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M. King Hubbert on

General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Re: Responses to Hubbert in 1950s?

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Mon 13 Sep 2010, 23:59:58

His employer Shell Oil Company tried unsuccessfully to censor him. They requested he not give his important presentation at some forum.

one of my former thesis advisors from a number of decades ago worked with King Hubbert at the Shell research centre. He was and still is actually quite well known for the same bit of research Hubbert was really famous for...pore fluid pressure and it's impact on deformation. Few people here realize that Hubbert was first and foremost a rock mechanics scientist and his papers with Rubey are still de rigeur reading for anyone trying to understand this subject, my own MSc thesis was littered with references to Hubbert, Hubbert and Rubey and Rubey and Hubbert. His foray into peak oil and other subjects (technocracy) was a bit of a sideline for him...a brilliant mind who loved to question everything and wasn't afraid of controversy. One of my other thesis advisors (God rest his soul) was at the AAPG conference when Hubbert first brought forward the idea the US was running out of oil. When he relayed this story to me it was by then quite apparent that Hubbert was right but he said back when the talk was given pretty much everyone walked out of the talk shaking their head and thinking he had lost his mind. And that would have been a group of the penultimate oil explorers of that generation ...Halbouty, Hedberg, etc. According to my former thesis advisor everyone who worked for him thought he was brilliant...but a bit of a nutter.

If you are looking for quotes from folks who worked under Hubberts direction at Shells research labs a number of them are professor emeritus at Texas A&Am or completely retired by now. John Handin I believe was one, Peter Gretener another, I think Mel Friedman as well (and a number of names I can't remember right now). These gentlemen wrote the book on rock mechanics...literally.
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Re: Responses to Hubbert in 1950s?

Unread postby Arthur75 » Tue 14 Sep 2010, 09:04:18

In a recent documentary "la face cachée du pétrole" about the history of oil exploitation from the beginning up to now on arte tv(french german channel), they mention Hubbert talk about peak oil being received with "general indifference" in the 50s and right after Matt Simmons mentions somebody saying in 70 "do you remember this old fool that was saying the US would be in a shortage in beginning 70s, we never produced more !" and this was just before US peak, in the record year, but unfortunately he doesn't mention the name of the guy.

You can see that starting 11:53 below : ... re=related

By the way this documentary is really well done, didn't know for instance that the first oil shock started in fact with shortages due to peak production in the US, that a guy James Akins was named to audit the capacity, and that in fact the OPEC price rise was also wished by the US and big oil companies for them to be able to invest in more expensive oil, also the embargo was never effective for the US, especially regarding oil delivery in vietnam (James Akins on this at 8:44 below).
This part is starts around 50 sec in below : ... re=related

(but in french should be findable in german too)
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Re: Responses to Hubbert in 1950s?

Unread postby gaelenb » Fri 17 Sep 2010, 23:49:09

I have tried following up with the first of Hubbert's peers that you posted, but have had no luck.

Is there no book written concerning this topic?
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