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What To Expect During The Next Stage Of Collapse

For years now at Alt-Market (and I have carefully outlined the most likely path of collapse to take place within the U.S., and a vital part of that analysis included economic destabilization caused by a loss of the dollar’s world reserve status and petro-status.  I have also always made clear that this fiscal crisis event would not occur in the midst of a political vacuum.  The central banks and international financiers that created our ongoing and developing disaster are NOT going to allow the destruction of the American economy, the dollar, or global markets without a cover event designed to hide their culpability.  They need something big.  Something so big that the average citizen is overwhelmed with fear and confusion.  A smoke and mirrors magic trick so raw and soul shattering it leaves the very population of the Earth mesmerized and helpless to understand the root of the nightmare before them.  The elites need a fabricated Apocalypse.

Enter Syria…

I have been warning about the Syrian trigger point for a very long time.  Syria’s mutual defense pact with Iran, its strong ties to Russia, the Russian naval base off its coast, the advanced Russian weaponry in it’s arsenal, its proximity to vulnerable oil shipping lanes, all make the nation a perfect catalyst for a global catastrophe.  The civil war in Syria is already spreading into neighboring countries like Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, and if one looks at the facts objectively, the entire war is a product of covert action on the part of the U.S. and its allies.

The U.S. trained, armed, and funded the insurgency using Al Qaeda operatives.  Saudi Arabia has sent funding and arms as well.  Israel has aided the rebels using air strikes within Syria’s borders (even though this means that the Israeli government is essentially helping their supposed mortal enemies).  This war would NOT be taking place today without the express efforts of the West.  Period.

If one takes more than a brief examination of the Syrian insurgency, they would find an organization of monsters.  Wretched amoral wetwork ghouls whose crimes have been thoroughly documented, including the mass executions of unarmed captured soldiers, the torture and beheading of innocent civilians, the mutilation and cannibalism of dead bodies, and the institution of theological tyranny on a terrified populace.  The U.S. created and unleashed these demons, and now, we the people are being asked by the White House to support them through force of arms.

But what is the goal here…?

The goal, I believe, is to utterly transform the world’s political, economic, and social systems.  The goal is to generate intense fear; fear that can be used as capital to buy, as the globalists call it, a “new world order”.  Syria is the first domino in a long chain of calamities; what the Rand Corporation sometimes refers to as a “linchpin”.  As I write this, the Obama Administration is moving naval and ground forces into position and clamoring in a painfully pathetic fashion to convince the American public that 90% of us are “wrong” and that a strike on Syria is, in fact, necessary.  It appears that the establishment is dead set on starting this chain reaction and accelerating the global collapse.  So, if a strike does occur, what can we expect to happen over the next few years?  Here is a rundown…

1) Many U.S. allies will refrain from immediate participation in an attack on Syria.  Obama will continue unilaterally (or with the continued support of Israel and Saudi Arabia), placing even more focus on the U.S. as the primary cause of the crisis.

2) Obama will attempt to mitigate public outcry by limiting attacks to missile strikes, but these strikes will be highly ineffective compared to previous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

3) A no fly zone will be established, but the U.S. navy will seek to stay out of range of high grade Russian missile technology in the hands of Syria, and this will make response time to the Syrian Air Force more difficult.  Expect much higher American naval and air force casualties compared to Iraq and Afghanistan.

4) Iran will immediately launch troops and arms in support of Syria.  Syria will become a bewildering combat soup of various fighting forces battling on ideological terms, rather than over pure politics and borders.  Battles will spread into other countries, covertly and overtly, much like during Vietnam.

5) Israel will probably be the first nation to send official ground troops into Syria (and likely Iran), citing a lack of effectiveness of U.S. airstrikes.  American troops will follow soon after.

6) Iran will shut down the Straight of Hormuz sinking multiple freighters in the narrow shipping lane and aiming ocean skimming missiles at any boats trying to clear the wreckage.  Oil exports through the straight of Hormuz will stop for months, cutting 20% of the world’s oil supply overnight.

7) The Egyptian civil war, now underway but ignored by the mainstream, will explode due to increased anger over U.S. presence in Syria.  The Suez Canal will become a dangerous shipping option for oil exporters.  Many will opt to travel around the Horn of Africa, adding two weeks to shipping time and increasing the cost of the oil carried.

8) Saudi Arabia will see an uprising of insurgency that has been brewing under the surface for years.

9) Gasoline prices will skyrocket.  I am predicting a 75%-100% increase in prices within two-three months of any strike on Syria.

10) Travel will become difficult if not impossible with high gasoline costs.  What little of our economy was still thriving on vacation dollars will end.  Home purchases will fall even further than before because of the extreme hike in travel expenses required for families to move.

11) Russia will threaten to limit or cut off all natural gas exports to the EU if they attempt to join with the U.S. in aggression against Syria.  The EU will comply due to their dependency on Russian energy.

12) Russia will position naval forces in the Mediterranean to place pressure on the U.S.  I feel the possibility of Russia initiating direct confrontation with the U.S. is limited, mainly because countries like Russia and China do not need to engage the U.S. through force of arms in order to strike a painful blow.

13) China and Russia will finally announce their decision to drop the dollar completely as the world reserve currency.  A process which already began back in 2005, and which global banks have been fully aware of for years.

14) Because of China’s position as the number one exporter and importer in the world, many nations will follow suit in dumping the dollar in bilateral trade.  The dollar’s value will implode.  China, Russia, and the war in Syria will be blamed, and global banks including the Federal Reserve will be ignored as the true culprits.

15) The combination of high energy prices and a devaluing dollar will strike retail prices hard.  Expect a doubling of prices on all goods.  Look for many imported goods to begin disappearing from shelves.

16) Homelessness will expand exponentially as cuts to welfare programs, including food stamps, are made inevitable.  However, welfare will not disappear, it will merely be “adjusted” to fit different goals.  The homeless themselves will be treated like criminals.  The roaming bands of jobless drifters common during the Great Depression will not exist during a modern crisis.  State and Federal agencies will pursue an “out of sight, out of mind” policy towards the indigent, forcing them into “aid shelters” or other bureaucratic contraptions designed to conditioning the homeless to accept refugee status, making them totally dependent on federal scraps, but also prisoners on federally designated camps.

17) Terrorist attacks (false flag or otherwise) will spread like wildfire.  Israel is highly susceptible.  The U.S. may see a string of attacks, including cyber attacks on infrastructure.  Syria and it’s supporters will be blamed regardless of evidence.  The White House will begin broad institution of authoritarian powers, including continuity of government executive orders, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, etc.

18) Martial Law may not even be officially declared, but the streets of America will feel like martial law none the less.

19) False paradigms will flood the mainstream as the establishment seeks to divide American citizens.  The conflict will be painted as Muslim against Christian, black against white, poor against rich (but not the super rich elites, of course).  Liberty Movement activists will be labeled “traitors” for “undermining government credibility” during a time of crisis.  The Neo-Conservatives will place all blame on Barack Obama.  Neo-Liberals will blame conservatives as “divisive”.  Liberty Movement activists will point out that both sides are puppets of the same international cabal, and be labeled “traitors” again.  The establishment will try to coax Americans into turning their rage on each other.

20) The Homeland Security apparatus will be turned completely inward, focusing entirely on “domestic enemies”.  The domain of the TSA will be expanded onto highways and city streets.  Local police will be fully federalized.  Northcom will field soldiers within U.S. border to deal with more resistant quarters of the country.  Totalitarianism will become the norm.

What Can We Do Right Now?

The level of collapse, I suspect, will not be total.  The government is not going to disappear, rather, it will become more dominant in its posture.  Certain sections of the country will be maintained while others fall apart.  The IMF will move in to “help” the ailing U.S. economy by tying funding to the SDR (Special Drawing Rights).  America’s economy will be absorbed by the IMF.  Constitutional protections will be fully erased in the name of reestablishing “law and order”, with the promise that the loss of our civil liberties is “only temporary”.

If the U.S. strikes Syria, and refuses to disengage, these things WILL happen.  So, the next question is what can we do about it?

1) Given that this crisis is going to be riding a wave of extremely high energy prices, every single Liberty Movement activist (and every American for that matter) should be stockpiling energy reserves.  Motor oil, gasoline (with gas saver), diesel fuel, propane, etc. should be at the top of your list right now.  A generator should be next.  Prices are only going to rise from here on out.  Buy reserves now, before it is too late.

2) Everyone in the Liberty Movement should have at least minimal solar power capability.  A couple of 100 watt panels, an inverter, a charge controller, and two-four deep cycle batteries can be had for under $1000.  You may not be able to run your house on it, but you can at least charge important electronics, run a well pump, run some lights, a security system, etc.

3) The internet as we know it will no longer exist.  The White House will apply preexisting executive orders on U.S. communications to restrict internet use, or, a convenient cyber attack will take place, opening the door for federal controls.  The web will likely still operate, but only as a shell of its former greatness.  Certain sites and email providers will be designated “safe”, while others will be designated “unsafe”.  This leaves a gaping hole in our society’s ability to communicate information quickly and efficiently, and, it removes the alternative media from the picture.  The best solution I can present for this problem is Ham Radio, which is very difficult for the establishment to shut down.  Ham Radio communication chains could take the place of the internet as a lower-tech but useful means of spreading information across the country.  In the next few months, EVERYONE in the Liberty Movement should have a Ham Radio set, or handheld model, and they should know how to use it.

4) Harden your home during the next few months.  Place security bars on windows, and replace weak doors with steel core doors. An internal lock bar will still frustrate entry by those who might blast hinges.  Add a fire suppression system for good measure.  This might sound like overkill, but if you want to be able to sleep at night during such an event, you must make your home your castle.  No one should be able to enter your house without your permission.

5) Learn a useful trade right now.  If you don’t already know how to produce or fix a necessary item or commodity, take the next six months to learn how.  If you don’t know how to teach a valuable skill, get to work.  Barter and trade will become the primary method of economy during a dollar collapse. Make sure you are sought after within your local economy.

6) Cache items before winter begins.  Do not assume you will be able to stay on your homestead indefinitely.  There are no guarantees during collapse.  A wildfire could reduce your neighborhood to ashes in hours.  Your home could be overrun.  Make sure you have secondary supplies in a safe location just in case.

7) Find two friends (or more) right now that are willing to coordinate with you in the event that the worst happens.  This means mutual aid and defense.  This means predetermined arrangements for supplies, communications, meeting spots, and security.  Do it now.  Do not wait until our situation worsens.

8) Buy six months worth of food over the course of the next two months.  Bulk food, freeze dried, MRE’s, whatever.  Just buy it.  Have a lot of food already?  I don’t care.  Buy six more months of supplies now.  You’ll thank me later.

9) Cultivate nutrient rich soil before winter begins.  Buy a truckload of planting soil and manure and create a garden space if you have not already.  Purchase extensive seed storage.  Compile books on growing methods.

10) Gauge the temperament of your neighborhood.  If all of your neighbors are mindless brain eating zombies, then perhaps it would be better to share a home with a prepared family member in another region now.  If not, then start a neighborhood watch.  Two or three families working together is far stronger than only one, and can change the temperament of an entire block of homes.

11) Train for tactical movement over the next three months.  Learn how to move, shoot, and communicate as a team.  Learn your strengths and weaknesses today or suffer the consequences tomorrow.

12) Prepare yourself mentally for conflict and self defense.  Sign up for at least six months of hand to hand defense training.  Learn how to deal with the mental and emotional strain of another person trying to harm you.  Get used to the idea, because where we’re headed, someone, at some point, will probably want to do you in.  Always maintain your conscience and your principles, but never allow yourself to become a victim.

The Tension Is Palpable

As I have said many times before, a fight is coming.  There is no way around it.  But this fight must be fought intelligently, and we must never forget who the REAL enemy is.

If a revolution ensues and Obama loses control, the establishment could simply trigger a Neo-Con or military coup in order to placate the masses and fool Constitutionalists into believing they have been saved.  Useless solutions will be presented to the people, including new leadership composed of more old guard elitists, a disastrous Constitutional Convention, or limited secession (which will never be honored by the establishment anyway).  The purpose of these false solutions will be to fool you into relaxing your vigilance, distracting you from seeking justice against globalist organizations, or, to redirect your energies away from self sufficient communities, counties, and states, ready to dispel aggressive establishment elements.

Beware of those who grasp too readily for leadership over you.  Real leaders stand as teachers, not oligarchs, and rarely do they take on the role without considerable reservations.  Never trust anyone who does not immediately back their promises with tangible action.  And, never forget that we fight not just for the removal of one particular tyrant, but for Constitutional liberty itself.  One must follow the other, or there has been no victory.

Though it is depressingly difficult to see in times like these, there is indeed good in this world.  There are ideals, and aspirations, and visions, and loves worth standing up for, worth fighting for, and worth dying for.  There is still a future worth striving for at the end of the long night.  There are dreams here, in the hearts of men, worth realizing.  We do not necessarily battle for what humanity is, but for what we have the potential to become.  The tides of society may shift and storm, the chaos may become unbearable, and the world may tear apart until it is unrecognizable.   The agents of dominion believe they are the only constant, but there is another.  In time, the dim pale of tyranny will always break in the light of freedom’s resolute.  Get ready, honorable Liberty Movement, our work has just begun.

Alt-Market blog

18 Comments on "What To Expect During The Next Stage Of Collapse"

  1. rollin on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 12:22 am 

    Forgot about clean sources of fresh water, won’t last long without that. Fatal error.

    A stone or reinforced concrete building is the most defensible, especially if it has a metal roof. Narrow the windows. Dig an escape tunnel.

  2. rollin on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 12:31 am 

    Forgot medicines and medical supplies. No antibiotics, death from a cut.

  3. dave thompson on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 2:53 am 

    Still, push for cooler heads to prevail.

  4. curlyq3 on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 3:23 am 

    Take up yoga so it will be easier to kiss your ass good bye … curlyq3

  5. BillT on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 3:55 am 

    The above scenario seems about right. The ‘feel good’ comments at the end are unlikely as they assume too many things to ever be possible. At one time, when the world was populated by independent being that understood the real world and lived in it, it may have been possible. Today’s West lives in a make-believe world of social safety nets and technology that has weakened our ability to survive without them. The likelihood of any ‘revolution’ like 1776 is not going to happen in the US. Nor in any other Western country. Now the 3rd world will have the advantage. They still know how to revolt and make changes quickly.

  6. mike on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 6:51 am 

    A well thought out train of logic here but based on an incorrect premise. If it happens (and I’m still not sure it will) then this seems a likely scenario, all except that last point (totalitarianism) and that’s important for understanding everything that proceeds it. There will not be the energy to support any kind of centralized totalitarianism anywhere in this scenario. The American government’s end goal certainly isn’t some kind of Martial law state, there simply isn’t anything to gain from it and it would cost too much. .Gov’s goal is to retain the majority of the Worlds wealth for a fraction of the Worlds population, always has been and always will be.

    A more likely outcome for 20 is that the Gov will declare some kind of Martial law but it simply won’t be able to uphold it due to the spiraling costs of keeping security forces mobile. Decentralization is the era we are heading towards,not more centralization.

  7. mike on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 7:01 am 

    Rollin, how often do you take antibiotics? I’ve been on them once for a throat infection about 10 years ago that was my own fault from trying too hard to do Tibetan throat singing (won’t be making that mistake again). Do you honestly take antibiotics when you get a cut? I mean I can understand if it’s a real gusher, but then the infection is the least of your worries. There are plenty of natural products that can help with ever stopping an infection taking place (honey, echinacea, Elderberry, aloe vera, ginger, garlic) and that’s the thing, knowledge of how to prevent infection and disease will be far more important in the future than treatment.

  8. Arthur on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 10:38 am 

    The article paints a realistic scenario.

    To expand on point 11…. as I have been saying for months now, an attack on Iran will cause that country to sabotage oil and gas shipping from the Gulf, and western Europe (not Germany) will be hard hit and be driven into the arms of the Russians for energy supplies, for which Russia will demand a political price. This could very well mean the end of the West in it’s present shape, a leftover from WW2, with Europe in junior position. Iran will probably not wait until it gets attacked and will close off the Gulf preemptively.

    In the past few months there have been considerable tensions, again, between Spain and Britain over Gibraltar. Expect Brussels, after it made the geopolitical U-turn to Moscow, to give the nod to Spain to finally end the 300 years idiotic situation of Britain occupying Spanish territory and take the rock back by force. Russian and European anti-naval batteries from then on will control acces to the straight, which means that the entire Meditairanean will be under Greater European control. Navies from Anglosphere will be trapped and told to leave. As a consequence the Egyptian military will pass control to the muslim brotherhood.

    Next EU and Russia (750 million people and by far the largest $22T economy in the world, even without reserve currency ownership) will strike a deal with Turkey and Iran that they can take over the entire Middle East and restore the Ottoman and Persian empires, garanteed by EU and Russia and China and replace pax Americana. Assad will be gone, the muslim brotherhood will take over Syria, Egypt and SA. The Middle East will unify and modelled after the EU, with Turkey in the role of Germany. Oil payments in euro will be accepted, both in the Caliphate and Persia.

    Meanwhile Scotland will have declared independence from London, goes Europe direct and adopts euro. Continental European troops will establish a base in Scotland to garantee energy security, for starters.
    It is always nice to phantasize over future possibilities, but reality is always different. But some elements could indeed happen. I have a strong feeling that if the US decides to attack, it will cross the Rubicon, a point of no return. The US will be generally seen as the agressor and pay a heavy price for it.

    We’ll see.

  9. Beery on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 11:14 am 

    Never realized how many loons there are on this website. I mean, this is tinfoil hat brigade stuff, and you folks are eating it up with a spoon.

    “The goal, I believe, is to utterly transform the world’s political, economic, and social systems.”

    Absolute hogwash. The government has enough trouble maintaining the current order. To suggest that anyone in this administration is dead set on creating some kind of totalitarian state is simply ludicrous.

  10. BillT on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 12:57 pm 

    Actually, Beery, it is not this administration. It is the 1/100% that really run the world today, the multinationals and their billionaire owners. They are the ones that want a one world government so they have absolute control. They also want about 6+ billion of us ‘eaters’ to just die while there are some resources left.

    That means, they have to destroy the Western middle class and end the various fiat currencies so they can have just one currency that they will control.

    Feel the collar tightening? How heavy is that debt ball getting? If you are an American, you owe at least $150,000.00 the day you are born and it keeps increasing.

    If you haven’t noticed, they are doing just that, and at record speed. A world war would be even faster as it is likely to be nuclear this time. They don’t care. Look at the list of the wealthiest people on the planet, Forbes 400 for a start. Those with the most $$$ are all over 60. Many are over 70 or 80 and are not likely to see 2050 so they don’t care. They are not sane.

    If you had all the money you could possibly need, and had all the toys you might ever want, what else do you do to keep from being bored? You seek power at any cost. I rest my case…

  11. kervennic on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 1:45 pm 

    I tend to agree with BillT. The new world order is already there, rulling our life. It is called wall mart, apple, nuclear plantsetc… How could people survive and keep quiet without wall mart, without nuclear energy in europe, without the internet ?

    This is so crucial that companies decide what they do about every piece of territory. Wether you are going to have fracking in your garden or a mall at the end of the street. The citizenship is a joke.

    So these company rule economy, thus politics and do not have open meetings. You have no idea what they really are deciding and they are not interested in you to know or understand. They want you to buy, work or disappear if you are in their way, ad they are the true “common interest” in the modern capitalist world.

    They do not need to act so roughly and political as they used to do. Today the mass are easier to control and dependent. Masses even came to think that a twit is an actual act of resistance…

  12. rollin on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 1:46 pm 

    I guess Mike is out of touch with reality and leads a sheltered life. Look up the medical records of Victorian England (before antibiotics). Millions died of sepsis, often just started by a small wound.
    He ( I assume male from the name) does not understand the epidemics that are moving through the population now. Unchecked by antibiotics they would kill or severely damage many millions.
    Mike, hope you never get tick bitten. Lymes, erlichiosis and babesioses are just a few of the of the diseases you would become disabled by, since you think natural cures will help you. It will also effect your abiity to think and cognate. When your heart or other organs fail years later, people will not know the real cause – refusal to use antibiotics. Good luck with echinacia, it’s got nice looking flowers.

    If you ignore strep throat, such things as massive kidney failure can occur in children. Before about 1955 wards were filled with kidney disease cases. Many died. Scarlet fever and impetigo do the same thing.
    The old people are fast dying out that saw all kinds of diseases kill and maim their neighbors. Quarantines were common in the first half of the 20th century, the only real way to contain the spread back then.

  13. oldtech on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 3:21 pm 

    I agree with Beery. I see no basis for proposing that the PTB have a goal of creating a totalitarian state.

    What is happening is that our system which is made up of many interacting organizations doing what is in their own best interest and in general means that it is all about making money or gaining influence so that they can make money.

    For example, the reason that we are losing privacy is that companies are making money off our data. They make money by 1) selling stuff to us using our data and 2) by providing data to deal with our collective fears. Selling us stuff has been the primary driver in collecting data but since Columbine and 9/11 there is also money to be made the name of making us feel safer. Making us feel safer is an accelerating trend that is creating new startups to do things like monitor Facebook and other social web sites for schools, cities, companies, and organizations for aberrant behavior or thought. This in turn then creates more ways to make money from our data and the need to collect even more data. I can also see a huge data market to help resolve conflicts between parties.

    Note that I did not say that this is a desirable state, but it is the state we have today and tomorrow. It is not a conspiracy. It is a living system that is evolving in ways that are certainly disturbing, but in some ways not that different from life in a small community where everyone knew everyone and what they were or were not doing.

  14. BillT on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 4:43 pm 

    rollin, antibiotics will go when oil goes. The germs they kill are mutating past man’s ability to cope anyway because antibiotics are abused by everyone. And, yes, the world will lose all of the miracle drugs of the last 100 years because of the facilities and energy needed to produce them. You have lived in an age of excess energy where there were no limits. Now, mother Nature has shown us that there are firm limits and we will die off just like any other animal. She doesn’t care. And, yes, you will likely not live as long as your parents or grandparents. Adjust…

  15. GregT on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 6:10 pm 

    The medical community is on high alert for new viruses, there are many mutations already that are immune to antibiotics. We have kept nature at bay for the most part for almost a century, but that is going to change, soon enough.

    We were never in control of nature. Oil has only allowed us to temporarily increase our population above the Earth’s carrying capacity.

    We are now at the bottom of the ninth inning, the bases are loaded, and nature will be batting last. All of her heavy hitters are lined up…….

  16. GregT on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 6:26 pm 

    Oh, and Mike is as usual, correct. Modern pharmaceuticals are a result of fossil fuels, and have existed for less than 100 years.

    Chinese medical practices have been around for thousands of years, utilizing herbs, and plant and animal extracts. Focussing more on disease prevention, than on masking causes and symptoms with drugs.

    Ignore reality as you wish. Their medical system has withstood the test of time, much longer than ours will.

  17. actioncjackson on Sun, 1st Sep 2013 6:35 pm 

    When the food supply and distribution system collapses leaving large areas without sustenance it will be game over. The environment cannot sustain the number of people that will eventually need to feed off of the natural flora and fauna to survive, not all at once at least. The wild animals will all be killed, and the human population will be dramatically reduced due to starvation.

    The US government knows exactly what’s coming. That’s why they are such spying control freaks. In the future the majority of people will either be dead, or they’ll work for the government.

  18. rollin on Mon, 2nd Sep 2013 11:38 am 

    Beery said “Never realized how many loons there are on this website. I mean, this is tinfoil hat brigade stuff, and you folks are eating it up with a spoon.”

    Have to go with Beery on this one, it’s getting way too obvious.

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