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THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Discussions of conventional and alternative energy production technologies.

Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 03 Sep 2024, 03:43:17

Well humor aside, back to the world of PeakEV

‘A very serious situation’: Volkswagen could close plants in Germany for the first time in history

Volkswagen is weighing whether to close factories in Germany for the first time in its 87-year history as it moves to deepen cost cuts amid rising competition from China’s electric vehicle makers. ... index.html

About time too, ugly little cars, useless trucks. They should never have been allowed outside of Europe in the first place.


Australia’s most generous EV rebate scheme ends after just two years

The most generous electric vehicle (EV) rebate in the country is over, as Queensland shuts down its program from midnight on Monday, leaving just two states – Tasmania and Western Australia – as the last to offer any rebates on EVs.

The Queensland rebate started out at $3,000, but in mid 2023 morphed into the country’s most generous offer of up to $6000 for households earning up to $180,000 a year... ... two-years/

We call this Pulling the Rug out. And Kudos to the QLD Government for doing it leading into an election too, what does that tell you? The incumbent party is about to be kicked out on it's ear over all the BS Covid tyranny so they are handing out election freebees left and right. All public transport fares have been capped at 50 cents, for whatever distance, Amazing! But EV's? Nope, toss em to the wolves, which is a reflection of the feelings of the vast majority of voters. Australians, and Queenslanders in particular, are not fucked in the head like a lot of people in other nations. We can add 2+2 and get 4 and we're not buying into it. Elon Musk worship isn't a big thing down here.

EVs now make up 1 per cent of the total car fleet in the state with 46,000 vehicles registered, compared to 0.2 per cent in 2022 when Queensland only had 9,100 EVs registered.

2022 --0.2%
2023 --0.6% (As at 31 October 2023)
2024 --1%

So in 3 years they have made it to 1% of

Data source: Department of Transport and Main Roads
Registered battery electric vehicles include passenger cars, light vans, motorcycles, buses and trucks. Registration data includes private ownership, commercial fleet, and commercial dealership

1%. And it's over basically :lol:
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby mousepad » Tue 03 Sep 2024, 07:56:06

Ford cuts production of F-150 Lightning EV ... plant.html

Strange. I could have sworn EV are taking off EXPONETIALLY. So I was told, at least. From Kubs scientific papers on un-stoppable ev growth all the way to AdamB boasting the purchase of not 1, but 2 used Leafs being the best life choice he ever made in the posh Denver suburbs.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby kublikhan » Tue 03 Sep 2024, 13:38:24

mousepad wrote:From Kubs scientific papers on un-stoppable ev growth
Please show me that paper please. I'd like to read it myself and shit all over their horrible conclusions. Unless of course, you are just making shit up?
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 03 Sep 2024, 17:51:46

mousepad wrote: I could have sworn EV are taking off EXPONETIALLY. So I was told, at least. From Kubs scientific papers on un-stoppable ev growth all the way to AdamB boasting the purchase of not 1, but 2 used Leafs being the best life choice he ever made in the posh Denver suburbs.

Yes kubs has all the data, from late 2003 back, and he'll be happy to drag out the graphs and math anytime anyone questions the great revolution. I think there is a street in a suburb in Dubai where sales are climbing, can you verify this kub?
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby kublikhan » Tue 03 Sep 2024, 19:23:00

Theluckycountry wrote:Yes kubs has all the data, from late 2003 back, and he'll be happy to drag out the graphs and math anytime anyone questions the great revolution. I think there is a street in a suburb in Dubai where sales are climbing, can you verify this kub?
Why do you do this to yourself Lucky? Every time you ask me to show you the data you always end up looking like a fool and exposing yourself as delusional. For example:

August 28, 2024

Global numbers you need to know:
4,590,947 battery-electric vehicles were sold in the world in the first half of 2024 (H1 2024). 12.4% is how much EV sales grew globally in the first half of 2024, compared to H1 2023.

Only battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). This is what we call “EV” here.

Nothing here with a combustion engine. No plug-in hybrids here.
Global EV Sales Report H1 2024 by EV Universe

Global data. Recent. And BEV only. So how will Lucky dismiss this data? It doesn't count because it doesn't fit his delusions? Yeah that's generally what he falls back on.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby AdamB » Tue 03 Sep 2024, 22:11:08

mousepad wrote:
Ford cuts production of F-150 Lightning EV ... plant.html

Strange. I could have sworn EV are taking off EXPONETIALLY. So I was told, at least

If all you've been reading is the slant provided by our own Nazi fanboi, you might get that impression.

The growth always seemed steady as opposed to exponentially. You and I might know what that means but for certain the local Nazi fanboi doesn't.
mousepad wrote:. From Kubs scientific papers on un-stoppable ev growth all the way to AdamB boasting the purchase of not 1, but 2 used Leafs being the best life choice he ever made in the posh Denver suburbs.

You mischaracterize my support. The best life choice I ever made was to marry the wife. Cages are just cages at the end of the day....any real motorcyclist could tell you that.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby AdamB » Tue 03 Sep 2024, 22:14:33

kublikhan wrote:
mousepad wrote:From Kubs scientific papers on un-stoppable ev growth
Please show me that paper please. I'd like to read it myself and shit all over their horrible conclusions. Unless of course, you are just making shit up?

When this guy is your hero...what do you think?

Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby AdamB » Tue 03 Sep 2024, 22:17:41

kublikhan wrote: So how will Lucky dismiss this data? It doesn't count because it doesn't fit his delusions? Yeah that's generally what he falls back on.

Pretty easy to figure him out, isn't it? I still can't believe he flat out announced he was a nazi fanboi. Sure turned off Plant pretty quickly.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 01:37:18

kublikhan wrote:
Global numbers you need to know:
4,590,947 battery-electric vehicles were sold in the world in the first half of 2024 (H1 2024). 12.4% is how much EV sales grew globally in the first half of 2024, compared to H1 2023.

Only battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). This is what we call “EV” here.[/url]

Global data. Recent. And BEV only. So how will Lucky dismiss this data?

How? You're so gullible kub :lol:
You find some obscure blog domiciled in the British Indian Ocean Territory that prints numbers with no reference to where they come from, they could have out of the authors arse kub :roll:
But lets pretend they came from legitimate sources, like the manufacturers themselves...

All the growth is in Communist China
Chinese EV Makers Boost Deliveries by 30% in August

July 10, 2024 ArentFox shiff Attorneys
Hyundai Pushed Fake EV Sales Reporting Scheme, Napleton Lawsuit Claims ... uit-claims

Are Chinese Lying About EV Sales April 25, 2024
False Data? There have been questions about the accuracy of a host of data from Chinese associations, many of which are controlled by the government and government figures themselves. Autoevolution wrote that China car market leader BYD lied about its sales figures in 2022. “Chinese carmaker BYD has had impressive sales results in the past year, leapfrogging other carmakers. These results are now questioned, as people discovered BYD may not have sold all its vehicles to real customers.” ... -ev-sales/

It's an old old story kub (old link)
China’s car scam shows best and worst of subsidies

A lavish $4.5 billion annual payout programme for electric vehicles in China has nurtured new technology and a massive market. The largesse came at a price, though, with millions lost to scammers faking sales to claim cash. The scam showcases the best and worst of subsidies.
The audacity of the fraud is depressing: the Ministry of Finance says five carmakers raked in more than 1 billion yuan ($150 million) by cheating the system. In some cases, the cars they supposedly sold never existed. The ministry added that it had investigated 90 companies in total. Local media reported another 20 carmakers including Nissan and Hyundai were breaking rules. Nissan and Hyundai declined to comment. ... 858452224/

The Chinese have a habit of registering cars (that means they are sold) and then parking them in fields. Why? Because of how the Communist System works. Eventually there will only be one or two Big players and these will get all the government subsidies, the rest will be tossed to the wolves. It's probably already happened.

So you tell me kub, and lets assume everything I just quoted is false, what use is high sales (even if they exist) in one communist country anyway? You and leafBlower have been touting a Global transition over from ICE to EV, yet in all the advanced Western nations sales are collapsing and people are choosing gasoline cars instead.
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 01:45:03

AdamB wrote: Image
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby kublikhan » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 11:45:26

Actually no Lucky. Unlike you, I do not just believe some random BS posted on the internet that is clearly paid promotion material, such as what you posted earlier in this thread and turned out to be utter garbage. This author has a spreadsheet with all of the data in it and links back to the source data.

And you are wrong again about all the sales growth coming from China. If you look at the data, the market segment that had the largest growth wasn't any of the big markets at all (China, US, Europe). It was 'Rest of the World'.

And finally, you are wrong about sales collapsing in all advanced western countries. Sales did fall sharply in some countries such as Germany, which removed it's EV subsidies. However other western countries saw EV sales continue to grow, such as the US. It's true that EV sales in the US have grown more slowly than projections. And this has lead to price cutting, which hurts profitability. But sales did not collapse, they are simply growing more slowly than projected. Here are the EV sales numbers for the US from Cox and Kelley Blue Book:

Electric vehicle sales in the U.S. grew by 11.3% year over year in the second quarter, reaching a record-high volume of 330,4631 units, according to new estimates from Kelley Blue Book.

In Q2, market leader Tesla sales volume declined by 6.3% year over year, but new products, notably from General Motors, helped lift overall volume higher. In the second quarter, Tesla’s share of EV sales fell below 50% for the first time in the U.S. to 49.7%.

The sales estimates from Kelley Blue Book show that electric vehicles accounted for approximately 8% of total new-vehicle sales in the second quarter, higher than the 7.1% share in the first quarter of the year and higher than the 7.2% recorded in Q2 last year.

Cox Automotive Industry Insights Director Stephanie Valdez Streaty commented: “EV sales exceeded expectations during a record-breaking quarter. Despite Tesla’s declining sales, with its EV sales share now below 50% for the first time, the overall competitive landscape for electric vehicles is intensifying. This increased competition is leading to continued price pressure, gradually boosting EV adoption. Automakers that deliver the right product at the right price and offer an excellent consumer experience will lead the way in EV adoption.”
Despite Tesla Slide, EV Sales in Q2 Mark New Record
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby AdamB » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 15:05:33

theluckycountry wrote:All the growth is in Communist China
Chinese EV Makers Boost Deliveries by 30% in August are a Nazi-lover pinch hitting for your benign overlords? That still doesn't make much sense.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 19:05:11

kub, markets don't typically collapse in a straight line down, they have bumps, retracements.
Here is a current chart depicting the matter and sales in general, you can see the EV has resumed it's sales climb. Though it's limp compared to the Hybrid sales. ... 8x1218.png

So why have EV sales resumed their upward climb? The same reasons they climbed in 2023.

August 19, 2024
According to a new report from Automotive News, sales of battery-powered models across America are up compared with the rest of the industry. The boost has been spurred on by price cuts, tax breaks and other incentives aimed at encouraging Americans to go electric:

...Without these price cuts, which can reach as much as $18,000 on some models, hesitant buyers may not be as likely to make the switch. Still, these offers are clearly working out as for now EV registrations have risen dramatically ... lectric%3A

So another round of deeper price cuts and More incentives in America. But it doesn't change the fact that auto makers are pulling out. They see what the dimwitted consumer is blind to. The EV is not a viable mode of transport, it's uneconomic. It's a throwaway city toy. Just ask Adam, when was the last time he took a leaf out of the city limits.
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 19:25:04

kublikhan wrote:
And you are wrong again about all the sales growth coming from China. If you look at the data, the market segment that had the largest growth wasn't any of the big markets at all (China, US, Europe). It was 'Rest of the World'.


According to the IEA, China accounted for just over half of global EV sales in 2023, well ahead of Europe at a little over 20% and the US at 9%.

BYD, the world's largest EV maker, reported a 35% surge in its China passenger vehicle sales in August (2024) compared to the same month last year, reaching a record monthly high of 370,854 units. Other local EV competitors, including Leapmotor and Li Auto, also reported increased sales.

Contributing to Tesla’s (China) regained sales momentum were initiatives such as zero-interest loans of up to five years for buyers (offered since April), a buyer’s lottery for a free trip to a US car factory, and assistance from several local governments, which have made Tesla vehicles eligible for official car purchases in the past two months. ... ust-sales/

Very impressive, 5 years interest free! Whose picking up that tab I wonder... if the stats are true, if? We're still talking about a centrally controlled nation, and the largest nation on Earth, they could force everyone to learn the bongos if they wanted to. They have built entire cities that remain essentially empty, all in the name of progress.

I couldn't care less what people in China buy, it's irrelevant as far as the West is concerned. They could close the whole thing down tomorrow and write it off the books, selling whatever garbage they have left to the Americans at slashed prices then retool the factories to make microwave ovens. China is by far the biggest consumer of EV and they can change on a dime!

Why did they go all-in EV?
Why these?


Last edited by theluckycountry on Wed 04 Sep 2024, 19:36:05, edited 1 time in total.
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby AdamB » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 19:33:37

theluckycountry wrote:kub, markets don't typically collapse in a straight line down, they have bumps, retracements.

Did you learn economics in middle school before you dropped out to be a nazi fanboi?

Why do you care about EVs at all? Don't like them...don't buy one...go tell lies to other big bike riders who don't know any more about track riding than you do.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 19:49:22

Almost all new car sales in Norway last month were EVs

The country is miles ahead of any other nation in its transition to electric vehicles.
Norway has a slew of incentives in place that encourage residents to buy electric vehicles instead of gas cars. Norwegians pay higher taxes on cars they purchase that pollute, and lower ones on low and zero-emission cars. The country also taxes bigger cars more than smaller ones. EV drivers often pay lower parking fees and can use bus lanes, too. ... 1851639882

Wow! So punish everyone with a Gas powered car just so you can virtue signal to the world you're going Green and Clean. What's Norway's major exports?

Norway (NOR) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners
The Observatory of Economic Complexity › profile › country › nor
The top exports of Norway are Petroleum Gas ($154B), Crude Petroleum ($58.9B), Non-fillet Fresh Fish ($9.07B), Refined Petroleum ($7.62B), and Electricity ($4B)

Population Norway: 5.457 million, Like a single Chinese City HaHaHa.

Yes, they could afford just about anything I'd say. 5.4 million spoilt brats, flooding Europe with Oil and Gas while they pretend to care about the environment.
And looting 9 Billion worth of fish out of the Ocean too. It's a moot question which will run out first, their hydrocarbons or the fish?
Last edited by theluckycountry on Wed 04 Sep 2024, 19:58:44, edited 1 time in total.
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 19:53:28

AdamB wrote:Image

Quiet, the Adults are talking.
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby kublikhan » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 20:21:01

theluckycountry wrote:So another round of deeper price cuts and More incentives in America. But it doesn't change the fact that auto makers are pulling out. They see what the dimwitted consumer is blind to.
Actually, no. They are scaling back on previously ambition plans. But they are not "pulling out" of EVs as you call it. They still are planning new models, new factories, etc. Lets look at VW for example. At first they wanted to build battery factories that could churn out 200 GW of new battery capacity from 5 new factories they were going to build. However slower than expected growth in the EV market had them scale back their plans to only 170 GW of new capacity from 3 factories:

August 23, 2024- Volkswagen Group board member Thomas Schmall told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in an interview published on Friday that the carmaker's battery cell factories are expected to have a capacity of 170 gigawatt-hours instead of the initially planned 200 gigawatt-hours. Only three plants as opposed to five would be created. "At the three locations in Salzgitter, Valencia and Ontario, we are currently planning up to 170 gigawatt-hours," he detailed.

Even though the demand for electric cars might seem lackluster at the moment, Schmall insisted that battery-electric vehicles are the future. "Ups and downs are normal, transformations are not linear. Our job is to prepare ourselves for the fluctuations," he remarked, stressing that producing one's own battery cells is important as these components make up the "core technology" of a car.
VW's battery cell plants to have lower gigawatt capacity than planned

Ford too has taken it's lumps on slower than expected uptake on it's EVs. But it also is not "pulling out". They are still planning new models:

Aug. 21, 2024 – Ford Motor Company is taking additional actions to deliver a profitable, capital-efficient and growing electric vehicle business and add even more propulsion choices for customers that generate lower CO2 emissions.

The plan includes adjusting the company’s North America vehicle roadmap to offer a range of electrification options designed to speed customer adoption – including lower prices and longer ranges. In its fully electric portfolio, Ford will prioritize the introduction of a new digitally advanced commercial van in 2026, followed by two new advanced pickup trucks in 2027 and other future affordable vehicles. Ford also realigned its U.S. battery sourcing plan to reduce costs, maximize capacity utilization, and support current and future electric vehicle production.

While Volvo originally had a crazy ambitious goal of 100% BEVs by 2030. They have since walked back that goal to 90-100% EVs, which includes both BEVs and plugin hybrids. And up to 10% non plug in hybrids. I would still consider that a very ambitious goal. Perhaps they may need to walk that goal back too?

Swedish automaker Volvo Cars abandoned its near-term goal of selling only electric vehicles, citing a need to be “pragmatic and flexible” amid changing market conditions and cooling demand. The carmaker said that it now aims for 90% to 100% of its cars sold to be fully electric or plug-in hybrid models by 2030, while up to 10% will allow for a limited number of mild hybrid models.

The move means Volvo Cars follows in the footsteps of other industry players in scaling back its EV ambitions. Germany-based carmakers Mercedes-Benz Group and Volkswagen have both previously announced a shift in their respective EV strategies.

“An electric car provides a superior driving experience and increases possibilities for using advanced technologies that improve the overall customer experience,” Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo Cars, said Wednesday in the written statement.

“However, it is clear that the transition to electrification will not be linear, and customers and markets are moving at different speeds of adoption,” he said.
Sweden’s Volvo Cars scraps plan to sell only electric vehicles by 2030

Market analyst firms don't think EVs are done for either, despite you misrepresenting their articles. Remember that JD Power article you linked to a few days ago to support your claim that EVs were done for? Well apparently you missed this line in that article:

J.D. Power data shows that EV sales were 7.6% of US vehicle sales last year. The researchers said it sees EVs accounting for 36% of US sales by 2030.

If J.D. Power sees US market share of EV sales growing from 7.6% last year to 36% in 2030, that does not seem like the market collapse you were speaking of.

theluckycountry wrote:
kublikhan wrote:And you are wrong again about all the sales growth coming from China. If you look at the data, the market segment that had the largest growth wasn't any of the big markets at all (China, US, Europe). It was 'Rest of the World'.
Yes, really. Of course China has the highest number of EV sales. But their EV market is large and more mature. Larger markets tend to have lower growth rates. So it is perfectly understandable that the fastest growing markets are the smaller markets outside of the big 3. They probably haven't even saturated their early adopters yet, let alone started poking into the mass market like they are trying to do in China, US, and Europe.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby AdamB » Wed 04 Sep 2024, 23:43:00

theluckycountry wrote:
AdamB wrote:Image

Quiet, the Adults are talking.

Indeed. So why are Nazi fanbois interrupting us?
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 15

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 05 Sep 2024, 12:29:13

kublikhan wrote:
theluckycountry wrote:So another round of deeper price cuts and More incentives in America. But it doesn't change the fact that auto makers are pulling out. They see what the dimwitted consumer is blind to.
Actually, no. They are scaling back on previously ambition plans. But they are not "pulling out" of EVs as you call it.

They still are planning new models, new factories, etc. Lets look at VW for example.

They are talking, that's all. What, do you expect them to come out and tell kub their future plans? Tell the public the truth and undermine the sales of the existing stock they have on the showroom floors?

Dozens of small to intermediate producers have gone bankrupt already and the big manufactures are scaling back, pulling out of the concept. Call it a consolidation if you like but sales globally (outside of communist China) The CCP, have been in aggregate decline for all of this year. Do you think they wanted to waste all that money, Ford and GM? No, they wanted to be like Toyota and see sales increasing across their fleets. But they couldn't because the Governments in America and the Western world were forcing them to build EV. They were bleeding cash via the carbon taxes.

Elon Musk’s Tesla generated a substantial $1.79 billion from carbon credit sales last year, as revealed in their Q4 2023 and annual financial report, bringing its total earnings from such credits since 2009 to nearly $9 billion. ... -at-1-79b/

That's a big part of the reason why GM etc got into the game, and now they are regretting it. I have never said there will be be ZERO EV in the future, just that we have clearly passed PeakEV adoption, and obviously PeakEV manufacturers. It now remains to be seen what inner city demand will level off at.

...Even though the demand for electric cars might seem lackluster at the moment, Schmall insisted that battery-electric vehicles are the future.

Of course he's going to say that, what else can he say? Come on kub, why post these corporate statements as though they were facts of future reality. They are simply jawboning so their share price doesn't collapse in a rout.

Ford too has taken it's lumps on slower than expected uptake on it's EVs. But it also is not "pulling out". They are still planning new models: The plan includes adjusting the company’s North America vehicle roadmap

Talk Talk Talk, Buy Ford, Buy Ford shares. If I had a dollar for every positive corporate statement that failed to deliver I'd be a multi-millionaire by now (I'm already a millionaire btw)

While Volvo originally...
“However, it is clear that the transition to electrification will not be linear, and customers and markets...

This is where we really disagree kub, you and Adam still believe the chatter of a decade ago, that the EV will supplant the Gas powered vehicle fleets of the World. I and the majority of people Don't!

As for Volvo? Who the fuck would buy a Volvo, only a stupid swede. The idiot is still mouthing the tired old mantra, "the transition to electrification" There will be no transition, just a very VERY small part of the world's cars and trucks (Outside of Norway lol) that will be electric. And Volvo will go the way of Australia's car manufacturers soon anyway, if their new government has any brains and stops subsidizing them. The best thing Australia did was stop competing with the Japanese and Koreans, Why waste money building cars in a high wage country when you can import them from the cheapest quality maker? If America didn't have it's Patriot head jammed so far up it's red white and blue arse they would have done the same thing 50 years ago.

“An electric car provides a superior driving experience and increases possibilities for using advanced technologies that improve the overall customer experience...

More Swedish Bullshit, that might have been believed by a gullible public in 2017 but not today. A superior driving experience? Running out of electrons in the middle of Winter on a lonely rural highway? Sitting for 3 hours in backwoods town because the only supercharger is faulty? Having your car written-off because of a dent in the fender? Only total fanboi mouth those statements now and I'll wager they have their doubts, especially now the charger network expansion has ground to a halt and maintenance is being scaled back.

Of course China has the highest number of EV sales. But their EV market is large and more mature.

They are 50% of sales kub, 50%. One country on the Planet! One economy being run like the USA was during WWII, a command and control economy. You take China out of the equation (One Country) and sales worldwide would be declining at a frightening rate.

Nothing can save the "The transition to electrification" now, nothing ever could. It was all a money grab and a political stunt to take the public's focus off the fact that we are running out of OIL. Which will mean the end of personal transport as we know it for the vast majority of people on the Planet.

Try to keep things in focus kub, in perspective. is where we are, we of all people are supposed to be aware of this reality. Following government mandated financial bubbles isn't going to help anyone. Promoting cars that cost twice as much and weigh half as much again as conventional vehicles, and which only last 8~10 years, is not a solution for the decades ahead. What's Adam going to do in 5 years when his Nissan leaf's are lawn ornaments with dead batteries and his pension fund has been wiped out. He'll be pushing a wheelie walker that's what. Anyone with an old economical Gas car though will still be able to put a few gallons in the tank and do their shopping.

I saw a taste of financial collapse in the GFC, people forced onto buses, forced out of retirement back to work because their pension funds collapsed by 50% (the stock market) It was tragic for some but it all bounced back quickly under 1% interest rates. But that's not sustainable, the piper is coming and he'll want full payment soon. Roll up your Stars and Stripes, put it in the basement and get your house in order.
The 'peak oil' story is not over by any means. Fracking was a desperate and ruinous sort of pause, which has been used to crank up demand.
Intermediate Crude
Intermediate Crude
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Joined: Tue 20 Jul 2021, 18:08:48
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