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Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby AgentR11 » Tue 03 Mar 2015, 14:19:43

FBI could have this thing solved by now.

Six.. Name me *ONE* murder for hire case in the US not involving apprehension of the shooter at/near the scene or time of the crime, that was solved in two days.

I can't think of one. Maybe your memory is better, I dunno.

Once the shooter gets away, the investigation process gets really pretty hard. You have some generic forensics, bullet was this, gun was that, time was this, temperature was that; you have a general description of the shooter that matches several million European of various localities. Some vague video that does at least give usable timestamps, but no high res faces or anything. Nothing really distinctive worthwhile; the only distinctive thing was the model Nemtsov was walking with and she turns out to be worth zilch to the case. This is HARD law enforcement, and Russia's only been a real, functional country for maybe a decade or so.

I recall at least one in Houston, and they spent months dotting their "I"s and crossing their "T"s before making an arrest.

I do think Russia can solve it; but it will likely take weeks or months; not a few days. If anything, I'd be very suspicious of the investigation if they did make an arrest this week; *THAT* would look and smell like coverup to me with a designated setup/fallguy.

addenda [sick humor alert] Saying for my amusement that Putin isn't involved; something crosses my mind of what might likely be going through his head:
"This is an OUTRAGE!!! An OUTRAGE I SAY, no one gets to off Russian politicians in Russia unless *I* say so. I want this shooter caught, caught now, and brought in, in as bad of shape as possible while still live enough to stand trial, so he can then be tossed in the worst hell hole we have, predecorated with appropriate prison tattoos." I'll note it again, Nemtsov alive was absolutely no threat or trouble for Putin, he was an idle or vague amusement at worst, a reminder of a time where the government inflicted horrible poverty on its people in order to pump up the wealth of oligarchs and Russians dwelling in London. Nemtsov dead, OTOH, is a real pain in the butt. Putin's interests are not served in any way by this murder.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby dissident » Tue 03 Mar 2015, 18:06:45

When you have been the target of assassination by a powerful figure in Russia, as I have, and you survive the hit, as I did, you learn one thing or two things before; more in retrospect. One is that the Moscow police act quickly and competently, as they would elsewhere – so swiftly, in fact, that the powerful figure may not have the time to close down the investigation before the evidence can be saved. A second is that even hits ordered by powerful figures generate a trail of planning and positioning they didn’t intend to leave behind, pointing to their identity, and that in turn to their motive. A third is that in Moscow assassinations the place of ambush is always selected to raise the probability of success for the assassins, the hit, and the getaway – never the chances of survival for the victim. The fourth is that if the target is lucky, the assassination plan is interrupted by an unforeseeable mistake in placement or timing; a weapon fault; a passing witness; or a lucky circumstance.

A worthy read.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sun 08 Mar 2015, 06:18:25

4 arrests made..

Suspects are all "chechen." One is a former police officer.

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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sun 08 Mar 2015, 10:49:08

One suspect apparently blew himself up with a grenade in Grosny; though the report is a bit fuzzy and he may have been trying to use the grenade against the police trying to arrest him...

user error.

Ukrainian incompetence is perhaps contagious?
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby dissident » Sun 08 Mar 2015, 13:52:28

Read "Godfather of the Kremlin" by Paul Khlebnikov. Berezovsky used the Chechen mafia as his tools during the 1990s gangster oligarch era. It would not be surprising that these Chechens are from Berezovsky associated clans. BTW, Politkovskaya was also murdered by such specimens.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sun 08 Mar 2015, 15:28:08

dissident wrote:Read "Godfather of the Kremlin" by Paul Khlebnikov. Berezovsky used the Chechen mafia as his tools during the 1990s gangster oligarch era. It would not be surprising that these Chechens are from Berezovsky associated clans. BTW, Politkovskaya was also murdered by such specimens.

Well that's a epic story:

Alleged assassination attempts in London and death

Alleged 2003 plot[edit]
According to Alexander Litvinenko, a Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) agent in London was preparing to assassinate Berezovsky with a binary weapon in September 2003. This alleged plot was reported to British police.[176] Hazel Blears, then a Home Office Minister, said that inquiries made [into these claims] were "unable to either substantiate this information or find evidence of any criminal offences having been committed".[177]

§Alleged 2007 plot[edit]
In June 2007 Berezovsky said he fled Britain on the advice of Scotland Yard, amid reports that he was the target of an assassination attempt by a suspected Russian hitman. On 18 July 2007, the British tabloid The Sun reported that the alleged would-be assassin was captured by the police at the Hilton Hotel in Park Lane.[178][179] They reported that the suspect, arrested by the anti-terrorist police after being tracked for a week by MI5, was deported back to Russia when no weapons were found and there was not enough evidence to charge him with any offence. In addition, they said British police placed a squad of uniformed officers around Akhmed Zakayev's house in north London, and also phoned Litvinenko's widow, Marina, to urge her to take greater security precautions.[180] Russia's ambassador to the UK, Yuri Fedotov, said he was not aware of any such plot and told BBC Radio 4's Today programme there was "nothing that could confirm" the plot, although British police did confirm that they had arrested a suspect in an alleged murder plot.[181]

Berezovsky said he was told the assassin would be someone he knew, who would shoot him in the head and then surrender to the police. He again accused Vladimir Putin of being behind a plot to assassinate him. The Kremlin has denied similar claims in the past.[181] According to The Guardian, there is speculation that Berezovsky leaked details of the alleged attempt to kill him to the media to antagonise Moscow, once the British authorities had returned the suspected hitman to Moscow. The timing of the story has also been seen as suspicious, coming in the middle of a row over Britain's attempts to charge a Russian businessman and former security agent, Andrei Lugovoi, with Litvinenko's murder.[180]

According to the interview given by a high-ranking British security official on BBC Two in July 2008, the alleged Russian agent, known as "A", was of Chechen nationality.[182] He was identified by Kommersant as the Chechen mobster Movladi Atlangeriyev; after returning to Russia, Atlangeriyev was forcibly disappeared in January 2008 by unknown men in Moscow.[183]

§Death of Alexander Litvinenko[edit]
Main article: Alexander Litvinenko poisoning
Alexander Litvinenko, one of Berezovsky's closest associates, was murdered in London in November 2006 with a rare radioactive poison, Polonium 210. The British authorities charged a former FSB officer and head of security at ORT, Andrey Lugovoy, with the murder and requested his extradition, which Russia refused.[184] Several Russian diplomats were expelled from UK over the case.[185] The UK government has not publicly expressed a view on the matter, but allegations that the murder was sponsored by the Russian state have been expressed by "sources in the UK government", according to the BBC,[186] and by officials of the US Department of State, as revealed by Wikileaks;[187] they were reflected in a 2008 resolution by the US Congress.[188] The intricate details of the murder, the relationship between Litvinenko and Berezosvsky, and the implications of the case have been described in the 2007 book, "Death of a Dissident — The Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko and the Return of the KGB" by Alex Goldfarb with Marina Litvinenko.[189]

An alternative theory – that the murder was orchestrated by Berezovsky with the aim of "framing" the Russian government and discrediting it on the global stage – has been aired in the Russian state-funded media,[190] by Lugovoy,[191] by Litvinenko's Italy-based father[192] and by Russian officials.[193] Berezovsky won a UK libel suit against Russian State Television over these allegations in 2010 (see above), following which he commented, "I trust the conclusions of the British investigators that the trail leads to Russia and I hope that one day justice will prevail."[150] Russian State-funded media continue to report the claims e.g. "'Berezovsky killed my son', Litvinenko's dad tells Scotland Yard"[192] as of May 2012.


On 23 March 2013, Berezovsky was found dead at his home, Titness Park, at Sunninghill, near Ascot in Berkshire.[27] His body was found by a bodyguard in a locked bathroom, with a ligature around his neck.[194][195][196] His death was announced in a post on Facebook by his son-in-law. Alexander Dobrovinsky, a lawyer who had represented Berezovsky, wrote that he may have committed suicide,[197] adding that Berezovsky had fallen into debt after losing a protracted lawsuit against Roman Abramovich, and had spent the final few months of his life selling his possessions to cover his court costs.[198] Berezovsky was also said to have recently been depressed and to have isolated himself from friends.[199][200] He reportedly suffered from depression and was taking antidepressant drugs; a day prior to his death he told a reporter in London that he had nothing left to live for.

Here's the thing.. polonium is the calling card of the old KGB. If "mafia" can get polonium, and use it unsanctioned by the kremlin, then that seems far fetched.

About these four suspects -- I wonder if the Russian police will expose who ORDERED the hit. The complete conspiracy. If they stop short at the hitmen, then that's suspect.

If Putin wanted to, this could be a turning point for the Russian nation. It makes a country and state stronger, not weaker, to have real justice. To shut down mafia and prosecute it and eradicate it -- that makes a state stronger -- the open question that's always left hanging out there is how wrapped up mafia is in the kremlin and FSB and Russian gov and society, and however much maybe Putin uses it, and that it's endemic to the Russian system.

It's just not good, hopefully Russia can clean it up one day. It hurts Russia's credibility internationally.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 01:02:27

Sixstrings wrote:
the Kremlin didn’t need to kill Mr. Nemtsov. He and the rest of Russia’s opposition were already marginalized, unable to make a dent in Mr. Putin’s sky-high popularity...
But Putler did it anyway because he is stupid and crazy, according to your brilliant, logical analysis.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 01:18:19

Keith_McClary wrote:But Putler did it anyway because he is stupid and crazy, according to your brilliant, logical analysis.

Well Keith, I don't know, we'll see what the case is and if the Russian police go after the ringleaders / who ordered the hit, or if they don't.

I was watching CNN earlier.. all the talking heads were pretty much "Putin still did it."

They said Russia may try a narrative that these 4 chechen suspects shot him because he was Jewish and said something in support of charlie hebdo.

CNN analysts say that makes no sense.. Nemstov was an anti Putin guy, islam wasn't his thing.

Another talking head on CNN said Putin have had the president of chechnya arrange this hit. I dunno man, I just watch CNN and listen to Stephen Harper and such, I guess I'm crazy.

*Now that they have made arrests -- though one of them blew himself up with a bomb -- then I presume there will be a trial now and some kind of evidence and more a story coming out*.

1) If THEY DO NOT get to RINGLEADER / who ordered the hit, then that is suspicious. They've got four in custody. Well, 3, one deceased. So you tellin' me NONE OF THOSE three can be interrogated to say who hired them? And / or that determined by other investigative methods?

CNN analyst said past cases went like this, that they'd arrest the trigger men BUT NEVER anyone that actually orders the hit, so that's always still a big mystery.

I'm not pre judging anything, we'll see.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 01:31:28

This is another subject of dissonance that is bugging me. Supposedly Putin is stupid and crazy.
And he's handing us our hats at every turn.
I don't like losing, repeatedly, to someone that is crazy and stupid.

This whole Ukraine v Russia conflict is full of this bs. Ukraine claims Russia is invading, but doesn't fight nor act like Russia is invading. Russia claims Kiev is conducting ethnic cleansing and other horrors; but doesn't respond as if such were the case. Kiev claims Crimea was a giant sink hole for money, and desperately wants it back. Some UA forces march under Nazi banners; but perform so poorly that a German Nazi response would be just to shoot themselves. We claim to support democracy, but lead an armed revolt in Kiev against an elected president that would have lost the next election anyway within a few weeks.

I mean seriously, do we all really just want to fight the last war of industrial civilization, that badly? Do we somehow feel cheated that the cold war never did end with a satisfactory inferno?

I'm in, if called and ordered; nothing frightens me more than dieing of influenza/pneumonia; so CHARGE!!! Get some Wagner running if we're fighting for the Galatians; or if we change our minds, we can play some Tchaikovsky. Maybe get Israel to nuke Iran and Syria in the process just to make sure no one feels left out. Course the Africa question remains, are there any cities in Africa worth nuking? Might as well get'em all... just to be sure.

Someone in the EU needs to time-out this whole mess before it really does get out of hand. Own up to it; we broke Ukraine, we can fix it; but we have to pay. Sanctions need to go away, we need to assume Ukraine's prior debt obligations, including the couple billion they owe China and the several billion they owe Russia. Probably need to split the country East and West, drag the West into NATO association. The West of Ukraine will solidly vote for anything we tell them to; the East can go love-fest themselves in red flags for all I care.

And no, this isn't a question of fear. Its a question of economic value. We are digging a giant pit of cost for ourselves based upon the stupid fantasy that somehow Russia will rise up and over throw Putin and go back to the days of the 90's where they starved while we profited. It won't happen.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 01:54:49

Sixstrings wrote:CNN analysts say that makes no sense.. Nemstov was an anti Putin guy, islam wasn't his thing.

This is something you might not get about Islamic fundamentalists. An honest, believing, professed Christian is supposed to pay a tax, and abide by behavioral norms (cover this, don't drink that, respect x, y, z...... etc.). An atheist/humanist/uninterested person though... convert or die.

To an Islamic radical, me being a fairly militant, though educated Catholic, makes me about a 5 on the bad guy scale. Netanyahu, being a crazed Israeli zionist, puts him at about an 8 on the bad guy scale. Nemstov, being a nuthin, liberal (non_US form of word), disinterested humanist, *and* making comments about that cartoon... 10 out of 10 on the bad guy scale.

Nothing I could do, short of defaming the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, which I will not do, could make me more an enemy of an Islamist than what Nemstov starts out at. Nemstov could easily be the stand in for exactly why radical Islam hates the West.

Now, I'm not saying this as proof, one way or the other, but rather, to temper your outlook. It may not be the narrative we would prefer, but Netmstov being offed by an Islamist who took offense at the cartoon, is not at all a stretch of the imagination; it would be a righteous kill by their rules.

1) If THEY DO NOT get to RINGLEADER / who ordered the hit, then that is suspicious. They've got four in custody. Well, 3, one deceased. So you tellin' me NONE OF THOSE three can be interrogated to say who hired them? And / or that determined by other investigative methods?

And if there is no "hit" that was ordered?? Or the hit was ordered by someone we like? Or someone with a personal or financial grudge at play?
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 04:37:43

Correction: there were 6 suspects, it was the 6th one that blew himself up. So I guess they have 5 in custody.

You'd think with 5 of them, they could get to the bottom of who ordered them.

This was a large, professional operation. I heard on CNN there would have had to be multiple teams involved in this.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 04:58:43

AgentR11 wrote:This is another subject of dissonance that is bugging me. Supposedly Putin is stupid and crazy.
And he's handing us our hats at every turn.
I don't like losing, repeatedly, to someone that is crazy and stupid.

I don't think he's stupid, or crazy.

General Breedlove is right. There's an acronym for this, "DIME," and I forget what it stands for but it made sense to me. It's about using all levers of power, INCLUDING military. Breedlove says Putin uses all avenues of power, and that we should start thinking about doing likewise.

And yes I agree with you -- yes it's getting annoying, the constant "Putin outsmarts our Jimmy Carter again" thing, it's like Lucy with the football. I'd much rather see a Jeb Bush in charge. Putin never played the Bush team, like this, if you recall.

Someone in the EU needs to time-out this whole mess before it really does get out of hand. Own up to it; we broke Ukraine, we can fix it; but we have to pay. Sanctions need to go away, we need to assume Ukraine's prior debt obligations, including the couple billion they owe China and the several billion they owe Russia. Probably need to split the country East and West, drag the West into NATO association. The West of Ukraine will solidly vote for anything we tell them to; the East can go love-fest themselves in red flags for all I care.

Agreed. It wasn't right to give Ukrainians hope, if this is just how it's going to be, and let the place turn into a mess with 300% inflation.

Agent, what it needs is strong American leadership, and we do not have that in the White House. The world will get into more of a mess, these last two years of Obama admin. And then maybe we'll get Jeb Bush. Fear not, Pilgrim, a Republican team can HANDLE foreign adversaries.

Some wisdom from John Wayne:


And no, this isn't a question of fear. Its a question of economic value. We are digging a giant pit of cost for ourselves based upon the stupid fantasy that somehow Russia will rise up and over throw Putin and go back to the days of the 90's where they starved while we profited. It won't happen.

Well whatever Agent, we need Jeb Bush and the Republican team on this one. You can vote Hillary or Bernie Sanders if you want to.

I want Jeb Bush in there and then I just know it'll be handled and I don't have to bother thinking about it.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Quinny » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 05:19:40

Some people :roll:

You really couldn't make it up!
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Withnail » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 05:26:46

Sixstrings wrote:
CNN analyst said past cases went like this, that they'd arrest the trigger men BUT NEVER anyone that actually orders the hit, so that's always still a big mystery.

I'm not pre judging anything, we'll see.

Sounds more like a conspiracy theory than a mystery.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 14:11:16

Sixstrings wrote:And yes I agree with you -- yes it's getting annoying, the constant "Putin outsmarts our Jimmy Carter again" thing, it's like Lucy with the football. I'd much rather see a Jeb Bush in charge. Putin never played the Bush team, like this, if you recall.

And the Bush team never put the survival of Russia as an independent state at risk. And they had much more ability to do so successfully than Obama does now. Bush could have killed Russia, and chose not to. Obama has no such capability, but tried anyway; thus leaving us on the brink of nuclear war with a fairly modernized Russia that is advancing its modernization program very, very rapidly.

Friggin insane.

Agreed. It wasn't right to give Ukrainians hope, if this is just how it's going to be, and let the place turn into a mess with 300% inflation.

The inflation was guaranteed the moment they said the word "EU association"; regardless of the facts in the East. The inflation is caused by releasing the currency from controls; coupled with termination of absolutely outrageous domestic subsidies. I would say it was wrong of us to sell them on Maidan without explaining to them that Maidan means they must pay 3-5 times what they were paying then for energy and food. That is not an injustice; that is just regular market economics. Every financially aware person in Ukraine knew that from the start; they just knew that they themselves could make a killing in the transition and later in the EU zone.

a Republican team can HANDLE foreign adversaries.

A Republican team also knows how to take into consideration the existential needs of an adversary when we don't wish to engage in total war with them.

Obama basically was maneuvering Russia into a position where they could choose only between "burn the world to a cinder and die" or "die alone". Thats a really dumb choice to present to a Russian; they seem to relish the prospect of making sure everyone suffers along with them.

Well whatever Agent, we need Jeb Bush and the Republican team on this one. You can vote Hillary or Bernie Sanders if you want to.

Why the heck would I do that? I'm a loyal Republican partisan. I'll vote for whomever we nominate. I'll participate (might volunteer even) in the primaries, and I'll likely mail checks to the guys and/or gals I like best amongst the Republican candidates.

Granted.. .my wife's so right wing horrible things might happen if she found a check to a democrat on the books.... lol. (she makes Palin look like FDR...)
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 22:16:18

Russian Government Blaming Islamists for Boris Nemtsov’s Murder

Nemtsov’s allies have been quick to dismiss the Islamist motive as nonsense. It “suits the Kremlin and takes Putin out of the firing line," said Ilya Yashin, one of the co-leaders of Nemtsov’s political party. Yashin said on Twitter that he expects that “the trigger man will be blamed, while those who actually ordered Nemtsov's killing will go free.” The Russian opposition has maintained that Nemtsov was probably killed as a result of his opposition to Putin’s government, either by agents of the state or independent nationalists riled up by state propaganda.

For veterans of the opposition who followed the aftermath of investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya’s 2006 murder, a sense of déjà vu is likely setting in. In that case too, several Chechens and a former police officer were eventually convicted of the murder, but the person who ordered the killing has never been identified.

With five suspects in custody.. it will be ludicrous if the Russian gov never gets to the bottom of who HIRED the hit team.

If you've got 5 people arrested for anything, then one of them would talk, everyone knows that, it's common sense. If they had the investigative legwork down to track these guys down -- then OBVIOUSLY they also know who hired them.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 09 Mar 2015, 22:51:53

Unless of course one of the captured, *is* the one that did the hiring.
Of course that doesn't fit your narrative, and therefore is impossible.

The simple reality is that the West will never accept any verdict that doesn't convict Putin; and thus, Russia mostly doesn't care what the West thinks of the investigation. It'll be awesome propaganda for Putin as he pulls that idea along through the media, over the coming weeks. "West believes in justice, so long as that justice serves its interests." Its a home-run really.

To be honest, the Islamist line is about the only line that makes much sense to me; it was a cruddy kill, bad organization, they were caught easily; it doesn't serve the interests of Putin, it doesn't serve the interests of the real opposition party in Russia (the commies), a financial or political grudge kill one would think would be easier to stage away from the Kremlin. I don't mind it being Putin; he's evil and should be destroyed; but being evil doesn't prove he ordered a hit on a nobody.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 10 Mar 2015, 00:01:40

MrHistoryRewrite wrote:Putin never played the Bush team, like this, if you recall.

My all time favorite Bush failure vis-à-vis Russia:

Bush failed to halt Georgia war, says Putin
Russia only sent troops and tanks to drive Georgian forces out of South Ossetia after President George Bush failed to put pressure on Georgia's president to stop his attacks on the breakaway territory, Vladimir Putin said yesterday. The Russian prime minister told a group of western journalists and experts on Russia that he held two meetings with the US leader during the Beijing Olympics as the crisis began to unfold, but received insufficient assurances from him.

"They [Georgian military forces] launched their attacks at 23:30 [on August 7]. I learned about it the following morning. I spoke to Bush. He said 'No one wants war.' We expected something would happen," Putin said, suggesting that he expected the US to rein in its regional ally in Tbilisi.

"I met him again at the stadium. I can't tell you in detail the content of the conversation, but I had the feeling that his administration wouldn't do anything about stopping the conflict," Putin said. Russian tanks were then ordered to move on the South Ossetian capital, Tskhinvali.

It is the first time that Putin has blamed the US for allowing the crisis to erupt. He was polite about Bush, saying he respected his integrity, but he suggested that the president's advisers had taken the key decisions. "It's a court which makes a king. Maybe the court thought the king shouldn't intervene," he said.

Making it clear that any expansion of NATO to Georgia or Ukraine would be unwelcome to Moscow, Putin said it was time to create a security architecture for Europe which reflected the new realities in the continent.

Putin made clear that Russia could easily have occupied Georgia and toppled its president, Mikheil Saakashvili. "Our forces were 15 kilometres [nine miles] from Tbilisi. It would have taken four hours to capture Tbilisi. We didn't have that goal."


But there were so many others. I'll let the conservatives themselves detail them for you.

Whitewashing the Failure of Bush’s Russia Policy

The Failure of George W. Bush's Russia Policy

But lest we allow it to appear Russia was Bush's only foreign policy failure:

The 7 Worst Moments of George W. Bush’s Presidency
Last edited by Cid_Yama on Tue 10 Mar 2015, 00:13:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby dissident » Tue 10 Mar 2015, 00:08:54

AgentR11 wrote:Unless of course one of the captured, *is* the one that did the hiring.
Of course that doesn't fit your narrative, and therefore is impossible.

The simple reality is that the West will never accept any verdict that doesn't convict Putin; and thus, Russia mostly doesn't care what the West thinks of the investigation. It'll be awesome propaganda for Putin as he pulls that idea along through the media, over the coming weeks. "West believes in justice, so long as that justice serves its interests." Its a home-run really.

To be honest, the Islamist line is about the only line that makes much sense to me; it was a cruddy kill, bad organization, they were caught easily; it doesn't serve the interests of Putin, it doesn't serve the interests of the real opposition party in Russia (the commies), a financial or political grudge kill one would think would be easier to stage away from the Kremlin. I don't mind it being Putin; he's evil and should be destroyed; but being evil doesn't prove he ordered a hit on a nobody.

If Putin is evil then Obama is evil to the nth power where n > 4.

The west has a deep seated crusader syndrome. You are always righteous and spread noble civilization. In your minds. In reality you are nothing more than imperialist barbarians. The Chinese view of Europeans was actually correct. And the British proved it with their dope pusher "Opium" wars. History and current events prove that true evil lives in the west.
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Re: Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Unread postby dissident » Tue 10 Mar 2015, 00:21:29 ... er-up.html

The above is why the west froths at the mouth about Putin. Nothing more than guilt transfer and diversion from its deep seated evil.
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