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How do I Get Healthy?

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How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby Marquis20 » Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:10:34

Hey Guys - I thought you might like to check out this site. She's got vegan/raw recipes - very informative healthy eating site:
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sun 25 Mar 2012, 00:30:43

Eat lots of critters.
Spend some hours each week at 80%+ of your physical maximum.
No worries, live strong.

Exult in being what your are, a medium weight predator with a degree of lethality unmatched in the history of the world.
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 25 Mar 2012, 00:38:02

Humans were a successful product of millions of years of evolution....and then some idiot invented the Big Gulp.

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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sun 25 Mar 2012, 00:48:02

Big Gulp was fine. Football+TV+couch on the other hand... turned most everyone into mush.

Besides, Big Gulp of diet coke or unsweetened tea, perfectly good modern drink.
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby FairMaiden » Sun 25 Mar 2012, 12:07:15

You need to read the Vegetarian Myth...try google books, my link isn't working right now...

I'm of First Nations descent and I'm PRETTY sure my ancestors would not have survived the Canadian prairies w/o dried meat. Since it's been part of my evolutionary diet, my genetic memory is probably geared towards it's use. I believe there are essential amino acids we get from meat, no?

If you want to get healthy, go primal diet w/no sugar & gluten.
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby Sir.Henry » Sun 25 Mar 2012, 19:47:52

I had pizza tonight. You know, the real thing. Fat cheese, italian style salami, some mushrooms, peppers, but also some self made olive replacements and other stuff.

I also eat chocolate and cream ice, almost everything that's yummy and makes you fat. But i ain't. And will never be. I think i can say so safely at almost 50 years of age.

Now, before anyone states that this guy is only trolling around like the OP, let me ask you WHAT you are eating. Let me explain by using a few examples...

- Most supermarket bought food today comes with appetizers like glutamate which tricks your belly into thinking it isn't full already.
- Citric acid and other addons make it more tasty (did you know that citric acid has nothing to do with lemons, it is a synthetical mushroom).
- When you eat any cheap form of conventional meat say pig or beef, you most likely eat cannabalised meat, because those grinded down bones serve the next generation as food. You ever gave a thought about say the Habsburger clan in Europe, and what interim marriages did to their genes?
***EDIT: Sheesh, this one was intended to leave a mark on mad cow desease, but since it is forgotten already i had to make up. Hm... Bush alcoholics anyone? :mrgreen:

Back to my pizza. I started out by grinding down the yeast and mixed it with a little sugar and milk, stored it in a warm place.
An hour later i made a dough from it by using wheat, corn flour, salt, oregano and a little more milk. Took me around 10 minutes.
Stored it in a warm place again for 2 hours. Then it was ready to be pounded and grinded and worked to found the basics of my pizza.

I doubt there is a need to continue in detail, as by now you might have noticed that there is a little difference between my pizza and your food - even your so called healthy and bio and whatnot food.
Or some ancestral gene knowledge. Well, to be honest that posting motivated me to leave this reply.

All in all, one old saying keeps catching up:

You are what you eat.
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby Graeme » Sun 25 Mar 2012, 23:50:58

Try to drastically reduce or eliminate red meat: ... ous-health
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby Narz » Sun 25 Mar 2012, 23:52:21

I'm not vegan but nor do I buy into the anti-vegetarian propaganda. I was vegan for 3+ years, felt fine but decided I really like butter & occasionally fish.

I'm getting in shape for the summer. Doing 3-sets of push-ups a night for the last couple weeks & got some "barefoot" shoes & been doing a ton of walking/running/biking. I had two cars, sold one, gave the other to my girlfriend, been learning about public transportation & been trying to relax & lower my metabolism so I can actually put on some decent mass (my heart is always racing, it's hard for me to take a deep breath [living in New Jersey doesn't help :?] & just let go).

Don't get me wrong, I love being lean but I'd like to be a muscular 180 rather than a scrawny 155-165 (I'm 6'3"). This summer maybe I'll be ballsy enough to start taking martial arts (been wanting to but putting it off for a few years now).

An interesting aside, I met the mother of my child on a raw food forum. I'm not into raw food anymore though, still down with mostly whole-foods & minimal processing but I don't believe a little cooking will kill anyone, we've been doing it successfully & managing to reproduce for over a thousand generations now (maybe as many as ten-thousand).
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby FairMaiden » Wed 08 Aug 2012, 22:50:56

pstarr, yes I have enjoyed Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Excellent book!

Fatty acids, amino acids whatever they are I'm sure humans were meant to eat meat. But it's definitely and individual choice and if ppl don't want to eat it then more for me! :)
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby WildRose » Thu 09 Aug 2012, 01:12:11

pstarr wrote: The best thing I ever did was cut out bread, pasta, desert, sugar, pancakes, etc. It was hard. I lost 15 pounds in two week. Now my blood work is better, no allergies at all. Stopped snoring. yahoo. :)

I'm in the process of doing this now - cutting way back on the carbs. Did you really stop snoring, pstarr - do you attribute this to the weight loss, or the absence of allergies? I'd love to see that result in my hubby - the idea of a separate bedroom has been looking really good, I'm not getting the best sleep these days!

To get a healthy diet, I've been eating fresh foods as much as possible and, when I need to buy something that's processed, checking labels carefully. For example, potato salad in the deli has a lifespan of a month or so - what has to be put in it so it remains edible for a month? My own potato salad is good for only a few days, but I can choose which ingredients to put in it so it's nutritious and great-tasting.

I think it's important to make sure your food won't make you sick - by washing it, cooking it (as much as it needs to be cooked) and being careful to avoid cross-contamination.

I'm an exercise fan, it's great for the body and mood and feels really liberating. I love feeling strong and like to challenge myself. I think people are most successful with exercise if they do things they enjoy and try not to be too strict with workout plans and such - just keep moving. And get outdoors!
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby autonomous » Thu 09 Aug 2012, 02:17:18

I am very physically active with homesteading, gardening and such. No need for the gym plus I eat a lot of homegrown veggies. However there are deer and other critters that like to eat from my garden too. Killing a sweet, gentle innocent animal just because it likes to eat from my garden is a little harsh but I would do it if I really needed to. I try to avoid eating dead food.

I would recommend reading Weston A. Price if you haven't done so already:

Then there's Masanobu Fukuoka. "The One Straw Revolution" is an absolute must if you haven't read this yet:
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Fri 10 Aug 2012, 06:04:34

First you must get wealthy.
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby dinopello » Sat 11 Aug 2012, 13:22:07

Two years ago I was TDY in Florida for 2 months so I decided to do an experiement. I ate different kinds of fish or seafood for dinner just about every night with some veggie like spinach, chard, or broccoli and lemon (love lemon) usually rice for starch. Had an egg and toast or some good cereal for breakfeast and various (small portion) things for lunch. I lost 20 pounds and felt great at the end of it. I probably got less excercise than I do at home - just walking around a bit but no garden or yard work or sports.

I think the majority of the benefit I saw was from portion control, but also the fish and from cutting out lots of cheese (I love cheese too). But, whatever I don't think being healthy is rocket science.
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby WildRose » Sat 11 Aug 2012, 18:19:05

I agree, dinopello, that portion control is a big part of losing weight and maintaining a good weight. It's probably more important than exercise. Exercise has a lot of benefits, but a person has to learn the balance in - balance out equation that works for him or her, as far as food intake goes.

Sounds like an interesting (and enjoyable) experiment - it would be a great way to try lots of varieties of fish!
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Re: How do I Get Healthy?

Unread postby evilgenius » Tue 14 Aug 2012, 11:31:29

Walk up hill and run down, at least until you can manage more. I too find portion control essential. Watch out for the things that can harm you over time, like bad exercise form or foods that you shouldn't be eating. Speaking of foods, many say to stay away from too easy to digest white bread in favor of multi-grain bread, the whole low GI vs high GI thing. I've always eaten like that. I think it has helped me a lot. Maybe it is always most important to forgive yourself when you get off track and just start at it again from where you find yourself when you wake up from whatever period of poor behavior has put you back.
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