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WikiLeaks reveal how US manipulated climate accord

Unread postby mattduke » Sat 04 Dec 2010, 18:23:50

Hidden behind the save-the-world rhetoric of the global climate change negotiations lies the mucky realpolitik: money and threats buy political support; spying and cyberwarfare are used to seek out leverage.

The US diplomatic cables reveal how the US seeks dirt on nations opposed to its approach to tackling global warming; how financial and other aid is used by countries to gain political backing; how distrust, broken promises and creative accounting dog negotiations; and how the US mounted a secret global diplomatic offensive to overwhelm opposition to the controversial "Copenhagen accord", the unofficial document that emerged from the ruins of the Copenhagen climate change summit in 2009. ... ate-accord
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Re: WikiLeaks reveal how US manipulated climate accord

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 04 Dec 2010, 20:00:17

vision-master wrote:Every 102,507 years we have an ice age that lasts about 80,000 years.

Aren't we due for another ice age? Shouldn't that mitigate the "climate change doom?" It would be ironic if because of global warming, the world ends up just perfect during the next cooling cycle.
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Re: WikiLeaks reveal how US manipulated climate accord

Unread postby Ludi » Sat 04 Dec 2010, 20:37:55

I didn't know the US had an approach to tackle global warming. I thought we were pretending it doesn't exist. :?:


I'm going to include the word wikileaks in all my posts. Just becuz I can.

Re: WikiLeaks reveal how US manipulated climate accord

Unread postby anador » Sat 04 Dec 2010, 23:07:06

come on. We as a nation strong arm other countries about everything from human rights to Oil exports. If some higher ups really want to effect change on climate change shouldn't we laud them for using every tactic, however unsavory, we have used in global crisis since the 19th c.?

As far as i'm concerned if the Empire is bullying people to save the planet... thats about the only Imperial bullying I will stand for.
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Re: WikiLeaks reveal how US manipulated climate accord

Unread postby mos6507 » Sat 04 Dec 2010, 23:26:46

anador wrote:If some higher ups really want to effect change on climate change shouldn't we laud them for using every tactic, however unsavory, we have used in global crisis since the 19th c.?

No, because it's Obama and everything he does has to be bad.

WikiLeak Confirms U.S. Hand In Ethiopia's Somalia Invasion

Unread postby mattduke » Sun 05 Dec 2010, 11:29:35

It was an off-hand compliment during a January 2007 dinner meeting between Abu Dhabi crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, plus staff, and then-U.S. Central Commander boss General John Abizaid. But Al Nayhan’s jocular praise, as reported in WikiLeaks’ trove of leaked diplomatic cables, is a rare admission that the United States played a central role in the disastrous December 2006 Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, a move that ultimately emboldened the very Islamic extremists the U.S. and Ethiopia had hoped to squash.
When the Ethiopians withdrew in 2009, the Islamists rushed to fill the vacuum. A year later, the Al Shabab Islamic group, successor to the Islamic Courts, conducted its first international terror attack. Last month, a Somali-born American teen plotted to explode a bomb in Portland. Today, U.S. Special Forces continue to target terrorists in Somalia. There are arguably more of them than ever, thanks in part to the botched Ethiopian invasion. “We’ve made a lot of mistakes and Ethiopia’s entry in 2006 was not a really good idea,” U.S. diplomat Donald Yamamoto said in March. ... omalia-op/
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Wikileaks Confirms US Used Threats At Copenhagen

Unread postby deMolay » Sun 05 Dec 2010, 11:36:02

So now we are learning the Obama Administration used threats etc to try and force compliance by other countries for the AGW Copenhagen Hot Wind Conference. Another reason that the Global Warming Priest are going down with their BS. ... ate-accord
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Good Wikileaks Documentary

Unread postby mattduke » Sun 12 Dec 2010, 23:06:21

It's good, but won't be available long. Check it out. ... mbed=false
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Wikileaker was 'unfit for security clearance'/ Iraq:

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Tue 10 Jan 2012, 01:44:59

Ex-army specialist Jihrleah Showman said she had recommended that Manning receive behavioral health treatment, that his access to classified information be revoked and that he not be deployed to Iraq but nothing was done. ... pect-case/
Final submissions are being heard in this case. My bet is Manning will never see the outsde of a prison again; despite doing the 'right' thing.
Before anyone jumps on the "Manning was a traitor" bandwagon, the most famous thing on the leak he likely did was this:
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Re: Wikileaker was 'unfit for security clearance'/ Iraq:

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Tue 10 Jan 2012, 13:13:33

SeaGypsy wrote:
Before anyone jumps on the "Manning was a traitor" bandwagon

There's "traitors" and "just following orders", a.k.a. "rules of engagement".
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Re: Wikileaker was 'unfit for security clearance'/ Iraq:

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Tue 10 Jan 2012, 17:22:41

Anyone thinking this was a one off event is kidding themselves. The crew acted as if the has done exactly this type of killing plenty of times before without sanction, they had zero expectation of ever having to answer for this. That's what makes this story most frightening.
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Re: Wikileaker was 'unfit for security clearance'/ Iraq:

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 13 Jan 2012, 11:48:19

I didn't see this coming. Manning's team seem to be using the defense that his superiors knew full well he was a risk in his position, yet let him proceed to the position where the offense is alleged to have been committed. The prosecution is of course pushing for a military court martial, where such legal tid bits are far outweighed by the oath of allegiance. If the defense get their way Manning may even be acquitted by a jury, Would that stir the pot! ... ?pageNum=2
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Re: Wikileaker was 'unfit for security clearance'/ Iraq:

Unread postby Novus » Thu 19 Jan 2012, 04:48:36

Manning should be acquitted. It is our government that is criminal.
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Re: Wikileaker was 'unfit for security clearance'/ Iraq:

Unread postby Cog » Thu 19 Jan 2012, 06:16:52

Manning should spend the rest of his days in prison and with some luck will do precisely that. If you don't like living under the Uniform Code of Millitary Justice, then I suggest you not join up and put yourself under it's restrictions.

Having sat as a juror on two court-martials I can tell you this. Military judges are extremely fair with the accused but puts up with zero bullshit and attempts by attorneys to obscure the truth. I know this offends the delicate sensibilities of those who think Law and Order episodes will play out in a military court martial. I can assure you they won't.
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Re: Wikileaker was 'unfit for security clearance'/ Iraq:

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Thu 19 Jan 2012, 06:40:33

Cog, I and other fair minded folks here will agree with you WHEN THE GUYS WHO KILLED THESE UNARMED MEN IN THE STREET ARE EQUALLY SANCTIONED.
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Wikileaks bypasses financial blockade with bitcoin

Unread postby mattduke » Sun 26 Aug 2012, 20:16:19

Its amazing how well the decentralized, non-government free market money is working. ... h-bitcoin/
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Re: Wikileaks bypasses financial blockade with bitcoin

Unread postby bochen280 » Sun 26 Aug 2012, 23:14:45

wikileaks = cia

you is naive
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Re: Wikileaks bypasses financial blockade with bitcoin

Unread postby bochen280 » Sun 26 Aug 2012, 23:32:50

mattduke wrote:Its amazing how well the decentralized, non-government free market money is working. ... h-bitcoin/

I do want to chime in separately about the bitcoin concept...

See the bigger picture... amazon is now forced by the government to charge tax. The whole concept of "sales tax" was to pay for use of local infrastructure like roads, to offset the pollution of industrialization that was required to make the product, etc... now I buy a kindle ebook on and get charged a sales tax... WTF? What is more ridiculous is credit card companies charging "foreign transaction fee" for shit that ain't foreign. The concept of foreign transaction fee was originally introduced to offset payment processors having to do currency conversions. These days I'm getting charged on top of the online sales tax also an additional "foreign transaction fee" when purchasing a virtual digital good like an activation key or digital software from a company who just so happens to be outside the US. I purchased a phantom good in the comfort of my own house and get charged a foreign transaction fee as if I was in a foreign land doing a transaction that required a currency conversion. What is even more pathetic is me getting taxed and foreign transaction fee'd on virtual goods that are INSIDE the USA. I purchased a skype subscription and got charged the foreign transaction fee. When I inquired with my credit card company I was told skype's processing takes place in Europe or some shit... this is despite the FACT that Skype is a division of Microshaft, which is headquarter in the US, and despite the fact that I was on a .com US owned website when making the purchase, I was physically inside the US, a purchased a US skype phone number and even the darn transaction was in USD.... I still got taxed and then taxed again in the form of a "foreign transaction fee"

Now Supreme Court declares a tax is not a fee. Now I can be charged a "not drinking the kool aid" fee....

Seriously, as more and more stuff is digital goods and virtual .... we shouldn't be taxed and then taxed like this.... it just ain't right.... I buy a lot of virtual digital stuff and I despise getting charged a "sales tax" and then a "foreign transaction fee" for the purchase of a digital good.... totally defeats the point and purpose of the internet and digital computing in the first place!

Why doesn't some group of people set up a nonprofit scheme were it is all digital goods and everything is free? So for example, I create content and I submit it to this nonprofit digital ecosystem for free and others get to download and use it for free... and vice versa... everything is free and no one is ever charged for anything and you can't make money from your work that you do... BUT.... to deter freeloaders and incentive those that produce creative content that others find useful and in demand... there will be a rationing system and quota allocation system. The more quality digital goods I am able to produce (if I am author, programmer, etc) the higher my ranking becomes and the more other free stuff in the collective system I am able to access and use...

No money ever enters the system, no money ever gets out of the system. No money ever exists and no money ever changes hands. They can't charge a foreign transaction fee because there ain't no transaction to charge, and you can't put a sales tax on something that is not being sold... it is basically a bartering system in the digital world that bypasses the artificial distinction and role of money altogether ... in the digital world, who needs the middleman known as money to facilitate the exchange? As far as digital goods are concerned, the internet makes the whole concept of money redundant and unnecessary in the first place. Bitcoin doesn't go far enough.
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Wikileaks: New Political Party

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 26 Jul 2013, 10:02:30

The WikiLeaks Party stands for unswerving commitment to the core principles of civic courage nourished by understanding and truthfulness and the free flow of information.

It is a party that will practise in politics what WikiLeaks has done in the field of information by standing up to the powerful and shining a light on injustice and corruption.

The Constitution of the WikiLeaks Party lists its objectives which include the protection of human rights and freedoms; transparency of governmental and corporate action, policy and information; recognition of the need for equality between generations; and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination.

The WikiLeaks Party was incorporated as a political party in Australia in 2013.

I won't be voting in the coming elections, continuing my 28 year hiatus (I enrolled once, voted for a liar, have since seen nothing but liars I can't vote for) but I applaud Assange's effort here- he has obviously been keeping busy in little Ecuador.

I don't agree with his asylum seeker/ refugee policy at all, for reasons I will go into if anyone is interested. However the push for transparency, accountability and welcoming whistleblowers has to be a good thing. My bet is Wikileaks Party will gain at least a seat or 2 in the senate in coming elections. Our senate being often balanced with independents and small parties holding the balance of power over the majors, a seat or 2 can make a real difference.
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Wikileaks the links

Unread postby Cog » Sat 22 Oct 2016, 21:18:28

In a google spreadsheet for your viewing pleasure. 500 of the most damaging emails concerning Hillary Clinton and her campaign. With a brief description of the contents of the email and a link to read them in their entirety. If you are considering voting for Hillary you might want to browse through these. This is a big enough issue, IMO, to warrant its own thread for discussion.

Linky ... g&sle=true

If you want to read the source emails, you can copy and paste the link to them in a new browser window to open them.
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