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Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 12 Jul 2011, 03:34:43

For What It's Worth


Find the Cost of Freedom

It is the end of the world but on the scale of historically interesting, it's not there yet.

There are no people in the streets. There is not yet need for TPTB to wield the fist.

For those too young, they shot down students at Kent State and Jackson State.

It was an intentional message, no matter what THEIR history tells you.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

The level of injustice and wrong you endure is directly determined by how much you quietly submit to. Even to the point of extinction.
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Re: Hello.... during interesting times!

Unread postby SILENTTODD » Tue 12 Jul 2011, 05:01:57

Cid_Yama wrote:For What It's Worth


Find the Cost of Freedom

It is the end of the world but on the scale of historically interesting, it's not there yet.

There are no people in the streets. There is not yet need for TPTB to wield the fist.

For those too young, they shot down students at Kent State and Jackson State.

It was an intentional message, no matter what THEIR history tells you.

"Tin Soldiers and Nixon's coming, Four Dead in Ohio" -CSN&Y

I certainly remember those times Cid Yama.
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Howdy (again)!

Unread postby mad_marten » Tue 12 Jul 2011, 14:26:12

Hello, I have mostly been a lurker. But have re-registered because I am bored and original email I used has been deleted.
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Re: Howdy (again)!

Unread postby davep » Tue 12 Jul 2011, 15:12:11

Welcome to PO...

So are you prepping, a doomer/moderate/cornie?
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Re: Howdy (again)!

Unread postby mad_marten » Tue 12 Jul 2011, 15:21:30

Thanks Davep, mostly a moderate. I mean the fast crashers have mostly been discredited, but hey with political (and overall) studipity growing geometrically never underestimate things.

I just plan to grab my popcorn and watch us descend into Idiocracy, there will always be enough marginal utility in the last barrel of oil to put in our monster trucks :mrgreen:
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Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby NCLambert » Sat 16 Jul 2011, 09:03:04

I'm excited to be a part of a group that intelligently discusses difficult environmental issues.
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby Fishman » Sat 16 Jul 2011, 09:57:15

Er, um, this is a peak oil site. We discuss peak oil issues (occasionally), cannibalism rarely, food, sustainability sometimes but
"intelligently discusses difficult environmental issues."
Not so much.
Perhaps discuss environmental issues would be correct, intelligently and difficult would be a stretch
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 16 Jul 2011, 10:11:27

NCLambert wrote:I'm excited to be a part of a group that intelligently discusses difficult environmental issues.

You mean AGW? :lol:

Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby SilentRunning » Sat 16 Jul 2011, 13:06:48

These republilcan creationsists think they know their place in heaven, but don't know their place in this world, because they don't live it in. They only live inside man's machines--this complex suburbia--built with science, but they are willing to ignore science that does not support their own personal agendas for more stuff, more toys, more power.

Your critique of republican theocrats is one of the best I have read recently.
The amazing thing is that even the Republican theocrats know - deep down - that their religious views are bogus - because they almost invariably try to remain alive, and not to go to their promised la-la land in the sky by the simple expedient of dying.
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby FloridaGirl » Sat 16 Jul 2011, 14:05:26

I'm excited to be a part of a group that intelligently discusses difficult environmental issues.

Welcome NCLambert! :)

While there are usually 2 sides written about difficult environmental issues on this site, one side is usually an intelligent discussion. I'm sure you've observed the intelligent discussions already based on your comment.

One good thing about seeing the non-scientific posts and the intelligent responses, is that the non-scientific points of view are common in the outside world and the intelligent responses on this site provide you with a good response to give.
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 16 Jul 2011, 16:41:25

pstarr wrote:Only a smug, lazy, self-absorbed, anti-science American consumer believes humans are immune to their power and lust. You now have luxury and laughable soon-to-end security to ignore this peril. Most humans alive today do not. They have to worry about their families and future, and people like you scare the crap out of them. :evil:

I dunno Pstarr, I think third worlders care more about making some more money and affording a bit of the American Dream than they do about saving the planet. Look at the pollution in China. The air is so thick it's hard to breathe it. Are the factory workers wringing their hands over mother nature? Nope. Would they give up their job to save the environment? Nope. Do they want to save the planet or be the first in their family to own a car? They'll pick the car.

I've said this before, that the extremes of the green movement is a first world phenomenon -- a person must be comfortable with a good job and good income to actually have the luxury of paying more money for things so they can be "green."

Go to a Whole Foods, look at the people there. Look at the prices. This is an exclusive club, the planet doesn't have enough resources for everyone to live that way. Oh sure the Chinese could go back to the peasant villages, but they don't want to do that, they already had eco-utopia but said screw this I want opportunity and Stuff and cars and the American Dream.

I just watched a Chinese documentary last night. The countryside was gorgeous.. yet everyone wants to leave and slave away in those ugly factories in ugly dirty cities.

(I'm not anti-Green, just a realist)
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby Fishman » Sat 16 Jul 2011, 20:01:04

NC Lambert
Intelligent discussion of difficult issues normally has some basis rules, you discuss facts, data, possibly speculate on unknown data, critique the other's opinion based on the opinion itself, never critiquing the person presenting the opinion.
Observations, those with the weakest argument are the quickest to resort to name calling. Bringing someones religion or political view in the discussion itself completely destroys any credibility of one's argument. Text deleted.
Last edited by Ferretlover on Mon 18 Jul 2011, 18:19:35, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Off topic text deleted per COC.
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby John_A » Sun 17 Jul 2011, 00:22:14

NCLambert wrote:I'm excited to be a part of a group that intelligently discusses difficult environmental issues.

That only happens when one advocate of a political position wants to call advocates of a different political position names. Don't let anyone fool you, the solution to pollution is dilution.
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby Ferretlover » Mon 18 Jul 2011, 18:24:36

Off topic posts removed. Please take religious discussions to some other more appropriate site.
Thank you.
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby Fishman » Mon 18 Jul 2011, 20:06:18

Thank you FL. I gladly accept the area you deleted from my post.
NCLambert, by the way, any particular environmental issues you would like to "discuss intellectually"?
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Re: Hello from North Carolina...

Unread postby Fishman » Mon 18 Jul 2011, 20:36:12

I drove "him" away? You sexist pig. Could easily have been a woman. LMAO Most of your posts were deleted. I only offered points about intellectual conversation, and offered to get back to the original post. NCLambert, welcome, by the way.
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Greetings from the Old World!

Unread postby Sir.Henry » Mon 01 Aug 2011, 18:14:09

Hello chaps,

although i'm pretty new to the idea and consequences of global resource depletion (LATOC hooked me up nearly a year ago), preperations for a time when oily grease will have to be harvested locally from my hair instead of importing it from Saudi Arabia are underway for several years now.

It all started with a tomato. This courageous little fella managed to hide itself under the driver's seat of my friend's car.
Further investigation showed that it stayed there for 8 weeks during summertime, and let me tell you: It looked absolutely fresh and tasteful after all that time.

Perfect motivation for me and my wife to start looking for some healthier food, like the type that starts walking out of the refrigerator by itself if left unattended for a few weeks.
This brought us into gardening and some serious work with older plant types, into permaculture and so on...

Similar... accidents led to knowledge beyond the so called school medicine, and we were amazed to find out how little it takes sometimes to cure serious illnesses. Definitely a plus in a past PO world.
(Oh, but since there are so many Schmucks out there trying to sell ever curing Doctor's Brew or whatever, i'll better not discuss such topics.)

These days i believe in preparing by learning instead of piling up supplies, so i am studying and training old skills that might come in handy, from woodworking which i always liked (without electrical assistance of course) to tool sharpening and maintaining, to such useless ideas like how to make a fire with some sticks. See you when your matches got wet!

What else... Oh yes, Henry is our new dog - still a puppy - and he is called Sir for his ability to remain calm and observant during the wierdest situations.
Would have made the Queen proud by just doing nothing, but in the right way!

See you around :)
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Re: Greetings from the Old World!

Unread postby vision-master » Mon 01 Aug 2011, 18:24:37

The era of Peak Oil will be short lived. :)

Within a few years time this place will serve no usefulness.

New energy's will make PO a non-issue.

Rossi received a question from Nobel Prize winning Physicist Brian Josephson who asked regarding the October demonstration,
“Will it be done in such a way that people are sure about the amount of water/steam coming out of the reactor, and how dry the steam is (which affects the heat content)?”

Rossi responded:
1-The 1 MW plant that we will start up in October will be tested, on behalf of our Customer, by very, very high level world class scientists. You are in the list, so please, if you want and you can, take free the last week of October.
2- The test will be witnessed by several very, very high level world class scientific journalists
3- The E-Cats we are working with now in our factories, which will be the modules of the 1 MW plant, are producing perfectly dry steam, mostly without energy input, as you will see yourself if you will honour us with your presence.

Re: Greetings from the Old World!

Unread postby Pops » Mon 01 Aug 2011, 18:59:30

Welcome Henry and to your master too. :)
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Greetings from the Old World!

Unread postby Sir.Henry » Mon 01 Aug 2011, 19:06:10

You may be right, who knows? :)

But let me tell you what i did today.
We moved into this new home almost two years ago, and i am still finding something that catches my eye from time to time.
This time it was a chisel, totally rusted and without a handle.
Took me some 5 hours to restore it to working condition. Removing the rust, flattening, sharpening, polishing, the like.
It works like a charm, more precisely than anything i ever bought from a store, although i already got some of equal quality.

Now, this work surely was rewarding for me. I did breathe some new life into something another had thrown away as garbage.
When i do such things, i never think about PO or about certain metals becoming scarce, or about magical (or not) new energy sources to save the planet.

I just do it, and i like it, unimpressed of any possible future.

And hopefully i managed to answer your unasked questions.

Like, maybe, for example: Why do we need to change the battery in our car every 2 to 3 years, when we only needed to do so ever 5 to 8 years when i was young?

Please don't feel attacked by my posting in any way. My sole intention is to make people think instead of simply consuming information.
In other words, in my way of thinking: How else could we survive?
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