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Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Mon 04 Jun 2007, 23:30:52
by Tyler_JC
Feminism Circa 2207




Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Mon 04 Jun 2007, 23:52:20
by Plains
Most people won't have time for social movement type stuff -- they'll be too busy dying or living. The level of sexism in future societies will depend mostly on social organization and environmental circumstance, I imagine. It will likely be worse in complex stratified societies, and less noticeable in smaller and necessarily egalitarian ones.

So if you're a woman and you're not evangelical or something, you should probably look, in the future, for a low population subsistence farming, foraging, or mixed type community to be part of. More open-minded bandit or pirate communities might not be a bad idea either (seriously), assuming there's anyone alive to steal from.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Mon 04 Jun 2007, 23:59:00
by eastbay
Most people won't have time for social movement type stuff -- they'll be too busy dying or living.

How very true and well written. The 19th and 20th Century social movements will be a foggy and distant memory when the unwinding gets well underway. When exactly that happens time will tell, but many, maybe most, here will see the start of this mighty social adjustment.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 02:14:36
by worrier
ECM said

Feminism has destroyed families

Reality is a lot more complicated than this simplistic view. There are many things that destroy families. My own family history:

My father went off with another woman, faught maintainence payments, ended up paying $166 a month which wasn't much even in the 1970's. My mother did teacher training by correspondence and worked full time as a teacher to support us. He kept up visitation rights for a while, but lost interest when my brothers and I reached our teens. The next thing to help destroy my family was my brother developing schizophrenia in his early 20's. He had it very severly, often wouldn't take medication, and even when he did take it, it still didn't stop the delusions. My other brother couldn't handle it, he's lived far away ever since and had limited, infrequent contact. I stayed, but found it all extremely difficult. My schizophrenic brother decended into alcoholism, he died at 40 of acute alcoholic liver failure. My mother died 2 months later of a brain tumour, which I think was partly caused by the stress of the situation. Bye bye family.

How's that for reality.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 02:53:49
by Plantagenet

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 03:40:14
by Chris25
Plantagenet wrote:Image

Yes please!!!

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 06:52:00
by katkinkate
Who knows what "Feminism" will look like in the future. However I think women will continue to live the best they can, according to their beliefs, in the circumstances they find themselves - providing and caring for their families, as they have done for millions of years.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 11:04:16
by snowshoegal

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 18:32:11
by TheDude
What is this, the Dating Game?

Feminism is a construct dependent on a middle class with leisure time. In a pre-industrial society a woman wishing to become a blacksmith is a bit impractical, since with a high mortality rate people will need to have a constant supply of children - notice those 3 billion new people courtesy of the Green revolution? A pregnant woman's going to be a bit hard-pressed to forge iron.
And at any rate women worked every bit as hard at their chores as any man. Read Never Done, a history of American housework. Title sums things up. Women took great pride in what they did as well.
Whether there will be roles for women in banking and the like in the future depends on a lot of things, like whether people will bother with currency.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 20:25:22
by threadbear
I think a lot of young women will simply opt to not have children, particularly in the cities of the third world. The backlash in those countries against centuries of male domination is going to be pretty extreme.

The real demographic shift and source of woe will be the geriacracy; all of the old people angling everything even more in their favor at the expense of younger people.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 20:31:37
by gampy
Kylon wrote:Feminism won't go away, it will simply change form.

Those women who are feminist now, will be feminist later, even if they have to make concessions.

So, what form will feminism take politically?

I'm thinking that feminist, seeing a possible complete erosion of their freedoms will opt for some type of stalinesque government in order to try and maintain the rights and privileges that feminism has procured for women at the expense of men.

Women will be afraid that without a ultra powerful government in place, men won't share the pie. So they'll make concessions in the short term such as going back to a more traditional way of life temporarily, while using all of their political force to reinforce the government's power, at the expense of personal freedoms. Once the government is completely totalitarian, and in control, and the nanny state has been constructed, they will go back to pursuing their freedoms with feminist friendly dictators.

The new nanny state will be completely biased in favor of women instead of men.

What do you think?

This is why I do not frequent this board anymore.

I came, I saw, I got the idea. Peak-oil. Thanks.

These misanthropes and misogynists, racists, and hillbilly wannabes, and and just plain kooky weirdos is why I can't seem to be bothered with this place anymore.

Don't mean to be a troll, but this thread just begs for it.

What amazes me is that no one has mentioned it first.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 22:12:52
by threadbear
gampy wrote:
Kylon wrote:Feminism won't go away, it will simply change form.

Those women who are feminist now, will be feminist later, even if they have to make concessions.

So, what form will feminism take politically?

I'm thinking that feminist, seeing a possible complete erosion of their freedoms will opt for some type of stalinesque government in order to try and maintain the rights and privileges that feminism has procured for women at the expense of men.

Women will be afraid that without a ultra powerful government in place, men won't share the pie. So they'll make concessions in the short term such as going back to a more traditional way of life temporarily, while using all of their political force to reinforce the government's power, at the expense of personal freedoms. Once the government is completely totalitarian, and in control, and the nanny state has been constructed, they will go back to pursuing their freedoms with feminist friendly dictators.

The new nanny state will be completely biased in favor of women instead of men.

What do you think?

This is why I do not frequent this board anymore.

I came, I saw, I got the idea. Peak-oil. Thanks.

These misanthropes and misogynists, racists, and hillbilly wannabes, and and just plain kooky weirdos is why I can't seem to be bothered with this place anymore.

Don't mean to be a troll, but this thread just begs for it.

What amazes me is that no one has mentioned it first.

Yep. But what in your mind constitutes kooky weirdo? I think I qualify as their spokesman/woman/person, and would like to defend them, if I could.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 22:45:33
by Plains
The 'good old' sexism, so prevalent here, is what disturbs me most. I can only hope the sort that desire it don't survive. Given that they're mostly the 19th century wannabe types that's probably what will happen.

Re: What will Feminism look like Post Peak?

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 23:32:02
by eastbay
Yep. But what in your mind constitutes kooky weirdo? I think I qualify as their spokesman/woman/person, and would like to defend them, if I could.

Me too threadbear, I too like defending the underdog.