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Page added on August 22, 2014

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There Are ISIS Sleeper Cells In U.S.

A former CIA officer said Thursday he has no doubt Islamic State (ISIS) sleeper cells are already planted on U.S. soil.

An unnamed U.S. intelligence official told CNN there’s already an indication of ISIS sleeper cells in Europe that could target U.S. embassies and other American interests.

But former CIA officer Bob Baer told the network ISIS is already on this side of the Atlantic.”I have been told with no uncertainty there are ISIS sleeper cells in this country,” he said.

Though CNN said two U.S. officials had refuted the claim, they’re worried ISIS militants with passports might travel to the United States to launch attacks on American soil, CNN reported.

One ISIS fighter already has hinted as much.

In several telephone conversations with a Reuters reporter over the past few months, Islamic State fighters suggest their leader, Iraqi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is planning something for the West – and that attacks could take place through sleeper cells in both Europe and the United States.

“The West are idiots and fools,” one fighter taunted, according to Reuters. “They think we are waiting for them to give us visas to go and attack them or that we will attack with our beards or even Islamic outfits.

“They think they can distinguish us these days – they are fools and more than that they don’t know we can play their game in intelligence. They infiltrated us with those who pretend to be Muslims and we have also penetrated them with those who look like them.”

About 100 Americans are being tracked by the FBI because of their travels to Syria, some to join ISIS, analysts say. And ISIS is actively recruiting Westerners and European Muslims who could easily enter the US.

“Clearly ISIS, if you’re interested in that ideology, that’s the most exciting thing to go and join right now,” CNN analyst Peter Bergen told CNN.

But Haras Rafiq of the Quilliam Foundation told CNN al-Baghdadi is “a narcissistic psychopath” on a barbaric mission.

“He wants to be bigger than Osama bin Laden, and one of the ways he will measure that is how effective and how big the terrorist activities he can carry out in the West are compared to what bin Laden was able to do,” he said.


21 Comments on "There Are ISIS Sleeper Cells In U.S."

  1. Keith_McClary on Fri, 22nd Aug 2014 11:11 pm 

    More likely (and easier to do) they have sleeper cells in Saudi. Given an IS attack coupled with a sleeper insurgency, do you think the SA military would fight to keep House of Saud asses on the throne (and heads on shoulders)? Or would they collapse/defect like the Iraqi military?

  2. Plantagenet on Fri, 22nd Aug 2014 11:13 pm 

    In 2012 Obama boasted he had the terrorists “on the run?” Now just 2 years later they control half of Syria and Iraq and have sleeper cells in the USA?

    Apparently somebody was asleep at the switch (or playing too much golf) for the last 2 years? SHEEESH!

  3. Poordogabone on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 1:07 am 

    More bogeyman to justify chipping at our freedom and right to privacy.
    Plant did it occur to you that Ob is asleep because HE IS A SLEEPER CELL!!!!

  4. Norm on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 4:47 am 

    Clearly, its all Obama’s fault. Agree, its obvious that Obama must be part of the ISIS network. Didn’t FOX News already say, that Obama is a muslim, who was born in Kenya. Now I can see it all clearly. Excuse me while I drive my monster truck to the gun store to purchase more supplies.

  5. Davy on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 6:54 am 

    OK, so ISIL is in America. We have just as many homegrown corn porn sleeper crazies with guns. That is the real terrorism in America a population made mentally ill by a hyper complex life and armed to the teeth. Sounds like a bad mix. The Muslim fanatics have won in a sense. Trillions have been spent to combat them. We have lost our personal freedoms with the militarization of our police and the intrusive security establishment. We have the dysfunctional DC Mafia in a fantasy world of good vs evil. This ISIL threat is significant and should not be underestimated. The opportunities to cause great destruction is just a google away. These guys have the ideology and the will to die for the cause. That is a very dangerous combination. My thoughts are with Keith. The real danger is sleeper cells in the ME that can disrupt the flow of vital oil at a time of extreme instability in the all-important global system that each and every one of us depends on in our delocalized local. Sure these ISIL sleepers could kill a 1000 maybe in a spectacular US event but if we were smart as a people we would see all the death from modern society and just add that insignificant terrorist number to the usual list of statistical deaths. All Americans live in fear of the mentally ill 20 something male with guns and or the fanatical Muslim. We have our priorities such that the 20 something mentally ill gunman is ok in the sense of that is from us. The Muslim threat is terrible and awful and we spend trillions fighting it. The Muslims have not turn out to be the worst danger it has been our home grown dangers that have hurt the most.

  6. herrmeier on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 7:31 am 

    Importing more and more ragheads into the west turned out not to be such a good idea after all. Surprise.

  7. Dredd on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 7:49 am 

    Oh yeah, they probably originated here in terms of training and/or trainers and/or arms.

    And of course, they are bringing Armageddon too (The Universal Smedley – 3).

  8. wildbourgman on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 7:59 am 

    There was a time after 9/11 that folks thought sleeper cells could perform multiple small attacks throughout the country without having to commit suicide in the process.

    One problem with that thought is that the group performing the attacks might not get due credit for thier organization. FOr instance if ISIL takes out 10 people a day in Chicago it might not make the news for more than one cycle.

    On the serious side at what point in history has a country such as America had war declared on it and not declared war back on the other country. It seems we could take thier word for it, so if ISIS declares war on us should we not declare war on them? I don’t think it’s our job to talk them down, we should protect ourselves and defeat them.

  9. Plantagenet on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 10:02 am 

    Norms claim that Obama is part of ISIS is silly. The problem isn’t that Obama is part of a IsIs — the problem is that ISIS has taken over half of Iraq and replaced Al Qaida as the leading Islamist terror group.

  10. paulo1 on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 10:16 am 

    The Muslim community will have to defeat ISIS from proximity, if not from within. Or, God help them as the backlash unfolds after a terrorist attacks galvanizes more hate from the other side. Ferguson MO will look like a kindergarten squabble if a few attacks get pulled off in the US. I also think it would not take too much to motivate people to call for the total destruction of anything Muslim. Could it be done? Of course not. Are warmongers stupid enough to try? You effing bet. Nutjobs will be calling out to turn holy cities into melted glass, and then ‘folks’ will just take the oil if there is any left. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail and ISIS will be defeated before this could happen.


  11. trickydick on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 10:50 am 

    I hope they keep calling it ISIS. From Wiki:

    The Osiris myth is the most elaborate and influential story in ancient Egyptian mythology. It concerns the murder of the god Osiris, a primeval king of Egypt, and its consequences. Osiris’ murderer, his brother Set, usurps his throne. Meanwhile, Osiris’ wife Isis restores her husband’s body, allowing him to posthumously conceive a son with her. The remainder of the story focuses on Horus, the product of Isis and Osiris’ union, who is first a vulnerable child protected by his mother and then becomes Set’s rival for the throne. Their often violent conflict ends with Horus’ triumph, which restores order to Egypt after Set’s unrighteous reign and completes the process of Osiris’ resurrection.

  12. Plantagenet on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 11:08 am 

    What “Muslim community” do you imagine will “defeat ISIS from proximity”? There is no Muslim community in Iraq. Iraq is composed of three main Muslim groups—the Kurds, Shia and Sunni, each which is in turn divided into smaller splinter groups that hate and kill one-another as well as the other groups. In Syria ISIS is fighting the Asad regime, which itself is hated and fought by other rebels groups. ISIS is one of the Sunni splinter groups—unfortunately it is on the ascendent currently and has established a new Muslim Caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria.

  13. paulo1 on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 12:29 pm 

    re: There is no Muslim community in Iraq. Iraq is composed of three main Muslim groups—

    The article is about attacks in the US. That is what I am referring to. I don’t know about you Plant, but we know some Muslims who are horrified about the situation. The article was about stopping or suffering attacks at home.


  14. Plantagenet on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 12:58 pm 


    There haven’t been any ISIS attacks in the USA. I understand your fears, but you probably don’t need to worry too much just yet.

    IN any event the article is about “sleeper cells”—that means the cells would be underground and essentially not known to the Shia, Sunni, and other subgroups of the Muslim community in the US. In such cases, it would mainly be up to the NSA, FBI and local police would likely to root out the ISIS sleeper cells.

  15. Solarity on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 1:20 pm 

    Makes me wonder about those 100,000 poor, ‘Central American’ children (70% teenagers), who invaded the US’ southern border. How many of them are Muslim sleepers?

  16. edboyle on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 3:17 pm 

    30 murders a day in usa and nobody cares, then they warn on tv about isis and you send 100,000 troops abroad to kill a million people and come back with ptsd and kill family and self and become killer cops. Russia had lots of subway, etc. Terror attacks and then life goes on. Hollywood Bruce Willis hero bs mind set. Get real.

  17. bobinget on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 6:53 pm 

    ‘Norm’ is kidding, Plant. It’s called sarcasm.

    Recently, Facebook requited news items of questionable origin to be labeled. So many ‘The Onion’
    headlines gained credibility because in truth, who can make this shit up?

    I hope both super serious Plant and frivolous Norm are both able to look back in twenty years and marvel how we survived this hectic era.

  18. bobinget on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 7:25 pm 

    Solidarity: I winter in Central America and have never seen a Muslim local. In fact only 5% of CA’s population is non Catholic. About half of that are atheists or Protestants.

    When ISIL and Boko Haram decided to target Christians they woke a sleeping giant.
    True ‘Christians’ like Solidarity were content to watch Muslim on Muslim violence until lunatics came for Christians.

    “When they came for the trade union members, I said nothing, for I am not a union man. When they came for the Communists, not being a Communist, I said nothing, when they tried to boot Central American minors out of our ‘great country’ I charged on the net they could be ISIL spies.The fact that one month ago one here ever mentioned ISIL is irrelevant. These child victims of American’s drug thirst is also irrelevant”.

    In ten years, al Queda will still be around when ISIL & Boko Haram are history.

    Until then we are in for blood bath continuum..

    Only unhealthy cases of sever Climate Change will
    take our minds off dreadful, world wide religious war.

  19. Makati1 on Sat, 23rd Aug 2014 8:57 pm 

    False Flag coming! The DC Mafia is getting desperate. The anti-war sentiment is getting too noticeable in the USSA. Gotta have some serious ‘collateral damage’ in the US to fire up the war fever. I wonder if they will bungle it like the one they did in Ukraine with the downed airliner? The CIA is getting sloppy.

    Note: There are about 3 million Muslims living in the US today. About 16 million in the EU. Plenty of suspects to blame it on.

  20. PrestonSturges on Sun, 24th Aug 2014 1:26 pm 

    Oh for pete’s sake, it’s a Newsmax article, so you know it’ll be pushing for a MidEast war at all times.

    Also, the “former CIA official” is how just every black helicopters New World Order story starts.

    This is the neocons getting the bible thumpers revved up for another form of war. People are bored with Obama, so the GOP figures it’s time get them ready for the next war and depression.

  21. Northwest Resident on Sun, 24th Aug 2014 1:51 pm 

    On the subject of ISIS, here is an interesting article:

    America’s Top Military Officer Explained The Big ISIS Problem In One Sentence

    Main points:

    This is an organization that has an apocalyptic end-of-days strategic vision that will eventually have to be defeated

    mere existence of ISIS is clearly a problem that has to be addressed

    destroying ISIS will require ” the application of all of the tools of [U.S.] national power — diplomatic, economic, information, military (i.e., shock and awe, and boots on the ground)

    truly defeating ISIS would require full-scale war that would involve fighting in both Iraq and Syria

    The notion that the Iraq war can be separated from the Syrian civil war is pure fantasy

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has allowed ISIS to thrive while bombing and torturing Syrians on an industrial scale throughout the war

    Now that ISIS has fully matured, the Assad regime and Iran offer themselves as partners to the United States

    Assad is striking ISIS in Raqqa and locations inside Iraq

    “Jihadistan” — the region that ISIS controls from Baghdad to Aleppo

    ht tp://

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