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Kunstler: Oh Say Can You See?

Who was not impressed seeing the sudden and total collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge after getting its pylon bonked by the container ship Dali a few hours before the dawn’s early light in Baltimore harbor? In America’s ongoing death-of-a-thousand-cuts, that one literally severed a major artery, but it may take a while to know how badly the wounded colossus known as the USA is bleeding out.

“Joe Biden” emerged from his crypt pronto to state that the federal government would pony-up the cost of building the bridge back better, meant to reassure the public, you’d suppose. But perhaps the real reason was to obviate an otherwise requisite investigation of the crash by ship-owner Grace Ocean’s insurance company — since legal wrangling over responsibility would add more years to the already years-long estimated bridge replacement time-frame. And Gawd knows what else they might discover about how the darn thing came to pass. . . rumors of a Ukrainian captain at the Dali’s helm. . . stuff that the ruling intel blob might not want to get out there, especially given the still-murky role of the joint USA-UK black-op blobs in the Moscow Crocus Theater Massacre just a week earlier.

The Crocus op, you understand, was probably the worst clusterfuck qua Three Stooges blob operational procedure in memory, since four of the six surviving Tajiki shooters were nabbed in a car enroute to the Ukraine border (where they would’ve been whacked into silence, since they failed to martyr themselves at the scene-of-the-crime), and by now had surely sung their hearts out to persuasive interrogators of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) — the take-away being that President VV Putin has got to be mighty pissed-off and itching for revenge. Was the FSK Bridge take-down the first repayment for that, lots of people inside and outside Blob Central were probably wondering?

You’d also have to wonder, qua the bridge disaster itself, about the implied reverberations through the insurance industry. Consider that the insurance industry is a major cog in the machinery of finance and banking, since insurance company reserves are traditionally allocated in supposedly safe sovereign treasury bonds. Liquidations anyone? Maritime insurance was already groaning under the burden of all that monkey-business in the Red Sea, thanks to Houthi rocket and drone attacks on the shipping of Western Civ. Are the banks quaking harder now? Many across Western Civ were already trembling before the FSK Bridge job.

While the awesome spectacle of the bridge collapse traumatized the country, it also brought to mind the fantastic flow of ten-thousand illegal border crossings a day, stage-managed by the “Joe Biden” Homeland Security team. Did you kind of wonder how many in that 10K-a-day flow might be the same species of Central Asian mutts who volunteered to slaughter over 150 (so far) Russian concert-goers? Nobody is checking who they are, you realize. They just step on US soil, get issued smartphones, loaded debit cards, walking-around cash money, airplane and bus tickets and, voila, there they are in your home town tomorrow, looking for something to occupy themselves. Thanks a bunch, Alejandro Mayorkas!

Are you wondering what sort of mayhem they might be capable of unleashing any place from Bangor to Burbank in the weeks and months ahead? (And, while you’re at it, think about all the food processing plant fires, train wrecks, and other mysterious tribulations around the country the past couple of years.) Consider that this very week alone, following the SSK Bridge disaster, absolutely nothing has been done by our government to stem that flow of countless potential saboteurs into the country. The news media isn’t even talking about it (of course).

The prospects might look a bit unnerving, wouldn’t you agree? Things catching fire, blowing up, and falling down here, there, and everywhere. . . more of those thousand cuts adding up. Just maybe, the dazed-and-confused (possibly hypnotized) American public, a.k.a., the “voters,” might put together that “Joe Biden” and the Party of Chaos that owns him, are actually responsible for the on-going take-down of our country. After a certain point — now apparently passed — sheer incompetence is no longer a plausible explanation for what you are seeing.

Oh, one other thing, look out for on-the-ground economic reverberations from the FSK Bridge disaster. For instance, Baltimore is the USA’s top port for importing and exporting automobiles. Also, earth-moving and large farm equipment, fertilizer, lumber, coal, and steel. Other arrangements must be made, for years ahead, considering the trucking links. It’s especially an interruption for trucking between the mid-Atlantic / New England states and much of Dixieland. It will affect the transport of fruits and vegetables to the Washington-Boston corridor. Things are going to cost more and we are already in an inflationary trouble-zone. How will this thunder elsewhere through an economy which, despite the japes of “Joe Biden’s” statisticians, is actively disintegrating? The fluttering wings of this black swan already throw a chill on spring’s incoming zephyrs.


14 Comments on "Kunstler: Oh Say Can You See?"

  1. Dredd on Wed, 10th Apr 2024 11:40 am 

    Nations are like the cargo ship Mr. Kunstler blogiates about in this post.

    Once they reach a certain point stopping is not a viable option (Seaports With Sea Level Change – 30).

  2. Geometry on Sun, 21st Jul 2024 10:06 pm 

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  3. Frank on Sat, 5th Oct 2024 11:43 pm 

    The article made me think. Not in the sense that I am sitting by the window, peering into the misty distance and pondering the fate of humanity. No, this article is a blow to the very heart, to the very point of our worldview, where we still believe in the magic of progress and technological breakthroughs.

    Kunstler does not paint utopian pictures of the future, where we all drive electric cars and feed on solar energy. He says that we have reached a dead end. And not just a dead end, but a deep hole from which it will be very difficult to get out.

    To be honest, I do not want to believe in such a gloomy future. But, reading the article, I caught myself agreeing with many of Kunstler’s thoughts. Yes, we are too fixated on technology, not noticing obvious problems. Yes, we constantly consume without thinking about the consequences.

    Kunstler does not offer ready-made solutions, he only shows a mirror reflecting our inaction and our inability to see reality. And this is probably the most terrible thing.

    Of course, I do not want to say that everything is hopeless. But Kunstler’s article makes us think seriously about what we are doing wrong and how to change the situation. Maybe it is time to abandon illusions and start acting?

  4. Instagram Video Downloader on Sat, 5th Oct 2024 11:45 pm 

    I can’t say that I fully agree with Kunstler. I’m not that pessimistic. But he makes me think. Makes me think about what we’re doing wrong, about what we need to change.

    He writes that we need to give up illusions and start living in reality. We need to change our way of life, our way of thinking. We need to start thinking about the future, not just about today.

    Kunstler’s article can be considered a warning. He tells us that the time to act has come. We must change our way of life, otherwise we will inevitably collapse.

    I don’t want to be a pessimist, but I can’t brush off Kunstler’s words. He tells us the truth, even if it is unpleasant. And we need to hear it.

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