Tanada wrote:Newfie wrote:Delhi hit 52.3°C, a new record.
Thats 126 for ‘mericans.
My seasons are all screw up, I’m an Auzzie here.
My winters are spent in the tropics. 85 high with 74 low. Every day and night.
It was 4°C here the other morning, the porch was in the low 20’s 2 days latter.
It generally follows the wind, ince the wind turns North it sweeps across the Labrador Current, like a fan across a block of ice. Brrrr!!
Remember that wind dumps its heat into the the cold current very slowly heating it up bit by bit.
Elsewhere someone was combining their references was having trouble as the sea water was 90⁰F. Sea of Cortez I think.
EDIT: Boy did auto spell check do a job on that. Trying again.
Elsewhere someone was complaining their refrigerator was having trouble as the seawater was 90°F. Sea of Cortez I think.