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Is peak oil dead?

General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby regardingpo » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:21:50

ennui2 wrote:
regardingpo wrote:That's not what he said

Who cares? That's the reality.

No, it isn't. That's what you claim to be the reality. Elon Musk claims something else. I don't care about him in particular, but you're blatantly misrepresenting things to suit your "reality".

ennui2 wrote:BTW, just because you're anti-technology doesn't mean it's going to face-plant just to satisfy your sensibilities.

I'm not anti-technology. I love it, I just don't think the fairy-tale scenario you're describing is realistic. I never said anything is going to face-plant either.

I also don't need anything to happen or not happen to "satisfy my sensibilities". That describes you far better than me, since you're the cornucopian with few legs to stand on, so you have to rely on wishful thinking. Assuming that I'm that way is called projection:

It's no wonder no-one on this site can stand you, you seem to only be interested in feuding with people.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby StarvingLion » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:25:35


Hahahaha...iPhone app developer, Revenue: $0


Hahahaha...Horseless Carriages.

ennui2 is sitting on a WORTHLESS JUNK CURRENCY that can't build any base load electricity generator for his Horseless Carriages.

This is coming to Scamerica...the Chinese Trojan Horse Nuclear Reactor...bye bye ennui2, see you in the fields with a shovel.

Hinkley Point: UK approves nuclear plant deal
BBC News‎ - 5 hours ago
The government approves the new £18bn nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point and says it ...
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby ennui2 » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:27:25

regardingpo wrote:It's no wonder no-one on this site can stand you, you seem to only be interested in feuding with people.

Look who's talking. You're incredibly rude and thin-skinned.

BTW, I'm not the one who started this particular thread. I started the is a mausoleum to doomerism thread and got character-assassinated for telling it like it is. Well, sure enough, someone else, who is mostly a lurker, has come to the same basic conclusion. Don't shoot the messenger.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby StarvingLion » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:31:53

you [ennui2] seem to only be interested in feuding with people.

Thats because ennui2 is headed for the uranium mines along with all the rest of the "technology freaks" who can't even build base load electricity generators. All the hordes of useless iPhone app developers, AI cannibals, and solar cell morons are toast. Ray Kurzweil is a bankrupt retard. No juice for the horseless carriages means don't pass GO, instead head straight for the slaves in the uranium mines...

Hinkley Point: UK approves nuclear plant deal
BBC News‎ - 5 hours ago
The government approves the new £18bn nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point and says it ...
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby ennui2 » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:35:53

Sorry to disappoint you SL, but I don't believe in Ray Kurzweil's singularity. That doesn't mean I think technology's suddenly run out of innovation, though.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby regardingpo » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:36:20

ennui2 wrote:
regardingpo wrote:It's no wonder no-one on this site can stand you, you seem to only be interested in feuding with people.

Look who's talking. You're incredibly rude and thin-skinned.

Rude??? Thin-skinned??? Are you looking in the mirror again?

Hahaha I'm as cool as cucumber. Meanwhile you're snapping at everyone left and right.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby ennui2 » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:38:50

regardingpo wrote:
ennui2 wrote:
regardingpo wrote:It's no wonder no-one on this site can stand you, you seem to only be interested in feuding with people.

Look who's talking. You're incredibly rude and thin-skinned.

Rude??? Thin-skinned??? Are you looking in the mirror again?
Hahaha I'm as cool as cucumber. Meanwhile you're snapping at everyone left and right.

Start a separate thread if you want to pull out scorecards on people's decorum. I think you'll find plenty of people have wallowed in the mire whether they "started it" or not. As I've said, the main problem is loose moderation that encourages a race to the bottom.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:47:40

P9A - "I think when we ask if Peak Oil is dead we're asking also where it currently 'ranks' in the general public's mind. I question if searches for it reflect that". I'll go you one better: at the time of max google hits PO barely registered at all in " the general public's mind". One has to keep matters in perspective when hanging out at sites like this: our "family" here is a f*cking million miles from the thoughts of "the general public". We are a very select group with very high membership standards. Either that or we are just a bunch of nerds spinning our wheels here instead of banging the hot neighhbor as much as possible. LOL. Just this morning I teased my son with a similar angle: asked if he thought he considers himself to be of average intelligence. He said probably so. So I said then you feel half the world isn't as smart as you and that you're a dumb f*ck since half the world (3+ BILLION people) is smarter then you. As usual he didn't appreciate my sense of humor. Just like some of our folks of average intelligence here don't.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby regardingpo » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:51:38

What the hell are you (ennui) even talking about at this point??? I literally have no idea.

Whatever, I don't care. I know people like you, the internet is full of them. You desperately need to have the last word. Go on then. Post your last word and I won't respond. Then this thread will be able to get back on topic.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby ennui2 » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 14:58:53

What I'm saying is you're just as much a douche as you claim I am, so get off your damn high horse. If you want the thread to stay on topic then stop yourself from continuing to try to act as forum judge jury and executioner with your links to your psychoanalysis and what not and get back on topic--which is YES, peak oil IS dead (for the time being).
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby AdamB » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 15:51:25

harrisonlw wrote:Basically, my question is: is peak oil dead?

Define what you BELIEVE peak oil to be, and that question can be answered. Otherwise, not.

To those who stick to Hubbert's axiomatic observation (in any finite system, production of anything must have a beginning, a peak, and an end) then no, peak oil is not dead.

If you are a misanthrope looking for some way to get rid of the elites so you can rule the mad max wasteland with your guns, gold and harem, then of course peak oil is not dead, you want it to happen tomorrow so you can get with the plundering and svengali routine.

But for most, yeah, peak is dead. Again. Economics came in and crashed the party. As usual. And it still explains everything in the oil world, and as best anyone can tell, always will.

Cheap oil tends to cure cheap oil, expensive oil cures expensive oil, and everything else is angels on the head of a pin, or pinheads, if you go back and watch what the zealots claimed when this website started, and bought into the idea without thinking it through. Or don't have the ability to think it through.

And then some are just trolling, claimed environmentalists cheering on the clear cutting of forests, celebrating the death of ocean mammals in grotesque ways, and deriding those of us who insulate, worry about our CO2 emissions, have chosen modern forms of transport that don't require gasoline to commute around town. These folks REALLY must believe in peak oil, because misanthropes like this NEED everyone to die, in order to be happy. Don't know why, you'd have to ask them.

To those of us already transitioning to the next paradigm, those folks are just a bad joke, various parts misanthropy, intellectual dishonesty or plain ignorance. But the good news is that these types of transitions are generational in nature, and their kids (or someone else's because the hope is these folks didn't spawn and pollute the gene pool any farther) and all the rest will fit right in with those of us who are early adopters.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby AdamB » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 15:56:25

regardingpo wrote:It's no wonder no-one on this site can stand you, you seem to only be interested in feuding with people.

Interesting characterization from the new guy.

Sock puppet alert? Is what's his name at it again?
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 16:07:20

Adam - Sounds like you're trying to start a feud with the FNG? Sorry, couldn't resist the cheap shot. LOL.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby P9AKOIL » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 16:48:18

"I'll go you one better: at the time of max google hits PO barely registered at all in " the general public's mind". One has to keep matters in perspective when hanging out at sites like this: our "family" here is a f*cking million miles from the thoughts of "the general public"."

Spot on ROCKMAN. As you point out even with tons of Google hits, lots of numbers, expert commentary and opinion in the news, etc. the idea of peak oil never really joined the general consuming public's vocabulary...not even a flawed idea stuck, none of it seems to have penetrated.

It's difficult to sell a journey to NO even if there is a promise of knowing-how once you arrive.

Also, I fully advocate neighbor helping neighbor as the foundation of our future(appears you do too!).

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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby ennui2 » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 16:58:13

AdamB wrote:And then some are just trolling, claimed environmentalists cheering on the clear cutting of forests, celebrating the death of ocean mammals in grotesque ways, and deriding those of us who insulate, worry about our CO2 emissions, have chosen modern forms of transport that don't require gasoline to commute around town. These folks REALLY must believe in peak oil, because misanthropes like this NEED everyone to die, in order to be happy.

It warms the cockles of my heart to know that someone's out there dislikes PStarr even more than I do.

I predict he'll be the last one posting after everyone else is gone.

The one common thread among all the sniping is everyone here is alike in the sense that this site is TOO DEAD to foster a full-bodied discussion and really all of us would be better off engaging in more productive activities and yet all we see is how everyone else seems to be demonstrating they have no life. We're all peas in a pod regardless of viewpoints.

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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby StarvingLion » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 18:18:07

Ambrose Evans-Retard is so terrified of Peak Oil that he's making up the most ridiculous brainless pseudo-science shit that even ennui2 and Adam cannot spin. ... t-theresa/

The £18bn Hinkley Point nuclear plant will be overtaken by a host of cheaper technologies before it is even opened in the late 2020s...

[Hahahahaha...guess what they are technodreamers...its MEDIEVAL 19th CENTURY WIND MILLS, WHAT ELSE?]

Aerodynamic ‘smart blades’ guided by computers can capture changes in air flow, greatly raising efficiency. Capacity use has soared from 30pc a decade ago to 50pc in the latest ventures.

The new turbines are five times taller than their 20th Century ancestors, generating eight megawatts each. The US Sandia Laboratories are working on 50 MW monsters designed to halve costs again.

[OMG, I CANT STOP LAUGHING AT THESE RETARDS. The giant blades on those colossally stupid windmills are made from high-tech materials like carbon-fiber composites. Materials that are almost impossible to repair or recycle, and so all of those blades must be regularly replaced about every 20-25 years. Millions of them. At colossal cost.]

The US Energy Department is funding 541 projects in league with Harvard, MIT, and the world’s top universities, a push in some ways comparable to the war-time Manhattan Project.

[Hahahahaha...the Department of No Energy and the Ponzi Artists at Haaavaad...what a hopeless fucking duo of degenerates]

Some 75 of these projects are for cheap batteries and storage, what it describes as the ‘Holy Grail’ of the energy revolution. Nobody knows which will win the race: organic flow batteries, or those using zinc-air, among others, but Washington estimates that several could cut energy storage costs by 80pc to 90pc.

[Hahahahaha...80-90%..only ennui2 and Sockman believes bullshit like this]

Once electricity can be stored at viable cost, the ‘intermittency’ problems of wind and solar fade away. This alone could render Hinkley Point an anachronism by 2025.

Britain will always need reliable ‘base-load’ power to supplement renewables but big nuclear reactors are a poor way to do this. They cannot easily be switched on an off.

[Now the shithead admits those grid-scale Battery SCAMS are a waste of money]

[Like Pritchard-Retards pea brain]

Parliament’s Oxburgh inquiry reported to the Government this week that it would be cheaper to rely on clean gas, capturing the C02 from power plants and piping it for storage in disused North Sea oil wells. This would provide a ‘dispatchable’ source of clean electricity whenever needed.

[Now this MORON is beyond desperate. This reeks of Peak Oil Denier Brain Damage]

Even if Britain was to opt for nuclear power, a new generation of small molten salt reactors promise a cheaper, safer, and cleaner form of doing so.

[This CRETIN can't even make up his worthless mind. First he tells us nuclear NO GOOD, then he says "usher in the MSR fantasyland"...]

We are now stuck with this unhappy fait accompli. It is not a project that would ever have been approved in the new energy order of 2016.

[The 'New Energy Order of 2016'...HAHAHAHAHA...this dreamer headed for the uranium mines is out of his mind. Medieval Windmills...HIGH TECHNOLOGY , PEOPLE...INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL IS IMMINENT...hahahhaha. Ambrose will soon meet up with ennui2]
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby Tanada » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 19:20:24

Ennui2 I don't know what has gotten your dander up but take a deep breath and chill. You seem to have the goal of picking a fight with every member who does not agree with your opinions about life the universe and everything in lockstep.

Consider this your informal warning. We seek vigorous debate and discussion, not ad hominem attacks and other antagonistic tactics that serve no purpose.
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby AdamB » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 20:17:58

ROCKMAN wrote:Adam - Sounds like you're trying to start a feud with the FNG? Sorry, couldn't resist the cheap shot. LOL.

Not really. When someone shows up, and within a page or two claims that "no wonder everyone here thinks you are...." it gives away a perspective beyond just a page or two of knowing posters. And in the case of the ennui2, I don't even think it is accurate. Sure, the usual gang of believers light up like a Roman candle when anyone calls them on peak oil dogma, or even dares to notice that a trip to the local gas station is about all one needs to know about how peak oil has been going, but that isn't everyone.

So no, no feud, just an observation on the tell.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 20:47:00

harrisonlw wrote:Basically, my view (and perhaps the accepted wisdom) is that:

1. Conventional oil has peaked
2. Unconventional oil is bridging the gap in demand
3. Unconventional oil will continue to bridge the gap and meet future demand
4. Prices will eventually rise to reflect the increase in demand and will enable further production of unconventional oil
5. Climate change will lead to much greater investment in renewable energy development
6. RE replaces oil before unconventional oil becomes prohibitively expensive.

Point 6 is easily the most contentious, and perhaps too cornucopian for this forum. I note that this ignores coal and gas but this is an oil forum after all. In any case, peak oil's ramifications of collapse and wars and famine are dead to me because this issue will play out over decades and we will slowly adapt.

Perhaps this is too optimistic or wilfully ignorant (I certainly never used to be an optimist!) but I think RE will nullify the core problem that peak oil poses.

That certainly is an optimistic scenario.

I think #3 is debatable.

The ETP crowd won't agree with #4

Lets wait and see on #5---so far the politicians engage in a lot of talk about climate change, but don't actually accomplish much

And #6 may be wishful thinking.

Time will tell.

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Re: Is peak oil dead?

Unread postby sparky » Fri 16 Sep 2016, 02:10:28

#1 ...check
#2 ...check
#3 ...check
#4 ...check
#5 ... the politics of climate change will lead to a marginal increase of useful domestic electricity production
#6 ...nope
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