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Las Vegas attack

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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 07:26:17

Chicago stats year to date:

Shot & Killed: 497
Shot & Wounded: 2390
Total Shot: 2887
Total Homicides: 534
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 08:31:35

I'm going to channel my inner Ibon that everything is racist. Bear with me as I've never attempted this feat before.

Democrats are racist and I have proof. All of the Democrat politicians calling for gun control, post-Vegas shooting, now that a bunch of white people were killed. Chicago last month 57 murders, and 273 wounded, most of them black, why does no one care?

How did I do folks?
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby asg70 » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 10:06:24

Plantagenet wrote:You'd think the first thing you would do is feel empathy for the victims when these terrible things happen.

That's funny. I see you do a lot of finger-pointing that this or that group that has high morals isn't living up to them, but rarely do I see you demonstrate those morals yourself. So I think you're really not that different from the groups you say use tragedy to score political points because that's what you do to, in your own way. You are very much a score-keeper (do as I say, not as I do) sort of a guy, not empathetic.

To be more specific, your entire post is merely thinly veiled propaganda to erode support for gun control by ad homming the groups who want it. It's rather insidious how you try to hide behind plausible deniability, but it's pretty clear for what it is. It's kind of a gaslighting approach where you intentionally get people riled up and when they call you out on it, you deny it and urge us to seek medical help for seeing phantoms.

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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 13:36:54

Democrats always have a solution. It goes like this. A bunch of people get killed by a mass shooter. Let's disarm all the people who had nothing to do with that. Yeah that is really putting your noggin to use.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 13:58:57

asg70 wrote: ... thinly veiled propaganda to erode support for gun control


Why thinly veil anything?

If you want to post propaganda to erode support for gun control, then go ahead.

Even better, don't bother disguising or veiling or attributing your thoughts and ideas to others----just directly say what you think in your posts.

Last edited by Plantagenet on Tue 03 Oct 2017, 14:43:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 14:08:57

The weirdest thing about the Vegas attack is that there is no motive is apparent yet.

This guy must've planned this for weeks. He rented two rooms for his attack. He moved a huge arsenal into the rooms.

And yet he has no on-line profile. No political views or religious affiliations are yet known. No one has come forward to say anything about him but that he was a regular guy. There is no threatening note or suicide letter.

There is nothing.

It is all very very very weird.


RIP victims of Vegas attack.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby yellowcanoe » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 14:16:42

Cog wrote:Democrats always have a solution. It goes like this. A bunch of people get killed by a mass shooter. Let's disarm all the people who had nothing to do with that. Yeah that is really putting your noggin to use.

Your sarcasm is misplaced as minimizing the number of assault style rifles and handguns in circulation does work in other countries. I don't think you need to worry about that happening in the US though. The 2'nd amendment along with a conservative Supreme Court pretty much rule out any legislation that would remove large numbers of guns involuntarily from circulation. Even if such legislation passed, the number of guns that would need to be removed from circulation is so large as to make the financial cost of compensating gun owners prohibitive.
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Viva las Vegas

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 15:15:51 ... do-it.html

How did he get dozens of guns in that Mandalay Bay resort?
How about a machine gun and plenty ammo.
How about that lady saying that everyone is going to die 45 min before the shooting?

Those casino's are like banks, well defended by camera's, police, private security.
So nobody has a clue of motive, seen the terror attack preparation, just a lone mad wolf attack right?

Just like 911, out of the blue and because religious nuts hate our freedom.

Dead man do not tell the tale, how handy.

ISIS is a division of NATO, good cop bad cop game, funded, instructed to terrorize, make problems to install fear, get the masses under control.
Create your own everlasting opponent, offer the solution, more camera's and guns under your control.
Prepping for jerks, to kill anybody for wants, to stay in your palace.
Only people who are very afraid do this, rich and poor.
The elite do this on a grand scale though, worldwide war on the poor. ... -east.html

Editor’s Note: Just like the Pulse nightclub massacre, the San Bernardino attack and the 2009 Ft. Hood shooting, the mainstream media is doing everything it can to cover up the connection between Islamic terrorism and major massacres on US soil. Establishment reporters are even claiming it’s “fake news” that ISIS took responsibility for the attack – even though they did take responsibility for the attack. The following article reveals the dark triad of Antifa, Kurdish members of ISIS and anarcho-communists Kurds – and by implication why a country music festival – the bastion of flyover-country Americana – was targeted. For background, read this RELATED article first: FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found with Antifa Literature, Photos Taken in Middle East.

Members of Antifa are illegally crossing the Syrian border to receive military training from Kurdish militias as part of a dark triad between Antifa, anarcho-communist Kurds and Kurdish members of ISIS.

The US-backed Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) has anarcho-communist politics which has attracted American and European Antifa to fight alongside them in what they refer to as “the Rojova revolution.”

Security agencies are concerned that these Antifa members will continue the “revolution at home” once they return. Already FBI sources have revealed Antifa literature and photos taken in the Middle East which were found in the hotel room of suspected Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock.

That his girlfriend went to Dubai does not mean she is a terror suspect......
Like me and my family travel to the Rif mtns.

Why would he take Antifa books to his hotel room?
Just like those Madrid bombers renting a car and leaving it with suspicious Koran tapes and books......
Maybe the FBI is planting a motive on the scene.
Follow the money, he supposedly wired 100.000 to a Philippina girl.......maybe he had a medical condition and wanted to go out with a bang?
Some people do anything for a 100 grand.
Strange affair.
Last edited by Whitefang on Tue 03 Oct 2017, 15:53:01, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 15:30:28

yellowcanoe wrote:
Cog wrote:Democrats always have a solution. It goes like this. A bunch of people get killed by a mass shooter. Let's disarm all the people who had nothing to do with that. Yeah that is really putting your noggin to use.

Your sarcasm is misplaced as minimizing the number of assault style rifles and handguns in circulation does work in other countries. I don't think you need to worry about that happening in the US though. The 2'nd amendment along with a conservative Supreme Court pretty much rule out any legislation that would remove large numbers of guns involuntarily from circulation. Even if such legislation passed, the number of guns that would need to be removed from circulation is so large as to make the financial cost of compensating gun owners prohibitive.

I'm not worried at all. I elected people who respect the 2nd Amendment instead of a gun confiscating Hillary Clinton and a Democrat Congress to go along with her. Thinking about buying 10 more AR's while the price is low. :-D
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False flag business, BAU.

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 16:24:54

Alex a denier on CC, but informed on terror tactics by our government.

According to witnesses, multiple shooters, hundreds of shots and lady who messed with people before the attack, saying that they all would die, escorted to safety by security...........hispanic 5 feet 4...
We are all in a civil war, local management against the rest, the people. ... ddle-east/

This was an average 64-year-old white male with no criminal record. He was an apartment owner with a pilot’s license and owned two airplanes.
His brother described him as an average person who was not into firearms and never owned that many guns. He claimed he just, “snapped.”
His hotel room was filled with guns, including several long guns. Where did those guns come from?

But, this was clearly a pre-planned attack and the group [the target] was specifically chosen.
The target was a concert of the group that represents traditional America.
These were patriotic, God-fearing Americans. This group is pro-Second amendment, pro-Constitution and anti-NWO.
This is the group Obama accused of “Clinging to their guns and religion.”

We are still awaiting all the facts, but the concern is we have seen the government engage in false flags events in the past, and an example of this is CIA Operation Gladio in Italy.

As I examined the 9/11 attacks, I was forced to reach the conclusion that it was more than just a terrorist attack. It has finger prints of a possible false flag event itself.

So, sadly we now have to consider that as a possibility here.
That is a dramatic conclusion and one that most Americans cannot get their mind around. It is just too shocking.
We can be sure this will increase the Shadow Government’s surveillance state, specifically inside the United States.

Interestingly, as previously reported, the mainstream media was already in Las Vegas to cover the OJ Simpson release right before the shooting occurred.
Last edited by Whitefang on Tue 03 Oct 2017, 16:39:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 16:30:54

Alex Jones is a moron. Oh don't get me wrong. The Democrat party is full on about confiscating guns but they use any event to double down on their derp.
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Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 16:52:57

Even morons can be right! lol.

I myself can be very stupid but usually go for being a fool with good intentions.
That will have to go as soon as the all that doodoo hits the fan.
I indulge in trying not to change my habits. Plain dumb, no excuse.

Mr.Jones backs up his explosive narrative with links to media/sources and on occasion science.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 18:13:04

There were NO machine guns.
Guns can be disassembled into major components and reassembled easily and quickly.

I see nothing remarkable in what he did to get the guns and ammo in.

Clearly he has been on about some type of attack for a long time, gathering explosives and the arsenal. For all we know he may have had multiple rooms rented under assumed names and brought the stufff into the hotel over a long period caching them until needed. Not saying that is what he did, just demonstrating a simple solution.

Here's another, simpler. Ever see how some folks travel? Carrying all kinds of luggage? And golf bags? You could easily hide those weapons in that amount of luggage and have the porter deliver it.

While the numbers of dead and wounded are appalling you need to consider the physics of the situation. Assuming, for the moment, he was using a .223 with a full metal jacket, it is likely the bullets would have passed through multiple folks. You have a very dense number of people initially. Those first rounds, until the crowd disperse could have torn through two, three, even four folks. While we have hundreds of injuries hopefully many of them will be relatively minor, the effect of spent bullets.

Again, not saying this is what will ultimately come out, simply saying that what we are seeing does not necessitate a second shooter. Future evidence may lead in that direction.

I can't buy the JFK lone shooter story, so I remain a skeptic at times.

Lets not go overboard with speculation just yet.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 18:16:55

AND I ask everyone to please tone down the rhetoric. Nothing to be gained by flaming one another.

Please remember that we are a small community united in our desire to discuss and comprehend. Strong opinions and differences abound, that's good. Foul words serve no worthwhile end.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 18:35:22

Cog wrote: Thinking about buying 10 more AR's while the price is low. :-D

Is your 64th birthday coming up?
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 19:28:21

Ibon wrote:
Cog wrote: Thinking about buying 10 more AR's while the price is low. :-D

Is your 64th birthday coming up?

Three years from now and what a glorious day that will be. Will be the beginning of another four year Trump presidency. :lol:
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 19:39:52

The likelihood of being murdered by gunshot fell by 72 per cent in Australia after introducing strict gun control
Australia introduced it after a lone gunman killed 35 people
Since then Australia has not suffered another mass shooting. (5 or more people)

Last year a Reuters analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics figures showed that in 1996, Australia had had 311 murders, of which 98 involved guns. In 2014, when the population had increased from about 18 million to 23 million, 238 people were murdered, 35 by guns.

In other words, the likelihood of being murdered by gunshot fell by 72 per cent in that period, from 0.54 to 0.15 per 100,000 people, Reuters said. ... 80671.html
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 19:41:10

OK a bit of explanation, or at least a plausible explanation. The reason he had such a large number of rifles in the room is because when you fire a rifle on full automatic for any length of time the barrel gets red hot (+1400 degrees F. ) and if you continue to fire it it will malfunction or even blow up in your face. So his plan was to fire a weapon through a clip or two then set it aside to cool and pick up the next weapon in the line and repeat the process.
If the cops had not determined which room he was in and started their assault he wold of methodically used every round of ammunition he had in the room before he was done.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 19:44:26

Shaved Monkey wrote:The likelihood of being murdered by gunshot fell by 72 per cent in Australia after introducing strict gun control
Australia introduced it after a lone gunman killed 35 people
Since then Australia has not suffered another mass shooting. (5 or more people)

Last year a Reuters analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics figures showed that in 1996, Australia had had 311 murders, of which 98 involved guns. In 2014, when the population had increased from about 18 million to 23 million, 238 people were murdered, 35 by guns.

In other words, the likelihood of being murdered by gunshot fell by 72 per cent in that period, from 0.54 to 0.15 per 100,000 people, Reuters said. ... 80671.html
I notice that the likelihood of being murdered didn't drop all that much just the method of your demise.
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Re: Las Vegas attack

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 03 Oct 2017, 21:01:57

vtsnowedin wrote:-snip-
I notice that the likelihood of being murdered didn't drop all that much just the method of your demise.

Recently vehicles have become popular as mass murder weapons, especially with terrorists. They always were far dealier weapons than guns. If Australia were to ban motor vehicles, they could save 4X to 5X the number of people saved by banning guns.

BTW, Australia did not just ban gun sales, they confiscated existing guns from legal owners, then destroyed them. This created a whole lot of defenseless victims.
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