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Re: Hello fellow peakers, doomers (and even cornucopians :P )

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 01 Jun 2009, 02:52:47

kpeavey wrote:Too bad you didnt log in earlier. Could have become E-friends before the grid went down.
Been good knowing you.

+1, Doomer of the Year Award.

Did my missive make it onto the ethernets? Is the grid down yet?
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Re: Hello fellow peakers, doomers (and even cornucopians :P )

Unread postby bodigami » Mon 01 Jun 2009, 07:02:09

dinopello wrote:
pstarr wrote:
dinopello wrote:Welcome. Don't overdose on the gloom ! It's more satisifying to try and fail than sit around and complain, IMHO.
We have tried and failed. And complaining is better than satisfying . . . it's fun :razz:

It's fun in the same way that premature orgasm is only premature for one of those involved. Would you like some organic, hormone-free cheese with your whine ?

it is spelt WINE :twisted:

and now... vegans don't eat milk from COWS! :lol:
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Unread postby Rufio » Mon 01 Jun 2009, 08:05:24

Hi everyone.

Welcome your newest nineteen year old college student desperately trying to come to grips with the end of all things.
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Re: Hello.

Unread postby hillsidedigger » Mon 01 Jun 2009, 08:13:05

I don't think all things are about to end, just some things.
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Re: Hello.

Unread postby Rufio » Mon 01 Jun 2009, 08:49:56

Start big, assume everything will go wrong, and work your way back from there.

That's what I do.
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Re: Hello.

Unread postby Schmuto » Mon 01 Jun 2009, 09:35:03

Rufio wrote:Start big, assume everything will go wrong, and work your way back from there.

That's what I do.

Dramatic, perhaps, but unwise.
June 5, 09. Taking a powder for at least a while - big change of life coming up.
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Re: Hello.

Unread postby dunewalker » Mon 01 Jun 2009, 10:01:01

Rufio wrote:Start big, assume everything will go wrong, and work your way back from there.

That's what I do.

That's pretty good--the 21st century version of the Peter Pinciple!

My only advice is to learn early who the trolls are on this site...
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Re: Hello.

Unread postby Rufio » Mon 01 Jun 2009, 10:10:57

Thanks DW.

Well, the way I figure it. What we know of the world will not last long.

Five years, ten, maybe. It depends. We might be able to pull ourselves outa this current economic mess, but with a future of global warming, climate change and general resource (not just energy) depletion it seems inconceivable the party can last much longer.

I can't change that, in Australia the climate seems to be becoming more and more anti-human so its not an option for me to just go out into the woods and set up some sort of safe haven. Even if I had the skills, I'd probably run out of water eventually. Or crops/lifestock would fail. Even if I could survive all that, I'm a social kinda guy. I'd need other people or I'd go crazy and top myself.

The conclusion is that the world will change. If it collapses, then I die. We all die eventually so this is really no great setback. I've lived a pretty good run, and its also an inspiring factor. If we only have a limited time, we may as well live it to the full.

If the world changes, and it doesn't collapse. However that may be. Then, excellent. Not only am I not dead, but I've lived at my life the way I want.
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Re: Hello World

Unread postby Grautr » Tue 02 Jun 2009, 04:37:53

It can be difficult living with family even when you do get along. My Grandmother moved in with my Father before she died and although she had her own seperate living room she shared a kitchen with them and it lead to tensions.

My Sister and Mother also bought a house together. Again they had seperate living rooms and a bit house so they wernt sitting on top of each other but this eventauly lead to a bad split due to my Mother and Step Fathers alcoholism.
Its years later and they barely talk to each other even now.

I think moving in with family or them moving in with us is a problem many of us will face in the future. Its important that rules and expectations are set out from the beginning and everyone help out.
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Re: Hello.

Unread postby alex45 » Fri 05 Jun 2009, 10:22:36

The warm feeling I get when someone is thoughtful enough to say thank you for having been helped far outweighs the empty one I get when there's no feedback at all.
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Re: Hello.

Unread postby mos6507 » Fri 05 Jun 2009, 10:41:45

hillsidedigger wrote:I don't think all things are about to end, just some things.

Some meaning 4-5 billion lives ;)

Hello from Ddenver

Unread postby Oilman21 » Wed 10 Jun 2009, 13:30:40

Hello all, I am new to this forum, and look forward to getting a lot of my questions answered!
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Re: Hello from Ddenver

Unread postby timmac » Wed 10 Jun 2009, 13:43:56

Did not know they spelled Denver with 2 D's..
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Re: Hello from Ddenver

Unread postby TheDude » Wed 10 Jun 2009, 14:51:30

Hha Hha.

We're usually not this sarcastic. Not.

Do you work in the industry, Oilman? Get a load of what's in the newest Oil and Gas Journal: Proposition: global effort to model largest oil fields Basically affirms many peak oil touchstones, in this case the importance of the biggest reservoirs. References a handful of prominent peak oil advocates, too.
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Introduction: Mike Morin "Peak Oil Socialist"

Unread postby Mike Morin » Thu 11 Jun 2009, 13:44:29

Hi Folks,

I am a 55 year old Friend who has been gravely concerned with the issue of peak oil (and other natural resource limitations) for at least ten years, now.

My undergraduate degree was in Environmental Studies, I studied Regional and Resource Planning and Comparative Economic Systems on the graduate level and have dedicated much of my life, particularly in the last fourteen years to pursuing these realms and trying to develop, disseminate, and interest folks in a somewhat new socialist paradigm that would make finite resource limits a paramount concern.

I will post my first major treatise soon. I will have trouble identifying exactly which category to post under. The title of the post will be "Demand Side Management, Supply Side Reallocation" and is concerned with mitigating the peak oil quagmire by implementing a socialist economic/resource plan for the United States (in cooperation with world unity on fundamental values of an alternative economic system).

I'd appreciate your feedback, very much including where that you think I should post.

Thank you.

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Re: Introduction: Mike Morin "Peak Oil Socialist"

Unread postby Nefarious » Thu 11 Jun 2009, 14:00:55

Hope you have a thick skin. You will probably need it.
As far as "Demand Side Management and Supply Side Reallocation" if you can find a way to get rid of 5.8 billion people. I think the problem will solve itself.
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Re: Introduction: Mike Morin "Peak Oil Socialist"

Unread postby Mike Morin » Thu 11 Jun 2009, 14:12:33

Hey Nefarious,

Quite the handle you've got.

I've got thick skin, sometimes I'm COMPLETELY cynical, other times (when I get delusional, I suppose) I maintain a glimmer of hope for the human race.

If we don't find a rational solution for the peak oil problem (and other resource concerns) then it spells the certain doom for all those 5.8 billion people, if not most. (I can't imagine a die-off of that magnitude without it being complete).

I predict such will happen within the next forty two years.

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Re: Introduction: Mike Morin "Peak Oil Socialist"

Unread postby Quinny » Thu 11 Jun 2009, 14:29:06

Welcome, with an Intro like that I almost broke into song.

The people flag is deepest red, it shrouded oft our martyred dead........ :)
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Re: Introduction: Mike Morin "Peak Oil Socialist"

Unread postby MD » Thu 11 Jun 2009, 14:34:20

Mike Morin wrote:...

I will post my first major treatise soon. I will have trouble identifying exactly which category to post under. The title of the post will be "Demand Side Management, Supply Side Reallocation" and is concerned with mitigating the peak oil quagmire by implementing a socialist economic/resource plan for the United States (in cooperation with world unity on fundamental values of an alternative economic system).

I'd appreciate your feedback, very much including where that you think I should post.

Thank you.

Mike Morin

Looking forward to seeing it! I'm glad you've been prepped for our pet doomers, naysayers, and general newbie troll fishermen. Post it in "Peak oil Discussion", please. We'll go from there!
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Re: Introduction: Mike Morin "Peak Oil Socialist"

Unread postby Aaron » Thu 11 Jun 2009, 15:04:34

Whoa... big agenda.

Some of our members are gonna want to beat you up pretty bad (intellectually that is) so be prepared for it.

Good luck & welcome to the site.
The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt, but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage.

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