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Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

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Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Rune » Wed 30 Oct 2013, 18:57:51


Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil

Editor's note: Ten years ago, the war in Iraq began. This week, we focus on the people involved in the war and the lives that changed forever. Antonia Juhasz, an oil industry analyst, is author of several books, including "The Bush Agenda" and "The Tyranny of Oil."

(CNN) -- Yes, the Iraq War was a war for oil, and it was a war with winners: Big Oil.

It has been 10 years since Operation Iraqi Freedom's bombs first landed in Baghdad. And while most of the U.S.-led coalition forces have long since gone, Western oil companies are only getting started.

Before the 2003 invasion, Iraq's domestic oil industry was fully nationalized and closed to Western oil companies. A decade of war later, it is largely privatized and utterly dominated by foreign firms.

From ExxonMobil and Chevron to BP and Shell, the West's largest oil companies have set up shop in Iraq. So have a slew of American oil service companies, including Halliburton, the Texas-based firm Dick Cheney ran before becoming George W. Bush's running mate in 2000.

The war is the one and only reason for this long sought and newly acquired access.

Oil was not the only goal of the Iraq War, but it was certainly the central one, as top U.S. military and political figures have attested to in the years following the invasion.

"Of course it's about oil; we can't really deny that," said Gen. John Abizaid, former head of U.S. Central Command and Military Operations in Iraq, in 2007. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan agreed, writing in his memoir, "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil." Then-Sen. and now Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the same in 2007: "People say we're not fighting for oil. Of course we are."

For the first time in about 30 years, Western oil companies are exploring for and producing oil in Iraq from some of the world's largest oil fields and reaping enormous profit. And while the U.S. has also maintained a fairly consistent level of Iraq oil imports since the invasion, the benefits are not finding their way through Iraq's economy or society.

These outcomes were by design, the result of a decade of U.S. government and oil company pressure. In 1998, Kenneth Derr, then CEO of Chevron, said, "Iraq possesses huge reserves of oil and gas-reserves I'd love Chevron to have access to." Today it does.

In 2000, Big Oil, including Exxon, Chevron, BP and Shell, spent more money to get fellow oilmen Bush and Cheney into office than they had spent on any previous election. Just over a week into Bush's first term, their efforts paid off when the National Energy Policy Development Group, chaired by Cheney, was formed, bringing the administration and the oil companies together to plot our collective energy future. In March, the task force reviewed lists and maps outlining Iraq's entire oil productive capacity.

Planning for a military invasion was soon under way. Bush's first Treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill, said in 2004, "Already by February (2001), the talk was mostly about logistics. Not the why (to invade Iraq), but the how and how quickly."

In its final report in May 2001 (PDF), the task force argued that Middle Eastern countries should be urged "to open up areas of their energy sectors to foreign investment." This is precisely what has been achieved in Iraq.

Here's how they did it:

I'm going to have to read these books - The Bush Agenda and The Tyranny Of Oil

I rather think that the War in Afghanistan served to create a two front war where Afghanistan would serve to draw off Taliban and Al-Quaeda fighters, without which, they would have created more of a military problem for the US in Iraq.

But I don't KNOW that to be true. Probably, it is too simplistic. But it is my thought. And it offers an explanation for why the US is still in Afghanistan - still drawing fighters to the region and away from already too troublesome post-war Iraq.

And if I had to guess, I think the invasion and permanent presence of the US in Iraq has shored up the dollar as a petro world reserve currency and has allowed the US to rack up such a tremendous amount of debt. It sort of allows us to keep a chain around the Chinese neck.

Sure. It still is difficult for Big Oil to do its thing in Iraq with the ongoing civil violence. But this is something Big Oil has gotten used to over the decades - something that Yergin wrote of often in his excellent history, "The Prize" (Yes, it is an excellent history despite what you might think of Yergin).

You know, back in 2004, I would have LOVED to have been transported to the year 2013 to see what and how everything went down. But now that I am here in 2013 and I look back at that whole period of time, I still scratch my head and wonder with so many questions.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Rune » Wed 30 Oct 2013, 19:36:36

It's really strange how history and trends in society seem to have helped out the whole "agenda" that fully arrived with the election of Bush and Cheney.

I'm talking about the Commodities Modernization Act which occurred during the Clinton Adminstation. This act allowed for the assetization of oil as demonstrated by the subsequent bloom of hedge funds, managed futures funds and ETFs which attracted billions of dollars and were able to steadily push up the price of oil.

Declining fields in the North Sea, Mexico and other places also aroused fears of an imminent peaking of global oil production. Already in the 90s, you could find websites which warned of an impending oil production decline.

Later, there were a spate of books which appeared - there must have been two dozen of them, which forecast peak oil doom dead ahead.

Also, the rise of China and its ever-increasing appetite for oil. Investors all wanted to get in on the inevitable predicted price rises.

All these things tended to push the price of oil higher. And all these things were decidedly to the advantage of multi-national corporations and Big Oil to get the kind of national political action necessary for an invasion of Iraq and access to the last best place available for cheap oil production.

Of course, 911 occurred right on schedule!

But now, ten years after the War in Iraq began, we seem to be coming off all that hype somewhat. Even though you still find some articles about peak oil, you find just as many declaring that peak oil is out another 20 - 30 years.

I find it hard to believe that all of the above were contrived or conspired. But it certainly is strange how it all seems to be of a piece in the rear-view mirror.
It takes courage to watch a film so well-done as September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor. You will never be the same. It is a new release. Five hours. Watch it on YouTube for free.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby JV153 » Sat 23 Nov 2013, 07:19:58

PetroChina is also getting into Iraq. I can't otherwise comment on the obvious title of this thread.

Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Sat 23 Nov 2013, 12:16:02

Maybe a very simple dynamic explains it all: ME stability allows oil development which benefits the companies (big and small) involved in projects in the region and hurts the majority of the oil patch by the increased production putting downward pressure on our profits. But the increased production makes the consumers happy. And politicians like to make consumers/voters happy. So US politicians take actions in the ME that make our voters happy and hurts our domestic oil patch. The fact China has become the major beneficiary of US actions in Iraq is just one of those unintended consequences.

Rather simple IMHO.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby evilgenius » Sat 23 Nov 2013, 14:09:26

Rune wrote:I rather think that the War in Afghanistan served to create a two front war where Afghanistan would serve to draw off Taliban and Al-Quaeda fighters, without which, they would have created more of a military problem for the US in Iraq.

But I don't KNOW that to be true. Probably, it is too simplistic. But it is my thought. And it offers an explanation for why the US is still in Afghanistan - still drawing fighters to the region and away from already too troublesome post-war Iraq.

That's a good point. It explains a lot about the continued presence of US forces in Afghanistan, even after any stated purpose for them being there has been either solved of debunked (Bin Laden is dead and we are still there). Before it all happened I read, in Foreign Affairs I think, that the US was positioning itself to control land in Afghanistan in order to build pipelines across it, in the likely occurrence that oil and natural gas were going to be found in abundance in the Caspian Sea region. That abundance didn't turn out to materialize. The planning for it, though, might have proved useful for this. That planning necessarily involved more than what lay on the surface of the situation in Afghanistan. That may be why we are still there, in observance of the commitments we had to make to pull it off (commitments we understood because of that prior planning).
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Sat 23 Nov 2013, 18:03:10

"... in the likely occurrence that oil and natural gas were going to be found in abundance in the Caspian Sea region."

First, the huge oil reserves in the Caspian Sea region have been known for decades. As of 2012, the known oil reserves in this region, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), are estimated to be around 48 billion barrels, while there are approximately 292 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas. The NCOC further revealed that in 2012, oil production from Kashagan was estimated to be about 1.6 million barrels per day, while there are also plans to extract around 1.9 million by 2015 and 2.6 million by 2020.

Second: "...that the US was positioning itself to control land in Afghanistan in order to build pipelines across it". But the "US" doesn't build oil pipelines in other countries. In fact, the US doesn't build oil pipelines in the US. All those pipelines are built by corporations and national oil companies. Additionally it doesn't matter who physically builds the pipelines because the oil will be sold to the buyer the producer signs a contract with. Maybe some day a US company, like Halliburton, might build a pipeline across Afgh. but that will have no bearing on who gets the oil. It won't be important who brought "democracy" to Afgh. Just as we're seeing today with non-US companies currently dominating oil development in Iraq. Unless the US annexes the Caspian Sea region by force that oil will flow to whoever buys it.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 23 Nov 2013, 20:34:36

Of course the war in Iraq was partially fought because of oil and it won't be the last war in that area either----oil is central to the global economy and the middle east is therefore one of the most strategic pieces of real estate on the entire planet.

It should be no surprise to anyone that the US invaded Iraq partly because of the oil. What is actually far more surprising is that the US at this very moment is committing itself to waste resources on an endless military occupation of Afghanistan ---- a country which has no oil and very little global strategic value.

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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sat 23 Nov 2013, 21:49:31

If anybody has any convincing PROOF that the last war in Iraq was fought over oil, I'd like to see it.

Because what I remember is GWB coming on television and talking about WMD's. I also remember that he had wide bi-partisan support in Congress from both sides of the aisle. Finally I remember that UN weapons inspectors had been systematically denied access in Iraq by Saddam Hussein dating back to the prior Gulf War in 1990.

Most such "proof" seems to consist of "GWB was a Texan" or "The Bush family has a long association with Big Oil". In other words, they are opinions without any proof whatsoever.

I will not buy a book to read somebody else's unsupported opinion.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 23 Nov 2013, 22:22:56

KaiserJeep wrote:If anybody has any convincing PROOF that the last war in Iraq was fought over oil, I'd like to see it.

The only reason anyone cares about Iraq at all is that it has oil. There are other countries with WMDs and we don't invade them.

Look at Pakistan----do we invade Pakistan because it has WMDs?? NO!

Look at North Korea----North Korea directly threatens war with the US but do invade North Korea over WMDs?? NO!

Look at South Africa----did we invade South Africa when it had WMDs??? NO!!

Yes, the WMDs and Saddam's fascistic regime were part of the reason. But Iraq is an EXTREMELY strategic country because of its oil reserves. TO imagine that the US is an etherial and pure agent for good who never considers the strategic importance of various countries when planning its foreign policy is just silly. :roll:
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 01:30:05

KaiserJeep wrote:If anybody has any convincing PROOF that the last war in Iraq was fought over oil, I'd like to see it.

New plans, obtained from the State Department by Newsnight and Harper's Magazine under the US Freedom of Information Act, called for creation of a state-owned oil company favoured by the US oil industry. It was completed in January 2004 under the guidance of Amy Jaffe of the James Baker Institute in Texas.

Formerly US Secretary of State, Baker is now an attorney representing Exxon-Mobil and the Saudi Arabian government.

View segments of Iraq oil plans at

Questioned by Newsnight, Ms Jaffe said the oil industry prefers state control of Iraq's oil over a sell-off because it fears a repeat of Russia's energy privatisation. In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, US oil companies were barred from bidding for the reserves.

Ms Jaffe says US oil companies are not warm to any plan that would undermine Opec and the current high oil price: "I'm not sure that if I'm the chair of an American company, and you put me on a lie detector test, I would say high oil prices are bad for me or my company."

KaiserJeep wrote:Because what I remember is GWB coming on television and talking about WMD's
I remember that was proven to be lies.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 01:59:53

Plantagenet, thank you for your opinion totally unsupported by evidence.

Kieth, unexecuted plans are all over the various government departments. Most are "what if" games, and most get rejected as defective in any case. The existence of plans to form an oil company that never got formed, indicates that they never passed the laugh test and were never acted on.

Therefore we have yet to see evidence of anything. I repeat, does anybody have actual proof that oil was a motive for either the Gulf War or the Iraq War or the Afghanistan conflict? Because I have never seen any.

This is a frequent plot in movies and TV shows, but I have never had a problem with keeping those separate from reality.

As for the WMDs, we know for a fact that Saddam used poison gas on the Kurds. We found anthrax vaccines in the Iraqi Army stores. We know for a fact that Saddam had a huge centrifuge farm that was manufacturing weapons grade Uranium 235 from Yellowcake ore. Clearly the only thing that kept Saddam from using such weapons was the overwhelming armed forces of the Coalition he faced. Clearly you cannot say he had no WMDs without having searched every square inch of Iraq.

Personally, I believe that the Israeli's planted convincing false evidence of WMDs and suckered the Coalition into attacking Iraq - but I have no proof, and I'm not trying to convince anybody.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby ralfy » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 02:38:51

The article has enough proof plus links to multiple sources.

As for WMDs, I'm reminded of

"Bush Jokes about WMD"

Finally, try documents from NS Archive: ... t-iii.html
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 05:39:18

ralfy wrote:The article has enough proof plus links to multiple sources.

As for WMDs, I'm reminded of

"Bush Jokes about WMD"

Finally, try documents from NS Archive: ... t-iii.html

Evidently, you are not familiar with the term "Evidence", because there is NONE in the article. The links all go to other CNN news articles, none go to actual evidence. Those other news articles are also unsupported by evidence.

In case you did not know this, CNN often reports stories that they probably believe to be true, or wish were true, or know not to be true, simply because they relate to a liberal narrative. Nobody ever mistakes CNN for a legitimate news organization.

Again, if anyone has ACTUAL EVIDENCE that the Iraq War relates to "Big Oil" at all, please link to it. Because I see the above report as more of the usual CNN BS.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 06:55:41

The WMDs was the control of the oil by someone who you couldnt control anymore.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 13:08:30

The notion that the war was all about oil is not supported by the results of the 4 subsequent bid rounds for oil and gas holdings. If it were you would expect to see the US as the biggest winner in terms of blocks awarded followed closely by coalition countries and then by countries who were in support of the invasion. You would also expect to see countries who opposed the invasion as being the big losers in the bid rounds. This is not what happened.

The facts:

1. US companies did not get any blocks in any of the bid rounds (ExxonMobil bid in the first round and lost)
2. The biggest winner in the bid rounds was Petronas who gained 4 blocks (Majnoon, Halfaya, Garaf and Badra) and Malaysia was a country in opposition to the invasion
3. 5 blocks were awarded to companies from countries that supported the invasion (BP, Shell, Japex, KOGAS, Inpex) whereas 13 awards were made to companies from countries which opposed the invasion (Petronas, Total, Lukoil, Statoil, Gazporm, TPAO, Pakistan Petroleum), 3 blocks were awarded to companies from countries who had no official opinion on the invasion (Sonangol, Kazmuanigas) and 2 blocks were awarded to Kuwaiti companies (Kufpec, Kuwait Energy) which would be seen as pay back for the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.

The evidence would suggest that the war was not about oil. If it were the results of the bid rounds would have been distinctly different.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 13:18:19

KaiserJeep wrote:Kieth, unexecuted plans are all over the various government departments. Most are "what if" games, and most get rejected as defective in any case. The existence of plans to form an oil company that never got formed, indicates that they never passed the laugh test and were never acted on.
The fact that the US government was secretly making various plans for Iraqi oil is proof.
KaiserJeep wrote:We know for a fact that Saddam had a huge centrifuge farm that was manufacturing weapons grade Uranium 235 from Yellowcake ore.
??? Where do you get this stuff?
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Lore » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 13:28:04

Keith_McClary wrote:
KaiserJeep wrote:We know for a fact that Saddam had a huge centrifuge farm that was manufacturing weapons grade Uranium 235 from Yellowcake ore.
??? Where do you get this stuff?

Good grief;... :lol: Looks like we've found the other person promoting that old lie. We now have KJ and Dick Cheney.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby dorlomin » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 14:15:18

The war was not fought 'for big oil' but to prevent resource nationalism being able to constrain supplies. So long as the oil was guaranteed to reach the market the supplier was of little interest.

The plan was to plant a pro US government helping to encircle Iran and reinforce the US's dominance of the region. The insurgency put paid to much of that. Ludicrously naive planning that more resembled day dreams than a serious military endeavour.
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 14:19:48

KaiserJeep wrote:Plantagenet, thank you for your opinion totally unsupported by evidence.


You need evidence that Iraq and other ME countries are highly strategic because of their huge oil reserves? about this?
Hey KF---Iraq has oil! Lots of OIL!
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Re: Why The War In Iraq Was Fought For Big Oil

Unread postby dorlomin » Sun 24 Nov 2013, 14:40:14

a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history
US State Department, 1945. When the US decided to become active in the Middle East.

Oils value at the global strategic level is not how much you get for selling it, but how important it is to keep it flowing in the global economy. Saudi resource nationalism was tamed by enticements, Iraqs by invasion. Iran however seems to be rather stiff necked about the whole affair.
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