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Page added on September 23, 2017

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United Kingdom’s Oil, Gas Reserves May Be Depleted Within 10 Years

A recent study suggests oil industries in the United Kingdom are entering their final decade of production.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland analyzed the output from offshore fields and found nearly 10 percent of the U.K.’s original recoverable oil and gas remains, according to a release on the study. This is roughly 11 percent of oil and nine percent of gas resources.

They also found discoveries of oil have consistently lagged behind output since the point of peak oil recovery in the late 90s.

If the study’s findings are correct, researchers warn the U.K. will have to import all the oil and gas it needs soon, and both oil and gas reserves will be depleted within a span of 10 years.

The U.K. urgently needs a bold energy transition plan, instead of trusting to dwindling fossil fuel reserves and possible fracking,” study lead author and University of Edinburgh’s Schools of Geosciences professor Roy Thompson told the Yorkshire Evening Post. “We must act now and drive the necessary shift to a clean economy with integration between energy systems. There needs to be greater emphasis on renewables, energy storage and improved insulation and energy efficiencies.”

After examining the country’s potential for fracking and analyzing its oil and gas production, the scientists found the U.K. only has minimal potential for fracking, as many possible sites are located in areas that are densely populated, have complex geological histories and contain source rocks that are low-quality, according to the release.

They also determined fracking is likely to be too restricted to become an effective industry and would require thousands of wells.

Though the results seem daunting, officials with the U.K. government have not immediately adopted them.

We do not recognize these figures,” a government spokesperson told the Evening Express. “Research by the independent Oil and Gas Authority shows that in 2035, North Sea gas will still meet around a quarter of U.K. demand with oil from the same source meeting around a third.”

“The U.K. Government is committed to ensuring a diverse energy mix and supplies that are reliable, affordable and clean,” the spokesperson added.

2 Comments on "United Kingdom’s Oil, Gas Reserves May Be Depleted Within 10 Years"

  1. MASTERMIND on Sun, 24th Sep 2017 4:10 pm 

    Why would the Weather Channel run a peak oil story? Because they are owned by GE which is one of the largest manufactures for Wind Turbines. I guess you have to give them credit. Nothing will scare the sheeple into buying worthless renewable’s like telling them they are going to run out of Fossil Fuels, and soon!

  2. Boat on Sun, 24th Sep 2017 6:48 pm 


    Why would apple go 100 percent renewable? Why would apple help over 20 of its suppliers do the same? They even set up green bonds and tech support to help them.

    Corporations With 100% Renewable Energy Goals Now Account for 150 Terawatt-Hours per Year

    The 10 companies leading the charge, including Ikea, HP Inc. and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), have committed to promoting electric vehicle uptake in a few different ways: adding electric vehicles to corporate fleets, including electric-vehicle requirements in service contracts, or installing charging infrastructure for employees.

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