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THE Conoco Phillips Thread (merged)

General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Re: ConocoPhillips' Wood River refinery down

Unread postby Armageddon » Fri 21 Jul 2006, 15:30:25

i live in st.louis and i have heard gas stations are running low in areas that have electricity. I went and filled up already. 2.99 at quick trip
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Re: ConocoPhillips' Wood River refinery down

Unread postby turp182 » Fri 21 Jul 2006, 15:56:09

And today's storm killed off power to another 200,000 people: ... enDocument

It's nice to see the price of gas under $3 again, and I'm finding it's faster to get around the city with stopsigns where there used to be stoplights.

I lived in Arizona during the gas shortage (due to a pipeline from Tucson busting) they had a couple of years ago. Looks like this might be the next one I experience.

Maybe I will get to telecommute on Monday (my power hasn't gone down through either storm).
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ConocoPhillips reports Carson refinery 'upset'

Unread postby billybell88 » Mon 11 Dec 2006, 07:52:47

ConocoPhillips reports Carson refinery 'upset,' regulatory filing shows link
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Lukoil to acquire ConocoPhillips gasoline stations

Unread postby billybell88 » Mon 11 Dec 2006, 16:14:53

Russian oil company OAO Lukoil Holdings plans to acquire a network of gasoline stations in Eastern Europe belonging to U.S. oil major ConocoPhillips, Lukoil Vice-President Leonid Fedun said Monday, according to Russian newswire Interfax.


{long link fixed by Shannymara}
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ConocoPhillips to sell 376 gas stations in Europe to Lukoil

Unread postby billybell88 » Mon 18 Dec 2006, 11:46:39

ConocoPhillips said Monday it signed an agreement to buy 376 ConocoPhillips fueling stations in six Eurpoean countries. Financial terms weren't disclosed. Conoco said it is selling 156 stations in Belgium, 49 in Finland, 44 in the Czech Republic, 30 in Hungary, 83 in Poland, and 14 in the Slovak Republic. The stations will be renamed Lukoil stations from Jet stations. ConocoPhillips also said it plans to increase its stake in Lukoil to 20% by the end of the year, as part of a strategic alliance unveiled in 2004.
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Re: ConocoPhillips to sell 376 gas stations in Europe to Luk

Unread postby MD » Mon 18 Dec 2006, 11:57:09

billybell check you private messages please
Stop filling dumpsters, as much as you possibly can, and everything will get better.

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Conoco CEO

Unread postby AirlinePilot » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 15:51:14

Conoco's CEO Archie Dunham was on CNBC just about 40 minutes ago and the tagline for the piece from Becky was "45$ Oil". I sat down to watch. Archie came on and made some of the following quotes.( Becky was actually not quite believing it by her questions and body language).

"Oil will be at or near 45$ a bbl within the next 1-2 years."

"The petroleum industry has consistently shown it's ability to overproduce"

"Petroleum and NG will be the principal supplier of energy for more than the next 100 years"

"Stability in the middle east is the key"

Now I watched and figured it would be something like this but I have to say this is by far the most cornucopian CEO stuff I have seen. Even better than Tillerson over at Exxon Mobile. I come to a few conclusions when I see this stuff from these gentleman. First we must be wrong here at How can we be right? It brings into question everything we see unfolding.

Second there must be folks who advise and provide Mr. Dunham the data with which to be prepared for interviews like this. Where do they get their info? How could it be so much different from what we seem to be noticing here?

Thirdly, If this guy knows what is really going on, how can he get up there and say the things he does without batting and eyelash? They are either so misinformed as to be ignorant of the reality, or they are doing the markets and all of us a grave injustice with their subterfuge.

How long does this crap keep up? How many more CEO's do we have to listen too tell us everything is fine, no sweat, you'll see! Something smells really fishy to me.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby Twilight » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:03:20

The UK Department of Trade and Industry section dealing with energy (the Department of Energy was closed in 1992 and surviving functions broken up), predicts $45 oil (2004 dollars) in 2020 as its High Case.

The Central and Low cases are $35 and $25 respectively.

Looks like we're in for a glut!

Or maybe it's time to reopen the Department of Energy.

Sure as hell it's fishy. Forward-looking statements, but without the disclaimer written documents must carry?

Edit for linkification.
Last edited by Twilight on Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:05:13, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby dinopello » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:03:23

Isn't Dunham retired since 2004-5 ?


ah yes, Here you go.

And, A little bio sketch

Archie Dunham's personal faith has played an important role in his success. When asked about the importance of his faith, he replied "God's guidance in my life has been the major reason for the success that I have achieved in my life. The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that God has a perfect plan for every one of us. The NIV words it like this: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord..." That plan may not always lead to riches; it may not lead to being the CEO of a big company, but there is that perfect place for you where you can have joy, peace and happiness. Those things are really important in life, but the key is making Christ the Lord of our life and then encouraging others to do the same."
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby madrid » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:18:25

Those quotes are hilarious. Where would our government and corporate leaders be without their expressions of faith?

Their piety knows no bounds. We need a freekin' Geoffrey Chaucer to put these people in their place.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby AirlinePilot » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:28:42

I guess I should have said former Conoco CEO. I dont think thats how they phrased it in the inerview, it misled me obviously.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby emersonbiggins » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:28:42

AirlinePilot wrote:"Petroleum and NG will be the principal supplier of energy for more than the next 100 years"

FWIW, Archie has been saying this since mid-2004.

From April 2004:
The world's oil supply will outlast global demand, remaining relatively inexpensive and becoming cleaner to burn, the chairman of the nation's third largest oil company predicted.

Archie Dunham, chairman of ConocoPhillips Inc., said technological advances will replace fossil fuels -- crude oil, gas and coal -- long before the world depletes those primary energy sources.

"The world can rely on fossil fuels for the bulk of its energy needs for the next 100 years,'' Dunham said Wednesday at a Tulsa luncheon, adding, "the oil age will end long before the world will run out of oil.''

Dunham spoke as domestic gasoline prices hit record highs with crude oil prices hovering well above $30 per barrel. Those prices helped earnings at ConocoPhillips rise 32 percent to $1.6 billion in the first quarter, the Houston-based company reported Wednesday. link

Other choice quotes (emphasis mine):

Dunham said improved gathering technology and more efficient cars -- like hybrids that use a combination of gasoline and electricity -- will keep supplies flowing into the 22nd Century.

The tar sands in Alberta, Canada, where ConocoPhillips is operating, "probably have more oil than the proved reserves of Saudi Arabia, and technology is allowing those to be recovered," Dunham said.

He predicted crude oil prices will remain below $50 per barrel when adjusted for inflation "for all our lifetimes."

If oil supplies falter, natural gas will fill the gap, Dunham said. But he said more pipelines are needed to transport the world's thousands of trillions of cubic feet of gas into the marketplace, he said.

Last edited by emersonbiggins on Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:34:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby shortonoil » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:30:10

AirlinePilot said:

Second there must be folks who advise and provide Mr. Dunham the data with which to be prepared for interviews like this. Where do they get their info? How could it be so much different from what we seem to be noticing here?

One of the interesting things about our species is that the human mind can be convinced of anything, no matter how irrational, no matter how absurd; reason and observation can be completely subverted, totally removed from the process. Decisions can be made based completely on emotion and are often based on what we want. If we want something to be, badly enough, then it must be. Look at the Iraqi who straps 20 pounds of C4 to himself and turns himself into paste, because he was told that he was going to get 20 virgins and a new camel in some other world. I don’t know about you, but I would want to see a little proof before doing something like that. Your CEO is operating from the same place; so are most people, if you look closely enough at it.

The problem is that our mind constructs a model of the real world around us, inside of our head is not reality; it is just a picture that we hold of it. We airbrush that picture over and over again, and we do it until we get the picture that we want.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby AirlinePilot » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 16:37:20

I think your correct Short. Another observation pertaining to CEO's is one I like to call the Unreality principle. Their income levels are so far removed from most humans that they become coccooned into a reality that is different than most of ours, hence their decisions and observations become skewed so far out of whack with reality that they become basically inneffective figureheads incapable or rational outcome based decisions. Its why so many large companies these days are losing so much money.

It is a rare individual who can rise to these levels and remain grounded in reality enough to remain an effective CEO and a good leader. I like to use Herb Kelleher at Southwest Airlines as a good example. His company thrived because of HIM. Their culture is changing as we speak since he left a few years ago.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby Denny » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 17:12:47

madrid wrote:Those quotes are hilarious. Where would our government and corporate leaders be without their expressions of faith?

Their piety knows no bounds. We need a freekin' Geoffrey Chaucer to put these people in their place.

I have to disagree. I worked for many years in a factory environment and one thing I found was that people with faith had more optimism, more courage and persistence than those without. Especially immigrants.

Looking back at most of our ancestors, faith was a big part of their lives. Didn't it take courage and perseverence to leave family behind and start anew? Its much easier to go with the flow, to bitch, rather than to build. To follow our feelings, rather than our consciences.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby gnm » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 17:20:31

Maybe hes counting on the demand destruction resulting from a massive economic collapse driving the price down. Homeless unemployed people don't use too much fuel.


Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby Valdemar » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 17:21:03

I'll have what Archie's smoking, thanks. Oh, and a bottle of single malt scotch for the naturally unlikely event that he may be wrong.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby emersonbiggins » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 17:36:10

Denny wrote: To follow our feelings, rather than our consciences.

I'd prefer if CEOs (or retired CEOs speaking on positions of authority) of multibillion-dollar companies predict the future on something a bit more substantive than "feelings." After all, they have the scientists and engineers that eliminate the need for blind faith. Are they confirming his notions, or is it just willful ignorance on his part?
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby Twilight » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 17:46:03

emersonbiggins wrote:I'd prefer if CEOs (or retired CEOs speaking on positions of authority) of multibillion-dollar companies predict the future on something a bit more substantive than "feelings." After all, they have the scientists and engineers that eliminate the need for blind faith. Are they confirming his notions, or is it just willful ignorance on his part?

Something just occured to me.

Perhaps he is being helpful to someone still in the game?

We may see this, as the crisis bites. More industry grandees rolled out to offer their expert soundbites on what's happening, some dropping good news, some dropping bad news.

What do they all believe? Maybe, only that they are being useful.
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Re: Conoco CEO "Oil at 45$"

Unread postby Newsseeker » Wed 25 Apr 2007, 18:09:23

Valdemar wrote:I'll have what Archie's smoking, thanks. Oh, and a bottle of single malt scotch for the naturally unlikely event that he may be wrong.

I think Archie has been sharing with CERA....
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