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Doomers become Revolutionaries

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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Sun 14 Nov 2010, 20:42:34

Ludi wrote:
mos6507 wrote: I don't think that falls under the realm of freedom of speech.

Do you think these posts fall under the category of "advocacy of illegal action"?
Do you really think these posts pose a hazard of "inciting or producing imminent lawless action" and "are likely to incite or produce such action" ?
Personally I doubt they will incite any action whatsoever, lawless or lawful. :|

If you really want to go on a terrorist watch list, be a peace activist or protest the death penalty. Not to mention the governments eternal obsession with the Quakers for Pete's sake. One of the things that led to the GOP losing elections in MD was the many GOP investigations of "potential terrorists" encouraging bike lanes and such. Luckily they got a handle on that before anyone got their brain blown out during a traffic stop because they were on a list because they were involved in recycling.
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby Ibon » Sun 14 Nov 2010, 20:42:56

A slight delusion of grandeur here on this thread.
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby Ludi » Sun 14 Nov 2010, 20:49:12

PrestonSturges wrote:If the Tea Party represents a revolution, it seems more like British Loyalists/Monarchists trying to make a comeback.

The New Feudalism. :(

Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby mattduke » Sun 14 Nov 2010, 20:50:12

The best thing about Republicrats is their insatiable desire, and demonstrated propensity, to violently overthrow governments the world over.
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby Ludi » Sun 14 Nov 2010, 20:52:16

mos6507 wrote:It also bothers me that when the "they'll never do anything" argument comes up, that it almost sounds like a dare rather than a call for calm.

Yeah, I guess I am pretty much always daring folks to do something non-violent instead of sitting at home playing at some violent fantasy.

I guess it's possible confused people will confuse "non-violent" with "violent" but then some people are just easily confused. :cry:

Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby Ludi » Sun 14 Nov 2010, 21:10:29

When I think about the Tea Party "rebelling" against the status quo I think of the Tea Party in Texas, who backed Republican Rick Perry, the same lame-ass governor we've had for ten years. These freedom-loving Tea Party were happy to support Perry who wants the state, through eminent domain, to take farms and ranches from families who have owned them for over 100 years in order to build the "Trans-Texas Corridor" a massive boondoggle which would hand over proceeds of the toll roads to a private Spanish-owned company, Cintra. Yes, these are the people who want freedom, who want the state out of their lives. They just don't care that the man they elected wants to take their land away from them and give the proceeds to Spain. I guess that's ok with them.


Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby mos6507 » Sun 14 Nov 2010, 21:21:04

Ludi wrote:I guess it's possible confused people will confuse "non-violent" with "violent" but then some people are just easily confused. :cry:

It's easy to misread your comments when it accompanies many others which all read something like this:

"Nothing will happen. We're pigs being led to the slaughter because nobody has the guts to step away from their Xboxes and take back this country from the mad-men!"

I could fill this thread up with quotes along those lines.

The idea is that a revolution is indeed called for (the violent kind) but Americans are too spoiled and soft to storm the Bastille. What we need are real men, real "patriots", so to speak. If you understand how insecure men tend to be, you'd know how this sort of language tends to incite men to do things just to prove they're man enough.

Come to think of it, someone most of us remember was kicked off this board for calling for "Death to the pigmen!". How times and mores have changed.

Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby Ludi » Sun 14 Nov 2010, 21:37:41

mos6507 wrote: If you understand how insecure men tend to be, you'd know how this sort of language tends to incite men to do things just to prove they're man enough.

Wow, it's kind of sad they misunderstand things so profoundly. :( I guess I haven't been around insecure men much in "real life." Just on the internets, I guess.

Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby careinke » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 00:30:53

Hey Sheriff Moss,

You should add Newt to your list. Today on one of the talking head shows, he predicted civil servants are going to riot in the streets like France, once they get laid off because the government is no longer financially sustainable.
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby careinke » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 00:34:40

ian807 wrote:
Mesuge wrote:How exactly one promotes walking away from a system on 7bln. occupied homo-ape planet is beyond me. In any case this is a ridiculously useless thread, started because of some strange reasoning/motivation by demonstrably inferior brainmuscles than ToeCutter's, enough said.

Mesuge, given your obvious challenges, let me give you some explicit examples.

1) Get off the electrical grid to the extent that you can. Set up some alternate power systems. You'll need, at minimum, enough to run a refrigerator, a radio, some lights at night and some 12-volt power tools.

2) Secure your own water supply. Dig a well or set up a sand & gravel filter to purify nonpotable water. Don't depend on centralized systems.

3) Use a septic tank, not city sewage. Learn about its maintenance.

4) Grow, or gather, or otherwise acquire some of your own food. Fishing, hunting, trapping, gardening, raising rabbits or chickens all will give you some food independence.

5) Obfuscate your identity on the net. Use different logins and passwords.

6) Obfuscate your identity to manufacturers. Don't use grocery cards. If you can, avoid credit cards altogether. Ditto for debit cards. Don't buy, or use a cell phone. If it's electronic, you're being tracked by someone, somewhere.

7) Learn some basic medical skills. Getting on the medical radar can mean no insurance for anything that might arguably be a related condition. Insurance is for dire emergencies only.

8 ) Minimize your automobile use. If you can wangle a car that doesn't depend on electronics to function, you're less dependent on the network of auto manufacturers.

9) No banks. Free your money. There are other ways of storing wealth in a secure fashion.

Bottom line? We have become dependent on centralized services in the name of "efficiency." Coincidentally (ahem), this has made the population much easier to control. The last thing any set of rulers wants is for their subjects to have stable, sustainable, decentralized means of support. Such people are difficult to govern, particularly if they come equipped with small arms.

I guess six out of nine is not too shaby. 8)
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 01:43:59

careinke wrote:Hey Sheriff Moss,

You should add Newt to your list. Today on one of the talking head shows, he predicted civil servants are going to riot in the streets like France, once they get laid off because the government is no longer financially sustainable.
Newt's so embarrassing on so many levels, he's a bigger attention w***e than any Paris Hilton.
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 04:13:31

mos6507 wrote:I'll be on the defensive end of that sort of chaos, but I'm not going to join on any storming of the Bastille, and if you want to say I'm a wimp for that...

So essentially you should use your best judgment to decide which fraction of existing TPTB have the best chance of success to secure control in brave new world and then wholeheartedly support all their actions without any questioning.
That is regardless of what is on offer.

Come to think of it, someone most of us remember was kicked off this board for calling for "Death to the pigmen!".

Reverse Engineer?
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby mos6507 » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 09:47:01

EnergyUnlimited wrote:wholeheartedly support all their actions without any questioning.

You've got to let go of the binary thinking that the only two alternatives is to support the status quo without any questioning and storming Washington with pitchforks. There's plenty of ways to exert influence without turning your town into Mogadishu.

For all the hand-wringing that goes on about civilian casualties in other countries there is a profound lack of consideration for the collateral damage that a revolution would incur in the US. That is, assuming you have no compassion for the policeman and military who would be in your gun-sights as you march towards your bloody objective of regime change, real human beings who have loving families, like the IRS worker who died when that douchebag flew his plane into them. So consider that such a mission would invariably be asymmetrical warfare, aka domestic terrorism.

When you get fired up enough, people's lives merely are an inconvenience in pursuing your objectives. You become moral hypocrites in the first degree.

Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby Ludi » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 10:16:51

mos6507 wrote:
You've got to let go of the binary thinking that the only two alternatives is to support the status quo without any questioning and storming Washington with pitchforks.

100% agree.

Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 10:43:55

Ludi wrote:
mos6507 wrote:
You've got to let go of the binary thinking that the only two alternatives is to support the status quo without any questioning and storming Washington with pitchforks.

100% agree.

From an outsider expat perspective there would be nothing greater America could do than have a sit down quiet general strike revolution with a total rethink of everything at it's core. The only way the USA can reclaim it's greatness in fact. A manic shoot out last man standing affair would do nothing of the kind.
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 10:52:59

mos6507 wrote:There's plenty of ways to exert influence without turning your town into Mogadishu.

You may vote accordingly in coming presidential elections... and in next ones... :-D
So consider that such a mission would invariably be asymmetrical warfare, aka domestic terrorism.

You don't get it.
There will be no mission.
Regardless of what have happened there will be no mission.
With two thirds of nation overweight, quarter with diabetes and second quarter at risk of diabetes and half on anxiety related medication there is no chance for any mission whatsoever.
You live like slaves and you will die like slaves.

Your future is a burnout and an intractable ruin by natural course of events.
There will be no swing towards right nor towards left.
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Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby mos6507 » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 11:11:59

EnergyUnlimited wrote:There will be no mission.
Regardless of what have happened there will be no mission.
With two thirds of nation overweight, quarter with diabetes and second quarter at risk of diabetes and half on anxiety related medication there is no chance for any mission whatsoever.

This is exactly the type of statement that I consider to be the "dare".

EnergyUnlimited wrote:You live like slaves and you will die like slaves.

This is that whole loaded language which is used to dehumanize people to justify war.

Re: Doomers become Revolutionaries

Unread postby Pops » Mon 15 Nov 2010, 11:15:17

Ludi wrote:Personally I doubt they will incite any action whatsoever, lawless or lawful. :|

I agree.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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