 to 2233 AD.) Within the lower and upper bounds, the probability of collapse approaches unity. Other estimates, models, and SWAGs (Scientific Wild-Assed Guesses) are possible. Pick yours.

2) For those obsessed with AGW, we have spewed enough carbon already to put us at an average global temperature that has not existed on the planet for millions of years. We approach the current Climatic Optimum of this particular Milanković cycle and it's higher than any seen in about 600 thousand years before the present day. I personally think that assigning doom due to climate change is foolish, because I believe that the feedback mechanisms at play in climate are predominately negative, and that carbon pollution is self-correcting and limited by nature. We will know enough to positively put to rest the AGW controversy in 1200-12,000 years by observing the temperature record, no sooner or closer dates are possible, since the state of the art computers are ill-suited to modelling climate.

3) Both population modelling and FF supply models are dominated by the variables of human psychology. Just when enough people recognize Doom and become dysfunctional for all practical purposes is a total unknown. Thus modeling is a useless endeavor we are attempting with inadequate data on inadequate computers. No further discussion required.

Since oil production peaked recently and the Malthusian population was exceeded 213 years ago, just hang on and enjoy the ride. The Titanic did not sink without numerous large bubbles to disturb the lifeboats, rafts, and people already in the water.
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Re: Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 27 Oct 2017, 07:10:45

KaiserJeep wrote:
1) There is no central authority controlling prices or exploration or investments to recover newly discovered FF supplies. Chaos rules, modified by human psychological factors..

That’s not set in stone. We’d have a global treaty mandating CO2 reductions now if Obama hadn’t derailed the treaty signing at the 2009 COP meeting in Copenhagen

At some point we’ll boot out Trump and throw the Paris Accords in the trash and go back to trying to craft a UN treaty that will regulate, tax, and reduce FF use going forward

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