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No more insights to be gleaned

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No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 25 May 2011, 08:11:17

When is the last time you really read a worthwhile post on this site or any other peak oil related site? Let's include the Oil Drum and JMG's Archdruid site as well.

Years and years of rehashing the same themes, whether they be the geophysics of oil depletion or the psychological entrenchment of the consumer paradigm has made for at times interesting reading.

Once you get the big picture and apply frugality to your life style in anticipation of resource constraints why bother to stay on topic. I learned everything useful about peak oil 6 years ago and already at that time made adjustments to my lifestyle.

So this site has been great for that initial light bulb in the brain moment when the big picture comes into focus. Afterwards it's all about applying this to your life.

I faithfully visit this site once a day. I rarely any longer contribute posts. And I rarely find a thread thats engaging.

It's all been said. This venue, beyond enlightening newbies, is kind of an old and tired horse and dare I say somewhat obsolete. Because sitting in front of a computer discussing this fails to contribute anything except indulgence once one gets the big picture.

Same old posters rehashing the same old topics.

Planning for the future threads would seem to be the most practical, applying the truth of the big picture moving forward. But the vast majority of posts are unfortunately stuck on social or political debates that are only one small bump above what one reads on Fox news. Frankly pretty dumb and boring.

Time to move on?
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby Cog » Wed 25 May 2011, 12:35:09

What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby davep » Wed 25 May 2011, 13:23:46

This site will always provide a wealth of material for people coming to terms with the concept of peak oil. I fear most of this information is in threads a good few years old though.

There will one day be a huge uptick in participants as reality hits home. I guess we'll need to be gentle with them rather than just scaring them off with our usual entrenched positions though.

In the meantime, let's try to keep posting civil. Planning for the future is a great resource. All the US Republican-Democrat histrionics could possibly be discussed elsewhere though.

I'm a mod at a site called which is more of a chat board than here, and moderation is minimal. There are a few fruitloop freepers there, so it might be fun to distract yourself on there with the more outlandish stuff. Be warned that the general consensus is left-leaning though. The posters tend to be smart but not exactly peak-oil aware (despite my best efforts). So if you're looking for general chat without the peak oil angle, give it a whirl. It's a spinoff from the old Guardian Talk site (i.e. the British newspaper) that was taken down a few months back.

But be warned. You will be accused of being someone's sockpuppet as soon as you arrive, and the humour is pretty special. Once you get used to it, it's pretty addictive though. And it's far faster-moving than here which gives it a more interactive flavour.
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby ritter » Wed 25 May 2011, 17:33:09

Ibon wrote:Same old posters rehashing the same old topics.
Time to move on?

Much of peak oil theory is dried up and rehashed or simply ignored now. However, this site is still a good source for news related to peak oil, the economy and (less interesting to many) climate change. I find them to be all interrelated and unfortunately converging in the perfect storm. I think the site and discussion of these issues keeps me ahead of the curve. So no, not time to move on for me.
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby eXpat » Wed 25 May 2011, 19:02:50

Right you are, I´m here just for the charming ladies and witty gentlemen. 8)
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Wed 25 May 2011, 19:16:14

I've made Zerohedge my home page and visit there much more often. Zerohedge is what used to be.
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby sparky » Wed 25 May 2011, 20:14:06

If you want a fresh insight , here is one to chew on!
peak oil will be indicated by severe disruption in the most oil intensive industry

........that's the airlines

air transport is only possible with cheap fuel , both cargo and passengers , military doesn't have the same pressure but also is affected
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Thu 26 May 2011, 00:21:13

What about those "resource wars" those peakers were predicting?

All I'm seeing is "rebellions" by "pro-democracy, pro-US" forces against evil dictators who don't play nice with IOCs.
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby drgoodword » Thu 26 May 2011, 06:16:51

Keith_McClary wrote:What about those "resource wars" those peakers were predicting?

All I'm seeing is "rebellions" by "pro-democracy, pro-US" forces against evil dictators who don't play nice with IOCs.

The U.S. has spent over one trillion dollars over the past ten years invading and occupying two formerly sovereign nations in the most important oil region in the world. I'd say the resource wars are in full swing.

Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 26 May 2011, 07:18:38

I am not saying move on from the truth of peak oil and its consequences. There is no real debate there. I am referring more to the act of gathering more endless facts and over examining the issue which can then become its own black hole of sorts.

Remember the initial insight when you first got the big picture? So now what? Are you going to keep zerohedging and peakoiling and greenwizarding your way everyday through life flipping from site to site reconfirming again and again what you already know?

Doing this keeps you more firmly cemented to the world you see crumbling than you may realize since it keeps you very fixed in relationship with consensus reality.

There is a point when gathering more facts and reconfirming a truth you already know becomes a handycap.
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby sparky » Thu 26 May 2011, 08:48:30

Some of the easy assumptions ( zombies in the back streets ) are always good fun to deflate

the form peak oil will take can be a surprise ,
one thing for sure , there is not going to be any planning
though there might be a lot of international conferences ,
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby vision-master » Thu 26 May 2011, 08:50:28

Ibon wrote:When is the last time you really read a worthwhile post on this site or any other peak oil related site? Let's include the Oil Drum and JMG's Archdruid site as well.

Years and years of rehashing the same themes, whether they be the geophysics of oil depletion or the psychological entrenchment of the consumer paradigm has made for at times interesting reading.

Once you get the big picture and apply frugality to your life style in anticipation of resource constraints why bother to stay on topic. I learned everything useful about peak oil 6 years ago and already at that time made adjustments to my lifestyle.

So this site has been great for that initial light bulb in the brain moment when the big picture comes into focus. Afterwards it's all about applying this to your life.

I faithfully visit this site once a day. I rarely any longer contribute posts. And I rarely find a thread thats engaging.

It's all been said. This venue, beyond enlightening newbies, is kind of an old and tired horse and dare I say somewhat obsolete. Because sitting in front of a computer discussing this fails to contribute anything except indulgence once one gets the big picture.

Same old posters rehashing the same old topics.

Planning for the future threads would seem to be the most practical, applying the truth of the big picture moving forward. But the vast majority of posts are unfortunately stuck on social or political debates that are only one small bump above what one reads on Fox news. Frankly pretty dumb and boring.

Time to move on?

So you missed the 'Cold Fusion' thread? Have you been asleep @ the wheel? WTF....... :|

E-Cat is an abbreviation of the term “energy catalyzer” and is an invention of Italian engineer Andrea Rossi. The E-Cat is a device that produces a nuclear reaction through a process in which hydrogen is heated and combined with a nickel powder and an undisclosed catalyst inside a reaction chamber. In this process the nucleus of the hydrogen, which is the proton, penetrates the nickel nucleus and in doing so becomes copper, and releases a large amount of energy. The energy produced by the nuclear reaction is used to heat water and the output of the E-Cat is steam. Lead is used as a shield to prevent the release of harmful radiation during the reaction, and when the reaction is complete there is no radioactive waste.”

Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 26 May 2011, 08:55:00

Most of us are here because of being insightful and seeing the writing on the wall ahead of the curve. So to just elaborate a little on the last post, which most of you probably know already, but it's worth repeating, is that 8 years ago or 20 years ago you were ahead of the curve by perceiving the upcoming weaknesses economically, environmentally, geopolitically. Gathering facts back then was appropriate to the time in chiseling some awareness into the very robust and resilient status quo.

So what does being ahead of the curve represent today? Gathering facts about the inherent weakness in our global economic system and biosphere is not being at all ahead of the curve. You can find this even on Fox News.
The systemic weaknesses are actually well known.

So perhaps this thread should be about exploring what being ahead of the curve represents today at this point of the time line?

I'll start with a supposition and an assumption. Our global human population is going to go very clumsy into the post peak oil world. Not with any real consensus or intelligent planning. Nevertheless this clumsy approach will still result in a transition, slowly through time and the decades that follow. Ugly and messy but none the less advancing. This probably represents the middle of the road opinion between the extreme doomer and extreme cornucopian camp.

If you agree with this assumption then what is the game plan or contrarian strategy today if you want to have an edge? Is wanting to have an edge part of the problem or part the solution? Answering this philosophically wont help. Contemplating this within the known way humans behave is far wiser. In that sense all humans are innately survivalists and will look for an edge.

Continuing to surf these websites that point out these already known truths is not going to do it. Sorry. So what is your game plan?
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby vision-master » Thu 26 May 2011, 09:02:12

The post peak oil world will be replaced with cleaner/ cheaper energy sources. Put down the pipe of doom. :)

Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby Pops » Thu 26 May 2011, 09:34:27

Do you mean time for the "site" to move on? Only one place to go really...


Anyway, no, I haven't read anything lately that makes me go all pale and sweaty. OTOH the steady drip of news and reporting goes on and lots of it shows up here to get a good mauling. This is a forum after all, talk is what we're about, if we didn't talk we wouldn't rank and if we didn't rank there would be no place for people to come and have their hopes of perpetual motoring dashed.

Haha, we rank #3 after Wiki and Savanar's site which has this description now
"Holistic Health, Herbal Remedies, Bodywork, Astro-Psychology"
Some peak oil benefactor should buy up

Having said that, I still think there are a world of things to talk about.
Certainly there is a lot of status quo political debate, just because we're running out of cheap energy doesn't mean governments are going to suddenly disappear unless what this guy is saying is correct.

OTOH CH Smith says "Savior States"are the problem if self-reliance is the goal, that could be an interesting discussion.

Then here and here is Rob Hopkins saying essentially what you are Ibon, regarding PO & CC,
you are either preaching to the choir or the resistant.
Doesn't really make sense to me because many of us who have been reading about po a while probably know several people who once completely discounted the idea but whose resistance has been reduced by events - in fact that article could start a discussion of it's own.

Then of course there are planning topics, not much new there although the economy is completely shifted from a couple of years ago. I gotta do some work but those couple topics come to mind. gets 48% of the internets search traffic from the phrase "peak oil" according to Alexa, I'd say that is some impact. As it turns out the regular posters here are our little ad hoc panel of PO-aware commentators. Unfortunately, we are sometimes (most times?) abrasive, dismissive, misinformed, knee-jerks, but in spite of ourselves we are the no 1 place on the internet to ask a question about peak oil.
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby efarmer » Thu 26 May 2011, 12:04:46

Resource limits once assimilated and understood are truly boring indeed. So you try a few things to spice them up. Tinfoil hats, zombie scenarios, water powered cars, bathtub converted into cold fusion generator with parts from Lowes, big magnificent jugs in the sunshine that focus energy on a stirling engine, bunker ammo and chow penis envy tournaments, taking prominent resource limits writers and
making them ride the literary equivalent of "old sparky". And then it hits you, resource limits are boring,
and to make it even worse, they are usually slow and unpredictable.

Americans are not set up for resource limits, they are boring, run against our grain, and a cowboy in a white hat can't ride in and shoot some fat bastard in the saloon to fix them.

I am going to find myself a website where they have fast moving chaos on tap and can scare the poop out me every single day.

In the words of the immortal Homer Simpson: "BORING!"
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby vision-master » Thu 26 May 2011, 14:13:45

You ppl really are -> living in the past. Peak Oil will be a non-event.

Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby AgentR11 » Thu 26 May 2011, 14:22:59

Whats this "will be". This is it. This is what it looks like.
And its really, really annoying.
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Re: No more insights to be gleaned

Unread postby AgentR11 » Thu 26 May 2011, 14:29:02

Keith_McClary wrote:What about those "resource wars" those peakers were predicting?

Have you not been reading newspapers or even listening to bbc?? Other than oil, is there any reason at all that we'd give two hoots about what a bunch of backward people do to each other in their desolate sand pits. These are them. I count Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lybia as current hot zones; and a few others with somewhat less Western involvement are simmering along.

If yall thought a resource war would involve the US and China exchanging nukes... well... BAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Wrong answer.
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