AKA- food for the trolls...
I was just thinking that it's a logical fallacy to state that peak oil won't occur based on one key idea. That our supply of oil is finite...
we have two branches we can take, the supply of oil will peak at some point in time because demand will outstrip supply, or....
the supply of oil will peak because at some point in time demand for it will terminally drop.
Now since (based on previous experience), supply is increasing with new discoveries dropping, at some point in the (most likely near) future we will hit peak oil. This will result in oil prices rising, along with 'stagflation'. After that, who knows what will happen, imho it'll up to humanity to decide whether it wants to fight or cooperate (unfortunately for us, we have a violent past, so a violent future doesn't seem that far off).
Of course would could pull net positive energy fusion, or some new super-mystery fuel as good or better than oil out of our asses, but until we do (or possibly if we do it too late), we are screwed.