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The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby sparky » Tue 07 Mar 2017, 19:30:38

I've got no problem with political advocacy ,
what Irk me the most is sloppy , uniformed articles written by a hack who didn't spend ten minutes googling the facts first

that's not journalism , that advertisement
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sat 11 Mar 2017, 10:16:37

sparky wrote:.
I've got no problem with political advocacy ,
what Irk me the most is sloppy , uniformed articles written by a hack who didn't spend ten minutes googling the facts first

that's not journalism , that advertisement

Advocacy is a soft term for propaganda. Journalists need to write objective articles and not propaganda. People who need their advocacy fix can go to and get it elsewhere.

For example, take the current nightmare in Sweden created by the jihadi-loving "refugees". While Swedish MSM "journalists" are working hard to hide the identity of decapitators and bombers they do nothing to stop the problem and instead make it worse by pumping up the ego of the criminals and putting massive pressure on the police not to "violate the dignity of minorities", i.e. do their freaking jobs and arrest the scumbags. The police do not even protect reporters trying to film conditions in parts of Malmo and elsewhere. Instead they are almost like a border guard for these enclaves.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby sparky » Sat 11 Mar 2017, 19:03:18

Journalists are paid to write what their editors want .
if consistent , propaganda can be useful to parse what the source want to sell you
it is as informative through what they don't tell you as what they do
the intensity of the message also is a good indication of the campaign being waged to own your mind
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sun 19 Mar 2017, 15:00:09 ... 5724113920

So CNN, BBC, etc. all screen the people they have on air by interviews. Fake news outfits with an agenda to push narratives. Letting someone go off script on air is not to be allowed.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sat 25 Mar 2017, 10:18:33 ... ch/ri19330

For some time, certain critics have been suggesting that the mainstream press gives a little too much credence to dubious conspiracy theories about Russia, theories which many Democrats have embraced out of their desire to undermine Donald Trump. Liberal commentators like Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are beginning to sound a bit like Glenn Beck during the peak of the chalkboard-years. Any claim about nefarious doings by Vladimir Putin—for instance, that Russia hacked Vermont’s electric grid, or that the Naked Capitalism blog is Russian state propaganda—is spread widely by pundits without particular regard for the actual substantiating evidence.

Of course, one may disagree with this. One may believe that the media’s treatment of the Russia-Trump nexus has been sober and reasonable. But a new data point suggests otherwise: the New York Times recently published a piece on Russian hacking by Louise Mensch. And a world where the Paper of Record publishes Mensch is not a world with a sane public conversation about Russia.

So people who question brazen inconsistencies of the 9/11 narrative and want to know who killed Seth Rich and why are all tin foil hat "conspiracy theorists" but a certifiable schizophrenic nutjob that thinks the crows sitting on the tree branch near her house are Putin's agents is given a platform to spout their delusional rubbish?

The western media is basically dead.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sat 25 Mar 2017, 12:20:29 ... ne/ri19329

Newsweek engages in pure tin foil hat conspiracy theory BS and this is considered news in America and elsewhere. It is important to note that even the Kiev regime acknowledges the killer was a member of the ultra-nationalist National Guard. ... print.html ... vs-killer/

Pavel Parshov was a member of the "Donbas Battalion" paramilitary unit sent by the Kiev coup regime to suppress the rebellion in the Donbass (against the illegal coup regime). But Newsweek is basically rubber stamping the coup regime narratives without any actual journalism.

I am wondering what would Putin achieve by offing has-beens like he is accused of in typical tin foil hat conspiracy style? None of these victims posed any political threat. Meanwhile specimens such as Khodorkovsky and Navalny are running around doing as they please. Maybe if they could pin Berezovsky's death on Putin, then they would have at least something semi-plausible.

Anyway, the indignation coming out of NATO over conspiracy theory accusations of Putin offing a handful of "critics" (he has thousands of them in Russia and they have newspaper, radio and TV pulpits) are utter hypocrisy when Obama was drone killing thousands with a ratio of 4 civilians for every militant in the Middle East and South Asia. Collateral damage is not a valid excuse. If the pretext is to fight terrorism, then creating more terrorists by slaughtering civilians nullifies any gains.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 02 May 2017, 11:41:15

Amusing, you disagree with the PC line of thinking and they turn on you like rabid wolves. Lots more tweets shown at link below the quote, they are very hard to quote in a way that makes readable text.

Liberal New York Times Subscribers Canceling in Droves over Anti-Global Warming Column
After becoming the darling of the left with his long list of stark, never-Trump columns, writer Bret Stephens has become a sudden pariah among his newfound fans by writing a column that mildly questioned the validity of global warming. And now, after months of celebrating him as a “sensible” Republican, New York Times readers are canceling their subscriptions in droves over his “climate denying” article.

Because of the unhinged attack, Stephens noted that he is being reminded of just how filled with hate an intolerance the left really is.

Indeed, global warming fans have launched #ShowYourCancellation, a Twitter hashtag campaign to urge New York Times subscribers to dump the paper.

Stephens, an establishment Republican and a former Wall Street Journal writer, was hired by the New York Times after spending the past many months uncorking a wave of anti-Trump columns. But with his debut column for the “paper of record,” Stephens chided climate change believers for being so certain of their belief despite the lack of full scientific support for their religious-like global warming tenets.

In his column, Stephens said that “claiming total certainty about the science” of climate change and not taking the facts from both sides “traduces the spirit of science and creates openings for doubt whenever a climate claim proves wrong.”

But after the mild column debuted, a wave of hate rolled over both Stephens and the Times because the columnist dared to question climate change.

Liberals have called for the Times to fire Stephens over the “climate denying” column with a petition at that has already gained nearly 30,000 signers.

The petition charges that the paper itself has now somehow joined the ranks of “deniers”:
The hire of Mr. Stephens compromises The New York Times especially because the fossil fuel industry and its media echo chamber are spreading the lie that science continues to debate whether climate change is real, whether humans are causing it, and whether it has adverse impacts on America and the globe. The New York Times has now entered that echo chamber. The Times now legitimates the lie that human-caused climate change is a political opinion to be debated, when in reality human-caused climate change is a truth already discovered by scientific inquiry.

Along with the petition, a wave of tweets has inundated the paper with calls for the columnist to be fired in one hate-filled tweet after another.

One Twitter user told Stephens to “Go eat dog d***s,” while another claimed that Stephens is trending on Twitter because, he said, “You suck.”

Even other purported journalists are tweeting attacks on the Times and Stephens.

Liberal columnist Monica Potts, who writes for such outlets as Vogue, The Daily Beast, and the New York Times, called Stephens’ column “irresponsible”:
NYT Opinion


When it comes to climate change the threat is clear. Well, not entirely, says @BretStephensNYT.


@nytopinion @BretStephensNYT This is so irresponsible. For many readers, anything that comes out of the times has its authority. They don't know you hired an idiot.
4:26 PM - 28 Apr 2017 ... ng-column/
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Subjectivist » Tue 02 May 2017, 17:56:53

The NYT is dying because they are still trying to run a subscription model in a world where the bulk of readers view online. No way am I going to send money to NYT when I can get the same info directly from AP newswire service for free, or dozens of other outlets.

The only way subscription service pays off is if you have sonething unique and special to sell. The NYT is just one more in a pack of many spouting the same opinions and partial facts without giving a rounded picture of any issue.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby ralfy » Wed 03 May 2017, 08:58:53

From 2012:

"These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America" ... ica-2012-6

Similar takes place for food production, etc.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Thu 04 May 2017, 09:07:58

ralfy wrote:From 2012:

"These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America" ... ica-2012-6

Similar takes place for food production, etc.

This is the gift of Reagan who messed up the US media market by getting rid of anti-trust and monopoly limitations. There has been a clear degradation in the quality of the journalism over the last 30+ years.

It is hard to understand why the average consumer sheep can't see the obvious fact that the owners of media company exert control over its reporting slant. He who pays the piper, calls the tune. Media corporations are not universities with journalists tenured like professors. Journalists can be hired and fired on the whim of their managers, who serve the owners.

And here is some more cognitive dissonance: it is actually possible for journalists to have more independence in state run media outfits than in corporations since the governments are more worried about optics and have various internal rules about employee termination that make them much more inefficient at firing workers than corporations. CNN can ruin the career of any journalist it fires since other corporations will not hire them without the right references. Over time we get what we are seeing, a collection of corporation employees serving their bosses and not objective journalism.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby onlooker » Thu 04 May 2017, 09:11:40

All major US institutions and Organizations are controlled by a tiny group of financial elites
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby sparky » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 07:36:18

Reading the above contributions make my head spin ,
there is nothing like the future to test past opinions
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 09:31:06


Not at all sure of your drift. That American MSM is biased and driven by the demographics is prima facia obvious. Pandering to the reader base. There is very little of any value in the "news." IMHO most MSM content is editorial or entertainment in content, the is extreamely little actual "news." Analysis is likewise lacking.

My sense is that it is now much as it has always been, from the days of our founding fathers. There may have been a relatively brief time when things were better, if only marginally.

The causes for this lie with human nature; greed, confirmation bias, entertainment.

Maybe the better way to look at MSM is not as a news source but as a reflection of how the country is going. It is a mirror of our collective: loud, opinionated, hypercritical, emotional. Missing is: cool, informative, omprehensive, fair, analytical, thoughtful.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Cog » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 10:32:06

A good example of what Newfie is talking about. Trump gave a 30 minute speech in Warsaw Poland where he went at length about the courage of the Polish people in adverse conditions. First under Nazi Germany and later under Soviet domination. He went on to talk about the superiority of Western culture and why it needs to be protected.

So what does CNN do? They bring in a panel that spends the next hour calling the speech racist. They could have played the entire speech in 30 minutes and then spent 30 minutes discussing what it meant. But nope. Rather take a 20 second excerpt out of the speech and build a racist narrative out of it.

Informed people will spend the time to actually read or watch what politicians are saying. The lazy will spend 30 seconds watching a MSM sound bite and call themselves informed.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 20:12:36

Examples are endless. NPR interviews some guy in Ohio who is bucking the trend and bringing manufacturing jobs back. A good news story. What was he making? Robots to replace factory workers!

That was some years ago now.

Ben Franklin aquired a printing press in Paris to print his own missives under assumed names. Wanted to make sure the Colonies side of the story got out.

On and on. Not really new.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sun 16 Jul 2017, 21:02:07 ... -qatari-ha

CNN caught in the act again.

CNN = Clearly Not News
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 29 Dec 2017, 11:48:00

sparky wrote:Reading the above contributions make my head spin ,
there is nothing like the future to test past opinions

This made a smile break out on my face, thanx!
Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby onlooker » Fri 29 Dec 2017, 12:06:04

Yes, I have been a vocal critic of the US Empire but I am not so naive to think that ONLY the US GOVT. or Western media lie.
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