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Richard Heinberg: The Failure of Global Elites

In the 1970s, global political and corporate elites had all the information they needed to put the world on a path toward long-term stability. Systems science was sufficiently advanced that a team of its practitioners organized a scenario study to see how trends in industrial production, population, food, pollution, and resource usage might interact over the next few decades; the study showed that continued growth in population and industrial production would prove unsustainable. Political scientists were beginning to sort demographic, economic, and historical social data for clues to understanding why societies sometimes descend into internal violence; data seemed to show that there was a rough correlation between rising economic inequality and declining social stability. Also, the science of ecology was revealing that forest, ocean, desert, freshwater, and soil ecosystems are inherently complex and resilient, but that they are subject to catastrophic tipping points when subjected to high enough levels of pollution or loss of habitable space. It was clear what should be done in order to put society on a sound footing: discourage population growth, cap the scale of industrial production, reduce economic inequality, clean up past pollution, reduce current and future pollution, and leave plenty of space for nature to regenerate.

Elites didn’t do those things. Initially, during the Nixon and Carter years, US politicians enacted some thoughtful, far-reaching policies. Then, increasingly, and regardless of the party in power, they simply found excuses to stop pressing ahead or to backtrack. They set their pet economists to work writing books and reports insisting that growth is always good; that economic inequality is excusable because eventually the wealth of the few will surely “trickle down” as benefits to the many; and that, in President Ronald Reagan’s feel-good but tragically misleading words, “There are no such things as limits to growth, because there are no limits to the human capacity for intelligence, imagination, and wonder.”

Elites weren’t entirely unified on these points. Those who tilted toward the left of the political spectrum were skeptical about trickle-down economics and pushed for more social welfare programs and environmental regulations. But their proposals were, for the most part, relatively tame. Virtually no influential members of the global elite proposed deliberately reining in industrial production, and only a few nations made significant efforts to reduce population growth. Political conservatives (i.e., folks who strove to conserve existing social power relations) tended to be more resolute: their agenda consisted of an unyielding promotion of industrial expansion, population increase, and conversion of nature into goods and services, with as few regulations on pollution as possible.

Even if the ideological contest was in some ways a stalemate (with Western democracies like the US seeing repeated shifts between liberal and conservative political dominance), conservatives effectively succeeded in blocking societal stabilization, their success greatly aided by the fact that liberals hadn’t really argued for stopping growth in population or industrial production. Indeed, for all their disagreements, liberals and conservatives settled on one thing: growth, globalization, and neoliberal economic policies would help solve all problems, from poverty to pollution. Unfortunately, they were thereby united in a perilous lie.

Now society is clearly on a path toward critical instability. Climate change threatens to swamp coastlines, trigger severe droughts and floods, and make access to food and water far more problematic for billions of people. At the same time demographers predict global population will reach almost 10 billion people by 2050, adding to the challenges. Levels of inequality and debt have been rising for decades. Hormone-disrupting chemical pollution is altering sperm counts in humans and a host of other animals, threatening near-universal sterility. Wild nature is in retreat almost everywhere, with numbers of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and insects nosediving. Current waves of economic, political, and climate refugees portend future floods of displaced humanity as the socio-ecological system unravels further. And in the US, the core nation of the global industrial system, political polarization, gridlock, and increasing levels of political violence impede the ability of elites to solve even the problems they deign to acknowledge.

Credit: Pew Research Center

In America, trust in government has been declining since the 1950s, throughout the period of economic globalization. As the transformation of former Midwestern industrial heartlands into “flyover country” led to vanishing economic opportunity for large swathes of the populace, respect for elites increasingly turned to widespread and deep suspicion.

Sensing the threat to their own legitimacy and control, elites tried harder to sell their policies by promising that everyone would eventually benefit from globalization’s cheap consumer products, or by distracting their bases with hot-button cultural issues. But declining perceived legitimacy led to deeper divisions among the elites themselves. In the last decade, those divisions erupted into the election of Donald Trump, the passage of Brexit in the UK, and the rise of nationalist-populist-authoritarian leaders around the world. For elite aspirants, new communication technologies, especially social media, offered the opportunity to influence the public continually and instantly; however, these new technologies were especially useful to members of the anti-establishment (including alt-elites like Trump) in spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories.

Now big segments of the American public don’t just disagree with elites on specific policies; rather, they hate at least some elites with a burning passion. Large numbers of conservatives believe that liberal leaders are fundamentally evil—that they are quite literally pedophilic, Satan-worshipping baby killers. Meanwhile supporters of liberal elites believe that conservative leaders, most of whom have morphed into Trumpian alt-elites, are neo-Nazis bent on enforcing Christian nationalist, misogynist, homophobic white supremacy. While many of these beliefs aren’t true, the anger is real and seemingly unquenchable.

As political temperatures rise to searing levels, the public is increasingly riled by labels and posturing, while the actual core failure of elites—both liberal and conservative—goes unnamed and undiscussed. That core failure consists of permitting society to proceed along a path of unchecked growth that inevitably produces worsening economic inequality and environmental degradation. Efforts to maintain continual growth have been financed by mountains of debt that can never be repaid and could come crashing down in mere days. And, from a physical standpoint, growth has been founded on the depletion of finite natural resources, thus ensuring that expansion will be self-limiting and will likely end in the mother of all crashes. Though the situation is simple to grasp in outline, the public understands almost none of it, because elites—liberal, conservative, and alt—benefit from this lack of awareness.

Liberals wring their hands over problems of social injustice, no doubt genuinely outraged but also hoping to maintain the support of women, people of color, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ folks. Yet none of these interest groups is encouraged to see its plight (which I have no desire to minimize) in the context of the uber-story of our times—the arc of unsustainable fossil-fueled population and consumption growth bending toward an inevitable collision with environmental limits.

Meanwhile, conservatives work overtime twisting together new conspiracy theories they can tighten around the necks of powerful liberals. Did you know that the “Great Reset”—a phrase employed by Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum—is actually a plan by shadowy masters of government and finance to use Covid-19 (which was, of course, planned well in advance) as an excuse to gain total dictatorial control over every person on Earth? If they can force you to wear a mask or get vaccinated during a pandemic, what else can they make you do? Did you know that climate change is a hoax ginned up by crafty scientists hungry for more research funding—and that those same shadowy government and financial elites (along with Hollywood movie stars) are going to use global warming as an excuse to take away your car and force you to eat fake meat? Well, if you didn’t already know, it’s time to wake up—and make sure you’re wearing a tinfoil hat to block attempts they might use to control your mind!

Just who are these dastardly elites? Though politicians take most of the heat, some ire might be justifiably directed at economists—who aren’t all themselves super-elites, but who deserve a special “award” for being the legitimizers of the elites in the policy arena. They are our modern priesthood, setting the rules of the game and creating justifications for growth-at-any-cost. They call themselves scientists, when in fact they mostly just cram data into unexamined and untested models.

But economists’ follies don’t absolve the media, politicians, or corporate leaders—indeed, everyone in the top, say, ten percent of global income earners. Why couldn’t these people have seen for themselves what was happening? After all, it doesn’t take genius-level intelligence or higher math skills to foresee that the exponential growth of population and consumption on a finite planet will inevitably lead to disaster. I’m reminded of Upton Sinclair’s pithy saying: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

In all of this, I refer primarily to elites in the US and Europe (as these people have had outsized influence during the past few decades—centuries, even). But elites in less wealthy nations, including China and India, have learned their lessons well: different contexts, same failure. The only notable exceptions to otherwise universal failure are leaders of many Indigenous societies, who have steadfastly opposed overexploitation of nature.

It’s difficult to convey the degree and depth of elites’ failure without descending into lurid disaster porn. We face not just political or economic crisis, but societal and ecosystem collapse, with all that implies. It’s hard to think very far along those lines without getting both fearful and angry.

Complaining about elites is easy these days: as economies, ecosystems, and governmental institutions start to come apart, everyone naturally blames the people in charge. Elites have targets on their backs. But usually the criticism aimed at them is unfocused, uninformed, or disinformed. Even if you personally favor a specific set of elites, in all likelihood that group is being vilified by someone else—and probably for reasons that have little to do with the overarching failure that all elites are responsible for. One is tempted to feel a little sympathy for these people. They weren’t around when key decisions were made back in the 1970s that ensured we would be seeing the commencement of crisis after crisis right about now. The current crop inherited a mess. But they’ve done little to stop that mess from getting worse.

Still, failure has persisted even when scientists—some of whom are virtually the only elite truth-tellers around—have sought to reframe our overshoot problem in technocratic terms, with a simple cause (carbon emissions) and an equally simple solution (an energy transition away from fossil fuels and toward solar panels and wind turbines). Even though this prescription can’t deliver a full solution to our ecological-social dilemma and promises merely to gingerly push society in the general direction of greater sustainability, elites seemingly still can’t bring themselves to do much.

Now they are left in an untenable situation. They can no longer avoid confronting problems that took decades to materialize, and that cannot be solved quickly or painlessly.

Looking back at complex societies around the world through the past few millennia, it’s clear that the failure of elites is nothing new. Indeed, given enough time, elites nearly always fail. They get too greedy, they overestimate their own intelligence, and they discourage people around them from conveying bad news. When they do fail, societies sometimes just descend to a lower level of social organization. People dust themselves off and move on, returning to a simpler village-based way of life. Other times, when crisis comes, elites divide, with factions taking advantage of failure by presenting themselves as problem solvers or avengers. This rarely leads to a peaceful outcome. But it’s a pretty good summary of what’s happening now.

The best strategic response for ordinary people would probably be to build grassroots horizontal power networks and get out ahead of the failing elites by doing whatever will minimize the crisis ahead. This makes sense especially at a time when global integration is unraveling, supply chains are broken, and there are plenty of opportunities and incentives for substituting local products for imports. Nevertheless, institutions of horizontal power—coops, citizen assemblies, intentional communities—take time to organize.

If I were to offer some advice for elites, it would be as follows. It was never going to be easy to do the right thing, and it will be even harder now. Start by telling the truth. You’re going to get blamed anyway. Why not use your position of influence to increase public awareness of what’s really happening and why?

But, dear reader, don’t hold your breath waiting for elites to get it right. I’ve used this essay to channel my own exasperation at cowards in high places, some of whom have enriched themselves to obscene degrees even as so many others languished. Rail against them a little or some, based on your level of outrage, but I’d advise directing the bulk of your energy to moving on. Anything that further divides us makes it harder for humanity to do whatever is still possible. A better path would be building personal and community resilience ahead of what’s coming. Ease the suffering. Save what can be saved.


Richard Heinberg

16 Comments on "Richard Heinberg: The Failure of Global Elites"

  1. Theedrich on Wed, 13th Apr 2022 2:41 am 

    Fags, freaks, and anti-White psychotics now rule. They are the automatic consequence of a “democracy” manipulated by various government-controlled media.  The American masses have decided that narcotics should be used by everyone to make life go more smoothly, that no one should have to pay for anything, that some foreign countries are evil whereas we are saintly;  and that outhouse countries must be helped by importing their populations hither.  The TV, of course, is always right and true.  In addition, all male children suffer from sexual dysphoria and should be castrated to help them find their true sexuality.  (It goes without saying that parents should have no say in their education.)

    Furthermore, America has the right to bomb other countries into oblivion whenever it feels like it.  Anyone who denies this is ipso facto a “traitor.”  “Our” government is sacrosanct and must be obeyed at all costs.

    The vermin who infest the Washington, DC regime are deadly, and have mass-murdered millions of helpless civilians around the world under the name of “democracy” or “American interests” (which just happen to be the interests of the oligarchs and fanatics who hold power here).  In Ukraine, the populace now suffering there is told that its plight is because of Russia, whereas in fact it is the U.S. that has set up the entire proxy war for its own benefit.  The anomalous “they” who control the mindless geezer in the White House are planning World War Three — again, for their own benefit.  “They” are intent on world control, and will stop at nothing to seize it.

    The death of the world means nothing to them.

  2. Biden's hairplug on Wed, 13th Apr 2022 4:42 am 

    Excellent geopolitical treatise, written by a German, living in Petersburg:

  3. Theedrich on Wed, 13th Apr 2022 7:00 pm 

    Ukraine is America’s swan song. Unbeknownst to its citizenry, the United States stands on the verge of collapse.  Few recognize it, but this country depends not only on cheap oil, but on a large number of other resources, manpower and services, which must be available and in the pipeline at every moment.  It also depends on a sober and self-reliant population willing to work for wages lower than current levels.  Above all, the commuting distances of today’s business world require all kinds of maintenance and expansion.  Modern suburbs and exurbs (“bedroom communities”) rely on innumerable means of physical, technical and electronic support, without which they can simply not exist.  Minor glitches in any of these means of support (e.g., a big snowstorm, malware cyber attack, etc., etc.) immediately cause serious hardship to those affected.  These things are in addition to the ongoing deterioration of the planetary environment, its flora and fauna.

    And all of this is without the current Ukro proxy war against Russia whose resources the U.S. wants to steal.

    There are all kinds of smiley-faced optimists (“experts”) who propose simplistic “solutions” to the growing instability.  Foremost among the happy-talkers are most politicians of both right and left.  They are hearkened to because mankind cannot bear very much reality.  So religion and political ideology, especially of the “Liberal” type, jump into the breach with fantasies swallowed whole by the masses.  Especially when the situation is emotionalized by the elites.  As Thomas Röper, the author of Hairplug’s link (above) put it, »Diese Emotionalisierung ist gewollt, denn wer emotionalisiert, also wütend, verängstigt, entsetzt und so weiter ist, dessen Fähigkeit zu rationalem Denken ist ausgeschaltet.  Und wer nicht rational, sondern emotional denkt, der ist über seine Emotionen leicht lenkbar.  Das ist ein bewährtes Mittel zur Lenkung der Massen.«  The German author well understands that what is going on is a global chess game between the U.S. and Russland, not some emotional attack on Ukraine by an enraged King Kong.

    But when reality starts to show its true face, the U.S. likes to forestall the looming implosion with war, as today (following the strategy formulated in 2019 by the RAND Corporation) in Ukraine.  Meanwhile its current regime, staffed by psychological misfits and idiots savants, also imports millions of unassimilable aliens to serve as slaves, drugrunners, people smugglers and whores, assuming that the influx will solve the labor problem.  It is all being paid for with increasingly debased dollars (“fiat money”).  This is after having spent up to $2.3 trillion to lose a 20-year war in an Afghan hornet’s nest.

    It will not take a nuke on New York or Washington, DC to trigger the collapse.  Rather, the current inflationary spiral alone is guaranteed to bring about a depression followed by downfall within three years.  The combo of worthless money, deteriorating physical infrastructure, pandemic lockdowns, another proxy war (Stellvertreterkrieg), countless narco-suicides, a tsunami of parasitic outhouse aliens, metastasizing homelessness, and tyrannical and corrupt Leftist governors assures this.

    That is Nature’s answer to America’s vox populi.

  4. Biden’s hairplug on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 1:31 am 

    Scott Ritter on Ukraine:

    “Russia is winning and winning decisively”

  5. Theedrich on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 5:19 am 

    Hairplug linked to an excellent revelation by Scott Ritter of what is actually happening in Ukraine. The mainstream media, let alone the U.S. regime, is corrupt beyond description.

  6. Cloggie on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 7:31 am 

    Where would we be without Eindhoven, I’m asking you?

    Where “global elites are failing”, as per Richard Heinberg, this 200k town is kicking *ss:

    Who needs fossil fuel if you can burn iron?!

    – First, they achieved a 100 kW burner for a beer brewer
    – Next is a 1 MW burner for a district heating installation
    – As of 2024 they are going to build a 5 MW power plant

  7. Biden's hairplug on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 7:44 am 

    Scott Ritter got cancelled from Twitter for good. His crime? He exposed beyond doubt that the Bucha massacre against Ukrainian Russophiles, was carried out by Ukrainians:

    Scott Ritter is a rather moderate but broad-minded person and American patriot.

    Let’s hope that Elon Musk is serious about his rumored intended hostile take over of Twitter and install libertarian moderation policies, like in the early days of the web.

  8. Biden's hairplug on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 8:01 am 

    “Elon Musk tries to buy Twitter for $41BILLION: Tesla CEO offers $54.20 a share and says if his offer is not accepted ‘I would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder. Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it'”

    It would be a major blow against “global elites”, if somebody like Musk would take it over.

    I mean, Musk is somebody who tweeted this amd got away with it:


    Musk is now the richest man in history, green mindset (e-cars), but a little bit bored with being an industrialist, flirts with politics. He could run in 2024.

  9. Biden's hairplug on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 10:11 am 

    Russia has the lowest state debt in 13 years:

    “Crippling sanctions”.lol

    Likely reason: very high commodity prices.

  10. Theedrich on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 12:13 pm 

    Corpses putrefy quickly if left to the elements. After a week or so they bloat to twice their original size, the skin turns black and exudes disgusting slime.  The Russians left Bucha on 2022 March 19.  The Ukrainians moved in a few days after April began.  They showed dead civilian bodies and claimed the Russians had murdered them.  But the bodies were virtually intact, with little sign of decay.  In other words, freshly slaughtered.

    From this is it obvious that the Ukrainians had murdered those civilians, regarding them as Russian sympathisers or collaborators.  Anyone with a white armband signifying “non-belligerent” or allegedly “pro-Russian” was assumed by the Ukrainians to be a “traitor” and killed by them.

    The Western media, of course, picked up the lie and showed the dead bodies to naïve viewers on TV as “proof” that the Russians were committing war crimes.  The lie itself is of course a war crime by the media.  But the American mainstream and social media act on the premiss that their end of destroying Russia justifies any means.  They are just as much war criminals as the CIA, State Department, White House and the war-planning RAND Corporation behind it all.

    The moral filth pervading the U.S. government turns one’s stomach.

  11. Biden's hairplug on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 12:44 pm 

    “The Western media, of course, picked up the lie and showed the dead bodies to naïve viewers on TV as “proof” that the Russians were committing war crimes. The lie itself is of course a war crime by the media. But the American mainstream and social media act on the premiss that their end of destroying Russia justifies any means. They are just as much war criminals as the CIA, State Department, White House and the war-planning RAND Corporation behind it all.”

    Over the past few weeks, I kept a record of the most significant videos and articles that show beyond doubt that the stinking West is trying to set up Russia for war:

    Probably difficult to find a more condensed resource on the web, if I may say so.

    The situation in 2022 is almost identical with 1939, if you map:

    Germany –> Russia
    Poland –> Ukraine
    UK –> UK
    USA –> USA
    kikes –> Kikes

    The good news:

    Italy, Japan –> China, North-Korea, Iran

    France and Germany are trying to remain neutral, although the US and its bootlickers UK and Poland try to escalate the situation.

    The fact that North-Korean ICBMs can destroy the US, is a very interesting factoid, which won’t have escaped strategic planners in China. A lot of dirty work can be outsourced to NK, for instance kicking US troops out of Asia and fire warning nukes near Japan in order to keep those neutral, while China is having fun with Taiwan and Philippines.

  12. FamousDrScanlon on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 6:55 pm 


    17 L.A. gangs have sent out crews to follow and rob city’s wealthiest, LAPD says

  13. Biden’s hairplug on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 11:29 pm 


    During WW2, the US could hide behind the broad backs of Germany and Russia, who dif the brunt of the fighting, the US empire fell of the truck, it’s a windfall empire:

    “Their Wehrmacht Was Better Than Our Army“

    WW2 contribution defeat Germany:

    ZOG-USSR 80%
    ZOG-USA 15%
    ZOG-UK 5%

    In WW3 the US will have to do most of the fighting. Remember North-Vietnam? Iraq? Syria? Taliban? The Saigon chopper pictures?

    Yesterday with the sinking of the flagship Moskwa we saw illustrated what I have been saying for years here: this is the age of the missile, making 19th century surface fleets an anachronism. The US spends 40% of its war budget on a worthless navy. Write it off for combat in East-Asia.

    “17 L.A. gangs have sent out crews to follow and rob city’s wealthiest, LAPD says“

    I’m with the gangs, for a change. They are not nearly as bad as the real gang of oligarchs. Anything to bring down the social order in the US.

    P.S. who sank the Moskwa? Ukraine or NATO?

  14. Biden’s hairplug on Thu, 14th Apr 2022 11:35 pm 

    If you love Schadenfreude about Elon Musk’s Twitter action, and the libtards response, this may be just your thread:

  15. Biden's hairplug on Fri, 15th Apr 2022 3:47 am 

    Ray McGovern: “Ukraine: Deep stakes for Putin…and for China”

    “Putin is likely to press on with his armed campaign to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine; he seems already to have the wherewithal to achieve that aim. Better still from Putin’s point of view, he possesses an important insurance policy that he has been paying premiums on for two decades — Big Brother President Xi Jin-ping of China is the insurance.

    The growing closeness of the Russia-China strategic relationship had become clear well before the invasion of Ukraine, when — to the surprise of many — Xi decided to give Putin a waiver on Westphalia, so to speak. Xi’s strong support for Russia speaks volumes.

    Indeed, in a worst-case scenario sparked by the war in Ukraine, the U.S./NATO might well find themselves facing the possibility of a two-front war with both Russia and China. The most unsettling thing of all is that there is little sign that Biden’s junior-varsity advisers are aware that — partly because of their own misfeasance — the U.S./Russia/China triangular relationship has become pronouncedly isosceles, with the U.S. on the short end.”

    Exactly my thoughts for a long time.

  16. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 16th Apr 2022 3:11 am 

    Watched James Bond “No time to die” yesterday, via YouTube for 5 euros.

    Spoiler: the “old white guy” Bond dies in the end, sacrificed himself for a (white) woman and child, who turned out to be his. Bond had already retired but was recalled to assist the new 007, a black woman, just like Moneypenny, and the white Q is gay. Bond’s good colleague from the CIA was also black (and got killed) and the bad guy from the CIA was white. Blofeld (German name) is still alive and still a criminal. Other bad guys are played by white Russians and white Italian Mafia types. The story is about a virus made in biolabs (2019)!

    Unfortunately, the credits say James Bond is coming back, probably as a black man. I won’t watch Bond ever again. He should go under, just like the rest of Anglosphere, so Europe has a future.

    Talking about the demise of Anglosphere:

    2 hours of Scott Ritter discussing:

    – Russia is winning in Ukraine
    – Bucha was done by Ukrainians
    – The US empire is over, Ukraine is merely an overture, Taiwan the real thing

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