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Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Pops » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 14:27:50

I don't see the problem if Stein pays.
Confirming everything works shouldn't be a big deal and might placate some folks.
Likely less damaging than POTUS tweeting that millions cheated with zero evidence.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 14:31:33

Sixstrings wrote:
Pops wrote:
Newfie wrote:It's statements like that that I hear as hysterical.

try google


Nobody is saying there's EVIDENCE anything happened.


LOL and that is exactly the problem you have Sixstrings. Michigan and Pennsylvania require evidence to do a recount. You are such a fool.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 14:37:20

Pops wrote:I don't see the problem if Stein pays.
Confirming everything works shouldn't be a big deal and might placate some folks.

Exactly. 150,000 + Americans donated their money just so that there can be a hand recount double check in some of these counties.

And that is these American citizens' right to do, and Jill Stein is within her rights under these state laws, and these states have judges to rule on it.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 14:41:49

Have you read Wisconsin election law Sixstrings? I have and there exists no right to demand a hand recount only a recount. Cite me the appropriate Wisconsin statute to indicate otherwise or STFU with your bad information.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 14:49:49

Wisconsin to hire thousands of temporary workers (Green Party paying for it) to do the recount:

Estimated $3.5 million recount to begin Thursday

Wisconsin's 72 county clerks are gearing up for the presidential recall effort by hiring thousands of temporary workers for the job.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 14:56:42

Has she paid the money yet? How much of your SSDI check did you donate towards this effort Sixstrings?
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 16:18:54

Pops wrote:
Newfie wrote:It's statements like that that I hear as hysterical.

try google

Come on Pops, what the hell does that mean?

If your just breaking stones then say so. If you intend a point then please give a clue as to what your point is.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 16:26:55

Pops wrote:I don't see the problem if Stein pays.
Confirming everything works shouldn't be a big deal and might placate some folks.
Likely less damaging than POTUS tweeting that millions cheated with zero evidence.

Pops, did you read the article I quoted above where Hillarys campaign thinks it's a problem?

To some extent I agree, it should not be a problem. The recount, of requested, should go forth as stipulated by law.

What I have a problem with is people getting all sound up about it on BOTH sides. Trump should shut his trap. All this silly speculation about Russin or other hacking should stop until something substantive comes to light.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Pops » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 16:48:05

Newfie wrote:
Pops wrote:
Newfie wrote:It's statements like that that I hear as hysterical.

try google

Come on Pops, what the hell does that mean?

How do you "hack" something not connected to the Internet?
It's statements like that that I hear as hysterical.

If you don't understand even after six explained then ask or look up stuxnet & internet and get thousands of hits.
But don't shoot an ad hom because you don't like my politics
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Pops » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 16:52:19

Newfie wrote:What I have a problem with is people getting all sound up about it on BOTH sides. Trump should shut his trap. All this silly speculation about Russin or other hacking should stop until something substantive comes to light.

That's all well and good but the fact is people are wound up, words matter, lies matter, respect for the institution matters, idle threats matter, calling on russia to hack HCs email matters, threatening to jail you opponent matters
Sorry it upsets you - it upsets lots of people
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 17:00:20

Pops I've no doubt your upset. There are lots of thugs I don't like about this election, from either side. In my book neither candidate is fit for dog catcher. Frankly I would bet more people follow that assessment than truly like and support Hillary and Donald combined. So what are WE, those who dislike both candidates to do? We don't have someone to support. Does that make a "deplorable" who should be deported? No, we have no false God or Devil. We have to suck it up and deal with the mess, which ever mess it is.

But you are feeding your own paranoia here. You and lots of others working yourself into a hysteria. I do not understand what is at risk, what is to gain. Unless you really and truly think HRC is soooo much better than Trump (or bias versa).

I suppose right now I'm just pissing you off because I don't buy into the hype.

So let's calm down and inspect the evidence and see where he threat is. Show me why I should be upset. At this juncture even Hillarys own people, and I believe Obama, have said they see no evidence of a hack.

Let's go back to my question, how do you hack a voting device not connected to the Internet? Let's talk about facts and see where the truth lies.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 17:33:31 ... mpossible/

Getting A Recount In Pennsylvania Is Next To Impossible

November 28, 2016 5:43 PM

By Jon Delano
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Donald Trump won Pennsylvania by just 71,000 votes out of 5.8 million votes cast.

But his 1 percent victory over Hillary Clinton was enough to avoid the state’s automatic recount triggered when a vote margin is less than one-half percent.

I’m looking to get an accurate count on the vote,” Weslee Hursh, of Centerville Borough, told KDKA political editor Jon Delano on Monday.

Hursh filed a petition at the Washington County Elections Bureau to recount the ballots in her precinct, even though she’s not alleging any fraud by the Trump campaign.

“That’s not the purpose of this,” says Hursh. “The purpose of this is to make sure that the election was true.”

Via social media, Green Party nominee Dr. Jill Stein urged Pennsylvania voters to file recount petitions.

“Pennsylvania is the only state in which the recount process has to be initiated by actually thousands of voters,” Stein says in her video.

Filing a petition to challenge an election result, to get a recount, in the whole state of Pennsylvania is almost next to impossible.

As citizens in western Pennsylvania are quickly discovering, it’s a very, very complicated process.

“You realize that this has to have three electors, and I only see two,” Washington County Assistant Elections Director Wesley Parry told Hursh on Monday.

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Hursh’s petition was rejected because it was signed by two voters, not three.

In fact, to recount Washington County alone would take 528 signatures.

“Three in each precinct,” said Parry. “So, it can’t just be 528 random people. They have to be registered electors in each separate precinct, three per.”

And the deadline has passed in many counties.

Election officials in both parties insist the results are accurate.

“No system in this state is attached to the internet in any way, so this whole notion of being hacked is farcical at best,” says Parry.

The Stein campaign went to court today to, “protect the right to substantively contest the election” beyond the recounts at the precinct level.

Now, it’s not too late in some counties.

Allegheny County postponed final certification of its results to give voters more time to file petitions.

Then, there’s the money requirement for some, but not all, filings.

Westmoreland County officials said that two petitioners walked out when they were told it would cost them $150 to file.

Gov. Tom Wolf tells the “KDKA Morning News” during his bi-weekly visit that does doesn’t think there can be a total state recount in Pennsylvania.

“Once counties…certify the results, I believe a recount is not possible. Some have completed them, some have not and the state is helping counties who have received recount petitions,” says Wolf.

According to Wolf, the counties that have received recount petitions are Berks, Bucks, Centre, Montgomery and Philadelphia, but he doesn’t know how many petitions have been filed in each county.

“We don’t have any reason to believe there was fraud [in Pennsylvania]…we just don’t see any evidence of that,” says Wolf.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 17:43:16

This is not explicitly about the recount but related.

I can buy that many Stein voters would have stayed home. Clearly Stein voters were not energized by either candidate.

But that fully 1/3 would have voted for Trump is interesting. I'm not sure what that says. Rs are not all deniers? Many greens hated/feared Hillary more than Trump? Greens were such a small percentage it can't matter much, but still interesting. ... oters.html

Jill Stein: If I Had Dropped Out, Donald Trump Would Have Gotten My Voters

During an interview about her effort to recount votes in several states won by Donald Trump, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein tells MSNBC's Craig Melvin that if she hadn't been a candidate.

CRAIG MELVIN, MSNBC: We should also not this: The margin in Wisconsin between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is about 22,000 voted. You received 31,000 votes in that state. What do you think the outcome might have been had you decided not to run?

JILL STEIN: Well, the numbers show that if I weren't running, or if I would have dropped out, most Green voters would not have voted, and of the remainder, a substantial number, more than one third, would have voted for Donald Trump. So unfortunately, the numbers are very clear that absent my campaign, the results would have been absolutely the same. It would not have changed the outcome in any state.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Cog » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 17:46:47

Jill Stein is so full of it. Trump voters are not Green party voters. Maybe communist party voters.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Pops » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 18:38:57

Newfie wrote:no evidence of a hack.

the problem is you are arguing that I'm a hysterical HC supporter demanding a recount because there was a hack.

But in fact I posted a 6 days ago that recounts would be bad and then posted a link indicating hacks improbable:

Pops wrote:from wapo
Reached by email, Halderman pointed us to a statement he'd written at Medium. It's a lengthy examination of how vote-tallying systems have been rigged or manipulated in the past, but the most important line (for our purposes) is this one:

Were this year’s deviations from pre-election polls the results of a cyberattack? Probably not. I believe the most likely explanation is that the polls were systematically wrong, rather than that the election was hacked.

But, because I am sooo upset that HC lost I'm obviously making myself hysterical to the point of believing you can actually hack something not connected to the cyber, when presumably, everyone except me knows that is silly.

Even though six posted several explanations how that might happen directly before your post.

But here, let me google it for you ... net&tbas=0

first non-wiki
An Iranian double agent working for Israel used a standard thumb drive carrying a deadly payload to infect Iran's Natanz nuclear facility with the highly destructive Stuxnet computer worm, according to a story by ISSSource. ... umb-drive/

Sometime around 2008, computerized industrial control system equipment bound for Iran was intercepted, and Stuxnet or other malware was installed on it before it was sent on its way, McBride posits. ... r-facility

To get Stuxnet to its target machines, the attackers first infect computers belonging to five outside companies that are believed to be connected in some way to the nuclear program. The aim is to make each “patient zero” an unwitting carrier who will help spread and transport the weapon on flash drives into the protected facility and the Siemens computers. ... y-stuxnet/

So, to review
you mistake my position
then tell me that position indicates I'm hysterical
Don't understand the cyber
then tell me that your lack of understanding indicates I'm hysterical
then assert that you're above all the hype
which means I'm obviously pissed of and hysterical

So, angry? No
Frustrated that you seem bound to tell me I'm hysterical regardless of my stated position?
what do you think?
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby dohboi » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 18:52:00

Yes, Pops, we all here are pretty sure that you would benefit from a hysterectomy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really getting hard to converse with folks that are determined not to listen to what is actually said, don't you find?
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 18:59:31

dohboi wrote:It's really getting hard to converse with folks that are determined not to listen to what is actually said, don't you find?

We hear what you are saying, but it doesn't make any sense.

There isn't any evidence that the Russians sent secret agents with Flash drives to infect hundreds or thousands of voting machines in at least three different states...... Even the Obama White House said there isn't any evidence of Russian hacking of voting machines. There is nothing that supports what you are saying.

Basically you are promulgating a giant conspiracy theory that the election was rigged without the slightest evidence to support what you are saying. Trump was rightly ridiculed for claiming before the election that the election was rigged, and you and Hillary and the Ds pushing this wackiness are being rightly ridiculed now for claiming the election was rigged.

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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Pops » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 19:02:44

dohboi wrote:Yes, Pops, we all here are pretty sure that you would benefit from a hysterectomy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really getting hard to converse with folks that are determined not to listen to what is actually said, don't you find?

Keep yer hands off my...
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby dohboi » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 19:26:19

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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Pops » Tue 29 Nov 2016, 19:47:38

Plantagenet wrote:Trump was rightly ridiculed for claiming before the election that the election was rigged

Trump said sunday that millions of people voted illegally.

Day before yesterday?

The president elect said MILLIONS voted illegally, with absolutely no evidence, nothing to be proved or disproved, just a tweet into the eather — I realise it isn't really a lie if trump lies it, it is more... aspirational... post-factual... extra-factual even!

The recount is completely above board, paid for by citizens with the aim to ascertain the outcome was fair by providing evidence one way or the other, and if it finds nothing, they're out a few mil and the matter is settled on the facts.

And that of course is the problem we need to come to grips with.
Now everything is made up and the facts don't matter.

But hey, don't get hysterical about it!
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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