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Hey People

Unread postby Bigfoot3814 » Mon 13 Oct 2008, 00:22:18

I sort of semi-followed Narz here from CivFanatics forums, so you can go ahead and blame him for anything I screw up. My knowledge of peak oil-type stuff basically consists of what I've learned in the first month or so of being in AP Environmental Science, so go easy on me. :)
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Re: Hey People

Unread postby Narz » Mon 13 Oct 2008, 07:43:56

Welcome dude, I think you're the first person I've known from another forum to join this place. 8)
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Re: Hey People

Unread postby BigTex » Mon 13 Oct 2008, 07:47:36

Welcome, my friend.

I hope you enjoy it here.
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Re: Hey People

Unread postby Narz » Mon 13 Oct 2008, 08:01:06

Just a tip, check out the "View posts since last visit" when you come on. It's easier than browsing the individual forums. The "view your posts" is similar to checking your "subscribed threads".
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Re: Young new member to form new community

Unread postby Drakes » Mon 13 Oct 2008, 10:48:46

blukatzen wrote:
You are not in Stelle, IL, are you? (you don't have to mention the town you are in, just what "part" of the State, since we are up in Zone 5, and you can be in Zone 6, almost into Zone 7 in Southern Il.) So, that is what I am referencing, since that makes a lot of the difference.
Yes, I am from Stelle which is in zone 5. I did some gardening this summer, but starting out at college and associated distractions in mid-August meant that much of what I planted has gone to waste. I did, however, harvest about 50 pounds of rutabagas, and when I've been gone my mom harvested from my garden some cabbages, and fair number of tomatoes and peppers, as well as lettuce in the early summer.

Narz wrote:
Sounds great (and welcome) Drakes! You have a website or anything (with pics of the farm)?
I don't know where the community will be. It depends if I decide to stay in college in order to get a job for a few years to make enough money to buy land elsewhere without debt, or if I decide to do this on my family's land. Seeing as we're probably entering another Great Depression, I am somewhat skeptical about getting a job when I graduate.

There are pictures of the farm at this link. in some of them you can see Stelle in the background.
That is the website of my dad's business selling grassfed organic meats, mostly lamb. He would almost certainly be willing to spare 10 or 15 acres of the land for a community for free or very low cost.

I'll put it this way about the family farm, though--If we want fuelwood, we'll have to plant acres of trees as there are about 20 trees on the whole 230 acre farm. Other problems with the Illinois location include lack of wild plants/wild game as a food source, winters that make underground houses a necessity if we are to use a sane amount of fuel, no locally available building materials other than clay and fieldstone (and those that can be salvaged from the very few old barns that remain). Also, heavy clay soil that can only be cultivated when it is dry, which can make spring planting a challenge. However, the soil is very fertile and rainfall is plentiful compared to most everywhere west of the 100th parallel. And after all, it will be free.

Wisconsin_cur: Thankfully I live off campus and don't have to put up with Watterson.
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My Second post

Unread postby valuable_stream » Thu 16 Oct 2008, 07:05:16

Hello everyone.

I see this now and realize I should post my first note here.
Thanks for having me on your forum!

I'm in well to well tracer technology R&D project, I'd like to meet somebody doing in well test in oil field.

God bless all of you!
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Re: My Second post

Unread postby Daniel_Plainview » Thu 16 Oct 2008, 07:48:35

Shame on you for not making this your first post! :twisted:
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Hello all. FNG here, hope to learn and teach.

Unread postby happyfunball » Thu 16 Oct 2008, 19:36:46

My personal skill set is rather eclectic, but I hope to contribute into this knowledge base, as I am a subject matter expert on many subjects including the production of water via wells and reuse systems, as well as numerous other development related disciplines such sewer, earthworks and structural design. Alternative materials are my latest jag, and there is some neat stuff going on with that. I also have an unhealthy fascination with economics.

Politically, trying to choose between these two disasters is analogous to picking the chicken or the fish, knowing that either will make you violently ill, yet with remnants of both "Sofie's choices" looking remarkably like the candidates themselves.

Apathetic is an understatement.

I hail from sunny AZ, but grew up in the midwest, with all the accouterments of farm life and snow. I prefer the desert.

Just an introduction.

Oh. And as I did post this in economics andtry to kill two bird with one stone, a great graph on how far we will fall. Well, if historical reference is to be trusted. Wait, things are "different" now. Whew, glad this is all over, and we can go back to the way things were.

Sorry if its a dupe. Chart (large)

Changed url, Per COC: "3.1.2 Graphic content: Do not post linked in graphics/photos more than 450 pixels wide. Instead, include an HTML link to the image." -FL
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Re: Hello all. FNG here, hope to learn and teach.

Unread postby RedStateGreen » Thu 16 Oct 2008, 20:40:37

Fascinating graph there ...

efarmer wrote:"Taste the sizzling fury of fajita skillet death you marauding zombie goon!"

First thing to ask: Cui bono?
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Re: Hello all. FNG here, hope to learn and teach.

Unread postby Ferretlover » Thu 16 Oct 2008, 20:44:18

Welcome to, happyfunball. :) You sound like you will fit in here quite nicely. If you have any questions, please ask any Moderator.
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Re: My Second post

Unread postby valuable_stream » Thu 16 Oct 2008, 21:13:04

:oops: Thank you anyway!
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Re: My Second post

Unread postby Pops » Fri 17 Oct 2008, 13:01:26

Here is his first:

I quarantined it for a while to make sure he wasn't selling something.

Overly cautions I suppose...

The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Hello Everyone

Unread postby LEGEND » Wed 05 Nov 2008, 17:47:51

First post don't really know where to start but here goes.

I first discovered peak oil around a year ago on a website called Exit Mundi. I started looking into it because it made a lot of sense. I found this site around 8 months ago and have just been reading the forums and never really felt like posting anything. I understand the concept of peak oil pretty well and makes sense to me 100% that oil is a finite resource that will peak in production eventually. What really made me understand is how US oil supply has allready peaked and so have a few other countries. I understand the concept of peak oil nearly 100% and that its not really running out of oil that's the problem. More of oil getting harder to get out of the ground and developing countries like China, India, etc showing up needing cheap oil. I understand that the real problem is demand being greater than supply, which in turn will lead to resource wars, etc.

I also understand the problems we face with the global economy. I understand that the US economy is barely holding up thanks to it being the reserve currency, backed by T bills, and is used as the main currency to buy oil thanks to Petro dollers. I also understand how the Federal Reserve isn't part of the US gov and gets its power from the US tresury. I have a decent understanding of how the Bretton woods system and how fractional reserve banking works.

I haven't really watched that many videos on peak oil because the concept seems pretty obvious to me. The videos that I have learned the most from seem to be The Crash Course, Zeitgeist, and the second Zeitgeist.

Hate to ask questions on my first post but this has been bothering me for some time:

My first question is about alternatives and if any one could give me some solid facts on net energy about solor, wind, ethanol, nuclear, and others can't really think off right now.

And also information regarding geothermal because in Zeitgeist they really seem to push it like its a real likely alternative but not really any information on the technology about it.

So net energy statistics on alternatives and information on geothermal.

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My first post!

Unread postby Kiboru » Thu 06 Nov 2008, 17:30:27

Hi everyone :) I have been reading about peak oil for about six or seven months. I live in Norway and I love martial arts. I've watched the crash course, a crude awakening, crude impact and the end of suburbia. And I have spent a lot of time reading at latoc and the oil drum. Anyway, looking forward to discuss peak oil with you :)
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Re: My first post!

Unread postby davep » Thu 06 Nov 2008, 17:53:47


Check out the "Planning for the future" section, and get some guns. Martial Arts are great, but it´s always worth having something else in your armoury...
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Re: My first post!

Unread postby Pops » Thu 06 Nov 2008, 18:06:21

Kiboru wrote:Hi everyone :)

Yes, welcome. Look around, there is lot of info and a lot of links.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: My first post!

Unread postby BigTex » Thu 06 Nov 2008, 18:23:02

davep wrote:Welcome!

Check out the "Planning for the future" section, and get some guns. Martial Arts are great, but it´s always worth having something else in your armoury...

I heard about a guy who converts AR-15s to fire ninja throwing stars.

That might be something to look into. I'll bet it would surprise the heck out of the zombies.

I remember a backwoods guy telling me one time about unloading the pellets from buckshot rounds and filling them with lead fishing weights attached to lengths of piano wire.

That's what you might call "redneck ninja".
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Hi .. I am New Here ..

Unread postby Mandy1950 » Fri 07 Nov 2008, 01:03:05

:-D I became peak oil aware about a year ago.. since then I have read an read and researched till the wee hours in the am .. an still I have more questions then I can find answers too.... LOL and the more I read ..the more I wanna go hide some where till its all over lol.. but I know I can't do that ... so I am hoping to learn more of what I can do to prepare for this ..
suggestions are WELCOME .. Thanks
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Re: Hi .. I am New Here ..

Unread postby seldom_seen » Fri 07 Nov 2008, 01:59:33

Hi Mandy, welcome...

As for suggestions, you've probably read many already. I'll say this though, be flexible, be adaptable, in your thoughts of who you are and what your role is in this life. As Lao Tzu said "Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life. The hard and stiff will be broken." Many will be broken by upcoming events.

There's already been a spate of Wall Street types who have offed themselves since the markets imploded. Some may have underlying mental problems, or other problems, but once their false reality imploded before their eyes they became hopeless and saw no way out but death. This is sad because they were so fixed on a certain reality, a certain way of life that they just couldn't adapt to new circumstances.

The world could be completely rearranged in a year, or three or five. So saddle up and get ready for the ride. If you get thrown, dust yourself off and climb back in the saddle.

De-attach, dissociate from the industrial system whenever, wherever possible. Those whose hopes and dreams and future are closely identified with the industrial system will suffer the most as it is part of their identity. The industrial system is now dying, having consumed itself out of existence. Don't let it drag you down with it.

Having done so you may even find some entertainment value in all this. Minus the human cost, I get a kick out of completely corrupt, bloated institutions falling flat on their face. Alan Watts wrote "In looking out upon the world, we forget that the world is looking at itself -- through our eyes and IT's" We're all witnesses of the earth, the universe, god, IT 's (whatever word you prefer) fantastic explosion of light and sound and activity. A wave that washes up on a beach always recedes back in to the sea...and so now we sit and watch as the water trickles away and the sand is exposed again.
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Re: Hi .. I am New Here ..

Unread postby fiedag » Fri 07 Nov 2008, 02:41:59

Many people will tell you to find a safe place to relocate to. I would disregard this advice. When TSHTF you don't want to be a newcomer in your community. Best stick where you have the most roots, family, friends, contacts, status, reputation etc. already. The informal economy will be what allows you to survive in the times ahead. Many of the contacts you will really need, are friends and family you have known and trusted all your life. Connections will be the most durable currency in the times ahead - as they has always been for most of the world throughout history.

I know this is a lesson many in the New World will not want to hear - as many of them (and their ancestors) have done very well by relocating from the Old World.

There is an innate instinct in man to become the grim and lone survivalist. A relic of the past, this instinct will not serve you well in the times ahead.

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