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Unread postby kublikhan » Sat 02 Jul 2011, 15:39:08

According to a 2011 census, India has a population of 1,210,193,422 people. That's 17.47 percent of the world's population living on just 2.3 percent of the planet. The only place more crowded is a new In-N-Out at lunch time. Health officials in India are looking for novel ways to drum up interest in sterilization clinics, and one in particular has resorted to prize giveaways. The top draw? A new Tata Nano. According to The Times of India, Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan is offering a variety of prizes for men who come into their clinic and put the clamps on their own private ball state swim team. Besides the Nano, prizes include motorcycles, TVs and kitchen stand mixers.
India offering free Tata Nano in exchange for your sterilization

The government of Rwanda is planning to launch a sterilization campaign with the goal of rendering 700,000 men, or about one seventh of the male population, infertile within three years.

The government claims that the “family planning” program, which will also invite men to undergo circumcision, is voluntary. The average Rwandan woman bears five children in her lifetime - a number that has been deemed too high by international population control groups.

The BBC reported that while many Rwandans balk at the idea of being sterilized, “correspondents say many in the armed forces will regard it as an order” even though it will be “nominally voluntary.” “This amounts to coercion,” said Mosher. if it will be regarded as an order, it doesn’t matter if it actually is one or not. The men will be circumcised/sterilized because they feel that they must, or risk punitive measures.” “The Rwandan government claims that it wants men to ‘go willingly’ for sterilization,” said Mosher. “But they also have a hard quota - 700,000 - which they are looking to fill. In our experience on this issue, every single time a sterilization campaign has a hard target and a timetable attached to it, it inevitably involves coercion and abusive expansion, just as night follows day.”

These programs are not being rolled out by the Rwandan government alone, but represent a concerted push by the U.S. government and international health groups. Mosher pointed out that the groups are funded by USAID, which receives tax dollars from the United States. Under U.S. law it is illegal for taxpayer dollars to be spent funding forced abortion or sterilization.
U.S. taxpayer money to fund Rwanda campaign to sterilize 700,000 men

Drug addicts across the UK are being offered money to be sterilised by an American charity. Project Prevention is offering to pay £200 to any drug user in London, Glasgow, Bristol, Leicester and parts of Wales who agrees to be operated on. The first person in the UK to accept the cash is drug addict "John" from Leicester who says he "should never be a father". The move has been criticised by some drug charities who work with addicts.

After paying 3,500 addicts across the United States not to have children, she is now visiting parts of the UK blighted by drugs to encourage users to undergo "long-term birth control" for cash. Maria Cripps, team leader at Islington's Dovetail service which is part of Cranstoun Drug Services, said: "I think Barbara uses some very extreme examples to get her point across. It might work in America but Great Britain is a very different country."
Charity offers UK drug addicts £200 to be sterilised
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby kiwichick » Sat 02 Jul 2011, 21:06:09

too little, too late
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby rangerone314 » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 01:46:56

Won't driving more cars create more environmental problems, too?
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Fishman » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 08:11:06

Though simpler medically, biologically, sterilizing males may not change the population much. If the culture prevents a different sexual partner it may work, but it then incentives having a different partner for the female. To maximize one's eroei or money return on money invested, biologically, go for the XX chromosome carriers.
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby FairMaiden » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 12:41:18

Fishman - you are an idiot. Women are forced to carry and deliver the child which is a natural disincentive for having more children. Personally, I will suffer permanent hearing loss if I choose to have another of my friends hermoragged after her first and risks death if she has another...historically women have been on the forefront of birth control w/herbs and snake oil bc they desperately did not want to have baby after baby!

I know from friends that it is different in the US but every male in my family over the age of 35 is sterilized. They have 2-3 children and decide they are done. No one wants and "accident" at 45 or something. That screws up the retirement plans. This is why birth rates are declining in educated and higher social classes.

Where I work, they would love to see forced sterilization. We have a client who has had 8 children in the last 10 years...they have all become child of the gov't system. I used to be dead set against do you justify this?
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Sys1 » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 12:56:09

Sterilization is not a morale standpoint for individuals who never had a children.
Impose it to those people is just criminal. It's just like forbiding life.
On the other hand, sterilization after the first child looks to me ok.

By the way, before sterilization of human beeings, we could begin with sterilization of SUVs, airplanes, standards of living with imported and fat food.
Better more : Sterilization of our money system.
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 15:56:35

Have one, get snipped.

Drastically increases the amount of resources available to that one child. Tends to give rise to "Little Empress" syndrome though. But hey, I'm not the 23 yr old male that will eventually marry my 23 yr Empress... (my condolences ahead of time...)

Can make you a bit paranoid when they do standard, reckless kid things.
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Fishman » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 20:18:06

No Fair Maiden, you failed Biology class. I didn't make a moral judgement, just a statement of basis biology. You on the other hand did such contortions in your post I was worried you would stroke out

" Women are forced to carry and deliver the child which is a natural disincentive for having more children"
"We have a client who has had 8 children in the last 10 years...they have all become child of the gov't system"
Second statement kind of contradicts the first don't you think?
Now here's your basis economics class for the day. Whatever you incentivies you increase.."they have all become child of the gov't system"
"I used to be dead set against do you justify this? Basic economics again, incentives or disincentives
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby FairMaiden » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 23:14:07

Fishman wrote:No Fair Maiden, you failed Biology class. I didn't make a moral judgement, just a statement of basis biology. You on the other hand did such contortions in your post I was worried you would stroke out

" Women are forced to carry and deliver the child which is a natural disincentive for having more children"
"We have a client who has had 8 children in the last 10 years...they have all become child of the gov't system"
Second statement kind of contradicts the first don't you think?
Now here's your basis economics class for the day. Whatever you incentivies you increase.."they have all become child of the gov't system"
"I used to be dead set against do you justify this? Basic economics again, incentives or disincentives

No, I'm against sterilization of women. I did not contradict myself...but I work for the gov't and everyone around me IS for it...and I gave their reasons. I have trouble justifying my position in the example I's hard to not change one's mind when you see that stuff up close and personal.

How am I twisting and turning? Look at history - women have risked their lives & liberty to stop having can easily be snipped and solve the problem. Yet you claim it's better for women, why? Because supposedly the unclipped men will just sleep w/enough women to cancel out the benefit?
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Pretorian » Mon 04 Jul 2011, 00:17:06

FairMaiden wrote:How am I twisting and turning? Look at history - women have risked their lives & liberty to stop having can easily be snipped and solve the problem. Yet you claim it's better for women, why? Because supposedly the unclipped men will just sleep w/enough women to cancel out the benefit?

No, because women will fornicate with enough unclipped men to cancel out the benefit. What benefit, btw? Men do not bear children, are you aware of that?
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby kiwichick » Mon 04 Jul 2011, 05:26:48

doubt it pretorian

most women want to limit the number of children they have
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Fishman » Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:25:56

"Yet you claim it's better for women, why? Because supposedly the unclipped men will just sleep w/enough women to cancel out the benefit?"
Again you make a value judgement. I did not. I certainly make no claim its "better". Vasectomy is vastly easier to perform. You keep alluding to monogamy, did your lady with 8 kids have one father for all those children? In many subcultures in the US a mother may have kids from numerous fathers.
"Because supposedly the unclipped men will just sleep w/enough women to cancel out the benefit?" Why, YES. Why do you think all those people around you support sterilization?

"I'm against sterilization of women." "women have risked their lives & liberty to stop having children."
So you are against women trying to stop having children?
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby careinke » Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:43:08

Sometimes, our morals seem to get in the way of our understanding of math and biology.
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby 35Kas » Mon 04 Jul 2011, 18:55:21

What is this s***? Why clip men? More feminist bulls***.

Did you know that in a population of 100 fertile men and 100 fertile women, it only takes one man to impregnate them all? If you sterilize 99% of the men, there's a good chance 20% of the women will still get pregnant, but if you sterilize 99% of women, only one can get pregnant.

Also, what is it with this bulls*** of permanently removing a mans ability to bear children? What happens if at 4yrs old his both children die in an accident? Adopt some low quality stock from drug users, religious nuts, stupid/lazy parents, from some s***hole by the train tracks or some vapid African cluster****?

So if we are going for sterilization, its much easier to couple chemical infertility with government tax breaks and hound outs, so that in order to receive food, housing, financial aid, discounts, etc, then you need to keep your tri-monthly anti-reproductive injections updated. Also couple tax breaks with number of biological children, so if you decide to have 8 children in mormon land, you don't get breaks If you think keeping your progeny in check isa bad idea, no food aid for africa. This will stop most of the stupid, the poor and the helpless from wanting to have children early and only a couple at max to maximize their benefits w/o putting a burden on society.

I'd even be more towards mandatory temporary sterilization until you can prove you can provide for one or two children in a stable relationship.

Graphic text deleted., your welcome to it, but I will not ever accept forced sterilization of people anywhere.

Edit: Also provide free sexual-ed, condoms and abortions to anyone who wants. The cost of free medical procedures, education and condoms will drastically reduce violent crime and the burden on the government form the people who were never meant to be. Forbid outlawing abortion, and any countries/states that have a no abortion policy no longer are eligible for foreign/federal aid. Damn catholic/religious cockroaches.
Last edited by Ferretlover on Mon 04 Jul 2011, 20:50:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Cog » Tue 05 Jul 2011, 10:32:19

Sterilizing anyone applying for federal or state aid, both men and women, should be a condition of getting said aid. Also, anyone sentenced to prison, both men and women should be sterilized as part of their sentence. Sterilization should be a government program that is offered free of charge to any citizen and encouraged through tax policy.
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby AgentR11 » Tue 05 Jul 2011, 11:47:50

Hey cool! Does that mean all of us that are snipped can get a freeby card too? WANT WANT! GIMMEE!
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Cog » Tue 05 Jul 2011, 12:33:46

AgentR11 wrote:Hey cool! Does that mean all of us that are snipped can get a freeby card too? WANT WANT! GIMMEE!

Yes you can take your $50 sterilization credit to Best Buy and get a gold plated internet cable if that is your wish.
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby AgentR11 » Tue 05 Jul 2011, 14:59:36

Best Buy's cabling is a rip off.
I want Obama to buy me a car.
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Pretorian » Tue 05 Jul 2011, 20:48:21

35Kas wrote:What is this s***? Why clip men? More feminist bulls***.

Did you know that in a population of 100 fertile men and 100 fertile women, it only takes one man to impregnate them all? If you sterilize 99% of the men, there's a good chance 20% of the women will still get pregnant, but if you sterilize 99% of women, only one can get pregnant.

Also, what is it with this bulls*** of permanently removing a mans ability to bear children? What happens if at 4yrs old his both children die in an accident? Adopt some low quality stock from drug users, religious nuts, stupid/lazy parents, from some s***hole by the train tracks or some vapid African cluster****?

So if we are going for sterilization, its much easier to couple chemical infertility with government tax breaks and hound outs, so that in order to receive food, housing, financial aid, discounts, etc, then you need to keep your tri-monthly anti-reproductive injections updated. Also couple tax breaks with number of biological children, so if you decide to have 8 children in mormon land, you don't get breaks If you think keeping your progeny in check isa bad idea, no food aid for africa. This will stop most of the stupid, the poor and the helpless from wanting to have children early and only a couple at max to maximize their benefits w/o putting a burden on society.

I'd even be more towards mandatory temporary sterilization until you can prove you can provide for one or two children in a stable relationship.

Graphic text deleted., your welcome to it, but I will not ever accept forced sterilization of people anywhere.

Edit: Also provide free sexual-ed, condoms and abortions to anyone who wants. The cost of free medical procedures, education and condoms will drastically reduce violent crime and the burden on the government form the people who were never meant to be. Forbid outlawing abortion, and any countries/states that have a no abortion policy no longer are eligible for foreign/federal aid. Damn catholic/religious cockroaches.

I dont remember you much, but, a great post. Welcome to my writers of preference list
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Re: Sterilization

Unread postby Pretorian » Tue 05 Jul 2011, 20:58:03

AgentR11 wrote:Hey cool! Does that mean all of us that are snipped can get a freeby card too? WANT WANT! GIMMEE!

You are hitting a wrong marketing technique here.. You should flash not a $50 Bestbuy card, but a $1000 medical gift card good for any sterilization plan.
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