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Oleoscenario: how oil shortages will spread around the world

For discussions of events and conditions not necessarily related to Peak Oil.

Re: Oleoscenario: how oil shortages will spread around the w

Unread postby truthteller » Tue 21 Feb 2006, 00:49:48

This data is obviously wrong. Do you really belive that the India generates less than 10 dollars for every barrel of oil it uses? I'm sure that the poster's intentions were in the right place, but if you look at the link to the GDP data used you will see "PPP" in it. This undoubtedly referes to Perchasing Power Parity and means that all the numbers that went in to the calculation have been seriously manipulated. I don't know where this BP study comes from because there is no link, but I would like to see it if it's available on the net.
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