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Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 17:51:22
by SeaGypsy
What a load. Your arrogance is astounding. When people spend months in space it ruins their health for the rest of their lives. The only way to avoid the worst effects is gravity approximating Earths, which your space donut attempts to address- millions of tons of stuff being lifted & assembled to a livable world state in space- millions of rocket launches, millions of assembly missions, trillions upon trillions of cost, if at all even possible, 100% not going to happen. As to your ridiculous assertion of your children having a slot reserved on the impossible donut- keep on believing if it makes you feel better, but you are being ridiculous.

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Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 17:56:44
by onlooker
yeah I am sure the impoverished masses will be eager to buy into this quixotic fantasy even while their lives are falling apart. Dream on.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 18:03:42
by KaiserJeep
Nope. The materials come from near-Earth asteroids. The cost of the space habitat is a tiny fraction of your assumption. If you want to learn more about this topic (you need to) then try a search on the "National Space Society", which includes the earlier "L5 Society", a group of "scientists" with real academic degrees, who have been designing space habitats for 50+ years. They even have their own peer-reviewed journals, to apply the typical credibility criteria used at

It is trivial to build almost anything in zero-G, you don't even need scaffolding to resist gravity. When the structure is complete, THEN you spin it up until you get one gravity at the rim.

onlooker, nobody's consent is required. You don't think the elites are planning to stay on Earth with the peasants, do you? Your disbelief serves their purpose, when the time comes, they just check your record on the Internet, and you are eliminated in the first round selection process, because you don't even believe.

Everyone who goes will believe, others will choke on the decaying planet below.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 18:08:17
by onlooker
Well that is good because if they asked me to go I would say thanks but no thanks. Transfer from an unequal and unjust planet to an almost certainly more unequal and unjust space habitat, I don't think so.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 18:42:15
by KaiserJeep
You forgot the part about the space habitat being clean, healthy, and pollution free, with abundant energy, clean water, and food. Which pretty much will not describe anyplace left on Earth.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 18:53:19
by SeaGypsy
We have been over & over this. Biodomes on earth have invariably failed, with far less issues to contend with than doing something similar in space. The mining & building of a space based factory to build a home for KJ's sprog is an elaborate fantasy.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 18:58:18
by KaiserJeep
Like I said, your consent or belief is not required. Thank you for acting in a way as to remove your genes from the collective human genome.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 19:03:56
by onlooker
If it were possible which I am not saying it is it would involve probably massive use of many many slaves to do the mining etc. as presumably by that point the conditions on Earth would be so atrocious that it would prompt the culmination of efforts to venture into space and energy would probably be lacking to have machines do the work. Again kind of like that Star trek episode I referenced. I would object to this purely on ethical grounds. I am sure some though would not.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 19:06:42
by KaiserJeep
Since when have the elites listened to the ethics of the proles? The oligarchs make all the decisions, while most of the rest of us still believe that the dance of the R's and D's is real politics.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 19:17:18
by onlooker
KaiserJeep wrote:Since when have the elites listened to the ethics of the proles? The oligarchs make all the decisions, while most of the rest of us still believe that the dance of the R's and D's is real politics.

On that I would agree with you completely.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 19:22:45
by SeaGypsy
Still what 500+ words later KJ avoids answering- who pays for his sprog's donut? I'm pretty sure he does, according to his own philosophy.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 19:33:26
by Keith_McClary
KaiserJeep wrote:You forgot the part about the space habitat being clean, healthy, and pollution free, with abundant energy, clean water, and food. Which pretty much will not describe anyplace left on Earth.

Will it be fascist and/or oligarchical ?

You didn't answer my question: Are there any governments on Earth you consider non-fascist?

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 19:45:30
by SeaGypsy
Of course there are not since the act of governing is fascist by KJs description. Yet someone somewhere has a few trillion to spend for his kids space donut. You would think he learned from the Nantucket windfarm- limo liberals will blockade the entrance to the space donut shuttle, demanding access, since they paid for it.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 20:10:14
by KaiserJeep
Keith_McClary wrote:-snip-

You didn't answer my question: Are there any governments on Earth you consider non-fascist?

Well, I think the Dalai Lama does pretty well, but that's actually a government-in-exile in the autonomous regions of Tibet, nominally Chinese (and the Chinese are really truly Fascists).

I don't think the Catholic Pope can even compete - he messes with people all the time.

As do D's and R's. If there ever is a serious Libertarian, I'll volunteer to work on his campaign. Last time I did that, it was for Ross Perot, who turned out to be a flake. As will Trump, is my belief.

Any government that spends it's time legislating is toxic, is my belief. If we ever get a true libertarian party in office, I will assign merit based on how quickly they can repeal the morass of Federal laws. At one time, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were enough.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 20:46:43
by SeaGypsy
If you were a woman & had spent time in Dharam-Sala you would not be able to say the DM is not a fascist- if blatant gender discrimination counts as fascist in your account.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 21:20:22
by Shaved Monkey
Sounds like the New Jerusalum sky city mythology is a reinterpretation of this non peer reviewed text claiming to be an amazing fact.
Image ... y-in-space

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 21:48:08
by Keith_McClary
KaiserJeep wrote:Well, I think the Dalai Lama does pretty well
Dalai Lama says strong action on climate change is a human responsibility
The Dalai Lama on Tuesday urged strong global action to limit global warming and to protect fragile environments, including the Himalayan glaciers and Tibetan plateau.

Calling climate change a “problem which human beings created,” the 80-year-old Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader said all of humanity was now responsible for taking action. But instead, he said, “we are relying on praying to God or to Buddha. Sometimes I feel this is very illogical.”

Tibetologist Melvyn Goldstein wrote in 1971 that "Tibet was characterized by a form of institutionalized inequality that can be called pervasive serfdom".[5] However many academics have questioned the applicability of the concept to Tibet, a recent example being Heidi Fjeld who in 2003 argued that feudalism and the use of the term 'serf' was misleading in relation to the social system of Tibet and instead described it as "a caste-like social hierarchy".[6]

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 22:08:43
by KaiserJeep
I have a question, Keith. Why must every thread here be twisted to the myth of AGW?

By now, even the densest person should understand that I firmly believe in the minority position on this one, along with the other 3% of scientists.

Except of course, when it comes to the public at large, whom reject actually doing anything to mitigate AGW by 9-to-1.

Nor have these stats changed in any significant way in the 2+ years we have been talking.

The topic of this thread is the spread of Fascism and Oligarchy - so don't be an AGW Fascist, go find an appropriate thread for that.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 22:26:41
by SeaGypsy
It was a direct counter to your dumb answer regarding a non fascist government. The DM runs a deeply sexist & wishfully Statist cult- where the leity support the monkhood.

Re: The spread of Fascism and Oligarchy status

Unread postPosted: Sat 02 Jan 2016, 22:38:09
by KaiserJeep
SeaGypsy wrote:It was a direct counter to your dumb answer regarding a non fascist government. The DM runs a deeply sexist & wishfully Statist cult- where the leity support the monkhood.

I don't doubt what you say - never been there - but that is different from Fascism. I object to a legislative body that does nothing but pass new laws to remove personal freedoms. The US Congress and House of Representatives fit my definition of Fascist - every one of those politicians is slavering to get their name on new legislation. They should be hung outside the Capital building, I think there are enough trees and lamp posts within two blocks to fit them all, and I'll spring for the ropes.