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Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

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Re: Will Hillary be indicted mishandling classified Emails?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 05 Jul 2016, 11:42:28

As I predicted, Hillary is cleared of all charges.

The Obama administration decided she was too big to jail.

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Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 20:28:13

vtsnowedin wrote:Do you really know that for sure or did the Clinton machine just count all the black votes for her regardless of how they actually voted.

Do you think the Clintons hacked the voting machines in the South?

FIRST of all -- it's actually not easy to tamper with votes, in the US. Some are saying the Russians have sort of tried a bit, but even they won't be able to.

SECOND -- no, Hillary Clinton did not hack the voting machines in the South.

THIRD -- guess what, black folks like the Clintons. They just do, and this is their RIGHT. If they ever want to be Republicans one day, that is their right too. There's a lot of analysis of this out there, you can google it up, that it's just that minority voters are actually more conservative in today's D party. Whereas the more liberal views are from whites in the party. Over time though, minorities are becoming more liberal too.

The black vote went for Clinton, simply because they are more conservative and Clinton was the more centrist / conservative candidate.

The Clintons won in the South, and she won the nomination, she just had more votes.

Black folks stuck with Bill Clinton in the 90s, and then they were loyal to Hillary, and they'll stick with her on November 8th too.

With the number of times she has been caught lying is there any reason to trust anything she says about any subject.

The Putin government lies even more, though.

Look folks -- I don't mind talking about the wikileaks, if only the same person talking about the wikileaks can also write just as much about the Putin government.

Putin and the oligarchs' corruption is worse than the Clintons. Everything over there, has a kickback to it.. from the Olympics, to military contracts, everything.

Why doesn't Trump ever talk about, THAT? Why doesn't wikileaks ever talk about that?

I'm just sayin'.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 20:47:30

Plantagenet wrote:Putin just gave a major speech today denying the Russians are behind the hacks.

I had a hunch something was up, back when Putin first started returning praise back to Trump.

And I even said it back then, that Trump was leading even poor Putin astray and into a bad thing to be getting into. Putin couldn't resist though.. here was Trump, saying all these Kremlin type views.. so Putin WENT for it.. how could he not? Talk about a huge massive intelligence GIFT, my goodness.

That would be like a candidate in Russia, talking about DEMOCRACY and all that, and getting popular and getting support -- do you think the US would back that candidate? You betcha!

But not the way the Russians backed Trump.. plus, it looks like the Russians also just want to destabilize things here in general, it's not all PRO Trump per se. Their GOAL is to simply neuter the US in the world, and get it to be isolationist, whether in actually HAVING kremlin type views, or just being disorganized and unable to do anything.

Back on point -- if the shoe were on the other foot, and Obama had seen a sudden pro democracy populist getting traction in Russia.. the Obama admin would have just issued statements of support / who knows really, maybe they would have given some covert help too (but I don't think they would have ever done what the Russians just did here, not to that extent).

Putin's been doing this in Europe, too. Supporting anti establishment parties. And he's done it in the UK, too. And now, it's made its way to here, that's all.

Putin says Hillary is lying about this to try and create hysteria and influence voters.

Actually, in my opinion anyhow, the US government has been surprisingly calm given the facts of the matter. There's no "hysteria."

But apparently, Obama administration is going to do some kind of American equivalent to the "wikileaks" and maybe they're going to talk about corruption in Russia so that Russians can read it just as Americans have read the wikileaks.

And, I assume, some Russians will be like me -- some Russians will just say, "yeah that's some bad corruption but it was the Americans that leaked this stuff! Motherland, before party." :lol:

Bottom line about it --

I'm a free information and pro free speech type so it's cool to talk about the wikileaks. Just don't forget the entirety of the situation, and the aims of those that are LEAKING things to wikileaks. That's all I'm saying.

The way I think -- I see the wikileaks, and I think "oh that's interesting" but then I turn around and think "hmmmm so Russian intel leaked this to wikileaks.. hm... that's more concerning."
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 21:21:56

Now having said all the above --

Let's all talk about the wikileaks. There should be another thread for that, really.

The worst things I've heard was just a bit on the news I saw, something about an "enrichment circle" or something, that the Clinton Foundation had.

And I don't know the details, something about a $66 million kickback Bill got?

So look folks, this is ALL interesting stuff. If there's something awful about the Clintons, in those wikileaks, then YES let's TALK about it.

I just haven't seen anything -- I read those "secret bankers speeches," and she just sounds like old Ronald Reagan to me. I liked those speeches, she should have released them.

She quoted churchill, she's tough on China but reasonable too and thinks deeply and complexly about the global situation.

Nowhere in those speeches did she say, "oh, we the Establishment really just need to make everyone so much poorer and screw over the working class." She did not say that, ANYWHERE. Rather, she talked about how to make government work, and bring everyone together.

I liked the UFO's part, that was cool.

But okay, let's get to the AWFUL things in the wikileaks.

So what are they?

This $66 million kickback thing, is that the worst thing?
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 22:46:36

Sixstrings wrote:
vtsnowedin wrote:Do you really know that for sure or did the Clinton machine just count all the black votes for her regardless of how they actually voted.

Do you think the Clintons hacked the voting machines in the South?

If that is what it takes to win I don't doubt that is what they will do.
FIRST of all -- it's actually not easy to tamper with votes, in the US. Some are saying the Russians have sort of tried a bit, but even they won't be able to.

SECOND -- no, Hillary Clinton did not hack the voting machines in the South.

THIRD -- guess what, black folks like the Clintons. They just do, and this is their RIGHT. If they ever want to be Republicans one day, that is their right too. There's a lot of analysis of this out there, you can google it up, that it's just that minority voters are actually more conservative in today's D party. Whereas the more liberal views are from whites in the party. Over time though, minorities are becoming more liberal too.

The black vote went for Clinton, simply because they are more conservative and Clinton was the more centrist / conservative candidate.

The Clintons won in the South, and she won the nomination, she just had more votes.

Black folks stuck with Bill Clinton in the 90s, and then they were loyal to Hillary, and they'll stick with her on November 8th too.
Hard to believe that that every black voter thinks the same thing about her. Are they mindless sheep?
With the number of times she has been caught lying is there any reason to trust anything she says about any subject.

The Putin government lies even more, though.

Look folks -- I don't mind talking about the wikileaks, if only the same person talking about the wikileaks can also write just as much about the Putin government.

Putin and the oligarchs' corruption is worse than the Clintons. Everything over there, has a kickback to it.. from the Olympics, to military contracts, everything.

What does the Russian government 's opinion have to do about anything? The fact she lies more often then Putin just makes the case against her.

Why doesn't Trump ever talk about, THAT? Why doesn't wikileaks ever talk about that?

I'm just sayin'.[/quote]
Why doesn't he talk about that? Are you sure he hasn't or did your favorite media just edit it out to meet the hard commercial breaks?
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 22:48:20

Okay, I've looked over the washington post article about the "circle of enrichment:"

All I see in there, is just the same thing that everybody knew already.

Everybody already knew this, that donors to the charity foundation would also pay for speeches from the Clintons, and the same people donate to Clinton campaigns and Democrats, and likely Republicans too.

So, yeah. She got paid to speak to Coca-Cola corporation, about business interests and also democracy and the American Way. I'm just not as bothered by that, as I am about some of the Trump campaign, that has aligned with distinctly anti-American interests.

Trump Aide Carter Page Slammed America During A Moscow Speech

Donald Trump’s right-hand man criticized American foreign policy for using cold war stereotypes and “often-hypocritical focus on democratization.” But it wasn’t all doom and gloom– if Trump’s foreign policy chief was against American policy, he loved Putin. Mr. Page publicly complimented Russia, currently aiding Assad in Syria against American-backed rebels, for “really moving ahead.”

Feds investigating Trump advisor’s meeting with Russian officials seeking to influence U.S. election
Harry Reid wrote the FBI, demanding action.

Look -- it's OKAY to go to Russia. It's OKAY, to do business in Russia. Heck -- Bill Clinton got a million dollar check for a speech, from a Russian bank that was trying to finagle the uranium deal, with a shady Canadian middleman.

But you know what?

BILL CLINTON did not EVER have kremlin type views. Never. He has NEVER talked down democracy, he has NEVER criticized NATO and NEVER said things that are music to the Kremlin's ears, okay?

So it is what it is.. the Clintons are a little crooked and skate the line of what is legal -- like "tea pot dome" kind of crooked, back in American history -- but they're also Americans, 100%.

Bill and Hillary Clinton would NEVER let the Baltics democracies fall, ever.

Whereas Trump just oddly, for some strange reason, doesn't seem to know American history and doesn't seem to have traditional democratic capitalist views (that include human rights, too).

I realize Russians love Trump so much -- but look, they love Putin too. Russia is Russia and has a right to be, and America is America and we have a right to be who we are too.

I for one am too darn old to change, to something like a pro Putin right wing Russian type view, I'm sorry.

I'm sticking with the Establishment, thank you very much.

All I think they need to do is just raise the darn minimum wage and do a few other things -- and then, they can also keep speaking up for democracy and human rights and constitutions and rule of law in the world, and always doing the right thing as best we can, just as America has always done.

I voted W. Bush two times. I'm sorry, I happen to believe in these things. And I voted O two times as well, and HE believes in these things. And so does Hillary Clinton.

Just in MY opinion -- if people just want some protectionism on trade, or even border control, or anti-corruption reforms, then any political party that does that just has to also be square about the Constitution too, and DEMOCRACY itself and these values in the world.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 23:00:16

vtsnowedin wrote:Why doesn't he talk about that? Are you sure he hasn't or did your favorite media just edit it out to meet the hard commercial breaks?

The ONLY thing, the ONLY time I've ever heard Trump say something that makes it sound like he has traditional Mike Pence type of Republican views.. was just one time, Trump was saying something good about Putin or something like that, and Trump said something like "now okay, we have a different system of course."

That's the only thing I can remember though vt, can you cite anything?

Trump's certainly talked a lot, for a year. Can anyone cite some traditional Republican Ronald Reagan freedom sounding kinds of things? Talking about the Constitution? And sounding like he understands why democracy is the best way in the world?
Last edited by Sixstrings on Thu 27 Oct 2016, 23:05:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 23:01:49

The fact that you can call that business as usual and not a problem speaks ill of your intelligence level.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 23:06:27

Sixstrings wrote:
vtsnowedin wrote:Why doesn't he talk about that? Are you sure he hasn't or did your favorite media just edit it out to meet the hard commercial breaks?

The ONLY thing, the ONLY time I've ever heard Trump say something that makes it sound like he has traditional Mike Pence type of Republican views.. was just one time, Trump was saying something good about Putin or something like that, and Trump said something like "now okay, we have a different system of course."

That's the only thing I can remember though vt, can you cite anything?

Trump's certainly talked a lot, for a year. Can anyone cite some traditional Republican Ronald-Reagan freedom sounding kinds of things? Talking about the Constitution? And sounding like he understands why democracy is the best way in the world?
Again I could champion him as apposed to Hillary on almost every count based on the depth of her depravity but I will let it rest as I will not vote for either one of them as they both would be a disaster for the country.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 27 Oct 2016, 23:19:43

vtsnowedin wrote:The fact that you can call that business as usual and not a problem speaks ill of your intelligence level.

Well yeah it sucks, it shouldn't be business as usual. There was actually a supreme court ruling too, months ago, that was really bad.. that was regarding a Virginia politician that was taking gifts (I forget the details, but the scotus ruling has made corruption EASIER now).

But -- if Trump wants to "drain the swamp," as he says, I'm just concerned he wants to take some GOOD things out too, about the Establishment, and our traditional American values.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 00:10:40

I was watching msnbc and they had independent candidate from Utah, Evan McMullin, on chris matthews show.

And he said "Donald Trump has invited Vladimir Putin into our elections system."

So look folks, it's not just me saying this.

And I don't want to rant and rave about Russia, and I'm not even russophobe, and really my views would actually be a LOT more Putin's Russia friendly than what our congress is.

Goodness, if it were up to me I'd say give them Syria if it's at all possible. And drop sanctions, and recognize Crimea, and accept a frozen conflict in east ukraine -- BUT THEN there'd be a REAL red line for West Ukraine, and FULL US SUPPORT and the compromise would have to be Russia has to stay out of there. So see, that's fair.

And the Baltics, and rest of Europe -- no "crimeas" would be acceptable, anywhere else, not the Baltics nor Sweden nor anywhere in Europe.

On values -- look folks, Russia is mostly far right in their politics. And Putin, effectively, is a dictator and "strongman" leader. It's okay for Russia, and I'm so sympathetic about Russia I even say they shouldn't be expected to change and be like Europe (Russia has a different history, and complexities, and has a more conservative culture).

But one thing I would NEVER do, is say all the kinds of stuff Trump has said, AND like his campaign staff has said over in Moscow -- Carter Page TRASHED democracy. So why did he do that? Was he currying favor? Why?

What American doesn't approve of democracy, it makes no sense to me. Page was over there saying things that the Kremlin just wants to hear -- and then, Trump himself says things, constantly, that the Kremlin just loves to hear.

So whatever, that was 100% I had to vote HRC.

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 01:13:05

Saw this on, Iraq war vet writes about why he's for Clinton:

Why this Iraq War veteran is supporting Hillary Clinton

From the moment I stepped off the bus and onto those world-famous yellow footprints at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, the U.S. Marine Corps constantly drilled into me – and every other Marine recruit – the importance of one being able to maintain their bearing.

Throughout this entire campaign (and her career in public service), Secretary Hillary Clinton has shown that she, more than anyone else running – and certainly more than Donald Trump, knows how to maintain her bearing.

She’s shown that she has the acumen to lead under pressure and she’s presented her case without bringing dishonor upon herself or embarrassing our country.

Secretary Clinton is aptly prepared, on day one, to serve as president of the United States and commander-in-chief. She will keep our nation safe. She will destroy our enemies.

Mrs. Clinton will also ensure our veterans – my fellow veterans – are welcomed home from service not simply with more standing ovations at football games, but with quality health care that’s delivered through a strong, fully-funded and fully-staffed VA; welcomed home not with more yellow ribbons, but with what we need more than anything else: a job – a good job that allows one to live a life with dignity and live out the American Dream that we fought to protect and defend.

On the other hand, her opponent, Mr. Trump, is the most unqualified, unfit, and unequipped candidate for the presidency that our nation has ever put forward.

Mr. Trump has no plan to keep us safe. Well, he says he has a plan, but he won’t share any pieces of it, aside from leveling attacks against our military, speaking in a terrifyingly careless way about our nuclear arsenal, being fickle with our allies, and fawning over dictators like Vladimir Putin and Sadam Hussein.

Mr. Trump has no plan for veterans. Sure he likes to use us as political props, but what else? He’s said that he doesn’t support the GI Bill. He wants to destroy and privatize our VA. And when it comes to jobs, he’s been quoted as saying that he believes that wages for American workers – including millions veterans – are already “too high.”

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There are 14 Marine Corps leadership traits: justice, judgement, dependability, initiative, decisiveness, tact, integrity, enthusiasm, bearing, unselfishness, courage, knowledge, loyalty, and endurance. There isn’t a single trait from this list that Mr. Trump possesses. Not one.

For almost two years, we’ve had to endure Mr. Trump and his charlantry. Each day he’s showcased for the world his fascist proposals, racist ideas, sexist viewpoints, and anti-American values.

But there’s good news: Our long onerous slog through the bright orange Trump muck is nearly complete. Mr. Trump’s campaign is sputtering on what toxic fumes are left in the tank.

In all likelihood Secretary Hillary Clinton will soon be president-Elect Hillary Clinton, and you, me, our nation, and the world will be better for it.
Last edited by Sixstrings on Fri 28 Oct 2016, 02:33:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 02:09:35

This Hillary Clinton Ad may Bring you to Tears | War Hero | Hillary Clinton Web Ad

Mourning in America: Reagan vs. Trump

Madame President showing good judgement, already.

Biden would be great for secretary of state, if he'd accept it:

Clinton eyes Biden for secretary of state
'They are spending a lot of time figuring out the best way to try to persuade him to do it if she wins,' a source tells

Biden's been doing a good job actually as veep, on his foreign trips. He had to go over to the Baltics when Trump already scared three whole nations of people (our allies, at that), and he reassured everybody there. He did well in Asia too, in Australia etc.

Clinton being more like a Republican on foreign policy (she's a bit right of Obama), combined with Biden for sec of state -- would be a good combo.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 04:00:31

Trump says Clinton is too tough on Putin
‘‘She speaks very badly of Putin, and I don’t think that’s smart,’’ Trump said. ‘‘How do you speak so badly of someone?’’

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner

The apparently lighthearted comment falls against the backdrop of Trump's repeated and serious questioning of the legitimacy of the presidential election in recent weeks as he has tumbled in the polls.

Trump has called the election "rigged," argued that the media and establishment politicians are conspiring to sink his campaign and warned supporters that the presidency could be stolen from them due to voter fraud -- instances of which are extremely rare.

Big crowd for Hillary Clinton and Michele Obama, in north carolina:


The Last Thing My Mother Did Before She Died Was Vote for Hillary Clinton

"How did Hillary do?" Mama asked me on Monday, 15 days before the election.

At 94, bedridden in my home in Raleigh, North Carolina, Mama was going down quickly. ...

Mama's absentee ballot had finally arrived that morning. It was a moment she had been living for since she was a girl: the chance to elect our first female president. She cast her ballot; I sealed it and drove it to the post office. But even by the time I came back, she was slipping in and out of consciousness, confused, and thinking the election had already happened.

Born in 1922, Mother was the rebellious middle daughter of three brainy, beautiful Olesen girls raised in Texas and Oklahoma. When her sisters married and started families, Mama headed for the big city, playing the field and pursuing a career. At 30, she got married (“I’d done everything else!") to an unorthodox choice: a displaced Polish Catholic intellectual. ...

Even at 94 she was still fighting. The idea that a bouffant charlatan like Donald Trump could step onstage, spout outrageous rhetoric, do unthinkable things, and be applauded, infuriated her. "What has been lost in this election," she told me months ago, "is its historic nature. Blacks celebrated Obama's ascendancy, as they should have. Where are the women standing up for Hillary, cheering on her courage, brains and tenacity?" She was right.

This Monday afternoon, when I returned from the post office, receipt in hand, I stepped into the bedroom where Mama was barely hanging on.

"Did Hillary make it?" she asked once more, her words trailing, her voice almost inaudible. Looking at the fading light in her eyes, as her boney hand stretched out from her hospice bed, I considered how to respond. Do I tell her the truth? Hillary's poll numbers are looking positive, but the election is not in the bag.

"Yes, Mama," I told her. "Hillary made it."

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby dohboi » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 10:14:05

So tell me, 6S--Clinton accepts the scientific consensus around AGW (even if some of her policies do not seem to reflect that), while Trump has said that he thinks GW is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.

Are you more in the Trump camp these days on that issue, or are you now aligning yourself more with Clinton here?
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 11:02:27

Sixstrings wrote:
vtsnowedin wrote:Do you really know that for sure or did the Clinton machine just count all the black votes for her regardless of how they actually voted.

Do you think the Clintons hacked the voting machines in the South?

FIRST of all -- it's actually not easy to tamper with votes, in the US. Some are saying the Russians have sort of tried a bit, but even they won't be able to.

Small towns that cast paper ballots are hard to cheat at but in the inner cities voting machines are entirely in the hands of Democrat election officials and can be tampered with. And yes I think she has and will again do whatever it takes to win including stuffing ballot boxes and rigging voting machines and she has a lot of operatives who are willing to do the dirty work for her.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 12:17:40

Keep your eyes open for paid pro-Clinton trolls. The Clinton campaign just admitted that they are paying "an army" of folks to post pro-Clinton stuff on internet sites.


Most of the paid Clinton trolls are spending their time at huge web sites like "Reddit" but its not impossible we may get some posts from paid Trolls at this website as well.


The Clitonistas are paying an "army of trolls" to boost Hillary on internet websites
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby dohboi » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 13:02:11

A third of pro-Trump tweets are generated by bots ... y-clinton/

Sooo, do we basically have a war between trolls and bots?? :shock:

Anyone wanna come forward to confess that they are one or the other??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 13:07:31

It amazes me that Democrats can vote for Hillary even after the latest revelations about there money raising activities. ... harge.html
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby dohboi » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 13:13:55

It doesn't amaze me that some are voting for Trump.

Because lots of people are just stupid, and they stupidly think expressing their (generally perfectly legitimate) anger is more important than anything else. But they, and all of us, will end up regretting it. But, like Brexit, too late.

For a short term thrill to use the voting booth as an anger management tool, to shout out a huge FU to the system, they are willing to risk the entire democracy and perhaps the world (when he gets those stubby little fingers on The Button... 8O ).

More (and Moore) here:

Meanwhile, more bad news for Trump, good for Clinton: ... 1477657992

U.S. Economy Roars Back, Grew 2.9% in Third Quarter
Growth rate was the fastest recorded in two years after expanding an anemic 1.4% in the second quarter
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