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The US must default or hyperinflate, no other solution

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The US must default or hyperinflate, no other solution

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 09 Oct 2010, 00:50:37

The US Fed is now the second largest owner of US Treasuries.

That’s right, this week we overtook Japan, leaving China as the only country with greater ownership of US Debt. And we’re printing money to buy it. Setting aside the fact that this is abject lunacy, this policy is trashing our currency which has fallen 13% since June… as in four months ago.


The US will Default on its Debt

… either that or experience hyperinflation. There is simply no other option.
We can NEVER pay off our debts. To do so would require every US family to pay $31,000 a year for 75 years.

Bear in mind, I’m completely ignoring the debt we took on with the nationalization of Fannie and Freddie, AIG, and the slew of other garbage we nationalized or shifted onto the Fed’s balance sheet. And yet we’re STILL talking about every US family making $31,000 in debt payments per year for 75 years to pay off our national debt.

Obviously that ain’t going to happen.

So default is in the cards. Either that or hyperinflation (which occurs when investors flee a currency). Either of these will be massively US Dollar negative and horrible for the quality of life in the US. But they’re our only options, so get ready.

My guess is hyperinflation rather than default.

“If the American People ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied.” – Thomas Jefferson
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Re: The US must default or hyperinflate, no other solution

Unread postby patience » Sat 09 Oct 2010, 19:14:01

That's what I think. Shouldn't be too long now. End game is in sight. 8O
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Re: The US must default or hyperinflate, no other solution

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 09 Oct 2010, 21:19:33

Sixstrings wrote:So default is in the cards. Either that or hyperinflation (which occurs when investors flee a currency). Either of these will be massively US Dollar negative and horrible for the quality of life in the US. But they’re our only options, so get ready.

Yup. And thats exactly why the "tea party" people are so upset about Obama and democrat's massive deficit spending. :badgrin:
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