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Re: Prison camps in USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 15:56:17
by Plantagenet
Tortilla price crisis in Mexico: link
Caused by growing US demand for ethanol. 8)

Re: Prison camps in USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 21:05:41
ty for bumping up threads that deal with such controversial subjects as you are normally such a waste of harddrive space. The re-reading of my own post's help's to reconfirm the genius contained within 8)

Re: Prison camps in USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 21:52:32
by Plantagenet

FEMA is preparing in advance for a repetition of the Mariel immigrant flood, but on an even larger scale. Wake UP---This may be the only bit of common sense FEMA has ever shown.

Peak Oil is going to hit Mexico HARD. Mexico nationalized their oil biz decades ago, and now that Cantarell has peaked, oil revenues to the Mexican government are going to drop quickly. We've got 12-20 million illegals now, mostly from Mexico. About 1 in 10 of all Mexicans are in the US right now.

If the economy goes down in Mexico and food gets scarce due to Peak Oil, you can bet millions and millions of Mexicans are going to follow their hermanos y hermanas and try to flood across the US border. 8)

Re: Prison camps in USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 06 Jun 2007, 00:02:29
by eastbay
... ICE to respond on a quick basis to an illegal-immigration crisis.

Getting them to respond to anything other than Starbucks is nearly impossible. Don't expect much 'catching' from ICE in the event of a quickly developing mass-migration... I mean if it's significantly 'masser' than the migration from Mexico already is.

Currently they catch about one in a hundred and most of them are 'caught' as they prepare to walk out of jail or prison after serving a sentence. If an illegal can manage to stay out of jail the chances of getting 'caught' by ICE is about zero.

Re: Peak Oil is Coming. That Won't Save the World

Unread postPosted: Fri 29 Oct 2021, 15:51:13
by Polybius
Heineken wrote:The positive feedback loops are all now strongly functioning, and to me they guarantee the failure of any attempt to even slow global warming. Despite all the talk and thrashing around, CO2 levels, as measured at Mauna Loa, continue to increase every year, EVEN in 2020 when so much was shut down, and again this year. Finally and worst of all, we have human nature to deal with. At this point, NOTHING can "save the world." The only realistic question is when collapse and dieback begin.

In the US concentration camps start Jan 31st 2022, at 4AM Central

Re: Peak Oil is Coming. That Won't Save the World

Unread postPosted: Fri 29 Oct 2021, 16:21:14
by AdamB
Polybius wrote:
Heineken wrote:The positive feedback loops are all now strongly functioning, and to me they guarantee the failure of any attempt to even slow global warming. Despite all the talk and thrashing around, CO2 levels, as measured at Mauna Loa, continue to increase every year, EVEN in 2020 when so much was shut down, and again this year. Finally and worst of all, we have human nature to deal with. At this point, NOTHING can "save the world." The only realistic question is when collapse and dieback begin.

In the US concentration camps start Jan 31st 2022, at 4AM Central

Do we still call them fed-ghettos, or do we not use that branding word anymore because of all the times it was claimed and didn't happen? How about a comeback of the US draft? Or the Amero? Are those going to be in vogue soon as well? Or is it just nostalgia week? :lol:

Re: Peak Oil is Coming. That Won't Save the World

Unread postPosted: Sat 20 Nov 2021, 12:27:16
by evilgenius
Polybius wrote:
Heineken wrote:The positive feedback loops are all now strongly functioning, and to me they guarantee the failure of any attempt to even slow global warming. Despite all the talk and thrashing around, CO2 levels, as measured at Mauna Loa, continue to increase every year, EVEN in 2020 when so much was shut down, and again this year. Finally and worst of all, we have human nature to deal with. At this point, NOTHING can "save the world." The only realistic question is when collapse and dieback begin.

In the US concentration camps start Jan 31st 2022, at 4AM Central

Are you being deliberately bombastic, for effect, or is there a reason for such an exact time?

Re: Peak Oil is Coming. That Won't Save the World

Unread postPosted: Sat 20 Nov 2021, 14:57:35
by Outcast_Searcher
Polybius wrote:
Heineken wrote:The positive feedback loops are all now strongly functioning, and to me they guarantee the failure of any attempt to even slow global warming. Despite all the talk and thrashing around, CO2 levels, as measured at Mauna Loa, continue to increase every year, EVEN in 2020 when so much was shut down, and again this year. Finally and worst of all, we have human nature to deal with. At this point, NOTHING can "save the world." The only realistic question is when collapse and dieback begin.

In the US concentration camps start Jan 31st 2022, at 4AM Central

As usual, I believe every such claim you make. Especially when you use such clearly articulated reasoning, credible citations, etc. to support such a claim. :roll:

Short term doomer scoresheet of hundreds of millions (overall, re the internet) of failed rapid doom claims, vs. a big fat ZERO re being right anywhere near the date claimed re ACTUAL doom, intact.

The amusing thing to me is that when we finally had something that looked potentially credible and serious as far as being a BIG problem (Covid-19), a huge proportion of the usual short term doomer crowd (on this site and on the internet generally, IMO, per my observations) tried to downplay it or claim it didn't exist or was nonsense conspiracy theory X, to play political games re anti-vaxxing, anti-masking, anti-lockdown, etc.

Overall, short term attention spans and wildly inconsistent behavior aren't exactly good signs of credibility, re core ideas, in adults.