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Page added on October 15, 2017

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War With Iran Was Planned Decades Ago

Last week, as I reflected on my recent three-part series filled with bold predictions, I began to question whether or not I was being too negative. Upon hearing Trump’s Iran speech Friday, I became convinced that everything I wrote had merit.

The speech was downright terrifying, serving to confirm all my worst fears about what he’s up to in the Middle East.

There’s no way you can listen to that disingenuous rant and not recognize that he’s already made up his mind about war with Iran. What comes next will be a series of U.S. imposed redlines and demands, which Iran will eventually be said to violate, at which point the U.S. will escalate bigly.

I expect the most wretched cretins in America to rally behind the coming war push, including much of the corporate media. We already saw evidence of this…

Many of you will accuse me of exhibiting unwarranted confidence about where all this is headed, but it’s not that. The reason I feel so strongly about this forecast is because war with Iran has been planned for decades.

For proof, take a watch of this classic video of General Wesley Clark explaining the foreign policy establishment’s post 9/11 plans.

Friday’s speech by Trump makes me even more confident regarding what I wrote over the past few days. In case you missed the series the first time around, links are below.

Empire Destroying Wars Are Coming to America Under Trump – Part 1

Empire Destroying Wars Are Coming to America Under Trump – Part 2

Empire Destroying Wars Are Coming to America Under Trump – Part 3

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54 Comments on "War With Iran Was Planned Decades Ago"

  1. Davy on Tue, 17th Oct 2017 5:34 am 

    None of us know if a new world based on renewables, demand management, population control, and systematic cooperation is possible. Let me make this clear the status quo has a shelf life. This is global too with the Eurotard and Asiatard cheerleaders living in a pipe dream. There are no golden decades ahead. There may be a transition but this appears a long shot. It is more like a fudge muddle of stumbling in the dark. It must consist of leaving fossil fuels and controlling our behavior. Leaving fossil fuels may or may not be possible and what is clear the speed we leave them is problematic. We built out this fossil fuel civilization over two hundred years you don’t leave it overnight like some want.

    Controlling our behavior means managing consumption and population. It also means more cooperation than competition. This especially means reducing conflicts and absolutely necessary to eliminate biggish wars. If we can’t do that then we are going to be forced into reactive compromise. If we are not going to be proactive in a painful process we will be forced into reactive compromise in an equally painful process. There are no free lunches in catch 22 predicaments. It is not clear if we are even capable of the wisdom and action that being proactive means. Rational realistic proactive action is a better approach. Destiny is destiny and no amount of good behavior works sometimes but what is clear stupid is still stupid. Sometimes there is dumb luck but rarely.

    It is likely our overextension in a global overshoot with resources and the systematic needs of our support structures are beyond modification without catastrophic breaks. This may be a series of event in a process that are location based with contagions. Some areas may reboot but surely no area will be left untouched. We may have some decades ahead of reacting in forced compromise. We may have areas failing and others surviving and maybe initially even thriving in a wealth transfer kind of way. We are not creating anything now of substance. We are cannibalizing our systematic structures and destroying our renewable resource base.

    Many of our physical resources can be substituted but diminishing returns to technological advancements are occurring. Many resources are polluting and suffering diminishing returns to our support structures. Systematically our complexity and our drive to be more efficient is suffering diminishing returns. If I repeated myself with diminishing returns it is because we are running out of time because of it.

    This still means in our human lives of the here and now we may have years left. In the abstract of the academics of the study of the earth and life we are as good as dead now by the determination of some of the science. This is because a few decades that is a lot to us individual humans is nothing in the academics of planetary science. This comes down to the human element of flesh and blood living our lives out and the academic side of an end game on a planetary system governed in eons.

    The human side needs hope. Science needs honesty. How do you reconcile the two? Many can’t live quality lives if they know it is over in a few years. Society must have manifest destiny to do what we do. This has bleed into the scientific world where we may not have denial of the science but we certainly have denial on the solutions side of the science. This is because of the narrative of techno optimism that says we will overcome our problems with techno based solutions in complexity and efficiency. This is the governing civilizational narrative even supported by most religions.

    I am not saying this is not possible. What I am saying is it appears a long shot. This is a long shot because of diminishing returns to techno solutions. It is also a long shot because of the systematic nature of our global system that is overextended and brittle to transformative change. It appears a break to a much lower level is more likely because of overshoot and over extension in complexity. If we can’t be proactive in a definitive way systematically on a global scale then we must be reactive in forced compromise. This reactive compromise is fraught with randomness. The randomness of abandonment, irrational reactions, and entropic decay, and dysfunctional networks. Entropy will win in this situation it is only a matter of time.

    Since this ma be the case it then becomes a matter of human nature and what we can accept. So we need a self-reflection as a people and as individuals. At the level of civilization this appears to me unlikely if not impossible. In the realm of the individual it is possible and your only hope. You can yield and adapt to a late term civilization. You can manage a decline in your own little local. It is in the local that solutions can be found and we can be successfully proactive. Successful in this situation is based upon yielding and adapting to a civilization dying. Success is based upon riding an entropic gradient of macro decline. Many won’t make it but if there is to be success it will be at the individual level. Just like the little mammal survived the extinction event that took out dinosaurs. Maybe we will transition to a renewable world of affluence but if we can’t or will not then what I just told you should be contemplated.

  2. Davy on Tue, 17th Oct 2017 5:42 am 

    “Give me the quote where I say that I want to see Americans dead, you lying freak. All I want to see is that Americans go home and stop killing people all over the world.”

    Wow, not only a looser but one incapable of digesting the narrative he is preaching. In the real world there are consequences for civil war and collapse you wish upon a people. It is one thing to comment in the abstract and objective about the end of a nation. It is quite another to revise history and create a fantasy future that involves the death and destruction of a nation. People die in such situation. What an asswipe.

  3. MASTERMIND on Tue, 17th Oct 2017 7:40 am 

    makati1 says I love my dictator President with 100% of my heart…Holy shit! Boy did they brainwash him good once he left the USA…Sad…

  4. joe on Tue, 17th Oct 2017 9:56 am 

    Hey look, as the man said ‘its not facism if we do it’.
    While the last of the white men finish off raping the earth leaving her barren and shamed and useless for the dark skinned people to scrape a living off we should find ourselves asking a simple question. Have humans ever acted any other way? For the first time in recorded history the UK got hit with a hurricane which was born and bred in North Atlantic and travelled against the ocean currents to hit mainly Ireland. War with Iran is the least of our troubles, but we can’t see very much past the win for ‘our side’. America has more or less attacked eveyone it could for whatever reasons it wants since the colonies broke away, so let’s not play pretentious, just be glad Iran does not have Americans military power. Otherwise they would be exporting Islam not democracy, as would the Saudis or the Turks etc.

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