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Page added on April 18, 2011

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Oil shortages and environmental decline could create ‘global quagmire’: military report

Oil shortages and environmental decline could create ‘global quagmire’: military report thumbnail

The planet is running out of oil and heading toward a future that could trap Canada in a violent spiral of decline in the economy and the environment, a special research unit within the Canadian military is predicting.

This “global quagmire” is one of four possible future scenarios advanced by the six members of the team who are developing a plan for the army of tomorrow based on existing scientific research and analysis.

In a best-case scenario, they predict that Canada could be at the forefront of a prosperous green economy, in which clean energy and environmental protection are priorities and living standards improve around the world.

Two other scenarios fall in between, but all four alternatives conclude that energy security and global environmental change are the most serious and unpredictable factors that could radically alter society as well as the role of Canada’s army.

“It all depends on what kind of steps are taken today that could lead to various futures,” Peter Gizewski, a strategic analyst on the team, told Postmedia News.

Members of the team said that climate change in particular could have a wide range of consequences, as well as oil shortages in a world with no alternative sources of energy.

“I don’t think anybody would claim that we’re all doomed in the sense that we’re all going to face the same level,” said Gizewski. “But there are parts of the world in some areas where armed conflict could occur that are particularly vulnerable to these things.”

The team has also noted that the world is now consuming oil faster than it’s being discovered.

“Globally, we find more (oil) all the time, but we haven’t actually found as much as we’ve used in a given year since 1985,” said Maj. John Sheahan, another member of the research team.

“From the long (term) view, it’s guaranteed that something else will take over (as an energy source), we just don’t know what or when. . . . Nobody has yet come up with the solution (so) that we can (continue to) do the things we do now and have done for decades. So it is possible that the time line is against us.”

Sheahan noted that the price of a full tank of gasoline, even at $100, is a bargain when compared to estimates in some research that it would be equivalent to about 25,000 people each doing one hour of work.

The global quagmire scenario predicts a world ravaged by climate change and environmental degradation in which “markets are highly unstable” and there are high risks of widespread conflicts involving ownership and access to oil, water, food and other resources.

“Indeed, the danger of resource wars, both between and within states is acute,” said a technical paper produced by the group in December. “Much of the violence occurs in the developing world, as dictators, organized crime groups and revolutionary movements fight for control of increasingly desperate societies. Yet developed countries are by no means immune from strife.”


“As environmental conditions worsen, elements of society lash out against the ongoing exploitation of the Earth’s resources and the irreparable damage it causes. Often, action turns violent with acts of terrorism directed against select government officials and corporations becoming ever-more salient.”

In the best-case scenario, the team predicts that Canada could take a leadership role in the alternative energy and environmental fields after a series of technology sharing agreements with emerging economies and active support of developing sound international regimes and practices.

Other drivers of change analyzed by the team were: the impact of age and demographics on military composition; exponential technology growth; human/social response to technology; expansion of operating environments; globalization; conflicting/shifting identities; shifting power balance; resource security; distribution of wealth and weapons proliferation.

But members of the team said that energy security and environmental change are factors with the highest potential impacts and the greatest uncertainty.

The findings are similar to recent studies by oil giant Royal Dutch Shell as well as research from other countries such as the United Kingdom that warn excessive energy use can be an “Achilles heel.”


“There is growing recognition that we need to factor this into our thinking,” said Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti, the U.K.’s climate and energy security envoy from the Ministry of Defence and Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

“We need to try and treat it like any other threat we face. We need to understand more about it and how it’s going to impact our national interests, how we can act to reduce the risks and the threats. We’re not going to have 100 per cent certainty, but then we’re not going to have 100 per cent certainty on the battlefield.”

The Canadian research team, led by Lt.-Col. Michael Rostek from the Directorate of Land Concepts and Designs in the Canadian Forces, has finished a draft of a more complete document — Army 2040: A First Look — that is now under review.

“It’s in the hands of the senior army staff as we speak, waiting to move it forward to publication,” said Rostek, the concepts team leader at the directorate. “We figured it’s the right time to publish it now and get it on the streets so that we could actually not only get some discussion, but also to provide a framework for our next step ahead.”

Vancouver Sun

6 Comments on "Oil shortages and environmental decline could create ‘global quagmire’: military report"

  1. Rick on Tue, 19th Apr 2011 12:46 am 

    “From the long (term) view, it’s guaranteed that something else will take over (as an energy source), we just don’t know what or when. . . . Nobody has yet come up with the solution (so) that we can (continue to) do the things we do now and have done for decades. So it is possible that the time line is against us.”

    This is complete nonsense. There is nothing that will replace oil. Humans found oil, and then pissed it away.

  2. Cabra1080 on Tue, 19th Apr 2011 4:05 am 

    “From the long (term) view, it’s guaranteed that something else will take over (as an energy source), we just don’t know what or when. . . .”. Well, I don’t think you can exactly say it is “guaranteed”, at least in the sense of having a long term energy source with the energy density, portability and low “production cost” of oil and it’s by-products. After all, oil was “free” out of the ground, a gift from Mother Nature, a handsome one-time “endowment”. Seven billion people have a way of burning through that endowment pretty fast.

    Yes, something will replace oil as an energy source no doubt. What will it cost, who will it benefit, how will it impact the environment – that is the question. I mean, it may turn out to be cow dung, drift wood and siding off of the house that ends up being the “replacement” energy source of the future.

  3. cusano on Tue, 19th Apr 2011 7:22 am 

    Say..Have you guys up in Canada heard about the US energy policy? It’s shale oil!..and you have it. If I were you, I’d be sleeping with one eye open.

  4. Newfie on Tue, 19th Apr 2011 7:31 am 

    “From the long (term) view, it’s guaranteed that something else will take over (as an energy source) …” Ha ha ha ha ha. Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off. Ha ha ha ha. I will bet the farm that the Olduvai Theory will be our collective future.

  5. MrEnergyCzar on Tue, 19th Apr 2011 10:09 am 

    Shale is a poorer and more energy intensive oil replacement and can’t run the world’s economies that rely on liquid transport fuels. I assume Canada has most of its military bases and forces stationed around the Tar sands…

  6. Madcat on Wed, 20th Apr 2011 8:40 am 

    Military planning around the globe is beginning to factor in concepts that 20 years ago would have been dismissed as ‘left wing lunacy’, and for very good reason. The destabilising effects of declining energy and changing climate on food security have already begun to cause unrest and revolution in vulnerable countries. The risk that this will spread must be estimated as at least moderate with potentially catastrophic consequences. Any government agency charged with the security of a country would be shirking its responsibilities if it did not have plans to address the worst outcomes. The greater the military might of the country, the more likely it is that these plans will involve direct action beyond sovereign borders. Continued US military presence in the vicinity of the giant oilfields of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran provides a clue about Pentagon planning… I wouldn’t be too worried about Canadian Tar sands just yet – the poor EROI and low estimated reserves make this asset more the realm of desperate last measures.

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