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NDAA= No US holiday's

Unread postPosted: Mon 31 Dec 2012, 01:41:26
by Rod_Cloutier
Inacting the NDAA has consequences, not only for American's, but also for anyone thinking of travelling or vacationing to the US. Since the NDAA was inacted, I have given up on any plans to vacation inside the US. The threat of being arrested without charges, never seeing a day in court to defend myself, and/or facing summary execution without cause; means that I will not be vacationing in the US, EVER!

Whoever thought up the NDAA clearly was indifferent to the consequences of doing so. Forget myself or my family travelling to Vegas, Disney world or Washington; I'll vacation somewhere else. (I hear the South of France is nice in the summer).

Here's what happened to two different sets of Canadian's travelling to the US just to shop:

In some countries tourism is the biggest industry. Say goodbye to that, or better yet, repeal the NDAA!