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The New American War in Iraq

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The New American War in Iraq

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sat 09 Aug 2014, 06:54:21

I suppose I( should have expected it. But still, it felt like a hard blow to the gut, just like when I woke up one day and discovered that Bubba Clinton had cruise-missiled the sh!t out of a turd world country.

I thought that, politics aside, at least Obama would heal the racial divide in this country. Was I ever wrong about that, as he poured hot oil on the flames.

I thought that he would at least make real progress on badly needed major alternative energy infrastructure. Instead he cannot get the "shovel ready" Cape Wind project into construction, because the Kennedy Klan does not want to have to look at windmills.

I thought that we had finally spent enough blood and money in the ME to stabilize the region, and I rejoiced when our troops returned home. But when faced with ISIS fanatics that want to return to a world to the fate of hapless victims under the rule of a sixth-century Caliphate, the Iraqi Army cannot win despite a 5:1 numerical advantage and superior weapons and training.

I thought we were going to be able to take serious steps to resolve serious problems. Instead, we got an incredible amount of bungling in every aspect of leadership, and an incredible intensification of the political divide.

Silly me.
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Re: The New American War in Iraq

Unread postby careinke » Sat 09 Aug 2014, 13:14:00


Don't you realize it is all Bush's fault. Or congress, or maybe just the Tea Party, yea that's it, it's the Tea Party... They prevented the best President ever from fixing things.

I'm not sure what the Dims excuse was when they controlled both houses and the Presidency. Oh yea, I forgot, it was all bush's fault.
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Re: The New American War in Iraq

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sat 09 Aug 2014, 14:01:26

I am not, and never have been, a Republican or a Democrat. I don't believe in a bipartisan system. I do believe in term limits for Senabores and Congress Critters, because politicians are ticks sucking at the lifeblood of the country.
KaiserJeep 2.0, Neural Subnode 0010 0000 0001 0110 - 1001 0011 0011, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix 0000 0000 0001

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Warning: Messages timestamped before April 1, 2016, 06:00 PST were posted by the unmodified human KaiserJeep 1.0
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Re: The New American War in Iraq

Unread postby Oneaboveall » Sat 09 Aug 2014, 14:27:29

KaiserJeep wrote:...the Iraqi Army cannot win despite a 5:1 numerical advantage and superior weapons and training...

I'm going to post this again:

"You know, for all the talk about the cowardice of the Iraqi army, there might be a point to their actions. If they believe that the Shiite-led government doesn't represent them and shafts the Sunnis, why should they fight fellow Sunnis on the Shiites' governments behalf? This sounds like rational self-interest to me."
When the banksters want something, our policymakers move with the speed of Mercury and the determination of Ares. It’s only when the rest of us need something that there is paralysis.

How free are we today with the dominance of globalist capital and militarized security apparatus?
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Re: The New American War in Iraq

Unread postby dolanbaker » Sat 09 Aug 2014, 14:43:09

Oneaboveall wrote:
"You know, for all the talk about the cowardice of the Iraqi army, there might be a point to their actions. If they believe that the Shiite-led government doesn't represent them and shafts the Sunnis, why should they fight fellow Sunnis on the Shiites' governments behalf? This sounds like rational self-interest to me."

You are making the mistake of believing that these people are Iraqis first and Muslims second, they are not!
Statehood in the western sense of the word doesn't exist there, it's very tribal and the tribes will mainly co-exist with those that follow the same "flavour" of religion.
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Re: The New American War in Iraq

Unread postby Oneaboveall » Sat 09 Aug 2014, 14:58:02

dolanbaker wrote:Statehood in the western sense of the word doesn't exist there, it's very tribal and the tribes will mainly co-exist with those that follow the same "flavour" of religion.

You kind of said the opposite of what I meant when I posted.
When the banksters want something, our policymakers move with the speed of Mercury and the determination of Ares. It’s only when the rest of us need something that there is paralysis.

How free are we today with the dominance of globalist capital and militarized security apparatus?
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Re: The New American War in Iraq

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 10 Jun 2015, 16:56:43

Obama today sent ca. 500 more American advisors to Iraq, bringing the total number of US military advisors up to 3500.


Just a few days ago Obama admitted he doesn't have a strategy for the war in Iraq. That must've been disheartening to the thousands of US soldiers already in Iraq. Its bad enough enough being sent to fight advise an illegal war that seems to go on forever, but fighting advising in a war where there isn't even a strategy must seem completely absurd.

Maybe if we throw enough men, money, drones, bombs, weapons, advisors, CIA, guns, etc. at Iraq we'll win even without a rational strategy!
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Re: The New American War in Iraq

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 10 Jun 2015, 20:55:37

For several months now my news feed has shown Obama's pet Jihadis in Syria cutting heads off & generally acting exactly like IS. For a couple of months it has shown Iraqi army doing same. All beginning with wanting to get rid of Assad, one assumes following the success in removing Saddam. Total cluster)&%. Hopefully Obama is the last experiment with POTUS with sympathy to jihadis. Way too much has been let slip for this dunderhead golf fanatic on the basis of being 'black'. The next idiot likely will be even worse & will get by on kudos of being another 'first', this time a 'woman'. God help us.
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