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Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

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Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 09:31:13

Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet! (Part I)
An unexpected free-market triumph for wind and solar energy entrepreneurs.

By R. Randolph Richardson – 4.21.16


This Earth Day is different. Something BIG is changing fast… and not just the climate.

To everyone’s surprise, the war on climate change just morphed into what looks like an accidental free market triumph. Clean tech wind and solar energy entrepreneurs are kicking ass way beyond anyone’s wildest expectations, even in unsubsidized markets. Production costs are dropping so fast that reportedly, in 2015, the best executed utility scale wind and solar projects became (without subsidies) cheaper than gas or coal.

And this despite a massive drop in fossil fuel prices.

Through the magic of capitalism, technology innovation is on course to reduce, dramatically, your — and everybody’s — energy costs while at the same time reducing emissions that some credible evidence indicates may be bad for the environment. Next step: cutting some tax rates can accelerate these benefits in ways both conservatives and progressives can embrace enthusiastically, conserving their high-octane vitriol for other fights.

Consider the facts. According to a November 2015 study by investment banking firm Lazard, unsubsidized wind and utility-scale solar are now producing energy for a lower cost than natural gas, coal, or nuclear. Unsubsidized. For the lowest cost projects, $32/MWh for wind, $50/MWh for utility scale solar photovoltaics (PV), versus $52/MWh for gas combined cycle plants, $65/MWh for coal, $97/MWh for nuclear.


Remainder of article:

For the first time, there is hope that we can transition to renewables, because people are simply being asked to behave naturally, in compliance with the primate instincts formed over the last million years or so. There is no more question of having to behave in bizarre unnatural ways postulated by some rightfully obscure, Johnny-come-lately 19th Century pseudo-intellectuals named Marx and Engels.

The beneficiaries of these new energy technologies will primarily be the developed world, those with enough resources to transition energy infrastructure from FF's to renewables. There is also some hope that a bare few countries that are just implementing a power grid can benefit from this tech. Those countries who are today marginal economies - who cannot afford the incredible surging human birthrates so cruelly imposed by modern medicines and food handouts, they still have no hope, and no electricity.

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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby onlooker » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 10:15:00
Oh great I am jumping up and down. Now look at this link I posted. See the percentage of Renewable both as part of Total Energy consumption and also in generation of Electricity of the planet. How do you propose that Renewable will really make a much greater proportion? When we here know that Renewable suffers from problems with intermittent generation, less concentrated/potent energy source and its inadequacy to be a real solution within the transport sector. Not to mention the amount of fossil fuels, resources and money needed to scale up a Renewable energy infrastructure that can in any way replace what we have with FF. Remember, any money spent on Renewable is less money for exploration and production of fossil fuel energy sources which in turn means less economic activity and vitality in the here and now and short term future. All while society is coping with Hubberts downward slope of peak oil.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby GHung » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 10:21:49

How The Developing World Is Reinventing The Grid ... -the-grid/


A Fresh Start

The way we interact with energy is fundamentally changing. The core business model of utilities is clashing with global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adopt new technologies, and become energy independent. While massive sunk costs and corporate politics stifle innovative business models in the United States, the 1.2 billion people around the globe without access to grid electricity can actually benefit from the fresh starting point.

The cost of solar panels has plummeted, and advances in energy storage is allowing clean energy microgrids to reach people where the conventional grid has failed. Leapfrogging technologies is not new to the developing world, new microgrid customers are using their new service to conveniently charge their cell phones.

It’s safe to say there’s no going back for these markets. These people no longer have a need for landlines or the bulk power system. In fact, the business models being developed to introduce electricity to new markets will challenge all electricity providers who fail to keep up.......

I'll never go back either. An old, very conservative friend (sports a Trump bumper sticker on his truck) came by the other evening to see if he could hunt turkey this week. He asked if I was still "hanging in off grid" while staring at my various arrays. "Of course", I said. "One of the best decisions I've ever made". He came by yesterday and dropped off a mess of freshly-caught brook trout. YUM! They cooked up nicely on our solar-powered induction unit. Maybe he'll bring me a nice wild turkey breast this weekend.


@ Onlooker - Yeah,, not sure what the rest of you are going to do 8O
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 10:37:42

onlooker wrote:
Oh great I am jumping up and down. Now look at this link I posted. See the percentage of Renewable both as part of Total Energy consumption and also in generation of Electricity of the planet. How do you propose that Renewable will really make a much greater proportion? When we here know that Renewable suffers from problems with intermittent generation, less concentrated/potent energy source and its inadequacy to be a real solution within the transport sector. Not to mention the amount of fossil fuels, resources and money needed to scale up a Renewable energy infrastructure that can in any way replace what we have with FF. Remember, any money spent on Renewable is less money for exploration and production of fossil fuel energy sources which in turn means less economic activity and vitality in the here and now and short term future. All while society is coping with Hubberts downward slope of peak oil.

Without arguing with anything you said: Fossil Fuels are being consumed much much faster than they are being created. The central theme of has always been that FF exhaustion WILL and MUST occur (admittedly, forecasting WHEN is proving problematic). The sooner that we can transition to other energy sources - and "power down" by re-implementing our infrastructure to be much more energy-efficient, the better off we will be. Without disagreeing about the present conveniences of FF's, I can still be - and have always been - an advocate for retiring them from our economy just as rapidly as possible without upsetting that same economy.

Nor is this just talk - I have had that residential solar PV roof for six years, and reduced my gasoline consumption over 90% via lifestyle changes.

Plus, I just LOVED the opportunity to tweak our Marxist members. :mrgreen:
Last edited by KaiserJeep on Fri 22 Apr 2016, 10:43:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby onlooker » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 10:40:25

"an advocate for retiring them from our economy just as rapidly as possible without upsetting that same economy." I too, Kaiser am in favor of doing just that but I just do not see that happening without massive convulsions to the Economy and the ability of people to provide for even their basic needs.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby Peak_Yeast » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 10:41:10

Is that your solar array, GHung? Its enough for a small town?
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby yellowcanoe » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 10:46:43

Interesting that the most expensive power source is Solar PV-Residential Rooftop which is roughly three times as expensive as utility scale Solar PV.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby GHung » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 10:52:02

Once you grok that "massive convulsions" are inevitably coming to economies anyway, the point becomes moot. Better beat the rush and move on. Third worlders and others who have been ignored or under-served by capitalism as we understand it aren't as invested in the status quo as most folks here are, so they get it from the get-go.

It's still capitalism. I read a story recently about a guy in Africa who managed to buy an 80 watt panel and a battery, and now charges 12 cents to charge cell phones. May not seem like much, but not bad in economy with an average annual income of about $600.

@Peaky - That is a micro-grid in Haiti. See the link. Here's my system (earlier photos; I've doubled my PV since these photos, just for fun:

Our first 4 arrays, tracking, mounted on recycled C/KA band satellite dish mounts (acquired free or very cheap).



Our first panels, in service since 1994 and going strong, pumping water now:


... all charging this battery set; also going strong (2200 amp-hours @24VDC). It's our second battery set. About $5800 installed.


... managed from an old laptop (not showing new arrays here):


More than enough to comfortably power a passively heated/cooled earth-bermed home with supplemental wood heat (which also helps heat our water in winter). This is an old picture; some construction happening.


We've also added a new solar water heater; heats a 450 gallon tank up to 165 degrees F. Provides all our domestic hot water and heats the radiant floors when needed. Very little management needed for any of this. Not bad for a place that gets over 65 inches of rain annually, on average. We got 78" in 2015.

Just a hobby, really. My wife says it's part of our retirement plan.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 12:12:37

yellowcanoe wrote:Interesting that the most expensive power source is Solar PV-Residential Rooftop which is roughly three times as expensive as utility scale Solar PV.

One financial factor omitted from that chart: with every central large grid-connected power plant you the consumer PAY the power company FOREVER for your electricity. With residential-scale solar and wind power, you the consumer own the means of power production and all of the electrical POWER IS FREE once you factor in the capital cost plus the maintenance. The chart is strictly power production cost, and does not include a major expense - power grid maintenance, necessary for all grid power plants of all types.

There is also a grid-connected intermediate form of electrical service which is grid-connected residential scale power generation. With recent declines in solar PV panel cost, the batteries have just surpassed the panels as the most costly component in an off-the-grid system and batteries are not needed if you are grid-connected. But if you live in a state such as California - which mandates that the power company credit you for power generated at the same retail rate they charge - the residential solar rooftop can reduce your electric bill to zero - even force them to pay you for excess generation. (I actually end up owing less than $15/month on average, because of miscellaneous fees and surcharges imposed by the same agency that mandated the "net metering".) In a state such as Wisconsin, where I plan to move but which does not have this "net metering" electric rate scheme in place - solar PV is far lower on my priority list than are things such as super-insulating the living space or buying super-efficient windows.

Without net metering, there is very little advantage to a PV roof - and the power company charges you at whatever power rates they can get approvals for, forever more. The take-away message is that if you can reduce your energy consumption to a minimum, you are always better off, and your energy-efficient home is always worth more than an inefficient living space. Also - in enlightened self-interest - you should support net metering whenever the issue arises, in politics or in regulatory policy forums.
Last edited by KaiserJeep on Fri 22 Apr 2016, 14:00:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby GHung » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 12:34:20

Two things, KJ; Any power you generate and use locally in real-time is at a fixed rate. No rate increases for the life of the system. Also, that is tax-free income since that avoided expenditure can either be put into tax-deferred investments, or doesn't need to be earned in the first place. Most folks don't consider, or factor in, the 30%+ $$ that was paid on income used to pay that power bill. Means a lot to those of us not devoted to chasing the almighty dollar. Me? I would rather pay for PV panels than wars.

In the US, what percentage of your income goes to military spending?
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 12:53:01

GHung, I'm well aware of what you speak. My solar PV roof was $0 cost to me - a financial deal called a "Power Purchase Agreement" or PPA. I paid $0, and gave permission for the rooftop panel installation. Then I assigned to the company SunRun the two incentives (State and Federal) which effectively paid for the panels. Then I agreed to pay a fixed cost for my electrical power for 18 years of lease payments, which was about seven incremental electrical rate increases back - electricity costs way more now. After 18 years of lease payments, the panels belong to me, or to the new owner of my present home, for $0. Now 12 years and counting down...

Although they deliberately sized the system at 90% of my average power consumption, I drastically reduced my actual power consumption following the panel installation, and now they owe me every month for surplus power - or would, if not for those pesky fees and surcharges. My power savings come from almost 100% LED and CFI lighting, from new LED HDTVs and computer monitors, from replacing a powered 1/2 hp attic ventilator with wind turbine venting, and from the (mandated by the drought) abandonment of running the 1 hp swimming pool pump.

This level of discussion was really more than this thread called for. I don't have the option of PPA or net metering in Wisconsin. I will have a much more significant heating bill unless I have a super-insulated home. Lots of factors to consider - and off-the-grid is possible, depending on where I end up and whether I am buying or building.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby kublikhan » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 13:40:07

onlooker wrote:Oh great I am jumping up and down. Now look at this link I posted. See the percentage of Renewable both as part of Total Energy consumption and also in generation of Electricity of the planet. How do you propose that Renewable will really make a much greater proportion?
The answer lies in looking at trends in power plant construction. The majority of power plants being built today are renewable. This is in sharp contrast to decades past where the majority of power plants were non renewable. As this trend continues in the years to come the proportion of electricity coming from renewables will grow.

The power sector is leading the charge to decarbonise
With 60 cents of every dollar invested in new power plants to 2040 spent on renewable energy technologies, global renewables-based electricity generation increases by some 8,300 TWh (more than half of the increase in total generation), equivalent to the output of all of today’s fossil-fuel generation plants in China, the United States and the European Union combined. The net result is that the share of coal in the global electricity mix drops from 41% to 30%, with non-hydro renewables gaining a similar amount, while gas, nuclear and hydro broadly maintain their existing shares. By 2040, renewables-based generation reaches a share of 50% in the European Union, around 30% in China and Japan, and above 25% in the United States and India: by contrast, coal accounts for less than 15% of electricity supply outside of Asia.

The balance is shifting towards low-carbon technologies
Policy preferences for lower carbon energy options are reinforced by trends in costs, as oil and gas gradually become more expensive to extract while the costs of renewables and of more efficient end-use technologies continue to fall. By contrast, cost reductions are the norm for more efficient equipment and appliances, as well as for wind power and solar PV, where technology gains are proceeding apace and there are plentiful suitable sites for their deployment.
World Energy Outlook 2015

onlooker wrote:Remember, any money spent on Renewable is less money for exploration and production of fossil fuel energy sources which in turn means less economic activity and vitality in the here and now and short term future
Don't forget that renewables don't have fuel costs. Yes it costs capital/fuel to initially create/install them but once they are up and running the country will have a lower energy bill. And in the short term, renewables add more jobs than fossil fuels. Creating/installing renewables is labor intensive. While exploration and production of fossil fuels is heavily mechanized. During the global recession when most industries where shedding jobs, green energy was adding jobs and economic activity.

Also, because of efficiency improvements, recycling, and sectoral shifts in economic activity, each unit of economic activity generated is requiring less and less energy inputs. It costs less to implement energy efficiency improvements than it does to consume fossil fuels BAU.

Renewable energy projects are creating ten times more jobs than similar-sized fossil fuel projects, according to a new study from the UK Energy Research Centre. The report used data from 50 different studies published since 2000 on the relationship between green energy investment and job creation in the USA, Europe and China. Energy efficiency projects also create more jobs than dirty energy.

Of course, many could argue that by creating jobs in one energy sector, you could be displacing them from elsewhere. But factoring this into calculation the UKERC was also able to work out the overall ‘net’ picture. And the picture remains positive, showing an average 0.5 jobs were created per GWh of renewables compared to 0.25 jobs per GWh for fossil fuels. For every £1 million invested in green energy, around 10 jobs are created.

The report also showed that when the economy is under-performing, for example during a period of recession, it is sensible to focus government expenditure on these labour-intensive sectors. Renewable energy is preferable as it is much more labour intensive than the fossil fuel industry, which relies on mechanised and capital intensive technologies.

"Government-led investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency can offer short-term benefits, helping the economy to grow in times of recession by promoting employment. - See more at: ... tNePq.dpuf"
Renewable energy creates ten times more jobs than fossil fuels

A global transition to clean energy would cost $44 trillion but save $115 trillion in avoided fuel costs, according to a new report. Such benefits would be spread out over the course of decades.

Transitioning to a cleaner, more-efficient energy mix will save the global economy trillions of dollars in avoided fuel costs, according to a report released Monday by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Much of the savings will come in the form of efficiency upgrades for buildings and vehicles, but deployment of more wind, solar, and other renewable technologies will also play an important role.

Energy efficiency stands to play a primary, low-cost role in reducing carbon emissions worldwide. In the IEA's most aggressive vision of a sustainable energy future, efficiency accounts for 38 percent of cumulative emissions reductions, compared with 30 percent from renewables. This would come in the form of more fuel-efficient cars, and building codes that promote more sustainable architecture and design. The building sector already uses 50 percent of global electricity generated. If you could do something there to halve that, that would be a huge, huge achievement.”

Decarbonizing most of the global energy system by 2050 would require an additional $44 trillion investment, according to the latest IEA report, up from the estimated $36 trillion in last year's assessment. Those costs are offset by $115 trillion in fuel savings, according to IEA, resulting in net savings of $71 trillion through 2050.
IEA: Clean energy shift will save world $71 trillion through 2050

And efficiency measures are gathering strength
Energy efficiency plays a critical role in limiting world energy demand growth to one-third by 2040, while the global economy grows by 150%. Mandatory targets in China and India (following on from first-mover Japan) have increased the global coverage of efficiency regulation in industry from 3% in 2005 to more than a third today, and such energy policies continue to expand their reach and effectiveness through to 2040. In OECD countries, efficiency measures reduce demand growth to 60% of what would otherwise be expected. We estimate that the energy efficiency of new equipment bought worldwide in 2030 can be increased by a further 11%, with the average cost of the energy saved being $300 per tonne of oil equivalent (toe), far below the weighted average energy price of $1 300/toe. Energy consumption in trucks and heavy-duty vehicles is currently regulated only in the United States, Canada, Japan and China, with regulation planned also in the European Union: wider geographical coverage and more stringent standards could cut oil demand from new trucks in 2030 by 15%. Changing product design, re-use and recycling (“material efficiency”) also offers huge potential for energy saving; for energy-intensive products such as steel, cement, plastics or aluminium, efficient use and re-use of materials can save more than twice as much energy as can be saved by efficiency measures in the production process to 2040.
World Energy Outlook 2015
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby GHung » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 15:07:54

"....The net result is that the share of coal in the global electricity mix drops from 41% to 30%, with non-hydro renewables gaining a similar amount, while gas, nuclear and hydro broadly maintain their existing shares.."

Still looking for the part where we REDUCE carbon emissions. Any at all? Having a come-to-Jesus moment about the time the Devil shoves a hot pitchfork up your ass isn't exactly getting saved.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby kublikhan » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 16:13:56

GHung wrote:Still looking for the part where we REDUCE carbon emissions. Any at all? Having a come-to-Jesus moment about the time the Devil shoves a hot pitchfork up your ass isn't exactly getting saved.
Unfortunately no. Even with growing renewables, we are still on course for rising carbon emissions. Even in electric power generation, one of the easier sectors to decarbonize, we still have rising emissions. Other sectors are even further behind the curve.

With more generation from renewables energy and nuclear power, and more efficient thermal plants, CO2 emissions from power generation are set to grow at only one-fifth of the rate at which power output rises to 2040; this was a one-to-one relationship over the last 25 years.

The direction of travel is changing, but the destination is still not 2 degrees
Despite the shift in policy intentions catalysed by COP21, more is needed to avoid the worst effects of climate change. There are unmistakeable signs that the much-needed global energy transition is underway, but not yet at a pace that leads to a lasting reversal of the trend of rising CO2 emissions.

The steady decarbonisation of electricity supply is not matched by a similarly rapid shift in end-use sectors, where it is much more difficult and expensive to displace coal and gas as fuels for industry, or oil as a transport fuel. The net result is that energy policies, as formulated today, lead to a slower increase in energy-related CO2 emissions, but not the full de-coupling from economic growth and the absolute decline in emissions necessary to meet the 2 °C target.
World Energy Outlook 2015
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby GHung » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 16:59:03

First big test for Paris climate deal

Do you remember the day we saved the world?

When COP President Laurent Fabius smacked down his gavel on December 12, it signalled that agreement had been reached at the UN climate conference in Paris on one of the world's most intractable environmental and economic problems.

After years of onerous, cantankerous and often tedious talks, somehow all 196 participants, like a large collection of cats, had agreed to be herded in the same direction.

They had agreed to keep global temperatures "well below" 2C and "to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels".

This was a globally significant moment and the celebrations lasted long into the night......

But, wait, not so fast! Let's assume for discussion sake we can dramatically reduce carbon emissions soon:

.....Keeping temperature rises below 2C and striving to keep them as close to 1.5C will require more than dramatic cuts in carbon emissions.

According to Dr Oliver Geden, from the German Institute of International and Security Affairs, the world will need to remove huge amounts of the gas from the atmosphere.

The vast majority of scientific scenarios to keep below 2C require negative emissions by around 2070, he says.

One idea involves growing crops that capture carbon, burning them to make electricity and then burying the resulting CO2 permanently.

"Those people who will sign the treaty in New York, I suspect that most of them have never heard of negative emissions," he told me.

"They don't have any idea of the amount and requirements of it.
They have only heard that 2C is still feasible."

Dr Geden says that the world would need to dedicate land equal to 1.5 times the size of India to keep below 2C. He says it is "science fiction".

"It is magical thinking, it might happen but as long as we can't see that it works on scale, we should not assume that it will be there to save us."

Genie out of the bottle? Pandora's Box? All the King's horses and all the King's men? It's not like we weren't warned.

Adaptation for a few is pretty much what's left, if anything, and no one dares mention the clathrate bomb and sea level rise while we're trying to deal with this. All-the-while, we still have a'hole psychopaths like this....


Happy Earth Day, Jimmy boy!
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby onlooker » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 17:05:30

Is he the senator who says GW is not happening or that we are not causing it? Is he still spewing that rhetoric?
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby GHung » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 18:33:40

onlooker wrote:Is he the senator who says GW is not happening or that we are not causing it? Is he still spewing that rhetoric?

Yeah, he's the complete package of assholiness:

James Mountain "Jim" Inhofe (/ˈɪnhɒf/; born November 17, 1934) is the senior United States senator from Oklahoma and a member of the Republican Party. First elected to the Senate in 1994, he was the ranking member of the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and was its chairman from 2003 to 2007, then regained the chairmanship in January 2015....

Chairman of the environmental committee. It doesn't get any better than that.

Early years; 2003 Chair of Environment and Public Works committee

Before the Republicans regained control of the Senate in the November 2002 elections, Inhofe had compared the United States Environmental Protection Agency to a Gestapo bureaucracy,[32][33] and EPA Administrator Carol Browner to Tokyo Rose.[34] In January 2003 he became Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and continued challenging mainstream science in favor of what he called "sound science", in accordance with the Luntz memo....

Global warming a "hoax"

Since 2003, when he was first elected Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Inhofe has been the foremost Republican promoting arguments for climate change denial in the global warming controversy. He famously said in the Senate that global warming is a hoax, and has invited contrarians to testify in Committee hearings, and spread his views via the Committee website run by Marc Morano, and through his access to conservative media.[35][36] In 2012, Inhofe's The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future was published by WorldNetDaily Books, presenting his global warming conspiracy theory....

With people like this in power, does anyone really think the US is going to make significant progress on cl... global warming? On the other hand, his fund-raisers are a real blast:
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby ennui2 » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 21:11:57

Inhofe is a jerk but let's not kid ourselves. If someone sat everyone down and told us what we'd really have to do to slow this train-wreck down, people people simply respond with "let's just eat drink and be merry".

We've backed ourselves very far into Al Bartlett's right-hand-list at this stage in the game.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby ralfy » Fri 22 Apr 2016, 21:19:44

Capitalism cannot save the planet because it requires continuous growth, as the profits reinvested lead to more material resources and energy needed. This and other points have been explained repeatedly across multiple threads.

Worse, capitalism driven by competition requires expanding markets, and that can only happen if most countries (which have developing economies) industrialize (an obvious step needed before post-industrialization takes place). Several earths will be needed for that to happen.

With that, capitalism will not save the planet but damage it significantly, and fallout from that damage coupled with limits to growth will include the collapse of the global economy, population, etc.
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Re: Earth Day Shocker! Capitalism Saves the Planet!

Unread postby snoopdog » Sat 23 Apr 2016, 01:39:16

Yes, America’s green movement is often seen as white. And there are plenty of reasons for that, including the fact that environmental organization staffers are predomnantly white and that a small fraction of environmental grant funding goes toward environmental justice. But when you ask Americans what they care about, nonwhites are the ones who give a damn.

According to data from the Pew Research Center, organized and prettified by FiveThirtyEight’s DataLab, nonwhite Americans are significantly more likely than whites to think global warming should be a top priority for the U.S. government. The gap is now over 20 percent. ... n-climate/ ... l-warming/
One of the bruthas with an opinion.
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